Taimoor Khan vs Pornwissanu Suwaros (27-07-2023) Full Fight

  • last year
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00:00 [Music]
00:10 Taimoor known as Diamond Boy, both these two regulars on the show.
00:15 Taimoor winning his WBC title on this promotion.
00:20 Paul Moussineau has been a regular on here as well.
00:23 Paul Moussineau really can take a lot of punishment.
00:28 He's very, very tough but Taimoor is more of an accurate sort of sniper if you would.
00:34 Good single punches, especially his straight right.
00:38 Initially it was meant to be Banpot who was meant to take this fight but unfortunately
00:48 the weights just weren't the same as the weigh-ins yesterday.
00:50 So Paul Moussineau steps in at the last minute.
00:53 Jab there from Paul Moussineau.
00:57 Big right hand there from Taimoor Khan.
01:05 Taimoor going to the body as well. Level changing well.
01:09 Picking his shots very, very well.
01:11 This is set for six rounds too so doesn't want to waste too much energy.
01:16 Good left hook, short left hook there from Taimoor.
01:20 Paul Moussineau just going on the back foot.
01:23 Good one-two there from Taimoor and then just level changing very well with the jab to the body.
01:29 More use of the jab to the body as a range finder so that he can find that straight right or overhand right.
01:34 A bit of frustration there from Taimoor just egging Paul Moussineau to come on by just gesturing him to come forward.
01:43 Paul Moussineau having none of it.
01:50 Got to give credit to Paul Moussineau for taking this fight on a day's notice and coming in to fight today.
01:58 Jab to the body again from Taimoor.
02:04 Big clubbing right hand there from Paul Moussineau.
02:12 Big clubbing right hand there from Taimoor and that did stumble Paul Moussineau, Warren Terry.
02:17 But looks like he's just found his balance again, found his equilibrium.
02:21 Taimoor still on the hunt.
02:27 Big overhand right there just like it looked like it just hit Paul Moussineau on the chin.
02:40 Paul Moussineau taking his time.
02:42 More frustration from Taimoor.
02:45 Right hand there from Paul Moussineau.
02:50 Get a bit of apprehension from both fighters, both of them just trying to find their own angles, their own timing.
03:07 Right hand there with a side step to the head and to the body from Taimoor.
03:12 Less than five seconds to go and that's going to do it for round number one.
03:20 [Bell rings]
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03:55 KSN, look at the replays here.
03:57 Just going in one direction, all coming from Taimoor.
04:01 This was the right hand that took Paul Moussineau off balance.
04:04 The overhand right.
04:06 Taimoor was very accurate with his single shots.
04:11 Paul Moussineau took his time a lot at round one.
04:18 Let's see if we can see a bit more from Paul Moussineau.
04:20 Go on the front foot, be a bit more aggressive in round two.
04:24 Just needs to use his experience. Paul Moussineau get on the inside of Taimoor and just try and open him up with body shots and uppercuts and hooks to the head.
04:33 Easy said than done though.
04:36 We've seen a bit more eagerness from Paul Moussineau coming on the front foot.
04:41 Didn't see that at all in round one.
04:43 Big one-two the left hook from Taimoor and then going heavy in the pocket there.
04:49 Heavy artillery from Taimoor.
04:53 But Paul Moussineau punching back.
04:56 Another overhand right, three in a row from Taimoor.
05:00 Right uppercut, left hook from him as well.
05:02 Again with the overhand right.
05:04 Taimoor turning the screws in round two, going through the gears.
05:08 Another clubbing overhand right.
05:13 Missing with the left hook.
05:14 Paul Moussineau fighting back with the body rip.
05:17 And again, right hook to the body from Paul Moussineau.
05:20 Taimoor coming down like a ton of bricks on Paul Moussineau with the overhand right.
05:25 Good right uppercuts to the body there and Taimoor still just delivering heavy artillery with these overhand rights.
05:40 Paul Moussineau wisely clinching up with Taimoor.
05:48 Good slapping right hook to the body there from Paul Moussineau.
05:51 Better from the Thai fighter.
05:53 Right uppercut, left hook there from Taimoor.
05:57 And again, right hook to the body there.
06:03 But the overhand rights just keep coming in and now Taimoor level changing going to the body.
06:15 Good right hand there, good evasion from Taimoor.
06:18 And now he's changing his tactics up a bit by using the uppercut.
06:21 Feint there from Taimoor, head movement too from the fighter in the red corner.
06:28 Another very hard right hand there from Taimoor.
06:34 It's been his go-to shot in this fight.
06:37 It's been very accurate in round two as well.
06:40 Just dipping, slipping and dipping there.
06:42 And again, winding up with that left hook and left uppercut.
06:47 Paul Moussineau just trying to attack the body with the hooks to the body but Taimoor just walking through all of them.
06:53 Coming down like a hammer with the overhand right again and again from Taimoor.
07:00 Referee having a tough time breaking these two up.
07:05 Right uppercut missing there for Taimoor.
07:12 Pushing away here.
07:15 There you go, end of round two.
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07:54 Okay, so just replays from round two.
07:56 Luckily, Paul Moussineau was a bit more aggressive in round number two.
08:01 Came back with the body shots very, very well.
08:06 And that just woke up Taimoor and he just came back ferociously with heavy combinations.
08:13 The main shot he landed in round two was his overhand right.
08:17 Oh, referee waving this one off as well.
08:19 Paul Moussineau is retired on the stool.
08:21 He's not going to continue so it will be another victory for Taimoor from Pakistan.
08:28 So our third fight tonight ends in a stoppage as well.
08:32 We will go to Mr. Teddy Moorgave for the official decision.
08:36 [MUSIC]
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09:00 Hello.
09:01 Third round calls an end to this bout.
09:04 Boxer retires.
09:06 For your winner, out of the red corner,
09:10 Diamond Boy, Taimoor Khan.
09:15 [MUSIC]
09:18 (upbeat music)
09:20 (upbeat music)
