• 2 years ago
Smart Health spoke to Iñaki Morán about the difficulties he has faced in his daily battle against multidrug-resistant bacteria.


00:00 Retired manager for a delivery company in Aki Moran has overcome four periods of antimicrobial resistance.
00:07 Also a patient of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and colon and lung cancers,
00:12 his daily battle against multi-drug resistant bacteria was far from simple.
00:18 You normally have to do an intravenous treatment.
00:26 You're in hospital for a couple of days for initial tests and so on,
00:30 and then they send you with a little machine attached to your arm,
00:33 and every eight hours the medication is injected into your vein.
00:37 And the next day the doctor from the primary hospital comes to your home to take care of you.
00:43 As a respiratory patient due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
00:47 every time I was admitted for antimicrobial resistance,
00:51 logically I was not able to fully recover to 100% of how I was before the crisis.
00:57 At the end you're taking medication, you're taking everything,
01:03 you're isolated because you don't leave the house,
01:06 or you're isolated in a hospital room and you feel powerless,
01:09 and above all, morally it affects you.
01:12 And that helplessness increases, far from saying, "Well, I'm over it, that's it."
01:19 In the end you ask yourself the question, "When will the next one come?"
01:23 So it diminishes you, it leaves you powerless in the face of these circumstances,
01:28 and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
01:31 Even if you take preventative measures, which doctors always tell you about,
01:35 hand washing, cleanliness, etc., despite everything, that's the reality.
01:40 It's sad, but that's how it is.
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