• l’année dernière
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:34 - I would let you turn with me to St. Matthew's Gospel,
00:37 chapter one.
00:40 And I would like to look at the verse,
00:44 beginning at verse 18 and reading through
00:47 and including verse 23.
00:49 To remain textual and to add another dimension
00:56 to the presentation of Jesus,
01:00 I would like to check the responses to him in chapter two
01:05 of St. Matthew's Gospel.
01:09 I'll just read just a few isolated parts of that.
01:14 In St. Matthew's Gospel, chapter one, verse 18,
01:20 now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise,
01:24 when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph,
01:29 before they came together she was found with child
01:33 of the Holy Ghost.
01:34 Now a couple of things critical here to me,
01:37 and that is, well, then Joseph, her husband,
01:39 being a just man, not willing to make her a public example,
01:43 was minded to put her away privately.
01:47 Now, being a just man didn't mean that he wasn't angry.
01:51 And probably very confused,
01:56 because he's engaged to this lady,
02:00 and obviously she's going to become his wife,
02:03 and she comes up pregnant,
02:07 and he didn't have anything to do with it.
02:11 Amen.
02:15 Now, that would make some real angry people
02:19 in South Central LA.
02:20 A whole lot of folk, anywhere in the world,
02:24 for that matter, some folk would be real upset.
02:27 About that, and being a just man,
02:30 and not willing to make a public example,
02:33 he decided to put her away as quietly as he could.
02:38 It's interesting that the Holy Ghost did this to Joseph,
02:44 and the Holy Ghost didn't speak to him about it beforehand.
02:49 It's interesting that God didn't ask Joseph's permission
02:53 to get involved with his wife-to-be,
02:58 but the Holy Spirit, just simply by the move of God,
03:02 impregnated her from the inside.
03:04 And then, in verse 20 now, while he thought on these things,
03:09 I told you, it wasn't just as easy as you thought it was.
03:12 He was thinking on these things,
03:14 and the Spirit of God did not come to him prior to,
03:18 but God allowed him the human machinations of his emotion,
03:24 and his intellect, and God did not come to him prior to.
03:29 God just allowed him to have to deal with the issue.
03:33 And then, of course, the Lord did save him this, though.
03:37 The Lord did spare him to have to have her tell him
03:42 that she was having a baby by God.
03:44 I mean, that would have been another thing
03:46 for him to have to believe,
03:48 that it was, you know, 'cause it never happened before,
03:52 and now I'm in this situation,
03:54 and you're gonna tell me
03:55 that this is how these things happen.
03:57 But the Spirit of the Lord, the angel of the Lord,
04:00 appeared unto him in a dream.
04:01 So now, he's still gotta deal with a dream.
04:05 Can you imagine now, the answer to the dilemma
04:07 of your fiance being pregnant?
04:09 You get that in a dream.
04:11 Maybe I'm dyslectic, but there's a lot of problems
04:15 this would cause a whole lot of folk.
04:17 You're all sitting here looking like Alice in Wonderland.
04:21 Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee.
04:25 Now, the dream says, go ahead and take her as your wife,
04:30 for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
04:35 And she shall bring forth a son,
04:38 and thou shall call his name Jesus,
04:43 for he shall save his people from their sins.
04:47 Now, all this was done that it might be fulfilled,
04:49 which was spoken of by the Lord, by the prophet,
04:51 saying, behold, a virgin shall be with child
04:55 and shall bring forth a son.
04:58 And they shall call his name Emmanuel,
05:02 which being interpreted is God with us.
05:06 Now, there is absolutely no way for such a miracle thing
05:09 to take place and there not be controversy.
05:14 There's absolutely no way.
05:16 You cannot be that blessed and somebody doesn't despise it.
05:21 You can't be as powerful as Jesus entering the world
05:27 in such a miraculous way and there's not opposition.
05:30 So, in chapter two, we get another look at the human nature.
05:34 And in chapter one, what we see is God coming
05:37 into the world.
05:38 In chapter two, we get reaction.
05:40 Anytime something marvelous happens in your life,
05:43 there will be a reaction.
05:46 The reaction now is when Jesus was born
05:48 in Bethlehem of Judah, in the days of Herod the king,
05:51 behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
05:55 saying, where is he that is born king of the Jews?
05:57 For we have seen a star in the east
05:59 and are come to worship him.
06:02 When Herod the king had heard these things,
06:05 he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him.
06:08 The people who should have been glad were troubled.
06:13 The people who were aliens were glad.
06:17 The people who were outside of the religious circle
06:21 were glad.
06:23 The people who were inside the religious circle were mad.
06:28 Amen.
06:29 The killers were inside.
06:31 Amen.
06:37 Verse 13, they departed another way.
06:42 Then the reason they departed another way,
06:44 behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph
06:46 in a dream, saying, now you take the child out
06:49 and flee to Egypt, for Herod will seek the young child
06:52 to destroy him.
