Barbados strongly opposes imposition of sanctions against Cuba

  • last year
Speech by the representative of Barbados at the UN general debate on the lifting of the blockade of Cuba. teleSUR


00:00 the distinguished representative of Barbados to take the floor.
00:07 Mr. President, Barbados aligns itself with the statements delivered by Uganda on behalf
00:21 of the Group of 77 in China, by St. Lucia on behalf of the Caribbean community, and
00:27 by St. Vincent and the Grenadines on behalf of SALAC.
00:31 The purposes and principles of the United Nations are founded on the respect for sovereign
00:37 equality of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, the rights of peoples to
00:42 self-determination, the peaceful settlement of disputes, and the maintenance of friendly
00:47 relations among states.
00:51 The peaceful coexistence of our states and the sustainable development of our peoples
00:57 require us all to abide by these principles.
01:01 For these reasons, Barbados opposes the imposition of unilateral punitive measures, especially
01:08 when they involve the extraterritorial application of legislation that violates international
01:15 law and restricts freedom of trade and navigation and the sovereignty and freedom of states.
01:22 Barbados views the continued imposition of the economic, commercial, and financial embargo
01:28 against the Republic of Cuba to run counter to both the letter and the spirit of the UN
01:35 Charter.
01:36 Mr. President, the annual report of the Secretary General presents an impressive catalog of
01:41 submissions by member states.
01:44 These highlight a shared perspective of opposition to the efforts to isolate Cuba, which ultimately
01:51 inhibits the development of normal economic and cultural relations, distorts trade and
01:56 investment, and impedes legitimate business opportunities among neighboring states.
02:03 When my Prime Minister, the Honorable Mia Mor-Motley, delivered her remarks at the recent
02:08 G77 and China Summit, which took place in Havana in September of this year, she observed
02:16 that the indomitable Cuban spirit continues to shine in spite of 60-plus years of a callous,
02:24 cruel, and crippling economic blockade.
02:28 Indeed, as part of its submission to the Secretary General's report, the government of Barbados
02:33 acknowledged with deep appreciation that, in spite of the blockade, Cuba has provided
02:40 invaluable support to the National Health Service of Barbados, including sending under
02:45 contract agreement medical personnel to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
02:51 Cuba remains a beacon for South-South cooperation.
02:56 Mr. President, the combination of all that I have said so far, together with the multiple
03:01 times that we and others have expressed these very sentiments both within and outside of
03:09 this Assembly, leaves Barbados with no other option than to reiterate once again its call
03:17 for Cuba to be freed from these harsh and debilitating measures, as well as the removal
03:23 of Cuba from the State Department's list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism,
03:29 which is equally, if not more, debilitating.
03:34 Barbados continues to maintain excellent relations with the United States of America and Cuba.
03:40 In this spirit, too, we further urge the government of the United States to engage in a constructive
03:46 dialogue with the government of Cuba aimed at normalizing relations.
03:52 Such a step would remove a source of tension and conflict and improve the prospects for
03:58 peace, development, and cooperation in our region.
04:03 In support of these principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, Barbados,
04:08 as in previous years, fully supports the draft resolution before the General Assembly entitled
04:14 "Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United
04:20 States of America Against Cuba."
04:23 We will vote in favor of the adoption of the draft resolution before the General Assembly.
04:29 I thank you.
