विवाहिता ने लगाया फांसी का फंदा, कारणों का अभी पता नहीं

  • last year
भगत का बास बबेली में एक विवाहिता ने अज्ञात कारणों के चलते फांसी का फंदा लगाकर आत्महत्या कर ली। राजगढ़ थानाधिकारी रामजीलाल मीणा ने बताया कि 30 अक्टूबर को सूचना मिली की एक विवाहिता ने भगत का बास बबेली में फांसी लगाकर आत्महत्या करली है।


00:00 On 31st October, a woman was hanged in a village near Babeli.
00:13 The dead body of the victim was brought to Morthiri Rajghat.
00:21 Both parties of the case, the husband's and wife's side, have come to Morthiri Rajghat.
00:31 Both parties have said that they have no doubt about the case and they do not want any kind of action.
00:36 The report has been submitted to the in-laws' side with the consent of the peer party.
00:53 The report is being investigated.
00:59 Who has submitted the report?
01:01 The husband of the victim has submitted the report.