06:54 Oh God, immediately upon the coming of Christ,
07:00 there is controversy.
07:01 The lines are drawn.
07:04 It's either you worship him or you destroy him.
07:09 Amen.
07:10 Look at your neighbor and say, thou shall call his name.
07:13 - Jesus.
07:14 - Look at somebody and say, Jesus is.
07:18 - His name.
07:19 - His name.
07:20 - His name.
07:21 - His name.
07:22 - I propose to approach the text,
07:27 particularly because of the time,
07:31 not only in which we live, but the time of the year,
07:35 because now the year is laced with the historical event
07:39 that changed the world.
07:42 And this is the advent or the coming of Christ.
07:46 I could begin in a traditional manner
07:50 and simply do what is usually done
07:54 with the narrative of the first advent of Christ
07:58 and just deal with the story.
08:01 Or we can dissect the theological implications
08:06 of the event with a view to making the event pertinent
08:11 to our time.
08:16 I am not just trying to tell a story.
08:20 I need the significance of the Christ event
08:23 as it relates to me and my time.
08:26 It's been argued that the religious question of our day
08:34 is not so much who is God.
08:38 The question has now become what is man?
08:44 You see, we are now moving from the mystical,
08:51 intellectual, philosophical theology,
08:54 and we're trying to become pragmatists.
08:58 We're trying to take what is given to us
09:02 and use it to live on an everyday basis.
09:06 I don't just stop by here to pass the time on a Sunday
09:11 or because it's a traditional thing to do.
09:14 I am seeking biblical information to help me
09:19 to get through each day of my life.
09:23 (audience applauding)
09:25 Yes, yes, we continue to wonder, and we do,
09:28 we continue to wonder actually is there a God in heaven,
09:33 and rightfully so, yet almost with the same persistence
09:38 we are asking is there humanity on earth?
09:43 I was far away in Tortola when I got word
09:47 that 17 people were shot, even in the community,
09:51 and one lady from this church, one of our members,
09:54 was shot in her foot, in her leg,
09:57 and it kept the bullet from killing her child
10:00 who was in her other arm on the other side of her,
10:04 and in the middle of that kind of calamitous
10:09 and despicable behavior, the question has to come
10:14 from the heavens back onto the earth,
10:16 and we begin to ask ourselves
10:19 is there any humanity on earth?
10:25 One writer puts it this way, he said,
10:28 "The question now is not so much
10:31 "is there life after death, he says,
10:35 "the question has become is there life before death?"
10:40 And many of us often look at that,
10:43 and we ourselves, particularly at my age,
10:46 that's a little verbose, at my age,
10:48 we begin to wonder what is this all
10:51 about this thing called life?
10:55 From one trial to the other, from one battle to the other,
10:59 from one heartbreak to the other,
11:02 from one disappointment to the other,
11:05 and if you're not careful, you become extraordinarily
11:08 cynical and skeptical about this thing called life.
11:13 Just as soon as you think you have your thing together,
11:16 it falls apart.
11:18 I was telling somebody the other day,
11:20 just as soon as you learn how to live,
11:24 and the sophistication that goes with life,
11:26 then it's time to check out.
11:28 It's interesting, this thing called life,
11:32 everybody is preoccupied with getting in touch with God
11:36 so that they might live wonderfully hereafter,
11:40 but the question now is is there life before death?
11:45 When you deal with the issues of the land,
11:48 you deal with the political issues,
11:50 you deal with the terrorist systems,
11:52 and the hatred, and it's really funny
11:55 that we as a group of people, as humanity,
11:58 we've mastered technology, we've done everything
12:01 in terms of communicative systems.
12:03 I was, as we were pulling out of Miami,
12:07 the pilot said to us, "Look on the right side,"
12:10 and I looked out on the right side,
12:11 and the shuttle was coming off the ground
12:14 at Cape Canaveral, and it was heading,
12:16 I saw it as it was going up, a once in a lifetime moment,
12:20 flying, and looking out, and seeing it going,
12:22 and with all of that, and you wonder
12:25 with all of the technology, and the world phones,
12:28 and all the things we have, the computers,
12:30 and the televisions, and everybody's life
12:32 is in our living room, and the newspapers,
12:34 and all of that, and we put together a system
12:37 that is marvelous, but still,
12:39 we can't even talk to each other.
12:41 (audience applauding)
12:43 You wonder, you wonder about this thing called life.
12:49 Professor Bruner puts it this way.
12:51 He said, and I quote, "It is frequently
12:54 "and too confidently said in theological circles
12:58 "that Luther's 16th century question,
13:01 "How can I find a gracious God,
13:05 "has actually been replaced in our time
13:08 "by another question, what is the meaning of life?"
