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DO YOU LIKE WRESTLING BOARD GAMES?! Well, how bout board games ABOUT wrestling? This time we play Codenames and try to sleuth out the truth on NO HOLDS BOARD! Featuring Pete Quinnell, Luke Owen, Oli Davis and Tempest!!
Logo designed by: Lee Wildgoose
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DO YOU LIKE WRESTLING BOARD GAMES?! Well, how bout board games ABOUT wrestling? This time we play Codenames and try to sleuth out the truth on NO HOLDS BOARD! Featuring Pete Quinnell, Luke Owen, Oli Davis and Tempest!!
Logo designed by: Lee Wildgoose
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00:00 What else on here could link up with dancing?
00:06 Dancing test?
00:07 No.
00:08 Charlotte.
00:09 She doesn't dance.
00:10 She doesn't even sell.
00:11 Welcome to another episode of No Holds Bored, where we take good board games and make them
00:17 all about wrestling.
00:19 Wrestling board games are bad.
00:21 For this episode we are playing Codenames, and for this episode I am joined by Luke.
00:26 Hello there.
00:27 I'm joined by Oli.
00:28 Hey.
00:29 I'm joined by Tempest.
00:30 LIW for life.
00:32 Boo.
00:33 That's weird.
00:35 We've never won anything as a team.
00:39 Never ever.
00:40 We're not on the best winning streak either.
00:41 No.
00:42 LIW's held all the gold though, so.
00:43 Yeah, but we're friends.
00:44 What are you doing?
00:45 What are you doing?
00:46 What are you doing?
00:47 So today we're going to be playing Codenames.
00:48 If you don't know how Codenames works, we have these words in front of us.
01:05 We are on teams.
01:06 It's going to be me and Tempest versus Oli and Luke, and the clue givers, in this case
01:11 it's going to be me and Oli for the first game, will be providing clues for our teammate
01:15 to guess the words that have been assigned to our team.
01:18 Some of these words are for our team.
01:19 Some of these words are for their team.
01:21 We don't want to guess each other's words.
01:23 We only want to get our ones.
01:24 So we have to provide a one word clue to direct our teammate to guess our words.
01:30 There's an assassin word.
01:31 If you get that, you instantly lose.
01:33 And there's a bunch of ones that aren't assigned, which means that the turn goes to the other
01:37 team.
01:38 So you give a one word clue plus a number.
01:40 That is the number of guesses that the other person can take.
01:43 So then Oli, could you pick a card for me, please?
01:48 And don't make sure Luke can't see it.
01:52 Just one.
01:53 Just, no, just one.
01:54 Just one.
01:55 Thank you.
01:56 The color on this is blue, which means you have an extra one to guess, but you go first.
02:04 So familiarize yourself with the words that are on your team.
02:08 And when you're ready, give your first clue.
02:11 I find this game exceptionally stressful.
02:14 Oh yeah.
02:15 On both spectrums.
02:17 I don't like being a clue giver.
02:18 And I don't like guessing the clues.
02:20 I prefer being the clue giver simply because I think I'm a little bit scarred by one particular
02:26 game I played with the lovely Holly Musgrave.
02:29 In which case we had a full thing.
02:32 The first clue she gave was gun.
02:36 And I'll let you know right now.
02:38 The answers were not shot.
02:40 Gun.
02:41 Hospital.
02:42 Or some other thing.
02:43 Bullet?
02:44 Was that another one?
02:45 I don't think bullet was on there.
02:47 Okay, we're going to go pretty simple.
02:50 First off, weapon.
02:53 Two.
02:54 Nice.
02:56 So, table, I would say is probably off the bat a fairly good one to go for.
03:06 Mark finish a tag, championship, territory.
03:09 First off, I will say table.
03:14 Place your colour on the card if that is in fact a correct guess, which it is.
03:23 Now I can obviously bank.
03:26 You can pass it if you'd like to.
03:29 Just bank that.
03:30 I wonder if his stage was to be.
03:33 Actually, you wouldn't say that a promo is a weapon, but words hurt.
03:38 So it could be that.
03:40 I don't think you would say that fire is a weapon.
03:46 I mean, the big show's punch was called the weapon of mass destruction for a bit.
03:55 Bank that for them.
04:00 It's a risky strategy, but I'm unsure what the second one could be.
