• 2 years ago
Discover the untold story of Oliver and Dad's thrilling playground adventure.
00:00 Diana and Lua!
00:02 Hello! Let's go to playground!
00:08 Yeeey! Welcome!
00:11 [laughter]
00:13 [music and train sounds]
00:15 Wow!
00:17 [music and train sounds]
00:19 [train sounds]
00:21 Nice driving!
00:24 Let's go!
00:26 Oh boy! [laughter]
00:30 [laughter]
00:32 [music and train sounds]
00:34 [music and train sounds]
00:36 [laughter]
00:38 Yeeey!
00:40 [music and train sounds]
00:42 [train sounds]
00:44 [laughter]
00:46 [train sounds]
00:48 [music and train sounds]
00:50 [music and train sounds]
00:52 [music and train sounds]
00:54 Sit down Oliver!
00:56 [music and train sounds]
00:58 [laughter]
01:00 Choo-choo-choo!
01:02 Toy city!
01:04 Toy city!
01:06 Yeee-haw!
01:08 [train sounds]
01:10 [train sounds]
01:12 Oh! We made it!
01:14 Oh-ho-ho-ho!
01:16 Let's play!
01:18 [train sounds]
01:20 [music and train sounds]
01:22 [music and train sounds]
01:24 [music and train sounds]
01:26 [music and train sounds]
01:28 Ok!
01:30 [music and train sounds]
01:32 Oops!
01:34 [music and train sounds]
01:36 Come on!
01:38 [music and train sounds]
01:40 [music and train sounds]
01:42 [music and train sounds]
01:44 [music and train sounds]
01:46 [music and train sounds]
01:48 Yeeey!
01:50 [music and train sounds]
01:52 Let's start!
01:54 [music and train sounds]
01:56 Woo-hoo!
01:58 Yeah!
02:00 [music and train sounds]
02:02 [music and train sounds]
02:04 Yummy!
02:06 Hello! Hello!
02:08 [train sounds]
02:10 Oh-ho-ho!
02:12 [laughter]
02:14 [laughter]
02:16 [laughter]
02:18 Let's tickle him!
02:20 [laughter]
02:22 [music and train sounds]
02:24 [train sounds]
02:26 Hi! Hello!
02:28 [train sounds]
02:30 Sit down! Ok!
02:32 Let's drive!
02:34 [train sounds]
02:36 [train sounds]
02:38 Hey-hey! Look, Oliver!
02:40 Woo-hoo!
02:42 Super-duper!
02:44 [music and train sounds]
02:46 Wow!
02:48 [music and train sounds]
02:50 Yeee-haw!
02:52 [music and train sounds]
02:54 [music and train sounds]
02:56 [music and train sounds]
02:58 [music and train sounds]
03:00 Oliver, do you like it? Yes!
03:02 Give me five!
03:04 Wow! Let's go!
03:06 [music and train sounds]
03:08 [music and train sounds]
03:10 [music and train sounds]
03:12 Woo-hoo!
03:14 Wow!
03:16 [music and train sounds]
03:18 [music and train sounds]
03:20 Mmmmm!
03:22 [kissing sounds]
03:24 [laughter]
03:26 [laughter]
03:28 [kissing sounds]
03:30 Scory! Oliver!
03:32 [train sounds]
03:34 [laughter]
03:36 [music and train sounds]
03:38 Wow! Oliver!
03:40 Oliver! Oliver!
03:42 Oh no!
03:44 Hello!
03:46 Help!
03:48 Oops!
03:50 Daddy!
03:52 Hey! Hey! Come on!
03:54 Come here! Ok!
03:56 Oh! Over there!
03:58 Yeah!
04:00 [laughter] Bye-bye!
04:02 Bye-bye!
04:04 [train sounds]
04:06 [train sounds]
04:08 Oliver, did you brush
04:10 your teeth today?
04:12 No!
04:14 Hmm... Do you know
04:16 what can happen if you don't take care
04:18 of your teeth?
04:20 Let me tell you! There can be
04:22 bad bacteria in your mouth!
04:24 Mmmmm!
04:26 [laughter]
04:28 [laughter]
04:30 Wow!