13:13 There's no doubt in my mind that when you walk
13:16 into a church house today, you have to ask
13:20 the modern reality question, which seems to replace,
13:25 or could be another name for the God question,
13:28 because if I can understand or find God,
13:31 I should be able to understand and find my life,
13:36 because yes, I've been having a whole lot
13:39 of experiences without meaning.
13:41 I've been going from this to the other,
13:43 to the other, to the other, and all it does
13:45 is just adds issues and more disappointment.
13:50 And so somewhere in all of my life,
13:52 I have got to find the meaning.
13:56 Well, Matthew projects that the meaning of life
13:59 is found in the face of Jesus Christ.
14:04 Ah, that's what Matthew is indicating here.
14:07 He is saying now, if we can just get God in the world,
14:11 then of course, it will give us a meaning
14:15 to live.
14:16 I cannot just be connected to God for getting out of here.
14:22 I need to be connected to God in here.
14:25 (audience applauding)
14:27 I hope you see where I'm going.
14:29 I need to have a relationship with God
14:32 that gives my life some substance.
14:35 And I just don't want to be another person
14:38 living another life, and when it's over,
14:40 nobody knew I was here.
14:42 I want to meet God.
14:45 (audio cutting out)
14:48 The World Council of Churches,
14:54 I looked at the Catholics and their conceptualization
14:58 of what I'm talking about.
15:00 And what has happened is they are redrafting
15:03 the doctrine of the human person.
15:07 The first half of their concern is
15:09 what is the human person?
15:12 And the second half of the draft is
15:14 what are the major problems that modern man has?
15:19 And is Jesus just as relevant to my today problem
15:24 as he was to their problem?
15:26 Here's what Carbarth said.
15:28 He said, "Since God came into the world
15:31 "and became a human being," he said,
15:34 "now man is the measure of all things."
15:39 Ah, this is why when Jesus comes into the world,
15:44 the camp divides because you can't face him
15:48 and he not upset the way you have been living.
15:53 Oh, I feel God here.
15:55 When Jesus comes, it changes your perspective.
15:58 It changes your attitude and your disposition.
16:02 It changes how you feel about who you are.
16:07 And once you change how you feel about who you are,
16:11 you divide your camp.
16:13 Everybody who was with you before you knew who you are
16:18 doesn't always stay with you after you find out
16:22 who you are.
16:25 I feel God.
16:26 And when he comes into my world,
16:28 it's either I'm sucked into him
16:30 through an amicable worshipful disposition
16:33 or I become diabolically opposed to him
16:37 because I can't stand what he wants from me.
16:42 Ah, are you willing to take the step into real life?
16:46 I know you're ready for afterlife,
16:48 but the question is not the afterlife.
16:51 The question is the present life.
16:53 And I'm not in this church
16:54 just because I'm trying to go to heaven.
16:57 I'm trying to live an overcoming life right here.
17:02 Oh, I feel God.
17:05 It was this in mind that Matthew now brings me
17:09 and he highlights this message in chapter two
17:12 because it proves as long as you are in the shadows,
17:17 there is no measure of who you are
17:20 because now the measure of who you are
17:22 is going to be seen in your ability to deal
17:26 with the contrary forces to who and what your purposes are.
17:31 You never have any contrary winds
17:34 when you're not trying to get somewhere.
17:37 Everybody in here who is just flowing with the tide,
17:40 well, you let something else determine where you go.
17:44 But when Jesus comes in,
17:46 he divides people from the careless, indifferent,
17:51 going nowhere to those who are intending to latch hold to him
17:56 and pull themselves into significance in this life.
18:01 Jesus didn't rise for you to go down and burn and crash.
18:06 He came into this world so that you'd rise up out of ashes
18:11 and tell the world, you no longer move me,
18:15 but I move you 'cause I'm a changer.
18:19 I feel it in here.
18:20 Give somebody a high five.
18:22 Say, I'll never be the same after today.
18:24 Amen.
18:25 When Jesus comes into my life, he changes my thinking.
18:29 I quit the can't and I go to can.
18:31 I quit if it's comfortable and I go to if it's possible.
18:36 I feel like preaching today.
18:37 I don't sit around waiting for somebody to do it for me.
18:41 When Jesus comes.
18:42 (audience cheering)
18:45 Bless the Lord.
18:47 It is here now that your exposure, you see,
18:51 because as long as Jesus was not around,
18:54 you were just one of the group.
18:57 But now that Jesus shows up and now he exposes you
19:01 because he comes in you to expose you.
19:06 And the exposure brings contrary or contradictory responses.
19:11 There are those who like the fact
19:15 that you are the salt of the earth,
19:17 that you are the light of the world kind of character.
19:20 And some people will use your light
19:23 in order to move to the next level.
19:26 But there are others who would like to put your light out.
19:31 Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit.
19:32 (audience cheering)
19:36 Anyhow, it's critical though to understand this
19:39 because there is a light of the world impact
19:43 that every child of God will have.
19:46 Because once you come into contact with the Lord,
19:50 he's going to move your thinking above the average.