04:04 And I don't want to take a risky guess.
04:05 I'm not entirely sure, but I think I have an idea.
04:10 Pete!
04:11 Come on, Schmeat.
04:14 I had a clue, and now I don't.
04:18 Get a clue, Pete.
04:19 How does that work?
04:20 For reasons.
04:21 Oh, God, this is bad.
04:22 I'm just going to bring back that second thing.
04:31 Okay, I have a clue.
04:34 Blind.
04:35 Two.
04:36 Okay.
04:37 Blind.
04:38 Immediately, tag.
04:39 Blind tag, that's a thing.
04:40 I'll say tag.
04:41 Very nice.
04:42 Very nice.
04:43 Now, there's a second one here, so let's go through.
04:57 Mark.
04:58 I'm sure some marks are blind.
05:01 Finisher.
05:02 Nah.
05:03 Championship.
05:04 Maybe there's a blind wrestling championship.
05:06 Territory.
05:08 Music.
05:09 Tournament.
05:10 They do a blind eliminator tournament.
05:13 So possibly.
05:16 Come back to it.
05:17 Blind spear, no.
05:19 Blind family, no.
05:20 Impact.
05:21 I mean, they did blindfold matches in that stupid company.
05:25 That cage match.
05:26 The cage!
05:27 The cage right here!
05:29 Blindfold cage match.
05:30 Oh, no.
05:31 That's cast doubt upon me.
05:33 Blind backlash, no.
05:34 Heat, no.
05:35 Canada, no.
05:36 Rivalry, no.
05:37 WrestleMania, fire.
05:38 I suppose fire would blind somebody.
05:43 Stadium, celebrity.
05:44 None of these are jumping out to me.
05:46 The cage, hmm.
05:47 But I'm going to say tournament.
05:50 Strong.
05:51 Good stuff.
05:52 We're behind.
05:53 I'm behind two as well.
05:56 We're behind.
05:58 You passed on the last end, didn't you?
06:00 Sure did.
06:01 And you can guess one more on this one from whatever number he says.
06:04 You can have an extra one guess on top of that.
06:07 ITV2.
06:08 ITV.
06:09 Sounds like a channel.
06:12 Yeah, that's two words.
06:15 ITV2.
06:16 Okay.
06:17 Interesting.
06:18 I instantly am drawn towards celebrity because they did celebrity wrestling on ITV.
06:30 I think it was ITV.
06:32 And it's also the home of family fortunes, which makes me think it might be family.
06:39 So I'm going to just kick things off and say celebrity.
06:46 Now they also have promos on ITV.
06:53 Is the masked singer on ITV?
07:00 I've never watched it, so I don't know.
07:03 I think it is because I think it has a lot of shit celebrities on it, which would make
07:06 it an ITV product.
07:07 Like Chris Jericho.
07:08 That's the American one.
07:09 They get proper people on that.
07:13 Like Chris Jericho.
07:14 I don't think it's finished.
07:15 It's not championship, not territory.
07:19 Impact was on challenge.
07:20 Family is a possibility.
07:21 I don't think it's Spear.
07:22 ITV don't really do music.
07:24 I think you'd have given me a different clue if it was music.
07:27 Masked singer is a possibility.
07:28 I don't think it's promo.
07:29 I don't think it's punch, push or angle.
07:31 I don't think it is WrestleMania.
07:33 That's never been on ITV or fight or stadium.
07:37 Football, I suppose.
07:42 I'm torn between mask and family.
07:45 And I could potentially get both of them because I've got one extra guess to do, but it's not
07:52 tied into the previous one, which I think when you said weapon.
07:58 And I think it is cage.
08:00 I think cage is the weapon clue.
08:03 So actually, can I say cage?
08:09 Oh, you use the cage as a weapon.
08:14 Go on then, Pete.
08:15 I have a clue.
08:16 Booyaka.
08:17 Two.
08:18 All right.
08:19 Immediately.
08:20 Mask.
08:21 Booyaka, Booyaka.
08:22 619.
08:23 Rey Mysterion.
08:24 I'll just say mask right in there.
08:25 Imagine if it wasn't.
08:26 Imagine.
08:27 Hmm.
08:28 Okay.
08:29 Now there's an oh, music.
08:30 That's in his song.
08:31 Booyaka, Booyaka.