04:32 [laughter]
04:34 Mmmmm!
04:36 [laughter]
04:38 [laughter]
04:40 Yee-haw!
04:42 [music and train sounds]
04:44 [music and train sounds]
04:46 [music and train sounds]
04:48 [laughter]
04:50 Oh no!
04:52 So dirty teeth!
04:54 Ewww!
04:56 Hmm...
04:58 Let's brush teeth!
05:00 Yeah!
05:02 [music and train sounds]
05:04 [music and train sounds]
05:06 Wow!
05:08 [laughter]
05:10 Mmm! Bye-bye!
05:12 [laughter]
05:14 [laughter]
05:16 [laughter]
05:18 [laughter]
05:20 [laughter]
05:22 Oh no!
05:24 [laughter]
05:26 [train sounds]
05:28 [train sounds]
05:30 Mmm? Aaaaaa!
05:32 [train sounds]
05:34 These tooth fall out because of the train!
05:36 [laughter]
05:38 [laughter]
05:40 Let's begin!
05:42 Anesthetic spray!
05:44 [music and train sounds]
05:46 [music and train sounds]
05:48 [music and train sounds]
05:50 Perfect!
05:52 [applause]
05:54 Bye-bye!
05:56 [music and train sounds]
05:58 [laughter]
06:00 Ha!
06:02 [music and train sounds]
06:04 [music and train sounds]
06:06 [music and train sounds]
06:08 Oh!
06:10 [music and train sounds]
06:12 [laughter]
06:14 [music and train sounds]
06:16 Ewww!
06:18 If the food is stuck in your teeth it can make problems!
06:20 [laughter]
06:22 To take this out you need dental floss!
06:24 [music and train sounds]
06:26 [music and train sounds]
06:28 [music and train sounds]
06:30 [music and train sounds]
06:32 [music and train sounds]
06:34 Ready!
06:36 [laughter]
06:38 [music and train sounds]
06:40 [music and train sounds]
06:42 [music and train sounds]
06:44 [music and train sounds]
06:46 [laughter]
06:48 [music and train sounds]
06:50 [music and train sounds]
06:52 [music and train sounds]
06:54 [music and train sounds]
06:56 [train sounds]
06:58 [music and train sounds]
07:00 [train sounds]
07:02 Oh no! A piece of tooth fell out because of my crops!
07:04 [music and train sounds]
07:06 [music and train sounds]
07:08 Let's fix it!
07:10 [music and train sounds]
07:12 Let's glue them back!
07:14 [music and train sounds]
07:16 Look!
07:18 [music and train sounds]
07:20 [music and train sounds]
07:22 [laughter]
07:24 Ok! Yay!
07:26 [music and train sounds]
07:28 [music and train sounds]
07:30 [laughter]
07:32 [music and train sounds]
07:34 [laughter]
07:36 Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
07:38 [music and train sounds]
07:40 [music and train sounds]
07:42 [music and train sounds]
07:44 [music and train sounds]
07:46 There is a hole in the teeth because of the bad bacteria!
07:48 Let's fill the tooth!
07:50 [music and train sounds]
07:52 [music and train sounds]
07:54 [music and train sounds]
07:56 [music and train sounds]
07:58 Good! Yay!
08:00 Bye!
08:02 Now you understand why you need to brush your teeth!
08:04 Yes!
08:06 Let's go!
08:08 Ok!
08:10 [music and train sounds]
08:12 [laughter]
08:14 [music and train sounds]
08:16 No!
08:18 [music and train sounds]
08:20 [laughter]
08:22 [music and train sounds]
08:24 [music and train sounds]
08:26 [music and train sounds]
08:28 [laughter]
08:30 Good job!
08:32 Hello!
08:34 Today I have guests in my house!
08:36 [music and train sounds]
08:38 [music and train sounds]
08:40 [music and train sounds]
08:42 [music and train sounds]
08:44 Wow!
08:46 [music and train sounds]
08:48 [music and train sounds]
08:50 Hello!
08:52 [music and train sounds]
08:54 Hello!
08:56 [music and train sounds]
08:58 [music and train sounds]
09:00 [music and train sounds]
09:02 [laughter]
09:04 A pig!