19:54 He's going to move your level of faith above the average.
19:59 He's going to move your desire for purpose above the average.
20:03 He's going to move your desire for excellence
20:06 above the average.
20:08 You can't walk with Christ in mediocrity.
20:12 You got to fix everything around you
20:15 to suit who you have become.
20:18 Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit here.
20:20 Somebody's gonna break out.
20:23 It's critical here because the acceptance or rejection
20:27 only comes with the exposure.
20:30 As long as Jesus was safely tucked in the bosom of God
20:35 in the far regions of an eternal heaven,
20:38 there was no hatred of this sort.
20:41 But all of a sudden when he shows up,
20:44 now people take sides.
20:47 I feel it here.
20:48 The Bible said he came unto his own
20:50 and they received him not.
20:53 But the revelation of God in Christ
20:56 is significant for the world to hold itself together.
21:01 But as many as received him, to them
21:05 gave he power to become the children of God.
21:11 The Greek aorist tense is used.
21:13 It's aorist indicative of Lombano.
21:16 And it means as many as did receive him,
21:21 as many as had the nerve to say, he
21:24 might be different from what I've seen, but I'll take him.
21:28 He might be a little bit more demonstrative than I've seen,
21:32 but I'll take him.
21:33 He seems to be a different sort, but I'll take him.
21:37 Because I was never regular anyway.
21:40 I was just waiting for the opportunity
21:42 to become a son of victory.
21:46 Oh, I feel it in here.
21:47 I'm talking to somebody.
21:49 Touch somebody beside you and say, I was never the usual
21:52 anyway.
21:53 Touch your neighbor and say, yeah, there's
21:55 something unusual about you.
21:57 Amen.
21:57 You got to learn to walk in the exceptional action
22:01 of a disciple believer of Christ.
22:05 The dative case expletoner explaining
22:07 the relative character is to them,
22:10 to everyone who receives to them.
22:14 He says, you give me something, I'll give you something.
22:17 You accept me and I'll give you some power.
22:21 I'm not asking you to be me.
22:23 I'm just saying accept me and I'll put in you the power
22:26 to be me.
22:29 I feel it here.
22:30 I'm not asking you to imitate me,
22:33 because I will duplicate myself in you.
22:36 Just receive me.
22:39 Let me tell you something about folk who receive the word.
22:42 They don't act like they used to.
22:44 They don't talk like they used to.
22:47 And they don't take defeat like everybody else,
22:50 because I've got a word from the Lord.
22:55 Receive him, I pray.
22:57 It is here now that he gives the right.
23:00 And the right becomes edoken, the right.
23:03 And he talks about now the indicative of didomai,
23:07 the right.
23:08 I don't need to go so heavy.
23:10 It means authority, but it includes power.
23:14 I give you the right to become the son of God.
23:20 It's your right.
23:22 Touch your neighbor and say, it's your right to be blessed.
23:26 It's your right to be an overcomer.
23:29 It's your right to have power.
23:33 It's your right to be somebody.
23:36 It's your right to tell the devil, get out of your house.
23:40 It's your right to possess the things
23:42 that God placed you here to possess.
23:45 He said, if you receive me, I'll give you the right
23:50 to be who you ought to be.
23:52 It's your right to tell somebody, get out of my face
23:56 with your lying self.
23:58 It's your right.
23:59 [APPLAUSE]
24:02 I feel the power of God here.
24:06 It's critical now to become, because the right now
24:10 is to become.
24:11 And this is second Aris middle now.
24:13 And what it's saying is, you have the right
24:15 to become what you were not before.
24:19 Oh, I feel like preaching in here.
24:21 You've got the right to riches when you used to be poor.
24:25 You've got the right to intelligence
24:28 when you used to be ignorant.
24:29 You've got the right to be blessed
24:32 when you used to be cursed.
24:33 You've got the right to be what you've never been before.
24:38 And that is a son of the living God.
24:42 I've got a right.
24:43 I've got a right.
24:45 It is a power here that God, in order just simply to receive
24:50 him, touch a neighbor, say, just receive him.
24:53 Oh, and even then.
24:55 And of course, now, to them that believe on his name,
25:00 you've got to have a password.
25:02 In order to get through in this life,
25:05 you've got to have a password.
25:08 And if you don't know the password,
25:10 you can't get to the next level.
25:13 The password is J.
25:14 [APPLAUSE]
25:18 Thou shalt call his name.
25:20 It is critical to grasp this, because now he
25:24 is dealing with the common power that
25:27 is given to those who can believe on his name.
25:32 And this, of course, is in Matthew chapter 2.
25:35 Very special theme, because now he
25:37 deals with the dual response of human beings.
25:42 As it-- look at the third human being, the Christ.
25:46 Ah, God's self-revelation in Christ.
25:50 I mean, it stirs down to the very spirit of a man.
