BREAKING NEWS: Trump Calls Biden 'Evil' And Trashes His Record In Fiery Speech To Iowa Supporters

  • last year
Former President Trump holds a 2024 campaign rally in Sioux City, Iowa.
00:00:00 That is a great crowd. Look at those people up there. I can't even see them. There are so many
00:00:05 people. It's a beautiful place. Well, thank you very much. And a very big hello to a place where
00:00:12 we've done very well. Sioux Falls. Thank you very much, Sioux Falls. And thank you also to this
00:00:18 incredible, incredible state. It's been very good for us. And we have some truly great Americans
00:00:26 with us, as you know, and one of the greatest is Dr. Ben Carson. He's been my friend and Candy.
00:00:31 Candy is incredible. I think Candy keeps him that way. You helped him so much. I think without
00:00:38 Candy, he'd be nothing. OK, you want to know that he'd be nothing like all of us. Right, Candy.
00:00:43 Thank you very much. And what a great relationship and what a great man you are, Ben. Thank you very
00:00:48 much. We appreciate it very much. Additionally, on this Sunday afternoon, I'm delighted to announce
00:00:58 the endorsements, and these are very important to me because I have such respect for people that do
00:01:04 this. They are the most respected people of more than 100 great Iowa faith leaders. So I want to
00:01:12 thank you. And you're in the room. And I just want to give you applause because you the job you do is
00:01:18 incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. That's a great honor.
00:01:25 I won't disappoint you. And thank you for all of your tremendous support. Very special. Thanks to
00:01:32 senior pastor Bill Clay's was Bill Bill Clay's bill. Thank you very much with your family.
00:01:40 Thank you very much. Look, Trump 20. Thank you, Bill. You point that up in that direction. We're
00:01:46 definitely going to make it right. Thank you, Bill. I appreciate it. And Pastor Joseph Hall,
00:01:52 Pastor. Where is Pastor Pastor? Thank you very much. Appreciate it very much, Pastor. Thank you.
00:01:59 Great honor. Let me also recognize a man who has been really something special. Our acting
00:02:07 attorney general. To me, he was an acting. He was always there. He was always there. Matt Whitaker.
00:02:15 Matt Whitaker. He's been there from day one. And, you know, we have a very special person with us
00:02:24 who endorsed me a little while ago. A very big politician. I don't know. You guys better get
00:02:32 working because she's going places. The Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird. Thank you, Brenna.
00:02:39 Very much. She's going places. Fellas, you better get working out there. Brenna, thank you very much.
00:02:47 Great honor. It was when you did it a couple of weeks ago. It got all over the country. I don't
00:02:52 know. You do pretty well because that was a big one. So we need a new. We definitely should.
00:02:59 She said we need a new president. We cannot do worse than what we have. We cannot do worse.
00:03:05 We cannot do worse. It's horrible what's happening. State Senators Brad's on. Now,
00:03:10 Brad was my first endorsement in the country, not Iowa in the country. Where's Brad?
00:03:15 He's got to be. He always gives himself the worst seat, the worst location.
00:03:20 A self-effacing man. I call him the Marlboro man. Not that he should be smoking. Oh, here he is.
00:03:26 Come here. Come here. He usually gives himself the worst today. He has the best location. Come
00:03:32 here. Thank you. Say something, please. Well, as I said earlier, I am very, very excited and honored
00:03:40 to be the first person in the United States to endorse the best president of my lifetime,
00:03:46 the next president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
00:04:01 So, Sioux City, let me ask you, how many people come? How many people come from Sioux City?
00:04:06 How many people? How many? Who doesn't come from Sioux City?
00:04:13 Where the hell do you come from?
00:04:19 Well, it's it's great. It's great. And Brad has been so fantastic. And also, if I might,
00:04:28 Lynn Evans, where's Lynn? Lynn. Thank you, Lynn. Thank you very much. I'm I'm very proud to receive
00:04:36 the endorsements of two people that are also here with us. State Senators Kevin O'Lan's.
00:04:44 Where's Kevin? Right, Kevin. Thank you, Kevin. And I think Kevin has something very important to go
00:04:51 to. And he wants to stay here. But you are totally you go ahead because you're going to hear me
00:04:56 speaking a lot over the next little while. But we're going to take this state. But, Kevin,
00:05:00 I very much appreciate it. And the endorsement and Jeff Taylor. Jeff, thank you very much.
00:05:07 Thank you, Jeff. Appreciate it. Two very respected people. We have a lot of endorsements,
00:05:13 but two very respected people. And your attorney general, that's been so incredible. So thank you
00:05:19 all very much. The whole room. I want to thank. We're just 78 days away from Iowa's first
00:05:24 in the nation caucuses. I kept you first in the nation. I kept you first in the nation
00:05:30 on Monday, January 15th. We're going to win the Iowa caucuses. So that's your big day.
00:05:36 Remember, January 15th. But your bigger time is November. We have to really go to town because,
00:05:43 you know, they cheat. You know that, right? And you know how you beat cheaters. You have to swamp
00:05:49 them. You have to swamp them, not drain the swamp. In this case, you have to build the swamp.
00:05:54 Okay, we'll build one. But you have to swamp them. And we will. I think we're going to. We're
00:05:59 seeing numbers that we've never seen before, ever. But we're going to crush crooked Joe Biden next
00:06:04 November. We're going to make America great again. We're going to put America first.
00:06:09 Under crooked Joe, our borders have been demolished. Drugs and criminals are pouring
00:06:16 in. Our economy is a mess. Our schools are in shambles. Our justice system is corrupt.
00:06:22 We have a corrupt justice system. Who would have believed our Constitution? He said, I would.
00:06:28 Did they give you a hard time, too? They give it your heart. Our Constitution is being ripped to
00:06:34 shreds. Israel is under attack. And now we have terrorist sympathizers chanting their
00:06:41 jihad slogans on our streets all over our streets. With your vote, we will defend our country.
00:06:49 We will defend our Judeo Christian values, and we will defend Western civilization.
00:06:54 And that's what we've got to do, right? We've got to do.
00:06:58 If I were president, the attack on Israel would have never happened. Wouldn't have happened.
00:07:04 You know, we had Iran in a very good place. They were broke. That's a good place. Now they're rich.
00:07:11 Ukraine would never have happened. It would have never, ever happened. Putin would never
00:07:17 have done it. Inflation would never have happened. That was started with stupid energy problem. You
00:07:22 know, they just said, let's not let's not drill. Let's not. Let's go to more of the things that
00:07:28 don't work. And energy went up a level that you will soon see again, by the way, you're
00:07:34 going to see it again. I see that in California. They just hit eight dollars and 15 cents a gallon.
00:07:41 That's not good. And you'll be following. You'll be following, unfortunately. But we're going to
00:07:46 get it done. You know, we were at a dollar eighty seven. Think of that been dollar eighty seven
00:07:50 a gallon. That's when I told you I was going to make a great deal with China, a great deal with
00:07:56 Canada and Mexico. I said, go out, buy more land and bigger tractors. You remember that? I said
00:08:02 bigger tractors and more land. But most embarrassing is the inept withdrawal. I was getting
00:08:10 out of Afghanistan. Twenty one years was a long time, but we were getting out with dignity,
00:08:15 honor. You know, I called up the head of the Taliban and I said, Abdul, don't ever don't ever
00:08:21 do what you're doing, Abdul, because he was he was they were knocking him off left and right.
00:08:27 They were shooting, killing a lot of people, especially under Obama. They were killing them,
00:08:31 the snipers. And I spoke to him, the fake news media. I don't know. I hope the fake news media,
00:08:39 they weren't thrilled. They weren't exactly thrilled. But the fake news went out and they
00:08:45 were very upset that I called him. I said, well, who else would I call? He's the leader
00:08:50 of the Taliban. He's the one that's killing our people and killing a lot of people.
00:08:53 I tell the story. Jesse James, he was a great bank robber. Right. Jesse James. I said,
00:08:58 Jesse, why do you always rob banks? He said, because that's where the money is. Right.
00:09:02 That's where the money is. You stupid person to ask a question like that. I robbed banks because
00:09:08 that's where the money is. Well, I dealt with the Taliban and the head of the time, because that's
00:09:13 where the killing was. And we went 18 months after that. Not one soldier even shot at and we were
00:09:20 losing them left and right. And we would have had a withdrawal that would have been very nice and we
00:09:30 would have kept the big air base. You know, we had an air base, one of the biggest in the world,
00:09:34 and not because of Afghanistan, but because it's one hour away from where China makes their nuclear
00:09:39 weapons. I would have been nice to keep a call, Bagram. And we would have kept that. I was planning
00:09:44 to stay there. They gave it up. They ran out night. I mean, they took the military out first
00:09:49 before they took out anything. They didn't take the American citizens, many of whom are still
00:09:55 there. Now, a lot of people don't know that they cannot be enjoyable right now. They can't get out.
00:10:00 But they took the military out first, then they tried to take the citizens and the military
00:10:06 equipment. We left eighty five billion dollars worth of equipment behind. Think of it. How
00:10:10 stupid are these people? You know, I hate to use that word, but it's just a very accurate word.
