Three Thousand Roads S2 Episode 31 English Subtitle

  • last year
Three Thoughsand Roads, 武映三千道31, The First Son-In-Law Through, The Ages / Three Thoughsand Roads,武映三千道 第一季, 武映三千道31, 武映三千道 第一季30,Three Thoughsand Roads S2 Episode 31 English Subtitle
Thirty thousand states in the world respect the Chaoge, but there are many princes and sects everywhere, each with their own thoughts. Xu Wuzhou, the son-in-law of the Qin family in Lin'an City, accidentally obtained the treasure "Reincarnation Bowl", constantly devouring metal, strengthening himself, and hiding in the dark to help the Qin family survive the crisis and restore his bad impression in the Qin family. Unexpectedly, Jixia Academy forcibly accepted Xu Wuzhou's wife as an apprentice. In order to take back his wife, Xu Wuzhou resolutely joined the down-and-out Taoist sect. However, although the Daozong at this time is nominally the leader of the Taoist sects of the world, the Taoist sects of the world no longer respect him as the co-lord of the world. Xu Wuzhou inexplicably took on the important task of revitalizing the Taoist sect...

More Donghua warch:
00:15Walked all day and night
00:16Not even a living person was seen
00:19If only there was a vehicle that could travel thousands of miles a day
00:24Xu Wuzhou has been waiting for you for a long time.
00:31Ah, Mr. Sword of the Xie family
00:36Xu Wuzhou
00:38It's time to officially get to know each other
00:41My name is Zhao Jian
00:43He is an inner disciple of Juntian Sect
00:47I call it the great layout in Lin'an City
00:50Everything was ruined by you kid
00:53Only by catching you back can I offset my sins
00:58Take me back
01:00It’s six thousand miles to Juntian Sect from here
01:03Even if you catch me, how can I go back? Hahaha
01:08Let me show you this country bumpkin today
01:25This liger shrimp is the peak of acquired strength
01:29Just listen to my orders
01:32What the hell
01:33Get a Pipi shrimp to scare me
01:35This liger and shrimp of mine are traveling all over the world.
01:39But you can travel thousands of miles a day
01:41Traveling thousands of miles a day
01:44From here to Juntianjiao
01:46Half a day is enough
01:49Isn't this the transportation I'm looking forward to?
01:52But I don’t know how to control it
01:56It seems
01:56I have to let this guy be my free driver for once.
02:00Hum hum
02:03I advise you to just surrender.
02:07Otherwise one will be unhappy
02:10I'll chop you up and feed it to my liger shrimps
02:14Huh, I'm not that easy to deal with.
02:17It's up to you
02:19Hum, it looks like I want to take this ride
02:22You still have to act well.
02:27Just me
02:29Hum, I made you run away in Lin'an City that day
02:32See how I deal with you today
02:40The play is almost over
02:42The dress is no match
02:46Throwing the sword is more like
02:50Damn you, you are so strong
02:57But it’s just that he has just entered the innate world
02:58And I am already a master of the second level of innateness
03:02Oh, awesome
03:05Well Xuzhou
03:08Take this elixir that blocks the meridians
03:11Come back to the army with me obediently
03:12Heavenly religion can spare you from death, huh?
03:16There is Yin and Yang in the body
03:19This elixir is of no use to me at all
03:22Alas, it seems that I can only listen to you now.
03:28Hum, you know what I mean
03:31follow me
03:34Set off
03:43Yeah, the plan was successful
03:51Hmm, I don’t know where this place is
03:55uh distance
03:57How far is Daozong?
03:58This place is called Xuancheng
04:00It's only a few hundred miles away from Daozong.
04:03There are still 1,000 miles away from Juntianjiao
04:06Rest here for a while
04:09Why are you asking this?
04:10Hum hum
04:12How can you unlock the handcuffs of the spiritual power seal?
04:15I just wanted to take a ride
04:18I don’t know how to control this Pipi shrimp
04:20I can only cheat you by pretending to be a dress.
04:23How can you still have spiritual power after taking the wind chime pill?
04:27Go to hell and ask
04:29Damn it, I've ruined you
04:34Transform the Temple of Heaven
04:47If you dare to kill me
04:50My elder brother will never let you go
04:54Even a dead grandma can't save you
05:05I don't know how to control this thing
05:09But it would be a pity to throw it away
05:13Come, come, pass by, don't miss it
05:16It's just a Pipi shrimp that travels thousands of miles a day
05:22Ah, one hundred kilometers consumes two fishes
05:25Just two fish
05:29How's it going lad?
05:31buy one
05:33This liger shrimp is so cool to ride on
05:35Only 1,000 taels
05:371,000 taels is too expensive, too expensive
05:40Hey beauty
05:41If you want to buy it, my brother will give you a discount.
05:44Ha ha
05:46Stop doing this
05:47Are you trying to sell me something?
05:50I see you taste my body
05:56Hey, hey, hey, gone, gone
05:59It's better to go to the city meeting and watch the excitement.
06:00Hey, don't, don't, don't go.
06:04Hey, these liger shrimps are good
06:08Hey, I want 100 taels
06:11What 100 taels?
06:21Huh, did you see it?
06:23The strength of this Stone Tiger Man
06:24They are all comparable to the peak human dancers acquired the day after tomorrow.
06:28You, you only paid one hundred taels
06:31Haha your bargaining attitude irritates me
06:35Now I plan to only give out 50 taels hahaha
06:41Ah bastard
06:43You really think I can’t sell it, right?
06:46not afraid to tell you
06:48I've got you
06:51I really don’t believe this evil.
06:54There is no one who knows the goods in Xuancheng, which is so big.
06:58it's useless
07:00Pre-authorization is required to control liger shrimps
07:03In the whole Xuancheng, only I, Xuanwei, have it
07:06If you can find another buyer
07:08I will recognize you as my elder brother on the spot
07:10Okay, just wait for me
07:17Hey, freshly arrived liger and tiger shrimp kebabs
07:2130 taels per string
07:22100 two or three skewers
07:24Do not miss passing through
07:27Don't you know the goods?
07:28Real liger shrimp kebabs
07:31Liger Shrimp Kebab
07:33This is the first time I've heard of it
07:36You can also eat the meat from this waist
07:37Hey of course
07:39This liger shrimp is a great supplement
07:42A man becomes more powerful after eating it
07:46Women can eat it to help their beauty and health
07:50It'll be gone if it's too late
07:54Do you want a pine breeze?
08:01for you
08:04I want 50 skewers, don’t grab it
08:07Don't grab it
08:08Okay, okay
08:10Hey, don't be anxious, don't be anxious
08:11Come and have them all
08:12It's all there
08:14What a violent beast
08:18Don't run away, kid
08:20When I finish my work, I want you to recognize me as your big brother.
08:24Nonsense, I am the lord of Xuancheng City
08:27How could I accept you as my elder brother?
08:29Great Confucian at Jize Academy
08:31The literary party held by Mr. Childhood is about to begin
08:33I still have to support the show.
08:35I don’t have time to talk to you about Jize Academy
