Fedez, lo scherzo di Fiorello e Sanremo 2025: cos'è successo - Video

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Fedez chiama Fiorello e si 'candida' per rimpiazzare Amadeus alla direzione artistica del Festival di Sanremo a partire dal 2025. Tutto finto, ovviamente. Lo scherzo dello showman nell'anteprima di 'Aspettando Viva Rai2' funziona, eccome. All'altro capo del telefono non c'è Fedez ma un imitatore. La gag è talmente perfetta da costringere Fedez, quello vero, a chiarire che non dirigerà Sanremo nel 2025. Forse. Del resto Fiorello, nel video che chiude la mattinata movimentata dalla 'burla', ripropone la candidatura: "Una bella idea, no?".


00:00 Anyway, no, I won't have the artistic direction of Sanremo 2020?
00:08 5? 25? No.
00:11 Ah, you would be...
00:12 Ah, I said I would be at Sanremo 2025. No.
00:16 And I don't think it will happen.
00:19 If it were to happen, it would be a lot of fun.
00:22 Ah, hello!
00:23 Hello!
00:25 But what happened this morning?
00:27 Everyone is talking about Fedez, how is it possible?
00:30 But who is talking?
00:31 They made a joke?
00:32 They made a joke!
00:33 We made a joke!
00:35 This is to make you understand that nothing is as it seems.
00:39 Never.
00:40 Now nothing is as it seems.
00:42 You always have to verify.
00:43 Verify.
00:44 You understand?
00:45 Verify.
00:46 Anyway, thinking about it,
00:52 Fedez as the musical director next year,
00:56 I don't think it's a bad idea.
00:59 I heard it from Mateusz too.
01:01 I said, "Would you like it if Fedez, as the musical director of Sanremo next year,
01:07 said 'fuck' after you?"
01:08 Just like that.
01:09 He said 'fuck'.
01:11 So, Vertici, Rai, think about it.
01:14 It's a good idea.
01:15 It could be a good idea.
01:16 It's a very, very good suggestion.
01:19 It was a joke.
01:21 Ciao.