08:32 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:33 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:34 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:35 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:36 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:37 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:38 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:39 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:40 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:41 I'm going to say Booyaka.
08:43 That's in his song.
08:44 Booyaka, Booyaka.
08:45 619.
08:46 Music.
08:47 Very nice.
08:48 Clinical.
08:49 Very nice.
08:50 Clinical.
08:51 Back to you, Oli.
08:52 I haven't had enough time.
08:53 Ah, sucks, doesn't it?
08:54 Figure it out.
08:55 I've never been in control of this game.
08:59 I know.
09:00 It's crazy.
09:01 Unchartered territory for me.
09:02 Tribal 2.
09:03 Okay.
09:04 So it probably was family then.
09:05 And Superman Punch.
09:06 I wonder if it's that.
09:07 So.
09:08 Oh, shit.
09:09 Spears, right?
09:10 There.
09:11 So that would make probably more sense.
09:12 I'm going to request, Luke, that you don't look at Oli because he's got a very bad poker
09:13 face.
09:14 I'm not looking at him.
09:15 I'm in the business of reactions.
09:16 I can't control it anymore.
09:17 Okay.
09:18 First up, family.
09:19 No.
09:20 What?
09:21 I don't blame you for that one, Luke.
09:22 That would have been my first guess straight in.
09:23 I don't blame you for that one.
09:24 I don't blame you for that one.
09:25 I don't blame you for that one.
09:26 I don't blame you for that one.
09:27 I don't blame you for that one.
09:28 I don't blame you for that one.
09:29 I don't blame you for that one.
09:30 I don't blame you for that one.
09:31 I don't blame you for that one.
09:32 I don't blame you for that one.
09:38 I don't blame you for that one.
09:39 I don't blame you for that one.
09:40 I don't blame you for that one.
09:41 I don't blame you for that one.
09:42 I don't blame you for that one.
09:43 I don't blame you for that one.
09:44 I don't blame you for that one.
09:45 I don't blame you for that one.
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10:26 I don't blame you for that one.
10:27 I don't blame you for that one.
10:28 I don't blame you for that one.
10:29 I don't blame you for that one.
10:30 I don't blame you for that one.
10:31 I don't blame you for that one.
10:32 I don't blame you for that one.
10:33 I don't blame you for that one.
10:34 I don't blame you for that one.
10:35 I don't blame you for that one.
10:36 I don't blame you for that one.
10:37 I don't blame you for that one.
10:38 I'm in the lead here.
10:39 Yeah.
10:40 So I could just do some easy ones.
10:41 You the ones.
10:42 Yeah.
10:43 Tribal.
10:44 We the ones.
10:45 So we're in a position of control here.
10:50 So I'm just going to say Superman won.
10:56 He's got heat vision.
11:00 Superman was made by a Canadian guy.
11:02 Punch.
11:03 Think of his rivalry with Batman.
11:08 It's a good point.
11:12 Reigns.
11:13 Two.
11:14 Right.
11:15 Try again.
11:16 Do over.
11:17 All right.
11:18 Well, Spear probably.
11:19 Spear and WrestleMania are the two that I'm sort of on because he does a Spear and he's
11:34 done lots of WrestleMania's.
11:36 And he's also won lots of championships.
11:39 He's held it for a long time.
11:41 So maybe it's Spear and Championship.
11:42 I'm going to say Spear.
11:43 Imagine.
11:44 Imagine.
11:45 Imagine.
11:46 Imagine.
11:47 I don't know this for sure, but I bet that was the other weapon.
11:55 Oh, a Spear.
11:56 As in a spear.
11:57 Oh, I was thinking of it as just in like, you know, the gold bug terms.
12:01 So I've got two more if I want it still.
12:07 I'm torn between because here's the thing.
12:09 I can go through these and I wonder if he's going to try and link Spear and Finisher together
12:13 because that is his finisher.
12:15 But I think, I don't know.
12:19 He works the marks.
12:20 He's won lots of championships.
12:21 Territory, I don't think so.
12:24 Some of his segments are fire.
12:26 He's done WrestleManias.
12:27 He was not a backlash and they get heat in Canada, an elimination chamber in a rivalry
12:33 with Sami Zayn.
12:34 So really when you think about it, outside of impact, could be a lot of them.
12:38 I think it was Reigns, which is why I think it's going to be Championship.