25:55 Oh, you can hurt me emotionally, but that does not
25:58 mean you have reached my spirit.
26:01 You can hurt me physically, but that does not
26:04 mean you've got my spirit.
26:06 But when Jesus shows up--
26:08 oh, you can show up, and I could look at you,
26:10 and, mm, you're beautiful.
26:11 But you didn't get to my spirit.
26:13 I was just pulchritude.
26:15 But when Jesus shows up, he cuts to your spirit.
26:20 It's either you're with him or you're against him,
26:24 but you can't sit on the fence.
26:26 Oh, I feel like preaching here.
26:29 God help us in here.
26:31 It is critical to grasp this, because the self-revelation
26:36 has brought two different responses.
26:39 There is the response of the Eastern Magi, the wise men,
26:45 and there is the bad response of Herod to the Christ child.
26:49 One writer comments, and he puts it like this.
26:51 He says, the scriptures aren't really
26:53 concerned about the doctrine of man, per se.
26:58 For in the scriptures' opinion, there
27:00 is really no man or woman.
27:02 Rather, what the scripture sees is
27:04 human beings that are created in the image of God.
27:10 They're created, actually, to face and to relate responsibly
27:16 to their God.
27:18 Now, notice the drift.
27:20 When there is no presentation from God,
27:22 there is no revelatory experience,
27:25 and I'm drifting in my own steam.
27:29 But all of a sudden, here pops from heaven
27:32 the child of Christ Jesus.
27:35 So now I have to decide.
27:39 I wish you hadn't talked to me about God,
27:42 because now I'm having nightmares.
27:45 I wish you hadn't mentioned the Bible,
27:47 because now something is pricking my nerves,
27:52 because I just can't walk away from it as if it doesn't exist.
27:57 There are some people that God will put in your life that
28:02 are so full of His anointing that you just can't bypass them.
28:07 You might walk away, but you still hear
28:09 the words ringing in your spirit.
28:13 God has you in a place where you've
28:16 got to face Jesus Christ.
28:18 And He sets you up so that either you take Him and be
28:23 blessed or become a killer.
28:25 I feel like preaching, because if you don't take Him,
28:29 you've got to hate Him.
28:30 And you've got to hate Him, you're going to try to destroy.
28:34 People try to destroy you when God brings you
28:38 to a place where they either have to decide that they've got
28:42 to get up from where they are and make some of their life
28:47 or kill you because you did.
28:50 Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost.
28:52 Can I preach like I feel it?
28:54 The Messiah then has to unveil, because everything
28:58 would have been fine if there was not a personal Christ.
29:04 Because history in and of itself is impersonal,
29:09 and nature in and of itself is impersonal.
29:13 But when the Christ child appeared and sat
29:17 in the middle of Bethlehem, now it's personal.
29:22 Touching Him, I said, take it personally.
29:24 Yes, when God shows up, somebody better take it personally.
29:30 Because when God gets in your business,
29:34 you've got to do something about your life.
29:38 I feel like preaching in here.
29:40 Oh, glory to God.
29:42 Oh, I feel God.
29:44 I can't sit here and be nothing when Jesus showed up.
29:49 I can't sit here and feel like I can't make it.
29:52 When Jesus showed up, I can't sit here
29:54 and feel like I'm not destined for something other than to be
29:59 tossed to and fro by other people's whims.
30:04 The devil is a liar.
30:05 I'm here for a purpose, to lay hold to the power of God
30:11 and tell the devil, get out of my house,
30:13 because I've got the right.
30:16 I feel it in here.
30:19 Touch your neighbor.
30:20 I said, neighbor, what's that name again?
30:22 What's that name?
30:23 What's that name?
30:24 Do you know the password?
30:26 Do you know?
30:28 I feel God in the house.
30:31 It is however the Messiah.
30:33 He unveils the true God.
30:36 He unveils him personally, savingly, and responsibly
30:43 in nature.
30:44 And this now maintains the purity of the Old Testament
30:48 message against idolatry.
30:52 Because had he not come in a personal form,
30:56 he would just be another icon for man to idolize.
31:02 But he comes personally, looks like a man,
31:05 walks like a man.
31:07 And the person of resurrection here,
31:10 the personal revelation rather, totally
31:14 defies the idolatry of man.
31:18 Because the revelation is the work of the Holy Spirit.
31:23 Can you go with me?
31:25 Twice the Holy Spirit is mentioned in Matthew 1, 18
31:29 through 20.
31:31 The first place it is, the one who brings Jesus to Mary.
31:38 The Holy Spirit is the source of Jesus in Mary.
31:44 I hope you're with me.
31:45 Don't lose me here.
31:46 The Holy Spirit then becomes the only one who brings Jesus
31:52 to birth in people.
31:54 It is not Mary's initiative.
31:57 Because Mary couldn't afford to lay in a bed one night
32:02 and impregnate herself.
32:04 I wish somebody talked to me.
