Tom and Jerry Tales - Se2 - Ep09 - The Declaration of Independunce - Kitty Hawked - 24 Karat Kat HD Watch

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00:55 July 4th, 1776, the city, Philadelphia.
01:13 The place, the home of Thomas Jefferson and his cat,
01:16 who coincidentally is also named Thomas.
01:19 The event, one that will go down in history.
01:22 >> At long last, it is finished.
01:26 A declaration of our colony's independence.
01:29 I shall not be swayed by your laziness, Tom.
01:32 Today is a momentous day, and I, Thomas Jefferson, must make ready.
01:36 [MUSIC]
01:46 [LAUGH]
01:52 [MUSIC]
02:02 [MUSIC]
02:12 [MUSIC]
02:22 [LAUGH]
02:27 [MUSIC]
02:32 [MUSIC]
02:39 >> There you are.
02:40 Have you seen the document on my desk?
02:42 It is of the utmost importance.
02:44 [MUSIC]
02:48 You threw it out the window.
02:50 The future of the republic depends on you getting it back.
02:54 [MUSIC]
02:55 Hurry, you dolt!
02:57 [MUSIC]
03:08 [MUSIC]
03:32 [MUSIC]
03:55 [MUSIC]
04:05 >> When in the course of human events,
04:11 this is a declaration of independence.
04:14 Why, this is treason.
04:16 Who's gonna do the taxation without representation?
04:21 [MUSIC]
04:31 So you're the treasonous dog.
04:44 Wait a minute, I'm a dog.
04:46 I mean, you're the rebellious pussycat.
04:49 Now, hand it over.
04:51 [MUSIC]
04:59 You tricky traitor.
05:10 [MUSIC]
05:20 Now, what would be better to clobber that cat with?
05:23 Bone or cannonball?
05:26 Definitely the bone.
05:29 [MUSIC]
05:39 Yankee kitty came to town treasonous and phony.
05:56 [MUSIC]
05:59 Offered me a ham on rye, but I preferred bologna.
06:03 [MUSIC]
06:14 [MUSIC]
06:24 [LAUGH]
06:38 [MUSIC]
06:46 Brothers, rest assured, my cat will bring the document post-haste.
06:51 Look, I knew he would not fail me.
06:54 Well done, Thomas.
06:56 Gentlemen, I give you the declaration of independence.
07:02 [MUSIC]
07:04 This is an outrage.
07:06 Look, hither comes a true patriot.
07:10 Thank you, we sir.
07:12 Hurrah!
07:15 So on that day, July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress.
07:23 And if you look very closely, you'll see it was also signed by a mouse.
07:29 [MUSIC]
07:38 All right, kids, let's all stay together.
07:41 We've seen lots of amazing things from the history of aviation, but I've saved the best for last.
07:47 Kind of ironic, because this was a great first.
07:51 There was a time when only birds had the power of flight.
07:55 But then the Wright Brothers came along and invented the very first airplane.
08:01 This is the Wright Flyer of 1903, the plane that gave us the first moused flight.
08:09 Um, don't you mean manned flight?
08:12 No, son, the first moused flight.
08:15 Would you like to hear the story of that courageous mouse?
08:18 Oh, yes.
08:19 Tell us, too.
08:21 It all started in the Wright Brothers' bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio.
08:26 [MUSIC]
08:38 Wilbur, do you see what this bold little mouse is doing?
08:42 How rude!
08:44 No need to be alarmed, Orville.
08:46 I'll call your worthless cat.
08:48 Thomas, please attend to that meddlesome mouse.
08:51 [MUSIC]
09:07 Get that mouse, Thomas.
09:09 [MUSIC]
09:19 Did you see that, Orville?
09:20 I did, Wilbur, I did.
09:22 I think that mouse knows something about aerodynamics.
09:25 [MUSIC]
09:29 And he's terrifically good at outsmarting Thomas.
09:32 The combination of those skills will help with our experiments.
09:35 Let's begin right away.
09:37 [MUSIC]
09:40 I hope the mouse finds our box kite useful.
09:43 Look, here he comes.
09:45 And your cat is close behind.
09:47 [MUSIC]
09:54 Look, Wilbur, the kite's working.
09:57 Let's just hope your cat doesn't create too much drag.
10:00 [MUSIC]
10:10 The mouse caught a thermal updraft.
10:13 [MUSIC]
10:23 A perfect landing.
10:25 What excellent flying.
10:28 Quick, brother, let's return to the shop.
10:32 Thomas, pick up that kite.
