खून से लिखा पीएम को पत्र, मांगी अनुकंपा नियुक्ति

  • last year
खून से लिखा पीएम को पत्र, मांगी अनुकंपा नियुक्ति


00:00 I have written a letter of blood for Narendra Modi.
00:04 As you all know, my father died when I was 3 months old in 1999.
00:11 I have been a Dattdar for the last 3 years.
00:17 I have visited many ministers in the Civil Land before this.
00:23 I have written a letter of blood for Narendra Modi. I have asked for a death wish.
00:30 I have been on a water tank twice. I have not heard a single word from the minister or the MP.
00:33 If I die because of a job, because I roam outside all day,
00:38 sometimes with an officer, sometimes with another officer,
00:41 if something happens, the MLA and MP will be responsible for it.
00:45 I have mentioned this in every letter that I am not getting a job.
00:49 I am really worried.
00:53 I have a vision for the youth of this place.
00:57 When they go to the people's policy office to ask for a job,
01:02 when they join hands and ask for votes,
01:06 I am a poor kid, so I am asking for a job.
01:09 If I get a job, I will be happy.
01:13 If the people support me and my message reaches the people,
01:18 I will definitely get a job.
01:20 But today, I am in a difficult situation.
01:22 I don't know who is the honest politician who will support me.
01:25 Who is the honest politician who will support me?
01:27 There are many people who are fighting for money.
01:30 I have asked Ashok Gyalogin to get on the water tank twice.
01:33 The administration here has always told me that
01:36 they will send me to work for Ashok Gyalogin.
01:40 But why didn't they give me a job?
01:42 I have been roaming outside for the past four years.
01:44 I have been roaming outside for the past four years.
01:48 Why did they send me to work for Anupama Nifty?
01:51 I am asking for my rights.
01:53 I am not doing anything wrong.
01:55 I am not doing anything wrong.
01:58 I am not taking money from anyone.
02:00 I am taking everything from anyone.
02:03 I am asking for my rights.
02:05 My father was a martyr.
02:07 I am not asking for a small thing.
02:10 I am asking for a simple thing.
02:12 I am asking for a simple thing.
02:14 I am asking for a simple thing.
02:16 I have been to Ashok Gyalogin many times.
02:19 I have been to Ashok Gyalogin many times.
02:22 I have met him many times.
02:24 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:26 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:28 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:30 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:32 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:34 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:36 I have met him at least 10 times.
02:38 The leaders of the responsible parties of the country who are not listening to me,
02:43 and are not giving me any money,
02:45 they are all thinking that the business is going on.
02:48 I request them to give me my job as soon as possible,
02:52 so that I can live my future properly.
02:55 How long will I work like this?