09:06 Oliver! Did you come in without knocking?
09:08 Oops!
09:10 Let's go do it the right way!
09:12 Aha!
09:14 [music and train sounds]
09:16 Before entering someone else's house,
09:18 first, knock!
09:20 Okay!
09:22 [music and train sounds]
09:24 Well done! Yay!
09:26 [music and train sounds]
09:28 Lunch time!
09:30 Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
09:32 Wash your hands first! Okay!
09:34 [music and train sounds]
09:36 [music and train sounds]
09:38 [music and train sounds]
09:40 Good boy!
09:42 Wash your hands before eating!
09:44 [music and train sounds]
09:46 Wait a minute!
09:48 I'll make you something!
09:50 This one!
09:52 [music and train sounds]
09:54 [music and train sounds]
09:56 [music and train sounds]
09:58 [music and train sounds]
10:00 Huh?
10:02 Oliver! At the table,
10:04 you need to be quiet! Okay!
10:06 Ready!
10:08 [music and train sounds]
10:10 [laughter]
10:12 Oliver! You're doing it wrong!
10:14 [music and train sounds]
10:16 Oops! Use a fork!
10:18 [music and train sounds]
10:20 Yes, yes!
10:22 [music and train sounds]
10:24 [music and train sounds]
10:26 Bon Appetit, Oliver!
10:28 [laughter]
10:30 [music and train sounds]
10:32 [music and train sounds]
10:34 [music and train sounds]
10:36 Don't do that, Oliver!
10:38 [music and train sounds]
10:40 Huh? If you get dirty at dinner,
10:42 use a napkin!
10:44 [music and train sounds]
10:46 Yes!
10:48 You need to behave properly
10:50 at a table!
10:52 [music and train sounds]
10:54 [music and train sounds]
10:56 [music and train sounds]
10:58 Great job!
11:00 Whoa!
11:02 [music and train sounds]
11:04 [laughter]
11:06 [music and train sounds]
11:08 [music and train sounds]
11:10 [laughter]
11:12 [music and train sounds]
11:14 [music and train sounds]
11:16 Hello!
11:18 [music and train sounds]
11:20 [laughter]
11:22 [music and train sounds]
11:24 [music and train sounds]
11:26 [music and train sounds]
11:28 Oliver, what are you...
11:30 [gasp]
11:32 My mirror!
11:34 What a mess!
11:36 It's not too late to make a mess when you're in gifts!
11:38 No!
11:40 I'm sorry.
11:42 [music and train sounds]
11:44 [music and train sounds]
11:46 [music and train sounds]
11:48 [music and train sounds]
11:50 [laughter]
11:52 Come on!
11:54 [music and train sounds]
11:56 [music and train sounds]
11:58 [music and train sounds]
12:00 [music and train sounds]
12:02 Finish!
12:04 [music and train sounds]
12:06 You need to ask permission before touching other people's things.
12:10 [music and train sounds]
12:12 Oliver, do you want to paint?
12:14 Yes!
12:16 [music and train sounds]
12:18 [music and train sounds]
12:20 [laughter]
12:22 [music and train sounds]
12:24 Uh-huh.
12:26 [music and train sounds]
12:28 [music and train sounds]
12:30 Idea!
12:32 [music and train sounds]
12:34 [music and train sounds]
12:36 [gasp]
12:38 [music and train sounds]
12:40 Oh no!
12:42 Oops!
12:44 Oliver, you messed up my house!
12:46 [laughter]
12:48 Let's clean everything!
12:50 Yes!
12:52 [music and train sounds]
12:54 [music and train sounds]
12:56 [music and train sounds]
12:58 [laughter]
13:00 Don't damage other people's things!
13:02 Okay!
13:04 [music and train sounds]
13:06 [music and train sounds]
13:08 [laughter]
13:10 [music and train sounds]
13:12 Oh no!
13:14 It's late!
13:16 Oliver, it's time for you to go home!
13:18 [gasp]
13:20 Okay!
13:22 [music and train sounds]
13:24 Bye-bye!
13:26 Bye-bye!
13:28 Guests should leave on time.
13:30 Leave on time.
13:31 (upbeat music)