12:42 Something's going for a double meaning on it.
12:44 Double entendre.
12:45 Double entendre on it.
12:46 Championship.
12:47 Well done.
12:48 So you can guess a third time if you would like to.
12:55 Which I could do.
12:58 If you would like to link it back.
12:59 If you think that those two are the two that he meant for this clue, you can try and think
13:02 about some of the other clues that he's given you if you wanted to guess again.
13:04 Well yeah, the thing is like with, there's still an ITV one out there.
13:09 I will hold this board.
13:14 Okay.
13:15 Link.
13:16 Ollie wants to win.
13:19 I'm still torn between a one or a two for this clue.
13:22 Go big.
13:23 Coward.
13:24 Dominic.
13:26 Two.
13:28 Oh.
13:30 Gets a lot of heat that lad does.
13:35 Especially when he's had his blanket on.
13:40 Yeah.
13:41 Allegedly.
13:42 Okay.
13:43 He gets a lot of heat in his promos.
13:48 Maybe.
13:50 Maybe.
13:52 Canada.
13:53 Rivalry.
13:54 I mean, he's had them.
13:58 Which culminated at WrestleMania.
14:00 The only two that are sticking out to me right now are heat and promo.
14:04 I'll start with heat.
14:09 One more.
14:11 For the win.
14:12 What?
14:13 Is it really?
14:14 Yeah.
14:15 Oh god damn.
14:16 He gets a lot of heat in promo, so I'm going to go with promo.
14:22 I'd have done the same thing.
14:28 Well darn.
14:29 I'd have done the same thing.
14:30 How many words have we got?
14:35 We have four left.
14:38 Cool.
14:39 I reckon you can link them all together.
14:42 Get ready for a four.
14:43 Yeah.
14:44 Hit me.
14:45 Fan.
14:46 Two.
14:47 Fan.
14:48 Two.
14:49 Mark.
14:50 Mark is a probable.
14:57 Mark, I think is probably likely.
15:02 Finisher, no.
15:04 Territory, no.
15:06 Impact doesn't have any.
15:07 What do you mean?
15:08 I like TNA.
15:09 You do fan the flames of the fire.
15:18 WrestleMania also has a lot of fans.
15:21 Mark, please.
15:24 Mark.
15:26 Stadium.
15:28 Oh, babyface come back.
15:32 You've got three points there.
15:33 I mean, really I should try and use this extra guess that I've got, but I've kind of got
15:37 nothing to go on.
15:41 So I don't think I should.
15:45 Yeah, you sort of do if you want to try and catch up a little bit, because we've still
15:48 got three in there.
15:49 You need two.
15:50 But I've got nothing else to go on.
15:51 Oh, yeah, I can.
15:52 I can.
15:53 He was looking at you, Pete.
15:54 It's a lot riding on this one.
16:07 There is.
16:08 And the thing is, there's two options here where we can go for a two and win.
16:15 Well, I get it.
16:16 Is this too much conferring?
16:17 No, we're just talking about what I could what I could do here.
16:21 I feel like you're talking about various options of.
16:26 I think it's a bit too much conferring, if you ask me.
16:29 I'm not conferring about anything.
16:30 I'm just saying what I could do here, as in I could play a safe one because you have three
16:34 left to get.
16:36 Do I think you're going to get three in one turn?
16:39 I don't know.
16:40 I just say conferring if you ask me.
16:42 Could I do a two and try and get it all now?
16:45 I feel like it's more expanding for the audience.
16:47 It's that we're doing content, are we, you see, for the cameras.
16:51 We're here for thumbnail.
16:52 He doesn't care about the fans once they get here.
16:54 He just wants to make the thumbnail faces to get the replay.
16:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
16:59 So do I play it safe or do I go for it all now?
17:08 Tucker.
17:09 Two.
17:10 Push.
17:11 Watch Monday Night War here on PartsFunKnown.
17:18 Right.
17:20 What else has to do with Tucker?
17:23 The lovely Tucker.
17:26 So the only other thing I can think of, because I don't think it's territory.
17:35 As far as I know, Tucker Knight's never been an impact.
17:39 His other name, Cooper, Levi, Levi Cooper.
17:43 Much cooler name than Tucker Knight.
17:47 Don't think he's ever been an impact.
17:48 Could be wrong.
17:50 Don't think it's angle.
