Kyle’s Latest Betrayal Will be His Last Ever_ The Young and The Restless Spoiler

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Kyle’s Latest Betrayal Will be His Last Ever_ The Young and The Restless Spoiler
00:00 The Young and the Restless spoilers, Jack abandons Kyle after Tucker drama, disowns
00:04 him legally.
00:06 Kyle Abbott has decided that his father is not going to give him anything he wants, so
00:10 hence, he's ready to be Tucker McCall's lackey.
00:14 But Tuck has big plans, something that will blow up a lot of lives and is deadly.
00:19 Jack really wanted his son to learn a lesson in the value of hard work, but Kyle instead
00:23 rebels.
00:25 And if he really wants to destroy the Abbotts with the villain's help.
00:28 When Tucker's threat is gone, Jack may think Kyle should not be considered an Abbott at
00:32 all and he may decide to disown his son legally.
00:36 Perhaps he will remove Kyle form the family tree and even ban him from ever being a part
00:40 of the family ever again.
00:42 Will Kyle finally learn his lesson then?
00:45 Kyle's downfall.
00:47 As we all know, Kyle is about to rebel against his family.
00:50 For now, we have a feeling that he may actually just be acting like he's helping the traitors
00:55 while working to overthrow Audra and Tucker from the inside.
00:59 But seeing how furious he is at his father and Billy Abbott.
01:02 And the fact that Kyle is so used to being spoon fed, it seems plausible for Kyle to
01:06 really be thinking of betraying his family.
01:09 I mean Nate Hastings did it, so why not Kyle?
01:12 Also Kyle thinks he's entitled to the company.
01:15 Though he works hard or not, just because he is Jack's offspring, Kyle thinks the company
01:19 should belong to him, so even though we want to think he's going to do the right thing,
01:24 the evidence say otherwise.
01:26 That being said, we know for a fact that it won't take long for Jack and the others to
01:30 put an end to Tucker's threat.
01:32 What happens to Kyle then?
01:34 It's possible he seeks redemption and Jack gives him another chance, but there's a limit
01:38 to everything and the day Kyle shook his hands with Tucker was the limit.
01:43 So will Jack abandon him and disown him not just as his son but as Abbott's offspring?
01:48 Kyle may be banned from the company and compelled to start from the scratch, because with the
01:52 way he works, no one will want to hand him the CEO position right way.
01:57 Will Jack humble Kyle after everything is said and done with Tucker?
02:01 Let us know what you think in the comments and subscribe for further updates.
02:05 And we will see you again the next time.