00:10:15 How stupid are they? How stupid? And they left all that equipment behind. And now Afghanistan
00:10:21 is the second or third largest seller of military equipment in the world. They're selling our
00:10:28 equipment that we left behind because they don't need anywhere near it. They needed about three
00:10:32 percent of it. Seven rifles and guns, 70,000 trucks and cars, many of them armor plated,
00:10:41 costing millions of dollars to build airplanes, tanks, goggles. You know, the goggles. They
00:10:48 weren't you know, they're great fighters, but they never fought at night because they couldn't see
00:10:53 at night. Now they can fight at night because we left them the best goggles brand new, never taken
00:10:57 out of the box and better than what we have. Thousands and thousands of goggles. People say,
00:11:04 oh, that's not so good. Well, it is. Those are very expensive. Those are treasures.
00:11:08 We gave them everything. And what we got is nothing but embarrassment. The most embarrassing
00:11:15 moment, in my opinion, the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. And I
00:11:20 think that's one of the reasons that Putin said, hey, if these people are so inept to allow a thing
00:11:25 like that to happen, let's go and try and take Ukraine right now. And I think it opened the
00:11:31 world to some very bad facts. But the truth is, you know, we defeated the we defeated ISIS. One
00:11:38 hundred percent. Ben was with me. One hundred percent of the ISIS caliphate. We did it in four
00:11:45 weeks. You know, we did that in four weeks, four weeks, and we knocked out 100 percent of that.
00:11:54 And it was an honor to do it. We were told that we couldn't do it for four years. It would take
00:11:58 four years at least and maybe not be able to do it. We did it in four weeks. We have
00:12:02 unbelievable military. And that was when I went over to Iraq. You remember that?
00:12:08 I spoke to some incredible people, incredible people over there. And they said, Sir, I think
00:12:14 we can do it in four weeks. You have time left over. And we had unbelievable. We are military
00:12:21 is is great. But we did things that nobody thought we could do. We would not have an open border
00:12:27 where countries are emptying out their prisons and their mental institutions. They say, Please
00:12:33 don't use this term, sir. Insane asylums. That's silence of the lambs, right? Hannibal Lecter. Did
00:12:40 anybody ever hear of Hannibal Lecter? The young people didn't. The young ones didn't. They don't
00:12:43 want to hear about Hannibal. We don't want. But that's they said it's a very tough term. I said,
00:12:49 Well, it's an accurate. They're emptying out insane asylums. They're emptying out their
00:12:53 mental institutions are emptying out their prisons and jails and terrorists are pouring
00:12:58 into our country in record numbers. The terrorists are coming in. You know, they show a graph on
00:13:04 one of the networks today that under Trump zero in 2019. They're showing 2019 2020 2020
00:13:14 zero terrorists. Think of that came in, and then they have and then the march begins.
00:13:21 Then the march begins. They go to 2020 2021. And now it's numbers that we've never even seen before.
00:13:26 And what can be good about that? You know, whether you're liberal, conservative, common sense,
00:13:31 it doesn't. I like to say I'm common sense. They say, What are you? You're very conservative. I
00:13:36 say, Well, I'm basically common sense. The people in this room are common sense. You don't have to
00:13:41 say conservative. Somebody said would say, Oh, he gave up being a conservative. Now I'm
00:13:48 conservative. We're common sense. We don't want open borders. We want voter I d. We want paper
00:13:56 ballots. We want we want same day voting. We want schools that work well and can teach your kids
00:14:06 how to read and write an arithmetic. We want we want all we want a strong military. We want low
00:14:13 taxes, right? We want low taxes. We want very little regulation. I gave you the greatest tax
00:14:19 cut in the history of the country. We gave you the biggest regulation cut. That's why we had
00:14:24 the best economy in the history of America. We had the best economy in the history of our country,
00:14:30 and we'll do it again. I think we could do it correctly. Look, they really loused it up with
00:14:34 energy. Energy was a disaster. We will say the words drill, baby drill will be drilling very
00:14:41 quickly. So those big tractors that you bought that take a little more fuel, you'll be very
00:14:52 happy in a very short period of time. But you're gonna be very happy. But we did great. And,
00:14:58 you know, they're just running off the fumes of what we did. I was very disrespectful to Iowa.
00:15:04 I'd like to apologize because I go around saying, of course, we're gonna win Iowa.
00:15:09 My people said, You cannot assume that to this extent. Well, we are. I think we're up by 47
00:15:15 points or something. So we so we should. But forgetting that. But then they said,
00:15:21 Sure, it would be nice if you didn't say that, because you can't just assume,
00:15:25 you know, people may get upset. I said, Wait a minute. I got Iowa and the farm states,
00:15:31 Nebraska, Wisconsin and others. I got I got farmers 28 billion dollars from China. I said,
00:15:41 There's no way that I was voting against Trump. There's nothing. You guys were opening up those
00:15:47 checks. You say, Where the hell did that come from? That came from Trump. I got it from China.
00:15:51 Do you think Biden's gonna get 28 billion from China? China gets China pays Biden directly.
00:15:58 Okay, we're just trying to find out how much most corrupt president we've ever had by far
00:16:05 and the most incompetent, most incompetent. And I never used to talk that way. You know, it's true.
00:16:12 But you wouldn't say that because I respect the office too much. But now I hit him
00:16:16 differently than I would because they did something to me that's never been done before.
00:16:21 They indicted me because I protested a crooked election. They indicted me. They go after people
00:16:30 for years. Do you notice they never go after people that rigged the election? They go after
00:16:35 people that are complaining about the Reagan. Anybody gets it? Anybody see anybody with all
00:16:41 the things and all the facts we have on? You'll be seeing him come out because we never forget,
00:16:46 you know, history. You have to remember history is a very important word. But they indicted me
00:16:51 once, twice, three, four. I think they stopped. I heard they were going to do a couple of more,
00:16:55 but they said, Don't do any more because my poll numbers have shot up because people get it right.
00:17:00 People get it. People get it.
00:17:05 Did anybody ever hear? He's a very nice fellow. Al Capone. Did you ever hear about Scarface?
00:17:15 He had a scar that went from here to here, and he didn't get that scar by playing Tiddlywinks,
00:17:21 right? Al Capone, Alphonse Capone. If you smiled at him in the wrong way, he'd kill you.
00:17:28 He was only indicted one time. I got four. I wonder if my father and mother are proud of me.
00:17:35 Over Nance, over nonsense, over stuff. That's incredible.
00:17:42 Over stuff. Think of it over fighting an election.
00:17:45 2016 election. Almost every congressman Democrat said you're wrong. It was they made up the Russia,
00:17:54 Russia, Russia thing. Nothing happened to them. They did things that were so bad, so illegal.
00:17:59 Nothing happens. When you look at what's going on in this country, we have two tears of justice,
00:18:05 and we're going to have it turned around very fast. It's not going to happen.
00:18:08 Not going to happen like that. You know, they go after Christians.
00:18:12 And I know you have fewer Catholics in this room than you would normally have in a lot of
00:18:17 other states, but how about the Catholics? They're going after the Catholics like,
00:18:21 what's going on with the Catholics? And they go after parents because they want their school
00:18:28 boards to do a better job. And they go after parents. Parental, parental. Can you imagine?
00:18:34 I'm I'm defending parental approvals. Now we want parental approvals of superintendents
00:18:41 in schools, and we want our schools to work right. And they go after those people.
00:18:47 They don't go after the people that cause the problems and cause the corruption. So it's crazy,
00:18:52 but we're going to have it straightened out fast for four straight years under the Trump
00:18:56 administration. I kept America safe. I kept Israel safe and I kept the world safe. There
00:19:03 was none of this stuff going on. None of it. None of it was going.
00:19:11 Thank you very much. No, I mean, our country, seriously, you go back three years.
00:19:30 Our country is not recognizable now. It's not even recognizable. You look at what's happened.
00:19:36 Bacon has gone up five times in like a year and a quarter. Five times. I saw that this morning.
00:19:45 Bacon. What's going on with bacon? Come on, let's get going. But it's gone up. Bacon. I think I'm
00:19:52 not going to order bacon anymore for a little while, but we'll get it back down. But bacon
00:19:57 has gone up so much, but food has gone up so much. Everything has gone up. Inflation has been a
00:20:02 killer. You know, inflation is called a country buster because you can go back 200 years, 300
00:20:08 years. Countries that have gone out of business, Ben, have been anybody that had inflation.
00:20:14 Germany years ago, inflation, it destroyed the country. And we have it worse than most of these
00:20:20 countries. And then they say it's coming down to four or 5 percent. But they don't talk about
00:20:25 the fact that you're up here. We got to get the prices back down. We got to get it back down.
00:20:30 We're going to. We're going to be able. And it starts to a large extent with energy. It starts,
00:20:34 you know, when your fuel comes down, other things happen. But now it's gotten so all
00:20:40 pervasive with the food. And I mean, every everything is now huge, hugely.
00:20:46 What's happened with inflation? Hugely higher. But all over the planet, our enemies knew that
00:20:54 one thing with us, that if you try to kill our citizens, we will kill you. We will kill you.