17:52 Could be WrestleMania because WrestleMania has happened in Monday Night War.
17:57 What else happens in Monday Night War, though, is the rivalries row.
18:04 I'm going to go for rivalry.
18:06 That's the game, baby.
18:10 Let's go.
18:12 L.A.W. for life.
18:15 No conferring, Oli.
18:18 So Celebrity Championship Wrestling.
18:20 And that was Celebrity Championship.
18:23 Championship was also the weapon.
18:25 Oh, interesting.
18:27 OK.
18:28 Yeah.
18:29 So multiple things.
18:30 I tried to.
18:31 Tribal was.
18:32 I don't know.
18:33 I'm going to go with the term fire.
18:34 Oh, fire.
18:35 Tribal dances and stuff.
18:36 You have fire involved.
18:37 I see.
18:38 Yeah.
18:39 A bit outside the box.
18:40 Yeah.
18:41 I was really annoyed because I had like heat, rivalry, push, all like really similar.
18:42 And then there was fire.
18:43 And I can't say hot.
18:44 And there was tag as well.
18:45 And I was like, I can go with hot.
18:46 And then you didn't guess fire on the first one.
18:47 I can't now say hot because you're just going to get fire.
18:48 The assassin word, for those curious, was impact.
18:49 And I was like, I can't say hot.
18:50 And then there was tag as well.
18:51 And I was like, I can go with hot.
18:52 And then you didn't guess fire on the first one.
18:53 I can't now say hot because you're just going to get fire.
19:10 And now on to round two.
19:12 Here we go.
19:13 Luke, if you would please pick one and not show Ollie.
19:16 Pick a good one, Luke.
19:17 Right from the middle.
19:18 What colour's on the outside?
19:19 Blue.
19:20 And so you guys again.
19:21 So you get the double agent and you have one more to guess, but you go first.
19:26 Right.
19:27 Familiar yourself with the board.
19:30 I didn't say word there.
19:32 Familiar.
19:33 Familiar yourself.
19:34 Yeah.
19:35 Okay.
19:36 But Luke, whenever you're ready, give your first guess.
19:38 Clue.
19:39 Yep.
19:40 Clue.
19:41 Words.
19:42 Remember what the assassin is as well.
19:43 Avoid it at all costs.
19:44 You got it.
19:45 I've got this.
19:46 AAA.
19:51 Okay.
19:56 Yeah, that's okay.
19:57 AAA.
19:58 AAA2.
19:59 So what have we got here?
20:01 AAA is a promotion.
20:02 AAA.
20:03 What else?
20:04 I can't see.
20:05 Elite Pole.
20:06 Draft slam.
20:07 Mexico.
20:08 That's pretty obvious.
20:09 I'm going to.
20:10 I'm actually going to say Mexico.
20:11 Mexico.
20:12 Mexico.
20:13 Mexico.
20:14 Mexico.
20:15 Mexico.
20:16 I'm going to.
20:17 I actually think Mexico is the safer bet of the two.
20:20 So Mexico, please.
20:26 And just to double check.
20:27 Yeah, I can't see anything else that AAA would apply for more.
20:34 Promotion.
20:35 It's a good first time.
20:39 Good start.
20:40 Good start.
20:41 Good start.
20:42 Don't patronize us.
20:43 I'm not.
20:44 That was a genuine compliment.
20:45 Fuck you.
20:46 That's more like it.
20:48 I've got one.
20:49 Doing a quick double check just in case.
20:56 Right off the bat, I'll say Hospital 2.
21:01 Hospital 2.
21:02 Okay.
21:03 I mean, there's two instantly that come out, which is Ambulance and Stretcher.
21:07 Those are the two that immediately jump up.
21:09 But just in case, I'm just going to do my due diligence and check the rest.
21:11 Valet, Piledriver, Pipebomb, Vengeance, Pin, Heel, Sting, Car, Slam, Draft, Pole, Edge,
21:18 Elite, Submission, Hospital, Authority, Charlotte, and Hospital, Test.
21:25 I am going to go with Ambulance, please.
21:28 Okay.
21:29 Risky.
21:30 Yeah.
21:31 And I would also like to go for Stretcher.
21:32 Very nice.
21:33 Good.
21:34 Well done.
21:35 All right.
21:36 Risky.
21:37 Good start.
21:38 Good start.