32:07 It is God who took the initiative.
32:10 Can I speak to you in here?
32:12 When God takes the initiative in your life,
32:15 let him do the miracle.
32:16 I feel like preaching here.
32:20 Somebody need a miracle?
32:22 Let God take over.
32:26 Because when God takes over, miracles
32:29 happen in the beginning.
32:32 I feel the Holy Spirit in here.
32:35 I got to preach till the devil gets mad.
32:37 Touch somebody and say, I'll never be the same after this.
32:41 I'm a miracle child.
32:43 Anyone who has Jesus alive in their spirit
32:48 is a miracle, because it's another virgin birth where
32:53 the Lord just stepped in and gave you something
32:58 that you couldn't have gotten yourself.
33:01 I feel I might as well have church.
33:03 I might as well lift him up.
33:06 It is the Holy Spirit then.
33:08 And it's always a miracle.
33:11 Every time you come out of another trial, it's a miracle.
33:16 Every time you move and don't lose your mind,
33:19 it's a miracle.
33:21 Every time the devil tried to stop you but couldn't faze you,
33:26 it's a miracle.
33:28 Every time God moves you to another level, it's a miracle.
33:33 Touch somebody and say, miracles happen around me every day.
33:38 Because every time the Holy Ghost moves, lifts, teaches,
33:44 raises, prays, it's a miracle.
33:48 I feel a little churchy in here.
33:52 Shake somebody's hand like you're going to shake it off.
33:55 And say, neighbor, what's that password?
33:58 I need the password.
34:00 I need the password.
34:02 I need the password.
34:04 I feel the Holy Spirit.
34:06 That's why the writer declared, with man, this is impossible.
34:12 But with God, everything is possible.
34:16 It's possible for you to this week
34:19 be blessed more than you ever have in your life.
34:23 It's possible for the contract to get signed,
34:27 for the money to roll in.
34:29 It's possible for cancer to be healed.
34:33 Because I don't know what next the Holy Ghost will do.
34:37 But whatever you're going to do, Lord, do it.
34:40 I feel-- I got to preach this thing.
34:44 It is the centricity of Christ that
34:47 is the power of the Holy Ghost.
34:50 Because the Christ-centricity of the Holy Spirit
34:53 is therefore very earthly.
34:56 Because it's bringing Christ into my situation.
35:00 That's why Jesus declared, when the Spirit came,
35:05 it would bear witness of him.
35:08 He said, it will glorify-- he will glorify me.
35:12 He will take mine and declare it unto you.
35:17 Then he said of us, when we receive the Spirit,
35:21 ye shall be my witnesses.
35:25 Whenever God comes into human life,
35:28 he becomes the center of what we do.
35:32 And when he is the center of life,
35:35 your life is now just now worth living.
35:39 With Christ outside, my life isn't worth anything.
35:44 So the revelation of Jesus is the revelation of salvation.
35:50 Because the names of God are generally
35:53 manifested in his works.
35:56 Anytime you see him work, you generally gave him a name.
36:02 When he moved in the scriptures on the back of Israel
36:06 at Rephidim, you remember when they went to Rephidim,
36:10 and the Amalekites attacked them.
36:13 And they held up Moses' hands, and they called the place
36:18 Jehovah-Nissi.
36:20 It was something that God did that
36:23 caused them to name the place.
36:26 When Abraham was about to kill his son Isaac,
36:31 and the ram came up in the bush, Abraham
36:34 named the place Jehovah-Jireh.
36:38 When Israel had no righteousness,
36:41 and Ezekiel looked at their trials,
36:44 he named that condition Jehovah-Sikudu,
36:49 the Lord our righteousness.
36:52 They're struggling with confusion,
36:54 and Jeremiah called it Jehovah-Shalom,
36:58 the Lord is our peace.
37:00 It was Jeremiah who needed the presence of the Lord,
37:05 so he called the place Jehovah-Shammah,
37:09 the Lord is present.
37:11 It was David riding, and looked at God as a shepherd,
37:16 and he called him Jehovah-Rofah, the Lord is my shepherd.
37:22 At Marah at Bitter Waters, it was
37:25 Moses who named the place Jehovah-Rofikah,
37:29 the Lord that healeth.
37:31 All that God ever did was show himself through his name,
37:37 through his works.
37:38 But here now we have Esau, which is the Hellenizing
37:44 of the Hebrew Yeshua.
37:46 Thou shalt call his name Esau, or you shall call him Yeshua.
37:53 We know the name as Joshua, which
37:56 is a shortening for Yehushua, and means
38:01 Yahweh is the one that saves.
38:04 Or simple language, God saves.
38:08 Here is a name that does not only define who Jesus is,
38:13 it also tells you what Jesus does.
38:16 God saves.
38:18 I feel the spirit of God in here.
38:21 God saves.
38:23 Can I fix it just like I feel it?
38:25 When I say Jesus, I say God saves.