00:21:00 And I hate to say that in front of the hundred great pastors and faith leaders and everybody
00:21:06 that endorsed. We have so many great people, but that's the way we're going to keep our country
00:21:11 safe. It's we have no choice. So faith leaders, I think they agree because they're smart and they
00:21:21 understand. And we have to have. Thank you. I have one of the hundred that definitely agrees.
00:21:26 So that's good. There they are. They're going. That's good. But now we have to keep our country
00:21:31 safe. And we do it not because we want to start wars. We do it because we want to stop wars.
00:21:37 We want to prevent wars from happening. Remember Hillary? She said he'll cause he'll cause a war.
00:21:42 He'll cause a war. Look at him the way he talks. He'll cause a war. I said, No, the way I talk,
00:21:46 I'll stop wars. I'm the only president in 72 years that didn't start a war.
00:21:51 The only one.
00:21:54 No, we didn't. But we finished wars. We finished ISIS and a lot of others. We got out of Syria. We
00:22:07 got out of Iraq. Remember, I used to say a long time ago before I did this stuff before I was
00:22:13 a politician. I hate to say that because I can't imagine myself being a politician. It's cost me a
00:22:18 couple of billion dollars to be a politician. Everyone else makes they make. I said, No,
00:22:23 we can't do that. I could have made a fortune. The country's a couple. We'd like to build a job. And
00:22:28 we'd like to have you involved. Billions. I say I'm tell my kids, sorry, kids, we can't do it.
00:22:33 I'm president. I respected the office. And then I get out and I see this stuff that Biden's been
00:22:39 doing. And I say, Well, I did it the right way. You know, the money, the money and my kids,
00:22:45 they did. Could we build a job here or there in the Middle East? Certain countries, they had a lot
00:22:50 of money and they'd love to build a nice Trump job. No, kids, you can't do that. It's a conflict.
00:22:55 I didn't do that. So I was willing. And of course, then they made it much worse with legal fees. I
00:23:02 have 100 million dollars worth of legal fees. And they're doing good. At least I have good lawyers.
00:23:08 Because you could spend 100 million have lousy lawyers to that happens.
00:23:12 But no, I said I said right from the beginning, I told Ben and Candy a long time ago, I said,
00:23:19 you know, it's it's incredible. As soon as you win, they start coming to you about they want
00:23:23 to do this. I told my kids that you can't do that. We can't do that. Too much respect for the office.
00:23:28 And I told you, you know, I had too much respect for the office to hit Joe Biden,
00:23:36 where I say he's the most incompetent president, most corrupt president, the worst president
00:23:41 we've ever had. Those are tough words. And I would never have done that until they did
00:23:46 something that's never been done. They indicted a former president. They never do that.
00:23:51 And the only reason they indicted me is that we're leading him in the polls. We're killing them. How
00:23:56 about I have one judge in Washington, D.C., who put my trial date the day before Super Tuesday?
00:24:05 OK, and it's a trial based on nothing. And they say the day before Super Tuesday, I have a trial.
00:24:13 But that wasn't political, was it? They could have put it anywhere for years and years.
00:24:18 They decided to put because, you know, this stuff could have been brought years ago.
00:24:23 They just did this after I announced I'm running. I announced I'm running. All of a sudden, I get
00:24:27 if I weren't running or if I was in fourth or fifth place or, you know, like a lot of people,
00:24:34 none of this would happen. But when you're leading, these are cheaters. That's a form of
00:24:40 cheating. It's a big form. And it's only used in third world countries, banana republics. They do
00:24:45 it. You know, I said, has this ever been done before? Not in our country, but it has been done
00:24:49 a lot in third world countries. And sometimes they call them banana republics. But they brought our
00:24:57 country to a new level. And but that allows think of this that allows us to do it to Biden when he
00:25:05 gets out. And that that would be very easy. But I don't want to do it. You know, once you once you
00:25:14 do that, you've set yourself in a very downward, very bad path, very bad path. But I think like
00:25:19 this has never happened before. And it is true. I heard two more were coming and they said,
00:25:25 Don't do it. This is killing us. They didn't want it because every time I go up seven points,
00:25:31 eight points, right, they did the shirt, right? The mugshot that shirt is selling like millions
00:25:36 and millions of shirts. The mugshot. You believe it? I don't know. And they only took one. They
00:25:44 said, Did you pose for that? How many times? It was only one. They don't want to waste a lot of
00:25:48 it was no game, sir. He was very good. Sheriff in Georgia. Very good. He said, Sir, you ready?
00:25:55 Yeah. And he said, I said, Wait a minute. Let me. And then, boom, one shot. It wasn't like I had a
00:26:01 choice of 15 to choose from. Normally, you would get there. It is. There it is. There it is. Yeah.
00:26:09 Thank you. You got a lot of them. I see a lot of them to every American who is petrified. The Joe
00:26:16 Biden's catastrophic weakness will bring our country to ruin. I make you this promise as your
00:26:24 president. I will restore peace through strength. And yes, I will prevent World War Three. We are
00:26:31 very close to World War Three, and we will prevent that. I know all the players. I know the players.
00:26:37 I know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones. You know, there's a very powerful player,
00:26:41 Victor Orban. Did anybody ever hear of Victor Orban? He's the head of hungry, hungry fronts on
00:26:49 both Ukraine and Russia. And they went to him about two weeks ago. They said, What would you
00:26:55 recommend that you use? Interviewed very powerful man. His country runs incredibly well. He doesn't
00:27:02 allow illegals into his country. He put barbed wire fences all over. He has soldiers every 10
00:27:10 yards. He's got a soldier standing. Nobody came in, and he said he doesn't want his country blown
00:27:15 up or destroyed. I mean, you know, it sounds but he's a very smart, very respected person,
00:27:20 very tough guy. They said, What would you do? I would like to know. This is during an interview.
00:27:26 What would you do to tell President Biden? What can he do to make things better? Because the whole
00:27:31 world is blowing up. He said, I tell him to do two things. Number one is resign, and number two
00:27:37 is put Trump in charge again, because under Trump for four years we had world peace, and he's the
00:27:43 only one that's gonna be able to do it. So that was very nice. That was very nice. It's true.
00:27:50 We had total peace for years. You know, I talk. I was with a group yesterday. Great group
00:27:57 in Nevada, and we had a fantastic evening, actually a very religious group, also very
00:28:03 religious people, great people. And we were talking about different things. And I said to
00:28:09 him, Our security was so incredible. I have the Trump ban, you know, the Trump travel ban.
00:28:14 Everybody killed me on that. The Trump travel ban, because it sounds a little nasty. But no,
00:28:19 I don't want people coming in from certain countries where it's so bad and they're blowing
00:28:24 each other up and they're killing each other. And they want to now come and they want to teach us
00:28:28 how their country runs. We don't need that. We don't want to be taught. So we had the Trump
00:28:32 travel ban. But I said, You know, the one thing that's nice about not being in. I never talked
00:28:38 about the fact that we had no trouble with terrorism for four years. Think of it. We
00:28:44 didn't have buildings knocked down. We didn't have the World Trade Center. We didn't have any
00:28:48 of that. We didn't have anything. And look what happened after I get out. But we had nothing
00:28:55 happening. And we had a very strong. We were very tough on letting people into our country. We had
00:29:00 the strongest border in history. We built 500 miles of wall, which was nobody's ever seen.
00:29:06 We're going to add another 200. And they could have put it up in three weeks. And they decided
00:29:10 to sell it for five cents on the dollar, if you can believe it. But we never had a problem. And
00:29:16 I couldn't say it when I was there because I don't want to be there, Ben, and say we've never
00:29:21 had a problem. And the following day, we have a problem that doesn't work. But now the four years
00:29:26 is up. And I said, We didn't have a problem. That's because we ran it tough and we ran it smart. And
00:29:31 people could come into our country, but they had to come in legally. We had the lowest numbers of
00:29:36 illegals coming into our country in history. And we'll get that back again. You know, all Biden
00:29:42 had to do is go to the beach like he does all the time. Anyway, if he went to the beach, you know,
00:29:47 he's got a consultant and the consultant somehow thinks he looks good on the beach. I don't think
00:29:52 so. He can barely lift the chair. You know that chair. They were about six ounces, right? They're
00:29:57 meant for old people that have lost a lot of strength. No, that chair weighs very, you know,
00:30:03 very light. See that beautiful young person right there, right next to our attorney general
00:30:08 could lift that chair with no problem. You know that you could lift it, but he has a problem.
00:30:13 Do you ever see him? He's dragging the chair and he can't get the feet through the sand.
00:30:18 And he's in the beach. Well, if he did that, instead of stopping everything, we had stay in
00:30:22 Mexico. Remember, remain in Mexico. You had to remain. You think that was easy to get from Mexico?
00:30:28 No. All of the different things that we had. I went to Mexico. I said, We need twenty eight
00:30:34 thousand soldiers free of charge. They laughed at me. They said, You have to be kidding. I said,
00:30:38 No, we want twenty eight thousand soldiers because you're sending people up through these caravans.