21:39 Clinical.
21:40 I'm just going to check this is not going to bite me in the bottom, as it says.
21:45 Next one.
21:46 Just going to double check that I'm right.
21:50 Scorpion 2.
21:52 Scorpion.
21:53 Okay.
21:54 Well, I think of Sting, obviously, the Scorpion Death Drop, Scorpion Death Lock.
22:00 Mm-hmm.
22:01 All right.
22:02 The brain just stopped.
22:05 Valet, Piledriver, Scorpion.
22:08 Scorpions are nasty.
22:10 They're the heels of the desert.
22:12 They can...
22:13 Batista.
22:14 Does Batista have a...
22:16 What tattoo does...
22:17 No, he's the animal Batista.
22:19 But Scorpions...
22:20 Well, I'm pretty confident I can go with Sting.
22:23 So I'm going for Sting, please.
22:25 Solid.
22:26 Very well done.
22:28 Okay.
22:29 Is there some lateral thinking there?
22:31 Sting.
22:32 St...
22:33 No, Sting isn't a clue.
22:34 I thought you were just going to say Sting.
22:35 I'll guess Sting, please.
22:37 Can you just put a...
22:38 Double points!
22:40 That's the secret double point.
22:46 Scorpion.
22:47 Okay.
22:48 Well, the Scorpion Death Lock is a submission.
22:50 So that's a contender.
22:52 And anything else I'm doing, like Vengeance or Heal,
22:55 is me unfairly characterising a Scorpion as an animal.
23:02 Fuck.
23:04 Confirming.
23:10 Charlotte.
23:12 That's a figure four.
23:15 Test.
23:16 Authority.
23:17 Scorpion.
23:18 I can't see anything else on there.
23:22 So, Scorpion Slam?
23:23 No.
23:24 I'm going to go for Submission, please.
23:28 It's good.
23:29 It's very good.
23:30 Nice.
23:31 Very good.
23:32 Was that...
23:33 Was that fuck...
23:34 Oh no, he's going to get it.
23:36 No, it was realising that a potential clue that I could give
23:40 probably wouldn't be a good idea.
23:42 It's a lot of those.
23:44 Yeah.
23:45 I'm going to say Leader 2.
23:49 Leeta.
23:51 As in L-I-T-A.
23:53 Like...
23:54 Leeta.
23:55 As opposed to...
23:56 Leeda.
23:57 Like, Leeda.
23:59 Your accent, you know, it's a bit strong.
24:06 So, Leeta.
24:08 Ballet.
24:09 She was at one point.
24:11 Power driver.
24:14 Pipe bomb.
24:15 Vengeance.
24:18 Pole.
24:19 Edge.
24:20 It's right there.
24:21 Elite.
24:23 Test.
24:24 Charlotte.
24:25 And Authority.
24:26 You said two, right?
24:27 Yes.
24:28 I think the first safe bet would be Edge.
24:32 Be a madman if that was real.
24:36 Imagine!
24:37 I think the next logical one, after going through,
24:41 I think that Ballet fits the best.
24:45 So I'm going to go for Ballet, please.
24:48 Thank you very much.
24:50 Good work.
24:51 Very nice.
24:52 Keep pace.
24:53 That's what we need to do.
24:54 Well, pace the game.
24:55 Yeah, I know, but it's about to go into a halt here.
24:57 Oh, no.
24:58 Sorry, guys.
24:59 So we need five more.
25:03 It's just Hail Mary.
25:07 I hope you don't get the answer that's five.
25:13 Should I just randomly go for it?
25:15 Wrestling things, five.
25:17 It's two words.
25:18 Yeah.
25:20 Stop.
25:21 Stop.
25:22 Don't let that get in your head.
25:26 Confetti.
25:27 This is supporting.
25:29 Sounds like confetti.
25:33 Just touch one.
25:38 I'm going to step on your foot.
25:40 Smile and nod.
25:42 Hello, Mr. Thompson.
25:49 I don't think this is going to buy me in the butts,
25:53 but dancing, two.
26:02 Dancing.
26:04 Dancing.
26:05 Okay.
26:06 Well, car driver, pipe bomb and vengeance or vengeance.
26:12 Ouch.
26:14 Can't think how dancing would have bowled those.
26:18 Pin also, dancing pin.
26:20 Can't think of that.
26:21 Heel pole dancing.