10:35 [MUSIC]
10:40 From kites, the Wright brothers moved up to full-sized gliders,
10:45 big enough to carry a man.
10:47 [MUSIC]
10:50 As well as pull a cat.
10:53 [MUSIC]
10:57 Now, the Wrights were ready to make a plane that could take off under its own power.
11:02 But before they built a full-size version,
11:04 they tested models in a device they called a wind tunnel.
11:09 I simply cannot figure out what is wrong with the flyer.
11:13 Don't worry, Wilbur.
11:14 We can run more tests after lunch.
11:16 I've made bouillabaisse.
11:18 [MUSIC]
11:28 [MUSIC]
11:38 [MUSIC]
11:48 [MUSIC]
11:58 [MUSIC]
12:08 [MUSIC]
12:17 Oh, dear, something's wrong with the wind tunnel.
12:21 Wilbur, is our plane all right?
12:24 Great, Scott, the model's flying and with only two wings.
12:27 Oh, goody, a biplane.
12:32 Whoa.
12:33 I've got you.
12:36 [MUSIC]
12:41 With the design of the Wright flyer completed,
12:44 the crew packed up and traveled to the testing fields in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
12:52 This propeller is broken and we need two to fly the plane.
12:56 Well, then, we just need to figure out how to fix it.
12:59 [MUSIC]
13:27 It's flying.
13:29 Where did the mouse find another propeller?
13:32 It's wonderful.
13:33 It's thrilling.
13:35 It's coming right at us.
13:38 Run.
13:47 Don't just stand there, Wilbur.
13:48 Take my picture.
13:52 And that's just how it happened on December 17, 1903.
13:57 Oh, the humans will get all the credit, but it was a mouse who made the first flight.
14:02 But don't you have any proof?
14:04 Some corroboration?
14:06 Isn't that the way it happened, Tom?
14:09 Yep, that's pretty much it, Jer.
14:16 Everybody, we'll meet back here in 15 minutes.
14:24 [MUSIC]
14:42 Does you see that, Tom?
14:44 Looks like our little mousey friend has struck gold.
14:48 What do you say you and I go help ourselves to his good fortune?
15:06 Gold, gold.
15:08 We're going to be rich.
15:10 Yee-haw, gold, financial liquidity.
15:20 If I catch you crooked kittens jumping anyone else's claim, I'll hose your carcasses to jail.
15:27 Does you understand?
15:33 Well, that takes care of that.
15:36 Don't worry, little guy.
15:37 I'm sure they won't be bothering you anymore.
15:48 We gotta find a way to steal that gold so nobody sees us.
15:52 After all, just because that mouse earned it doesn't mean he deserves it.
16:10 Oh, I get it.
16:12 We start a tumble from our claim and dig under the river to his gold deposits.
16:18 I'll start us off.
16:37 Did you find any gold to steal?
16:42 Lemonade.
16:59 Tom?
17:18 So, you's got the claim downstream from the mouse tomb.
17:22 Seems all legal-like.
17:24 Make sure you keep it that way.
17:43 A wave that size should do nicely.
17:56 Yahoo!
18:10 (roaring)
18:29 Well, that's the last of it.
18:45 The rodents mined out all the gold.
18:47 If we're gonna get any, we'll have to stop 'em before he makes it to town.
18:52 You in?
18:57 Okay, Tom, that's plenty of rocks.
19:00 I'll mark the spot on the road, and when the mouse gets to it, you pull the rope.
19:16 X marks the spot.
19:44 Huh?
19:50 Well, what do you know?
19:52 He made it.
19:53 We better not let him get away.
19:56 You first, termite wrangler.
20:00 Leaving our financial futures up to a bunch of lazy, loafered insects.
20:05 (screaming)
20:10 All right, let's get these doggies moving.
20:15 I mean the cattle, Tom, the cattle!
20:25 Stampede!
20:40 We did it, pal.
20:42 Now let's get this loot to town.
20:49 Greetings, boys.
20:51 Seems you have quite a haul.
20:52 Let's take a look.
20:54 Hmm.
20:55 Sorry, but this is pyrite, fool's gold.
20:59 And this is one of those chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil.
21:02 And this is a gold record.
21:04 And this is nothing more than a turkey leg painted gold.
21:07 You fools are wasting my time.
21:10 I got the real gold right here.
21:13 Using your car as a decoy was a great idea, Jerry.
21:16 That way, I could keep the real stuff safe and sound.
21:22 You are going to be a very wealthy mouse.
21:25 And you spring jumpers will be very comfortable in your new home.
21:31 In jail!
21:33 I knew this was a lousy idea.
21:35 ♪♪