00:30:43 And then we came up with we're good at names, but we came up with and thousands of people were in
00:30:48 these caravans. I said, Nope, we want soldiers. We want and they laughed and they said, We're not
00:30:52 going to give it. And a woman at the State Department, a very good. She was there for
00:30:55 twenty, twenty five years. She said, Sir, we've been asking for things like this for years. They're
00:30:59 not going to give it. I said, Yes, they will. Hundred percent. And so I dealt with the head
00:31:03 of one of the top guys at Mexico. Good guy. Handsome, tall, strong guy. I said, Listen,
00:31:09 we're going to need twenty eight thousand soldiers. We want to have a remain in Mexico policy so
00:31:14 everyone remains in Mexico. They don't come into our country anymore. When catch and release,
00:31:18 we want to release them, but we're going to release them in your country, not in our country.
00:31:22 And the medical, as you know, title, we're going to leave that the way it is. We want title.
00:31:29 We want to make sure that people that have infectious diseases and all the problems that
00:31:34 they have, we don't want them in our country right now. I'm sorry. We don't want to be
00:31:38 mean, but we don't want them in our country. We can't do that, sir.
00:31:41 Said Yes, you will. You'll do it. He said, No, we won't. I said,
00:31:44 How much you want to bet you'll do it? I'm talking to the guy. I'm like,
00:31:47 they said, Sir, we won't be able to twenty eight thousand soldiers free of charge. I'm not going
00:31:53 to pay for the soldiers. He said, We won't do it. I said, OK, ready? Here's a story. I have before
00:31:59 me a piece of paper. I'm going to sign that paper. And when I sign it, that means on Monday. This was
00:32:04 a Friday evening on Monday morning at seven o'clock. Every single car, you know, they sold
00:32:09 thirty two thousand thirty two percent of our car industry intelligently stole. I got to hand it to
00:32:15 him. I really like the president of Mexico, by the way. I do like him. He's a socialist. But as I say,
00:32:20 can't have everything. But he's great. He's a great guy, actually. Great guy.
00:32:24 And I said, you got to sign this, because what we're going to do is on Monday morning at seven,
00:32:31 Ben Carson was with me Monday morning at seven o'clock in the morning. Every single car and every
00:32:37 single product that comes into the United States from Mexico, which is massive, is going to be
00:32:43 taxed at twenty five percent. And some people would call it a tariff, but it's going to be
00:32:53 taxed or tariffed. Call it whatever you want. Means very similar things. We'd have to go into
00:32:58 the little tiny differences. But we're going to tax you slash tariff you at twenty five percent.
00:33:03 Sir, I'd like to make a phone call. So I said, good, please make a quick calls up. The president
00:33:09 comes back. Sir, it would be a great honor to provide you with twenty eight thousand soldiers.
00:33:15 I said, free of charge. He said free of charge.
00:33:18 So with all those losers out there that say Trump never got to you remember, I used to say Mexico
00:33:27 will pay for the piece of the wall. I'll say what's going to happen with their fight. I said
00:33:30 the wall gets higher. We all had a lot of fun. But I said Mexico will pay for a piece of the wall.
00:33:35 Well, there was no legal instrument to do that. But I got much more money because I got them to
00:33:41 pay for twenty eight thousand soldiers that guarded our border for years. And our numbers
00:33:48 are the best numbers in the history of our country. And honestly, they were great. But,
00:33:56 you know, they say you can't do this. You can't do that. It was sort of a funny because here's
00:33:59 this guy that I'm negotiating says we'll never do that. I says, yes, you will. One hundred percent
00:34:03 to one hundred. He's looking at me like is something wrong with this guy? He says.
00:34:06 Then five minutes later, he said we would be honored. We would be honored to allow you. We
00:34:12 have many things like that. We had the same thing in France. You know why we could go a little
00:34:17 longer today because it's a Sunday. We're allowed to do this. God said we can take some extra time
00:34:23 because it's Sunday. The football games aren't any good today. Right. Right. We'll do this.
00:34:31 But, you know, in France, I love to go off the teleprompter because it's so much more interesting.
00:34:36 Plus, you never know what's going to come out. So you say, ah,
00:34:40 with a teleprompter, you can't make a mistake. The only one that can't do a teleprompter is Biden
00:34:46 because he can't. He can't read the teller, he can't read the teleprompter, he can't do anything.
00:34:54 But in France, the same thing, they were going to tax American companies very substantially.
00:35:00 I went to Secretary of Commerce and I went to different people. Treasury went to a lot of
00:35:05 people said, no, you call them up, tell them we're not going to do that. We're not going to allow
00:35:09 that to happen. They're not going to tax our companies. They said, yes, they are. They're
00:35:13 going to do it, sir. I said, well, here's you give them one week's notice. They're not going
00:35:16 to. They came back. They said, no, they're going to do it. I call up Emmanuel Macron.
00:35:21 Has anyone ever heard? He's the head of France. He's a good guy, but he's for France. You know,
00:35:25 he's for France. He says, make France great again. I say, make America great again. You know,
00:35:31 it's very simple. He's for France first. I'm for America first. It's very simple.
00:35:36 So I call him up. I say, Emmanuel, I understand you're going to tax. Oh, yes, Donald. Oh, yes,
00:35:42 we will be doing that. The legislation has passed and I'll be signing. I said,
00:35:47 do you think it's fair that you're taxing American companies, but not other companies?
00:35:50 No, Donald, oh, yes, it will be something we will do. I say, you're not going to do it. No,
00:35:56 but we have to. It's too late. The legislation has passed. I will be signing it very shortly.
00:36:01 I said, here's the story, Emmanuel. If you do that, every bottle of wine and champagne
00:36:08 that shipped in from France to the United States of America
00:36:12 is going to have a 100 percent tariff placed on it.
00:36:16 And he says, no, no, no, that would not be fair. I said, oh, well, it's not fair for you to tax
00:36:24 our companies because, you know, I got to protect our companies. Not fair. He said,
00:36:28 may I call you back in five minutes? I said, please, calls me back in three minutes.
00:36:33 Donald, we've decided to get rid of that tax. So that was the end of that. That was the end of that.
00:36:37 That was the end of that. No tax. Let me give you the bad news. Biden's going to allow it to happen.
00:36:48 That's the bad news. But don't worry. In a year, I'll get it off again.
00:36:53 Yeah, he's going to let it happen. They don't even know it's happening. They don't even know
00:37:03 it's that they don't know what's going on. Countries are countries being sold down the tubes.
00:37:08 As I proposed long before Ronda sanctimonious tried to steal the idea and pass it on as his own.
00:37:15 I will cancel the student visas of terrorist sympathizers on college campuses. You know,
00:37:22 you know, Ronda sanctimonious, first of all, he's getting absolutely clobbered in the polls.
00:37:27 And in your state, I think he's now number three. He's like, you know what I the expression I said,
00:37:32 he's like a wounded bird falling from the sky. So there he is. It's Ronda sanctimonious.
00:37:38 He's falling, falling beautifully from the sky. It's a beautiful thing to watch because I got
00:37:43 him elected. And when you get somebody elected, they don't go like a great attorney general.
00:37:49 She could not. I didn't get her elected. She was wonderful. I endorsed her. I helped her. But
00:37:55 she would have done well. I think she would have done well. And I think she would have won.
00:38:02 And many people I endorse it. Ron was dead. He had no chance. He was down real low.
00:38:09 And he came to me, tears in his eyes that he needed help because he was running against
00:38:16 he was running against a man, the secretary, which a very big thing in Florida. They like me,
00:38:22 too, for this reason, but very big thing. Secretary of Agriculture Adam Putnam is his name.
00:38:28 You think Biden could remember all the stuff that I remember? I don't think so.
00:38:32 He'd say, let's see what the hell with his name. He wouldn't tell the story because he wouldn't
00:38:37 know to tell this. But Adam Putnam and Adam Putnam had like a 40 point lead or something.
00:38:43 The election was fairly soon. And this was the primary. And I said, you know, Ron,
00:38:50 here's the problem. If George Washington and Abraham Lincoln came back from the dead
00:38:57 and they decided to endorse you, I don't think it would help you so far. You're gone.
00:39:02 Don't no, no, they love you in Florida. They love you. If you endorse me, I think I could win.
00:39:07 I said, well, let's give it a shot. You know why? Because with the impeachment hoax, number one,
00:39:12 and impeachment hoax, number two, he was one of 150 different congressmen who actually said
00:39:16 something nice. He was no Jim Jordan. He was no Mike Johnson, who's going to be great, by the way.
00:39:23 But but he did stick up for me a little bit. You know, I did. He wanted to get on television to
00:39:29 get a little name recognition. So he got up and I said, let's give it a shot. I endorsed him.
00:39:34 He went like a rocket ship. He went like a rocket ship. So he was going to lose by a lot. And he
00:39:41 ended up winning. And then we got him past the crackhead. You remember the crackhead? But he
00:39:46 wasn't a crackhead. He was supposed to be the hottest politician in the entire party. He was
00:39:52 a handsome guy. He was going to run and run, said I can't win. I don't think I can win against this
00:39:56 guy. And I said, yes, you're going to win. I did two or three rallies for him. Remember, big, big,
00:40:00 beautiful rallies. Thousands of people. Ben Carson came to one or two of them. And we ended up having
00:40:08 a good I said, you're going to win. He said, I don't think so. And he ended up winning.