26:24 That's actually probably the clearest one.
26:26 That's actually the clearest combo.
26:31 What else on here could link up with dancing?
26:37 Dancing test.
26:38 No, Charlotte.
26:40 She doesn't dance.
26:42 She doesn't even sell.
26:43 Authority.
26:45 Dancing.
26:46 I'm going to go for pole.
26:53 The reason I laughed was not because it was a bad answer,
26:56 but because it was dancing pole.
26:59 Pole dancing.
27:00 Wait a second.
27:04 Dancing slam draft nexus.
27:07 No, there were no dancing angles in that.
27:10 The only reason I'm thinking heel is because fandango and summer ray and the dancing.
27:19 The fandangoing, if you will.
27:22 God, heel or record.
27:24 I'm going to go record.
27:27 Oh, yes.
27:29 That was close.
27:31 God, three twos in a row.
27:34 We the twos.
27:38 I'm going to pray that these guys can't get both of their last two in one go.
27:46 They have three left.
27:48 Three.
27:50 Even more reason.
27:54 Driving two.
27:56 Driving.
28:00 You drive a pile driver.
28:02 It's in the name.
28:03 Pipe bomb.
28:04 I think that's actually a bad answer.
28:06 I think there's a lot of possible drives here.
28:09 Don't let me.
28:10 Don't let that get into your head.
28:11 That sounds like conferring, Oli, please.
28:13 I'm allowed to say whatever I want.
28:15 Actually, I don't think you are.
28:16 He's communicating to the audience.
28:18 Yeah, I'm filling for the audience.
28:20 So driving a car.
28:21 Makes sense.
28:22 Heel, pin, vacant, nexus, Batista, elite, test.
28:28 Driving test.
28:29 That's what I thought.
28:32 And the DVLA.
28:34 The authority on driving.
28:39 I think those two are the most obvious.
28:40 I'd be surprised if they're not.
28:41 So I'm going to go with car.
28:45 And I'd like to go with test.
28:48 Beautiful.
28:49 Beautiful stuff, Tempest.
28:52 Very good.
28:53 Very good.
28:54 So now we have two left and you have three.
28:59 I'm going to go with three.
29:04 I'm thinking, I haven't got time for a bit.
29:08 There's not that many left.
29:09 Surely you can just...
29:15 Tribal.
29:22 It's a stressful position.
29:23 It's a very stressful position.
29:25 I didn't enjoy it.
29:26 No.
29:27 It's quite intense.
29:31 It was close.
29:37 Don't be a dog.
29:39 Christ.
29:44 Okay.
29:45 Come on.
29:47 I can't do a three, but...
29:53 Steve Weiser.
29:57 Steve Weiser.
29:58 The preferred drink of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
30:02 Okay.
30:03 Steve Weiser.
30:05 Steve Weiser.
30:12 None are...
30:16 None are popping out there.
30:18 None.
30:20 Charlotte, North Carolina.
30:22 He's not from...
30:23 He's from Texas.
30:24 Famously so.
30:25 Yeah.
30:26 I'm not going to lie to myself.
30:27 I was just about to say that.
30:33 The elite Steve Weiser's.
30:35 Can't think of anything there.
30:37 Definitely not Nexus.
30:38 Vacant Steve.
30:39 Pinstil.
30:40 He would celebrate with the Steve Weiser's after a successful pin.
30:48 His neck injury came from a pile driver.
30:53 Did anything happen at Vengeance?
30:59 I'm sure no one would have seen it if you hadn't pointed it out.
31:03 No one would have noticed.
31:05 These are very well made.
31:07 Put that over.
31:09 Okay.
31:12 This is tough.
31:13 I'm going to go pile driver just because of Austin's neck injury.
31:21 Oh.
31:23 It's opened it up.
31:28 So now the question becomes, they didn't get a single one off that one,
31:32 which means they still have three to guess.
31:34 So we could play it safe and hope they don't get three on the next one again.
31:41 Or you could go for two.
31:43 Steve Weiser.
31:44 In that case, Punk won.
31:50 Okay.
31:53 Just double checking all my options even though there is a very obvious one.
31:58 Yeah, none of the others jump out.
32:00 Pipe bomb.
32:07 That's how you do it.
32:08 That's how you play the game.
32:10 I've got Steve Weiser in the bank.
