美国曾明确表达不满 纳兹里:以巴课题不是玩玩的

  • last year
八点最热报 | 大马驻美国大使纳兹里今天奉劝土团党议员袁怀绍,在不了解美国发给大马的“外交照会”内容前,不要不懂装懂说这不是威胁。他也提醒袁怀绍,过去曾有摩萨德特工潜入我国杀害哈马斯代表的例子,所以以巴课题不是玩玩的,不要为了获得支持而随意发言。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 Prime Minister Anhua revealed yesterday that the United States has pressed three times to ask Myanmar to change its stance on the tail conflict.
00:11 The TPP member Yuan Huaishao refuted that it was just a diplomatic call, not a threat, as Anhua said.
00:19 And Myanmar's Ambassador to the United States Nasri today advised Yuan Huaishao
00:23 Before you don't understand the content of the diplomatic call sent to the United States by Myanmar, don't pretend to understand that this is not a threat.
00:31 He also reminded Yuan Huaishao that there used to be a Mossad agent who infiltrated our country and killed Hamas members.
00:38 So the tail issue is definitely not a joke. Don't speak at will to get support.
00:44 Nasri today accepted our sister station Astro Avani
00:47 When visiting, it was confirmed that the United States did criticize Israel for labeling the Jewish-Persian regime as a terrorist.
00:57 Nasri said that the U.S. State Department officials had asked Myanmar to release a statement of sympathy for Israel.
01:03 But he emphasized that the government would not do that and reiterated that Myanmar would not give in to any pressure because it supports Palestine.
01:11 National Chief of Police Lajaluddin also pointed out that the police will not take it lightly for the threat of other countries to be exposed to Anhua.
01:18 The Ministry of Politics is also closely concerned with foreign colleagues about any possible foreign threats.
01:26 Lajaluddin admitted that there is indeed a security concern from foreign threats.
01:30 He cited the Hamas members in 2018 in my country.
01:34 It is an example of emphasizing that Myanmar is in fact facing a threat of foreign infiltration.
01:40 On April 21, 2018, the Palestinian teacher Fadi, who had lived in Myanmar for 10 years,
01:47 When he was walking to the mosque near his home in Wenliang Port, he met two gunmen shooting ten guns in a row.
01:56 His head and body were shot four times and eventually died.
01:59 According to the knowledge, Fadi is a Hamas medic.
02:02 The then Deputy Prime Minister Amos Assisi once said that Fadi has some achievements in the field of electronic and rocket engineering.
02:08 It is not excluded that the deceased was assassinated by a Palestinian enemy agent.
02:13 He also cited another case,
02:15 It is said that a Malaysian woman was arrested last year for kidnapping a Palestinian computer programming expert.
02:22 The investigation shows that this woman was originally an independent agent of a foreign intelligence agency.
02:27 Lajaluddin said that if a software scientist working for Hamas becomes the target,
02:34 Then our prime minister is also at great risk.
02:37 We can have a lot of software experts, but Malaysia only has one prime minister.
02:42 So the police advised Prime Minister Anwar to reduce his appearance in public.
02:46 Anwar's number of guards has also been increased.
02:51 [Music]
02:54 [Silence]