00:40:12 And then four years later, they said, Mr. Governor, will you run against the president?
00:40:20 And he said, I have no comment. No comment means he's going to run. Right. Doesn't that mean that
00:40:26 you don't like this group? It's a smart group of people that I know. You know, these are the
00:40:32 these are the front row Jones, right? Are you going to stand up? These guys,
00:40:37 these are incredible people. They've seen so many. They usually go to the rallies. You know,
00:40:45 we'll be doing the rallies when the weather gets a little warmer. And it's even a little
00:40:49 bit early, but we'll be doing the rallies. Actually, you know, honestly, when you're like
00:40:52 60 points up, what the hell do we have to do a rally for this? Let's just keep chugging along.
00:41:00 Right. But thank you very much. I've been to like 70 of them. I how many have you been to? How many
00:41:04 have you been to? Yeah, 68, 42. Well, that's great. Well, we appreciate it. Front Row Jones,
00:41:12 they call it. That's great. Great. Thank you, darling. Thank you. So I hit him very hard. They
00:41:22 said, Don't hit him, sir. He's a Republican. I said, So what? I don't care if he's a Republican.
00:41:26 The guy is going to run against me. Can you believe we hit him hard? And by the time he
00:41:30 got to it and I actually think he's very seriously wounded for 28 also, but he's gone down.
00:41:35 Remember one thing. If you run for politics, you got to have a little personality to
00:41:41 you. Got to have a little personality. And he was just so we could say, because we're in this
00:41:45 territory, he was totally against ethanol. Totally. He was viciously against it. And I
00:41:51 heard last week he came out in favor of ethanol. One thing about a politician, if they're against
00:41:57 something and then they come out because they're in the middle of an election, they always go to
00:42:02 where they first came from. That means if he's against ethanol, that means he's against ethanol.
00:42:06 He will kill ethanol. There's no question about it. But we're beating him really badly. And we have
00:42:12 few people that I don't know. They're not doing well. I don't want to speak badly about everybody
00:42:18 because they're not doing well. Just speak badly about the one that second. But I think he's going
00:42:22 to be third from what I understand pretty soon to all of the resident aliens who joined in the
00:42:28 pro jihadist protests all over this country, all over the world. This month come 2025.
00:42:36 You will find that we will deport you because these are people that are against our country.
00:42:43 I mean, I saw it yesterday. They're screaming death to America, death to Israel, death to
00:42:50 America, death to America. And then we were supposed to take care of them. You know, it's very
00:42:55 I dealt with some of the people that were fighting now and they came over. We paid them
00:43:04 seven hundred and fifty million dollars a year. And I met with the head people. I don't want to go
00:43:08 into too much, but I met with the head people and they couldn't have been nicer. They were really
00:43:13 great. Then they went back into the Middle East and their respective territories and they started
00:43:20 screaming death to America, death to America. I said, is that the same guy that I was with
00:43:24 over the weekend? It was so nice. Yes, that's it. That's what their motto is. That time back,
00:43:30 I said, how much do we pay them? Seven hundred and fifty million dollars. I said, cancel it
00:43:34 immediately. We canceled it. They say death to America. But they've been saying that for years
00:43:40 and no other president canceled it. And it's amazing how how nice they were after that.
00:43:47 They weren't there. They wanted to be nice and it sort of worked out. But it's got to work out
00:43:53 long term, not short term. That's a short term solution, not a long term solution.
00:43:58 Instead of cuddling up to the killers in Iran, as Biden has done, it's horrible what he's done.
00:44:03 We had them ready to make a deal. They had no money. They were ready to make a deal. I told
00:44:09 China, if you buy their oil, you're not going to do business with the United States. I told the
00:44:13 same thing to India. I told it to everybody. I said, you buy their oil. You can't deal with
00:44:18 the United States. They make a lot of money in the United States. And Iran was not doing any.
00:44:24 You know, when I took over, they had 80 billion dollars in cash when I left because of a rigged
00:44:30 election. When I left, what happened is they had no cash. They were broke. And when you're broke,
00:44:37 you're not looking at terror, you're looking to get your country through a period of time.
00:44:42 We would have had we would have had a deal done within, I say, two weeks after the election.
00:44:47 And it would have been a great deal for everybody, including Iran. We would have.
00:44:50 They can't have a nuclear weapon. That's all they can have. Nuclear weapons. It's too,
00:44:54 too destructive, too powerful. They can't have it. And Biden gets in. As of now, they have
00:45:02 much more than 100 billion dollars in cash. They have so much money. They're swimming in the money.
00:45:07 But I will once again sanction them until their ability to fund terror is gone. They
00:45:14 have to stop with this stuff. They have to stop. It's probably a natural instinct.
00:45:19 It's no wonder that crooked Joe Biden and the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by
00:45:25 weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference. You know, it's election
00:45:29 interference. They say we can damage Trump enough. We're going to win the election because they can't
00:45:37 win it on policy. They can't win it on results. Their results are horrible. I mean, I don't think
00:45:42 we've ever. Madam Attorney General, have we ever been in a position where a country is so
00:45:49 disrespected, laughed at, we're mocked people? We've lost all our allies. We don't really have
00:45:54 allies, even Europe. Now they're taking advantage of us at a level that nobody's ever seen.
00:46:00 As an example, in Ukraine. So we're in for 150 billion. Now, you know that it's much more
00:46:05 important for Europe than us, but we want to see people live, et cetera. But we're in for 150
00:46:11 billion in Europe's and for 17 billion. If you add Europe up, if you add all the various countries
00:46:16 are approximately the same size economy. So I say, why aren't they in for the same number or more?
00:46:22 I mean, in theory and more so they should equalize. They should come up and they should equalize.
00:46:27 They've got plenty, but I don't think anybody from the Biden administration's ever is. If you
00:46:31 ask them, if I said to them, listen, we're in for 100 billion more than you, you have to put up the
00:46:38 next 100 billion. We have to equalize. Otherwise, we're not going to do it. They'll put up the
00:46:42 money, but nobody ever asks them. Same thing with NATO. We were way over our heads in NATO.
00:46:49 Many of the countries weren't paying. They were delinquent. Only eight of the 28 countries were
00:46:54 current. We were way current. We were paying three, four times what we were supposed to.
00:46:59 We were carrying it. And when I went in, I looked and I said, you're going to have to all pay or
00:47:05 we're not going to protect you any longer. And I remember the head of a country stood up, said,
00:47:10 does that mean that if Russia attacks my country, you will not be there? That's right. That's what
00:47:15 it means. I will not protect you. And the money came, the money came pouring in.
00:47:20 And the head of Secretary General Stoltenberg, he said, I've never said anything like it.
00:47:29 Obama came, made a speech and left. Bush came, made a speech and left. They never said anything.
00:47:35 And NATO was dying. NATO was going to die. Now it's rich as hell because of what I did.
00:47:40 Everybody paid up. I mean, they paid up or they're in the process, but
00:47:43 billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars came pouring into NATO.
00:47:48 And he said, I've never said, I don't know if he'd say it anymore, but I think he would.
00:47:52 He would because I'm doing so well in the polls. I think he would.
00:47:56 That's to see, you know, that does have an impact, actually. But I think he would actually.
00:48:03 But hundreds of billions of dollars came pouring into NATO. And that's the money they have. They
00:48:08 have a lot of money now, but we have to do that. We have to say to on Ukraine,
00:48:12 you got to pay up. Why are we one hundred and twenty five, one hundred and thirty,
00:48:17 maybe more than that billion dollars, not million billion dollars ahead of you? Why?
00:48:22 And you're right next to it. We're an ocean away. We have a whole ocean in between us
00:48:26 in the Harris poll. We lead the primary field by more than 50 points just came out
00:48:33 with Trump at sixty one and to sanctimonious at eleven
00:48:36 and bird brain is at six six. Does anybody know who Bird Brain is?
00:48:43 He said, you can have I will never run against our president. He's one of the greatest presidents
00:48:51 we've ever had. I will not run against our president under any circumstances.
00:48:57 Four months later, I'd like to announce my candidacy. What kind of people are these?
00:49:02 These politicians out there, what kind of people do you have here? Ben, you're not that way. Ben is
00:49:09 not that way. Better not be that. I'm not going to fight. But no, what kind of people are these?
00:49:14 She's been she's been proclaiming for so long that she's she would never run.
00:49:18 I was a great president. You know, I put her in charge of the
00:49:21 United Nations. Now, I must say, within the confines of this room on a Sunday,
00:49:28 one of the reasons I did it was I happened to love the lieutenant governor of South Carolina
00:49:32 and we moved him. Henry McMaster is great. He's a great guy. So he became governor. So I liked it.
00:49:40 I got two for the price of one. I moved her over there. She was fine. But the big thing is she
00:49:46 said I'd never run. And then she announced that she's going to rush. You said it many times.
00:49:50 I will never run against a president. He was a great president. Then he goes, she goes,
00:49:55 I'd like to announce my candidacy. So we had a hard but birdbrain. I call it birdbrain.