32:13 I don't think that's going to help me.
32:14 That's the next stipulation to get going.
32:18 I'm cashing in.
32:24 So you've only got one left.
32:25 We only have one left, which means pretty much guaranteed you have to get all three on this turn.
32:30 Otherwise we will win.
32:31 Whatever you say, you've got to say three.
32:34 Yeah, yeah.
32:35 You could say two and he gets his bonus.
32:37 Yeah, you could say two and then you have your extra guess on that.
32:40 If I were to just randomly start assigning, I've got one in three chance.
32:45 I've got nothing else.
32:49 You could bank on me completely beefing a one clue.
32:54 Quite possible.
32:55 I'm going to go all out here.
32:56 I think we just got to go all out.
32:58 Not all in.
33:00 All out.
33:01 And I don't know how much.
33:05 Yeah, let's just give you a clue.
33:07 I know Pete, shut up.
33:13 I think I can tell that Luke's stressed.
33:16 Shut up Pete.
33:21 Split.
33:23 Split.
33:24 Split three.
33:25 Nexus split up.
33:27 Authority were a faction, they eventually split up.
33:33 Elite have split up and got back together.
33:36 I'm just naming the factions.
33:38 He would have said faction if that was the case.
33:41 I think the most famous of splits when I see those.
33:48 Well, draft.
33:49 Draft is splitting a roster.
33:57 I'm going to say draft.
34:02 Okay, the odds just went in our favour.
34:06 Two to go.
34:07 Okay, split, not slam.
34:10 Bacon split.
34:12 Doesn't split a lineage, just vacates a belt.
34:15 Pin.
34:16 Can't see split or Steve Weiser in those.
34:19 Heel turns can create splits in teams.
34:23 Batista's jeans split.
34:29 That one time.
34:32 Vengeance.
34:34 I feel like I'm looking at Nexus and Batista here.
34:37 Split.
34:38 Steve Weiser though.
34:40 That's still in play.
34:46 I'm going to say Nexus because they split up.
34:53 Oh!
34:55 L.A.W. win again.
34:59 Wow.
35:00 When I said I was like, he's either going to get it right or he's going to get the Nexus card.
35:06 In which case you're going to win regardless.
35:08 Totally fair.
35:10 I thought I'm just going to go with that.
35:11 What were the words, Luke?
35:14 Vacant split up a team.
35:16 You might have to vacate the tiles.
35:18 I was hoping authority was my other one.
35:21 A group that split up and Steve Austin feuded with authority figures and he drank draft beer.
35:30 I got that one when he said Steve Weiser and I saw draft and I was like, draft beer?
35:35 I was trying to think how can I link draft?
35:38 It's not draft.
35:39 Yeah, I know.
35:40 I was like, I can link, I was trying to link beer and authority and I was like, or Steve.
35:48 I was like, I can't say Steve because it'll say pile driver.
35:51 So I thought if I say Steve Weiser, he'll think beer and it'll lead to Morrow's Draft.
35:56 I like how contrived that was.
35:58 It is tricky because you also need to avoid Nexus in that as well, like factions and authorities.
36:03 Yeah, there's a lot of crossover.
36:04 Nexus was a hard.
36:06 That's a hard assassin.
36:07 Particularly when I had the authority at the end.
36:09 Generally speaking, this game is quite difficult because a lot of the stuff is really linked because it's all to do with wrestling.
36:13 There's a lot of crossover with stuff.
36:15 That's why you don't see as many threes and fours.
36:17 What was your final clue?
36:18 My final clue would have been schoolboy one.
36:22 Pid.
36:23 Well done, sir.
36:24 We win twice.
36:25 I like that we went out by killing ourselves.
36:28 Went out on your own terms.
36:29 On our own sword.
36:31 Good games, everybody.
36:33 Good games, indeed.
36:34 L I W wanna thing.
36:35 We won a thing.
36:36 Oh my God, crazy.
36:38 Thank you for joining us on this week's edition of No Holds Bored.
36:45 Make sure you check out our show next week.
36:47 Jam that jam.
36:49 Jam that jam.
36:50 I did not get Kofi Kingston from that drawing.
36:54 What was Kofi Kingston?
36:57 Looked like that.
36:59 He doesn't look like that at all.
37:02 I'm sorry.
37:05 I just think it's...
37:07 (laughing)