38:29 When I say Jesus, the car won't go off the road,
38:33 because God saves.
38:36 When I say Jesus, I will not lose my life,
38:40 because God saves.
38:42 When I say Jesus, my body is healed, because God saves.
38:49 When I say Jesus, the devil's got to get out of my face,
38:54 because God saves.
38:57 I feel a little churchy in here.
39:00 Somebody touch your neighbor and say, neighbor,
39:02 what's that password?
39:04 Telling that password is God saves.
39:11 Jesus.
39:13 I feel like lifting him up.
39:15 Here is the rare person whose name means exactly what it
39:20 says.
39:21 God saves is not only his name, it's his perfect definition.
39:27 If you seek to diminish God, then he
39:30 becomes just an exalted representative.
39:33 Without the power to do anything,
39:36 he wouldn't even be a son of God.
39:38 He would just be a representative.
39:40 Well, I'm a representative, but my name don't mean nothing.
39:45 I got to call his name to give my name some meaning.
39:50 If I don't call his name, the devil will wipe out my name.
39:54 But when I say Jesus, I can do all things through Christ,
40:00 which strengtheneth me.
40:02 I feel something pushing me here.
40:04 Touch your neighbor, say the password to a better life.
40:08 It's Jesus.
40:10 Jesus.
40:11 Can I go the other side?
40:13 If I went to the other side on the save,
40:16 and I reduced the save to say that Jesus is very helpful,
40:21 that Jesus assists me with my problems,
40:24 then I just made God weak.
40:27 If I take him from God, then I make the save weak.
40:31 If I take down the save, then I make the God weak.
40:35 I got to keep the God strong, and I
40:37 got to keep the save strong.
40:39 Then I got Jesus.
40:41 I feel like preaching in here.
40:43 If he does not utterly rescue me,
40:47 he's got to utterly liberate me.
40:50 He's got to deeply and dramatically save me.
40:53 Then the name is so diluted, he becomes a homoosos,
40:59 which is like God, rather than a homoosos, which
41:03 is the very God.
41:05 The name is invested with full powers and great significance,
41:11 because Jesus is the God who saves.
41:14 So Matthew said, when you call him, call him Jesus,
41:19 because he himself shall save you out
41:23 of any situation you're in.
41:26 I'm getting ready to close this thing, give somebody a high
41:30 five, and say either you're a part of the solution,
41:35 or you are part of the problem.
41:37 But this year, I'm coming out of problem into solution,
41:43 because I know the name above every name.
41:48 Jesus is the name I got to call when things are going against
41:53 me.
41:54 That's one name the devil don't want to hear.
41:58 Jesus is the name I got to call when it looks like my checkbook
42:04 is running on E. Jesus.
42:08 It's the name I've got to call in order
42:11 to have a good marriage.
42:13 Jesus is the name I've got to call in order
42:18 to get the job that they're trying to keep from me.
42:22 You can keep it from me, but you can't keep it from Jesus.
42:27 So I'm coming over here with a mind made up
42:31 that I will have the victory in the name of Jesus.
42:37 I wish somebody touched somebody and said,
42:40 do you know the way to a better life?
42:44 Jesus, do you know the way to a bigger house?
42:49 Jesus, do you know a way to a sane mind?
42:54 I will keep him in perfect peace.
42:58 Whose mind is stayed on me?
43:02 Do you know a way to drive the demons out of your job,
43:09 out of your house, out of your children?
43:12 What's the password?
43:14 Jesus, open the door for me.
43:18 Jesus, make a way out of no way.
43:21 Jesus, I need a miracle.
43:24 Jesus, heal my body.
43:27 Jesus, send me some joy.
43:31 Jesus, send me some power.
43:34 Jesus, help me to overcome.
43:37 Jesus, help me to be what I've never been in my life.
43:44 Jesus, I need your help.
43:48 Jesus, turn it around.
43:55 Jesus, I feel him in here.
43:58 Touch two people real quick.
44:00 For I heard him say, where two or three of grief in my name.
44:08 I feel victory in here.
44:14 Touch somebody and say, victory shall be mine.
44:18 I know who to call.
44:20 I don't call Ghostbusters.
44:22 I call Jesus.
44:24 Jesus, drive the devil out of your life,
44:28 out of your pocketbook, out of your house, out of your job,
44:33 out of your car.
44:35 Jesus, we're ready for a blessing.
44:40 Send.
45:10 Tap somebody on the shoulder.
45:12 Do you know the password?
45:13 What's the password?
45:15 Jesus.
45:17 Woo!
45:19 Thou shalt call.
45:23 Yeah.
45:25 Woo!
45:26 I know you in the--
45:40 I know you've been in love.
45:41 But your lover's name is not the same as when you holler Jesus.
45:52 Woo!
45:54 Susan, don't get it like that.
45:56 Noel, don't move you like that.