00:49:59 Highly overrated. She's a very highly overrated person. But the sanctimonies is really over.
00:50:06 Did anybody ever see anybody fall? I think it's got to be one of the worst campaigns in history.
00:50:11 He was supposed to be young. He's just that he's going to be the future of the party after people
00:50:16 see him make about three speeches. That's the end of him. And the latest Ipsos poll of the general
00:50:24 election would demolishing crooked Joe Biden, 49 to 43 in the Washington Post. We're beating him by
00:50:34 11. Wasn't that a great one? Did you see it last week? Washington Post comes out that we're leading
00:50:40 by nine. Then they had to correct that to 10. Then they had to correct it to 11 or something.
00:50:44 But they said this must be an outlier. This is an outlier. This could they spend a million dollars
00:50:51 in a poll and they're trying to say the poll is wrong. It's got to be wrong. I think that poll is
00:50:58 right. We got to get out and vote. We got to make sure they don't cheat. Keep your eyes open. Do
00:51:03 what you have to do. But we got to make sure they don't cheat because they're going to try and cheat
00:51:07 the only way they can win. They have done such a bad job. We did great. You know, we did much better
00:51:13 in 2020 than we did in 2016. We got millions and millions more votes, but they cheated like dogs.
00:51:19 They use covid to cheat, including with the legislatures. You know, they got they didn't
00:51:23 get approval from the legislatures and things. They did things. You're the 51 intelligence
00:51:28 agents. Remember when they said the laptop from hell was from Russia, but they all knew it wasn't.
00:51:34 You know, it was big, big cheating, a lot of cheating. They did and stuffing the boxes.
00:51:39 You see that you saw that with 2000 mules, didn't you? 2000 mules. You ever see try getting a copy
00:51:44 of 2000 mules? Try getting a copy. Somebody said, I'd like to get to that. They made it almost
00:51:50 impossible to get a copy of 2000 mules. He did it. Dinesh did a great job on that. And true,
00:51:57 we're going to stop it. Yeah, it's a big you're right. Right. We're going to stop it because
00:52:03 we're watching it now. We have the best teams of people in the country, and we're going to stop the
00:52:08 cheating because if we don't stop the cheating, you're not going to have a country. If we don't
00:52:14 stop the cheating, you're not going to have a country. So we're going to stop. We're going to
00:52:19 stop the cheating. People aren't going to let it happen. They're not going to let it happen.
00:52:24 The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020,
00:52:29 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. That I can tell you.
00:52:40 Every time the radical left, the Marxist, the communist, the fascists,
00:52:46 every time they indict me, I consider it a great badge of honor because I'm being indicted for you
00:52:55 and never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take
00:53:01 away your freedom. It's very simple, very simple. They want to silence me because I will never let
00:53:12 them silence you. We're not going to let them silence you. And in the end, they're not after me.
00:53:19 They're after you. I just happened to be standing in their way. And we're going to keep standing
00:53:24 right in their way. And you have to remember this. This is more than a campaign. What we have. This
00:53:35 is a movement. This is a movement. There's never been anything like this in the history of our
00:53:40 country. This is bigger than 2016. This is bigger than 2020, where we got millions more votes.
00:53:45 I fully rebuilt the U.S. military, created Space Force, and I was the first president in decades
00:53:53 who didn't start a war. Right. We didn't start a war. Others started wars, stupid wars,
00:53:58 stupid wars. I kept my promise, recognized Israel's eternal capital and opened the
00:54:04 American embassy in Jerusalem, became the capital. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the
00:54:12 Golan Heights. I've been talking about it for 72 years. I got it done in about 12 minutes.
00:54:18 And I withdrew from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. The problem is this administration didn't
00:54:23 do anything with it. They didn't do anything with it. I ended the NAFTA disaster, the worst
00:54:29 trade deal ever made, and replaced it with a brand new USMCA, the best trade deal ever made,
00:54:35 they all say. A giant win for farmers and manufacturers, Mexico and Canada. I took on
00:54:43 communist China like no administration in history, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars
00:54:49 pouring into our treasury. No other president got them to pay 10 cents. It's not 10 cents that ever
00:54:56 came to the United States. And as I told you, I then gave our farmers out of that money that came
00:55:02 in, those billions and billions, $28 billion. And a large part of it came right here to Iowa.
00:55:09 I saved the farmers. I saved them. I kept my promise to fight for Iowa ethanol like no one
00:55:17 has ever done before. I issued a rule declaring that E15 would be made available all year round,
00:55:24 and vastly increased the number of filing stations and filling stations by letting them use
00:55:31 the existing pumps, which were actually better to replace the pumps would have cost millions
00:55:37 and millions of dollars. And I said, Nope, give it to the people. We left the old actually said,
00:55:42 which are better, the old pumps or the new pumps? And they said, the old pumps are actually much
00:55:46 better. And we know that because we know new equipment versus old. A lot of times the old
00:55:51 stuff works better. Every Iowa farmer needs to know that Ron DeSanctimonious opposed my $28
00:55:59 billion in relief for the farmers. He didn't want it to go to farmers. And the sanctus fought
00:56:05 viciously to terminate the renewable fuel standards, which will kill Iowa ethanol and demolish
00:56:11 the economy of your state. It will have a big impact on your economy.
00:56:15 Brad told me that Brad knows to sanctus called his plan to annihilate Iowa farming industry.
00:56:23 He said it was a no brainer. He was okay with it. He didn't know this. He didn't know he'd be
00:56:27 running. He also vowed to gut Medicare and Social Security and voted three times to raise the
00:56:34 retirement age of Social Security. So remember that when you go to the polls, unlike Ron DeSanctus,
00:56:41 you know, is interesting. You talk about branding. He went for an interview the other day, like on
00:56:46 NBC branding. Branding's very important. They said, Ladies and gentlemen, it's a great honor
00:56:52 to have Governor Ron DeSanctus with us. No, no, DeSantis is the same. Then he actually tried to
00:56:58 change his name right to DeSantis. He doesn't want to Santa. He wants the Sanctus and actually left
00:57:03 a message. Never change your name in the middle of a campaign. Do we agree with it? I will always
00:57:09 our attorney general wouldn't change your name in the middle of a campaign. You'll never change
00:57:13 your name, period. I will always protect Medicare and Social Security for our great seniors.
00:57:18 Always. You could count on it. And I always have. I always have. And I will always be your
00:57:25 ethanol champion in the White House. You're going to be in good shape on ethanol. When I get back
00:57:30 into the Oval Office and it's weak because we're going to the Oval Office, we're all going together.
00:57:35 I will totally obliterate the deep state and we will expose every bit of Biden corruption
00:57:41 that they're trying to cover up, which is massive, which is massive. There's never been
00:57:47 corruption like that. Just last week, it was revealed that the FBI had over 40 confidential
00:57:54 sources providing criminal information on the Biden family. But instead of
00:57:58 investigating Crooked Joe, the deep state falsely accused the information as being that of
00:58:05 foreign disinformation. Remember when they said Russia came from Russia?
00:58:10 His laptop, his laptop came from Russia. Remember the laptop? Yeah, the laptop came from Russia.
00:58:17 That's right. Russia. As president, I will be creating a truth and reconciliation commission
00:58:23 to shed sunlight on every dark and rotten corner of Washington, D.C., starting with Crooked Joe Biden.
00:58:29 And now we can really do that because they've led the path. What they're doing is so bad to
00:58:37 this country. To stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting
00:58:44 Republicans, conservatives, and people of faith like you, I will direct a completely overhauled
00:58:50 DOJ to investigate every radical DA and AG in America for their illegal racist
00:58:56 in reverse enforcement of the law. To protect our citizens from foreign threats, I will build
00:59:04 a state of the art missile defense shield. I want that so badly. You know, Israel has one,
00:59:10 and it works. The technology, you know, Ronald Reagan wanted it, but we really didn't have
00:59:15 technology then, and we didn't have technology that worked. Now we have incredible technology.
00:59:19 I want a shield over our country so that if some lunatic wants to take a shot at us,
00:59:25 at least we have a hell of a chance of coming out. Okay, before we obliterate them,
00:59:31 I will end Joe Biden's inflation disaster immediately, and we will quickly rebuild
00:59:39 the greatest economy in the history of the world. We're going to go very quickly.
00:59:42 While Joe Biden and the radical left Democrats want to massively raise your taxes, you know,
00:59:49 they want to raise your taxes about four times and take away the Trump tax cuts,
00:59:54 which, as you know, they want to take them away. Again, the biggest tax cuts in the history of our
00:59:59 country, bigger than the Reagan tax cuts. They want to take them away. I will make your tax
01:00:04 cuts permanent and give you additional tax cuts. And that's what we're doing.
01:00:08 And to protect our overwhelming national security interest in a strong domestic farm industry,
01:00:17 I will pass crucial tax cuts specifically for farmers so you can invest more land,
01:00:23 more equipment, more farm products, all grown in the USA. And by that time,
01:00:28 we'll be able to say the beautiful USA. And I will also effectively eliminate the estate tax
01:00:36 on death tax. You know, when I got you the I don't know if you know. Yeah, a lot of you know it.
