• 2 years ago


00:00 The project "Culture in the range of the market 2.0" has come to an end. Thanks to this, we have beautiful electronic posters placed, among others, in front of the Rypiński House of Culture, in front of the City Hall, on the Nowy Rynek. There will also be posters in front of the museum and in front of the library. These are external posters. We will also have internal electronic posters and they will be electronic touch posters, which will be placed inside the building, i.e. inside the building of the Rypiński House of Culture.
00:29 We are very happy about this project, because it is another opportunity to reach our residents, and not only, because we reach them through the Internet, through social media, we reach them through our traditional posts, which are located in the city, and now we will have the opportunity to reach them through these electronic posts, which attract attention, thanks to the fact that we can present our repertoire, our cinema there.
00:56 Many events are taking place in our Rypiński House of Culture and in the form of video, they attract, of course, not only older, but also younger participants of various events.
01:06 The Polish-City Public Library in Rypiński, realizing its offer, its services, needs the promotion of these events. Various electronic and paper tools have been used for promotion so far. When electronic displays appear in the city, they are already external, internal in cultural institutions, but not only, these opportunities are increasing.
01:33 Soon, our library will also have an electronic display, which, through electronic posters, will enable us to promote our events even better, reach a larger number of recipients, and our offer, which is combined with all city units, will appear in all these displays.