45:59 But oh, when you holler Jesus, Jesus, woo,
46:04 folk begin to look.
46:07 Folk begin to wonder what you're getting ready to do.
46:10 Touch your neighbor and say, Jesus.
46:12 Tell your neighbor, I'm getting ready to do something.
46:15 I'm getting ready to break some yokes.
46:17 I'm getting ready to get the devil out of my house.
46:20 I'm getting ready to stop the generation curse.
46:22 Jesus!
46:27, Woo!
46:54 Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall say.
47:01 Now we finally come to the meaning of life.
47:09 And I do have an answer for the question,
47:12 is there life before death?
47:15 And the answer is yes.
47:19 Yes.
47:21 I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.
47:31 I want you to get one person by both hands.
47:35 Get one person by both hands.
47:38 Your life will never be the same.
47:41 Mm.
47:46 Yehoshua, Yesus, Yassus, Joshua, Jesus.
48:00 Somebody needs to call that name over your children, Jesus.
48:07 Over your financial situation, through this bowtwood prostate
48:14 cancer, through this fight with breast cancer,
48:19 through these troubled times, through these difficult
48:23 financial times, through the feelings of rejection,
48:28 the feeling of confusion, God saves.
48:35 He sent this word to encourage you.
48:38 He sent this word to lift your spirit.
48:41 All hope is not lost.
48:44 There is still the miracle of the appearance of Jesus.
48:50 The miracle of the appearance in your life, orchestrated,
48:54 initiated, and guided by the Holy Spirit in your life
49:00 now is the power of a spirit that is so unbreakable
49:10 that nothing Satan does can move it from its power.
49:15 You're on the right track.
49:17 For all he says, if you have enough power just
49:20 to call this name, Jesus, for unto us a child is given.
49:30 Jesus.
49:32 Jesus is the meaning of our existence.
49:36 Jesus is the reason for our season.
49:41 And our season is as long as we call the name Jesus.
49:47 Dear Father, I squeeze one hand, and I squeeze this
49:52 in the name of Jesus.
49:53 And I bind every spirit, oh God, of discouragement.
50:00 I bind depression.
50:02 I bind sadness and sorrow.
50:05 I bind, Lord, anything that is self-destructive.
50:09 I bind low self-esteem.
50:11 I bind, Lord, any attitude that nullifies the gift that
50:16 is in this person.
50:18 I bind that drawback, that taciturn spirit,
50:21 the declivity spirit.
50:22 I bind it right now.
50:24 And I pray, God, that you raise this person up.
50:27 Squeeze the other hand.
50:28 I loose an anointing that has never
50:32 been felt in this life before.
50:35 I loose it into my brother, into my sister.
50:38 I loose faith, great faith, mountain-moving faith.
50:44 I loose love right now, love for self, love for the people
50:49 around.
50:51 I loose joy.
50:53 I loose ministry gifts in the name of Jesus.
50:57 I loose it.
50:58 I loose financial blessings.
51:00 I loose it right now in the middle of an economy
51:03 that we don't even know how to define.
51:06 I loose now the power of your spirit,
51:10 for the joy of the Lord is my strength.
51:13 And I claim my joy in the name of Jesus.
51:17 Now loose those hands.
51:19 And everybody, with a loud voice,
51:21 just holler the password, Jesus.
51:23 Jesus.
51:24 [APPLAUSE]
51:29 Woo!
51:32 Oh!
51:35 Oh!
51:37 Somebody called to call on you.
51:39 Woo!
51:40 I feel it here heavy.
51:42 Listen, I want to educate the church.
51:46 The church is not actually over until the benediction.
51:52 And it's certainly not over before the altar call.
51:55 Somebody here needs to come to the Lord now.
51:58 You need to come now.
52:00 You need to say, you know, I need deliverance.
52:04 I need God to save me.
52:06 I was so much in my life.
52:08 I need him now.
52:09 Come on.
52:10 Come on.
52:11 Come on.
52:12 Come on.
52:13 Come on.
52:14 Come on, man.
52:16 Come on.
52:16 They're shooting people randomly.
52:18 I want to be saved.
52:19 Backslider, come on home.
52:21 Come on.
52:21 You're not coming back to us.
52:23 You're coming back to God.
52:25 Come on.
52:25 He's calling you.
52:27 He's reaching for you.
52:29 Oh, come on.
52:33 Come on.
52:36 Come on.
52:36 Come on.
52:38 Come on.
52:39 That's it.
52:40 Run down here.
52:41 That's it.
52:42 I want to be saved.
52:45 The name of Jesus.
52:46 There's no name given under heaven whereby--
52:49 among men whereby we must be saved.
52:52 That's why we baptize in the name of Jesus,
52:54 because that's the saving name.
52:57 God saves Yeshua.
52:59 Moses.
53:01 Yes, sir.
53:01 Come on, man.
53:02 Come on, baby.
53:03 Come on.
53:17 (thunder)