01:00:41 But when I got you the biggest tax cuts in history included in there was the
01:00:46 death tax or the estate tax nullified on your farms. You can leave your farms to your kids,
01:00:51 farms and businesses, small businesses. You can leave them to your children if you love your
01:00:56 children. If you don't love your children, it doesn't matter. But if you does anybody in the
01:01:02 room not love their children? Yeah, well, this is Iowa. You love your children. I know a lot of
01:01:07 places where there's a lot of dislove going on. But, you know, when you pass away, you want your
01:01:14 children to have your farms. People were losing their farms because they were being assessed and
01:01:18 they were being charged massive taxes, death taxes, estate taxes, and they were losing the
01:01:25 farms and kids were going bankrupt all over the place. And I got rid of that. So now you
01:01:29 can leave it. If you love your children, you can leave it to them.
01:01:32 And if you don't love your children, it doesn't matter because there won't be. But there won't
01:01:38 be a tax when you give it to your children. They won't. They won't have to go out to the bank and
01:01:42 mortgage the farm and then possibly lose it. One day when I will repeal Joe Biden's insane
01:01:48 ethanol industry killing electric vehicle mandate is the craziest thing.
01:01:53 Craziest thing I've ever heard. The craziest. Everything wants to be electric. You know,
01:02:01 they want his or just a quick look. They want army tanks. Now we have the greatest
01:02:05 tanks. The Sherman tanks were the greatest tanks in the world. We make them in Ohio.
01:02:11 The greatest tanks in the world. They want to make them electric.
01:02:15 Now there's two problems. Number one, the battery is so big you'd have to have a truck behind it.
01:02:22 So is this going? So think of it what they want to do. They want to make tanks electric and they
01:02:28 really don't have the proper type of power. There's a different kind of power. They don't
01:02:31 have the same power. So they want to have an attack so that you go in and you obliterate
01:02:37 something. But you do it in an environmentally friendly way. You're going in. We're not going
01:02:44 to look at that tank. It's shooting everything. There's stuff all over the place. Everything is
01:02:49 going getting blown up. But we've done it in environmentally in a very friendly way.
01:02:54 Now, these people are crazy. They came to me when I was there. I ended it,
01:03:00 sir. We have a type of fuel that would be very good for our new fighter jets.
01:03:05 I said, Oh, good. Will it have any impact on them? Yes, sir. It'll make them 15 percent
01:03:09 less efficient. But we think we can make it up with technology. I said, supposing you
01:03:15 left the same fuel and then you made them 15 percent. In other words, pick it both up. You
01:03:20 pick up 30 percent, sir. But we have a figure. Imagine. So I rejected that when I said we don't
01:03:26 want to feel. Can you imagine we had the greatest we have the greatest planes in the world, all of
01:03:31 this stuff? They want to make it less efficient. And that's the same thing. We want to go over
01:03:36 enemy territory in a environmentally friendly way. These people are crazy.
01:03:41 One of the worst is the trucking industry. I mean, the cars forget. Look, the cars. You know
01:03:46 what? I'm all for electric cars. But, you know, I'm for if you want to go short distance,
01:03:51 if you have to go like, let's take a ride to let's drive from Iowa to New Hampshire to see
01:04:00 how Trump does the following week in New Hampshire and on your ninth stop to charge it when you can't
01:04:07 find the electric charge. You know, there's a little joke. It says the happiest day for a person
01:04:13 in electric car is the first 10 minutes after they get the charge.
01:04:19 After that, they become a scrambled bunch of maniacs that say, where do we get the next charge?
01:04:27 The first 10 minutes are wonderful. The next 50 minutes, they're saying, where do we go? No,
01:04:31 I think electric cars are good to have a problem. They're too expensive and they don't go far.
01:04:36 You know, somebody would say, oh, that's not a very nice. They don't go far. But what's more
01:04:40 descriptive? They don't go far. They take a long time to charge. Also, it's not like, you know,
01:04:46 fill it up. Boom. Two seconds later. No, no, we can't do that. And you should have the right
01:04:52 to buy an electric car. I think they're terrific. You know, they're good. But you also have to have
01:04:56 the right to buy gasoline run cars and and hybrids, which are good. Hybrids are good.
01:05:04 They're not going to give you any of these options. What it's going to do is it's going to make you
01:05:09 become home people. You're never going to be able to drive very far from your home.
01:05:14 It's crazy. But here's the craziest of all the trucking industry. So I meet with the truckers
01:05:18 and they love Trump. They love Trump because Trump's going to let them stay in business.
01:05:23 And these guys have hundreds of trucks. These are the biggest guys. They say, sir,
01:05:28 they're going to destroy the whole chain. I said, they've already done that. The supply chain.
01:05:32 They've already done that. What's to destroy? They want trucks to become all electric, all electric.
01:05:38 And here's the problem. So you go out and buy a big Peter built. They're good trucks, right? And
01:05:43 others. They're good trucks. Peter built. Great. They're all great. You go out and buy. So a truck,
01:05:48 a good big truck, biggest, taller can go 2000 miles. Big one. Good one. Maximum 2000 miles.
01:05:56 An electric one goes about 300 miles. You got a problem there. So you're going to have to stop
01:06:02 six or seven times to make up the difference. What's that going to do to our supply chain?
01:06:07 The other thing is it has a different kind of power. Electric's powerful,
01:06:10 but it's a different kind of power. It's not as good a power at all.
01:06:14 And the head of one of the biggest companies in the world and truckers, he's devastated.
01:06:19 He said, you know, sir, for 50 years, I've been buying trucks, big company.
01:06:23 He's got hundreds of these things. He said, and every year they get a little better,
01:06:27 a little better, stronger, faster. They're just it's amazing what they've done.
01:06:33 And now in one day, they're going to set us back 50 years. We'll go back to where we were 50 or 60
01:06:40 years ago. They're going to destroy our industry. And there's no talking to these maniacs. You know,
01:06:46 you explain it. There's not a person in this room who, after just that short little synopsis,
01:06:51 would say, well, let's give electric a shot. You could tell this to the people in Washington
01:06:57 and it would have no impact on them. They say, we don't care. We're going all electric.
01:07:01 And by the way, you can't get rid of the batteries because you can't put them in the
01:07:04 earth. They say it destroys the earth. They're made in China because China has the material.
01:07:10 See, we have gasoline. They don't want us to use the gasoline. They want us to use something that
01:07:14 we won't be able to get. It's so crazy when you hear these stories and they just they're unyielding.
01:07:20 They don't want to stop. Under a Trump administration, gasoline fired engines will be
01:07:25 allowed, but child sexual mutilation will be not allowed.
01:07:34 Will not be allowed. Can you imagine you're a politician 10 or 15 years ago and you say,
01:07:42 we will not allow you to sexually mutilate our children. Could you imagine that's actually a
01:07:48 campaign talking point? I mean, what's going on? No, thank it's evil. It's sick. No, but but your
01:07:58 politician, you say we will not allow them to sexually mutilate your children. Can you imagine
01:08:04 you have to make that statement? It's like it's like men playing in women's sports. Can you
01:08:11 imagine? I come up here. It's one of the most popular things I say. I will not allow men to
01:08:19 participate in women's sports. The place goes crazy all the time, right? They go crazy. But can
01:08:24 you imagine saying the weightlifter lifted like 160 pounds more, 160 pounds, broke the record for
01:08:32 18 years. The record stood. They put a quarter of an ounce on one side of the big barbell,
01:08:38 quarter of an ounce on the other side. A young woman would get up and she's so proud.
01:08:43 Her father's in the front row right where you are, right where you are with a very beautiful blonde
01:08:48 hair, right where I'd like to have that color blonde hair. And you got the parents, the sisters,
01:08:57 everyone's is so proud. This young girl, she's a weightlifter. She's a champion.
01:09:01 They have a quarter of an ounce and a quarter of an ounce. She grabs it. Mom,
01:09:05 I'm going to make you so proud. She's watching her. Then she gets down.
01:09:13 And they're proud. They're clapping. They're going, "I can't do it, Mom. I can't." Boom.
01:09:19 Doesn't do it. Then a guy comes up who transitioned. "Have you lifted before?" they ask.
01:09:27 "No, not really." "Oh, you've never lifted?" "No." "Oh, well, okay. Good luck." So he takes the barbell.
01:09:37 Bing, bong. They end up putting 150 pounds more on it. He does it. It's going to be hard. Or the
01:09:45 swimmers. How about the swimming records? Young lady, you've heard this. Should I do this one or
01:09:52 not? Because, you know, our first lady hates it when I do it. She says, "Darling, I love you so
01:09:57 much, but this is not presidential when you do the weightlifting. This is not presidential.
01:10:04 Or when you do the swimming thing, it's not." You know, and I understand.
01:10:08 Or when you dance off the stage. She said, "Sir."
01:10:11 She said, "Darling, I love you. I love you, but this is not presidential. You don't dance off the
01:10:19 stage." I say, "Look, look, we got a year to go. Everybody loves us. I love everybody.
01:10:27 The country is going to hell in a handbasket. Let's do a little dancing."
01:10:31 But an attorney general, technically, she's probably right. But what the hell?
