Baby girl surprises aunt by ditching boop on the nose for a poke in the eye

  • last year
In what could be likened to a nostalgic throwback to the early Facebook days, a curious baby girl shows that 'poking' can still be fun!

"So, my sister, Jessica, was holding my daughter, and she just poked her in the eye," the filmer, Millie Walling, told WooGlobe. "She had no idea that such a nice moment would culminate in an unexpected eye poke, haha."

Even after the poke, the little bundle of mischief doesn't seem to find anything amiss. For her, poking might very well be the most delightful means of interaction when words cannot be used.

Location: Preston, United Kingdom

WooGlobe Ref : WGA328597
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00:00 (laughing)
00:03 (laughing)
00:05 - I laughed.
00:06 - How did you get so mad?
00:10 (laughing)