01:10:39 But the swimmer is an even greater case. You have a young lady. These are true stories.
01:10:46 You have a young lady, and she's a great swimmer. And, you know, all the talents, like golfers,
01:10:51 baseball players, swim players. You know, when they're six, they're better than the other kids
01:10:55 that are six, right? You know, they're just a special group. And so you end up like in a pyramid.
01:11:00 And these are great college swimmers. And she's been swimming against the same people for a long
01:11:06 time because she's swimming at a top level. So she looks left and she recognizes everybody.
01:11:10 And she looks right and she recognizes everybody. But this guy is right over here. He transitioned.
01:11:15 And he's like a giant. She's like, "Who? Who is that? Holy mackerel." He has a wingspan slightly
01:11:23 larger than Wilt the Stilt, Chamberlain. You know who that is. Wilt the Stilt was fairly large with
01:11:29 the wingspan, like a nine-foot wingspan. This guy was a little bit larger. Okay. So he's there. Now
01:11:35 she's a little worried because she wants to break the record. And she doesn't want to be embarrassed
01:11:39 because her parents are there. Everybody's there. And they go, "Ready, set, beautiful, surround, go."
01:11:45 They all jump in. And as you know, she got very badly injured that day, right? You know that,
01:11:51 right? Horribly, horribly injured. Windburn. He went by her so fast that she was terribly burned.
01:11:58 They took her to the hospital. And she will be okay, but she got horrible windburn. And I think
01:12:04 he broke the record by like 28 seconds or some ridiculous number. No, this is crazy. And you
01:12:10 know, it's very demeaning to women. The women. And the amazing thing is the women on the teams
01:12:15 all know this and they're all afraid to speak up. Not all. There's a couple that do. But mostly,
01:12:21 they're afraid to speak up. They don't think it's appropriate to speak up. But it's not going to
01:12:27 matter because we're going to end that so fast. We're going to have that same thing.
01:12:30 You know, like I'm not a big, I told this yesterday, I said I'm not a big
01:12:41 LeBron James fan. I'm just not. I'm sorry. But he's a great basketball player. But I'd go to him
01:12:47 and I'd say, "I want to be a basketball coach. I'll be better than the great John Wood." And
01:12:51 I'd say, "LeBron, would you like to transition?" Because I'd like to start a team.
01:12:58 And I'll get you and I'll get five or six other guys. And if you all transition, we are the
01:13:05 greatest team in the history of basketball. You'll be playing at 80 years old. You won't even have
01:13:09 to take a break. And I will become the greatest coach in all of history. I will go for 30 years
01:13:16 without a loss. And my players will average an age about 60. And that's what I want to do.
01:13:24 But no, it's so ridiculous, isn't it, though? It's so ridiculous that they can be doing this.
01:13:28 And they talk about it so seriously. And then you watch some of these Democrats get up and
01:13:33 they try and justify it. There's no justification. And it's very, very demeaning to women. So we're
01:13:38 going to end that very quickly, very, very quickly. I will also sign a new executive order
01:13:45 to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity,
01:13:51 and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.
01:13:57 You know, I have to say, so remember, Ben, when LeBron James endorsed Hillary?
01:14:09 Now, Hillary is small. She's small. LeBron is not small. And they stood on the stage,
01:14:15 and Hillary came slightly below his belt. I said, "That's the greatest endorsement I've ever seen."
01:14:22 This was not a good endorsement. This was not good. This was not good. Now,
01:14:28 let's get back to our subject at hand. That was a good day.
01:14:34 I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.
01:14:39 And just as I did for four years, I will fully uphold — Ben was talking about it before — our
01:14:52 Second Amendment, as I've done through thick and thin. Right, fellas? We did it, 100 percent.
01:15:01 It's not easy. It is under siege. You do know that. It's under siege. It's not easy to do.
01:15:07 It's under siege. But we have to protect. We have to protect ourselves. I will
01:15:10 continue to protect innocent life. Look what we did with the Supreme Court. Look what we did.
01:15:18 We will restore free speech, and I will secure our elections like they've never been secured
01:15:26 before. Once we're in power, we can do that. And our goal will be, as I said, one-day voting
01:15:33 with paper ballots and voter ID. Very simple. We don't want to have — we don't want to have
01:15:38 elections that go for 63 days. Why are those votes being moved? You ever see with the wheelbarrows?
01:15:46 They have wheelbarrows. They're moving and dumping them. You're saying, "Who the hell?
01:15:50 What's going on?" But until then, Republicans have to win. We have to win. And then we're
01:15:55 going to change that whole system so that we have honest elections.
01:15:58 And in conclusion, this is what we must do to restore our country to greatness. The USA is a
01:16:05 mess. Israel is under attack. Our economy is cratering. It's cratering. Inflation is out of
01:16:13 control. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea have formed together as a menacing and destructive
01:16:20 coalition — very destructive. Our currency is crashing and soon will no longer be the world's
01:16:27 standard, I'm afraid to tell you that, which will be our greatest defeat in 200 years. If we lose
01:16:33 the standard, we are in a much different place. But I won't let it happen. None of it will ever
01:16:41 happen. There's not even a chance. (Applause.)
01:16:46 Just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine, and China would not even be having a thought
01:16:52 about raiding Taiwan. They never did. Remember, for four years, they never did. Nobody talked
01:16:58 about raiding Taiwan or going in and having a war with Ukraine. And we would have left
01:17:05 Afghanistan with dignity and strength instead of the greatest embarrassment in the history
01:17:10 of our country. I believe it was the greatest embarrassment in history.
01:17:13 If you took the 10 worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up,
01:17:19 they would not have done near the destruction to our country as crooked Joe Biden and the Biden
01:17:26 administration has done. (Applause.)
01:17:28 Mean that. Remember, I used to say — a month ago, I was saying, "If you took the five worst."
01:17:35 And somebody came up to me and said, "Sir, I think you could actually go more than that."
01:17:38 I said, "You know, I never thought of it. Let's go." If you took the 10 worst Presidents,
01:17:43 this guy has done more destruction to our country than the 10 of them.
01:17:46 We're a failing nation. We are a nation in decline. And now these radical-left
01:17:53 lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement.
01:17:58 It's totally corrupt, and we will never let it happen.
01:18:02 If you want to save America from crooked Joe Biden and the radical-left,
01:18:07 and they are evil, then get every patriot you know, make sure they are registered Republicans,
01:18:15 and get them out to vote in their local precinct caucuses at 7 p.m. on Monday, January 15th.
01:18:21 (Applause.)
01:18:22 Martin Luther King Day. Good day. Martin Luther King. January 15th.
01:18:29 That's when it all begins. And I kept you first. Remember that. Nobody else. Nobody else.
01:18:34 Other people like to claim it around here. Brad will tell you better than anybody. Brad,
01:18:39 I kept you first. Nobody else. It was up to me. And they wanted to move Iowa back in the line.
01:18:47 And, you know, I happen to think you have an incredible political pedigree. It's really an
01:18:53 incredible pedigree, a beautiful pedigree. And we're keeping it the way it was for as long as
01:18:58 I have anything to say. And hopefully that's going to be for a long time. Iowa is going to be first.
01:19:03 And I kept, in terms of primary — you're the caucus, in terms of primary — I kept the order
01:19:10 that we had for so many years because they wanted to move New Hampshire, too, and I didn't do that.
01:19:14 I kept that. It's the first primary. Then we go to South Carolina. We kept it. But the Democrats
01:19:20 changed everything around. They took you out of position. They took a lot of things, a lot of
01:19:26 liberties. And I think you're going to remember that. But we're going to win against them anyway,
01:19:30 whether they did that or not, especially here. (Applause.)
01:19:33 But we kept you where you are. But we're asking you to commit to caucus for us and to bring as
01:19:40 many people as you can to caucus for the campaign and to sign up, if you're ready. It's
01:19:52 to get involved. If you can do that, you'll have a lot of fun. We're going to have a lot of fun.
01:19:58 We're going to have a big victory, because 2024 is our final battle. And with you at my side,
01:20:05 we're doing this together. We will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers and
01:20:12 fools from our government. (Applause.)
01:20:14 We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. And
01:20:19 we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country so much.
01:20:24 We will rout the fake news media. We will rout them. They have to come back,
01:20:33 and they have to be honest. They are doing so poorly. They have the lowest approval
01:20:38 rating they've ever had. They have a lower approval rating than Congress.
01:20:45 I'm proud to say that when I started, they had a very high, but we exposed it. But they have to
01:20:50 come back, and they have to be honest, and they have to stop what they're doing. We will evict
01:20:56 Joe Biden from the White House, and we will finish the job that we started.
01:21:03 And we will do things that nobody thought were even possible. The great silent majority is rising
01:21:13 like never before. And under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman -- the man and woman,
01:21:21 the forgotten -- will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, and your vote,
01:21:26 we will put America first, and we will very simply make America great again.
01:21:33 (Applause.)
01:21:33 So, thank you very much, Iowa. I appreciate it. We'll be back many times, and
01:21:40 we're going to be voting in a very short period of time. Thank you very much. We love you. Thank
01:21:44 you. God bless you. God bless you all. (Applause.)
