Jos Buttler on shambolic England eight wicket defeat and likely World Cup exit

  • last year
Jos Buttler on shambolic England eight wicket defeat by Sri Lanka and likely World Cup exit
00:00 Of course, you have to make sure that you've got a microphone and your question is getting out.
00:07 Thank you.
00:08 Laurie will go first.
00:09 Yeah.
00:10 Joss, it's another big defeat.
00:13 It's got to be getting hard to take at this point, is it?
00:16 Yeah, obviously.
00:18 Yeah, incredibly disappointing, incredibly frustrating.
00:22 Yeah, like you say, we're not just losing, we're losing by a long way
00:25 and playing a long way short of our best.
00:27 So, absolutely a huge disappointment.
00:30 Presumably, you've demanded a big response from the guys
00:34 and we've heard various of the squad saying they're really desperate to put things right
00:40 and put things back on track.
00:42 And it's, again, you've used 33 overs and 25 overs of the 50 in each innings.
00:47 It's just something's not working, is it?
00:50 Yeah, that much is obvious.
00:53 You know, it's never for a lack of effort.
00:54 It's never for a lack of hard work or preparation.
00:59 Look around the room, it's not a lack of talent.
01:02 A lot of experienced guys who are fantastic cricketers.
01:05 So, absolutely, it's a huge frustration.
01:08 This tournament's gone nowhere near the way we wanted to.
01:12 That's been a huge disappointment.
01:16 If there was one golden egg that we were missing, then you'd hope to see that.
01:22 But, yeah, there is no secret, I don't think.
01:28 There's no-one else who can score your own runs or take your own wickets.
01:31 And that comes from the start, from the captain of the front.
01:34 I've been a long way short of my best.
01:36 As a leader, you want to lead through your own performance
01:38 and I've not been able to do that.
01:40 Listen, I know you can play the numbers and try and come up with ways and means,
01:46 but are England out of this tournament now?
01:50 It certainly looks that way.
01:51 And that's incredibly disappointing.
01:54 You get on the plane to come to India and we're in a really good position as a team.
02:02 Everything looking like it's going to plan and it's just not worked at all.
02:08 Jos, I'm probably not alone in saying that how this tournament's gone has been a shock to all of us.
02:14 I'm guessing you guys must be in a bit of shock as well,
02:16 given what's happened over the last couple of weeks.
02:19 Yeah, absolutely.
02:22 A really good team, done a lot of really good things in the recent past in white ball cricket,
02:29 50-over cricket, and as I say, get on the plane with high hopes and a lot of confidence
02:33 and belief that we can challenge for the title.
02:37 So to be sat here now with the three weeks that have been is a shock.
02:42 It's a shock to everyone.
02:43 Now, walk back in the dressing room after this and look at the players sat there
02:47 and think how we found ourselves in this position with the talent and the skill that's in the room.
02:52 But it is the position we're in.
02:54 It's the reality of what's happened over the last three weeks.
02:57 And that's a huge low point.
03:00 Do performances like today, do they make you question your own position?
03:07 Yeah, I think you're always questioning as captain, you know, how you can get the best out of players,
03:13 how you can get the team moving in the right direction.
03:18 Certainly have a lot of confidence and belief in myself as a leader and captain and first and foremost as a player.
03:25 But if you're asking if I should still be captaining the team, that's a question for the guys above me.
03:31 You're determined in your own mind that you can turn things around with this team
03:35 and you're the right man to lead England in the future?
03:37 Yeah.
03:41 Just Sri Lanka included Angelo Matthews for this team.
03:45 Do you think that inclusion of Angelo Matthews changed the game this time?
03:52 Not completely.
03:54 You know, he obviously had a really good game.
03:56 Sri Lanka played really well, completely outplayed us.
03:59 And there was a number of their players who played really well.
04:04 Meaning that you were all out for 156. What was your mind after all out for just 156 on this Bangalore wicket?
04:13 Yeah, disappointment.
04:14 Jos, you were saying there's not a lack of various things, talent, hard work, all that sort of stuff.
04:26 Can you put a finger on what is lacking?
04:30 Performance is the obvious thing.
04:34 A lot of us, I've said things about myself, not performing to the level you expect of yourself
04:40 or demand of yourself as an individual.
04:43 So there is no golden bullet that is that one thing that's,
04:49 you know, if we do this, then everything's right again.
04:53 We're just not performing to the level that we expect of ourselves,
04:57 that we need to compete and play our best.
05:01 And you talk about the shock and the dressing room down there right now.
05:07 Next up, you face India, who obviously have been the tournament front runners.
05:11 What do you go and say to those players now that it looks like you're out?
05:16 What do you do?
05:18 I think whoever we play next, we want to focus on ourselves as individuals and as a team.
05:26 Absolutely. You keep asking questions to try and find out what the problems are.
05:31 And how we can fix them.
05:32 And there's a hell of a lot of pride.
05:34 There's a lot of guys who are disappointed with the way they've played.
05:40 Now speaking more absolutely for myself, you feel that as much as captain and as individually.
05:46 You want to perform close to your best.
05:48 And even though whatever happens from here on in in the tournament,
05:52 whoever we play, we want to play good, hard games of cricket and play well
05:55 and get back to playing the way we know we can.
05:59 It looks like it'll be incredibly...
06:02 You need a few miracles that we'd have to win every game
06:04 and things go our way to progress further in this tournament.
06:07 But for the games that we have left, we want to play the cricket we know we can play.
06:12 Two more. Dean, one each from Dane and then from Matt.
06:16 Just one of the, I guess, ways that the players have been talking over the course of the tournament
06:22 and even leading into it is that you've been there, done it before.
06:25 You know what you're doing.
06:27 You've had to win every game before that it'll be all right on the night
06:31 because of the guys that you've got.
06:33 Is this kind of a lesson that actually it takes more than just having done it before?
06:39 Yeah, I think in any sport or anything, you can't protect anything or rely on the part.
06:47 You have to go and create something new every time.
06:50 We know that as players.
06:51 We touch on experience and things, having banked stuff before.
06:56 But something we spoke about a lot as a team, that you have to go and create it again.
07:01 You can't rest on your laurels or try and protect something,
07:05 try and protect an image or protect something as a team.
07:11 And that's why at the very beginning of the tournament, as I said,
07:14 we weren't here to try and defend our title.
07:17 We were here to start something new and try and win something.
07:20 Obviously, we're falling a long way short of that at the minute.
07:23 But certainly as players, we certainly didn't take anything for granted
07:28 or just think it would be all right on the night.
07:31 You don't get to the level like this by thinking like that.
07:35 Josh, do you think you've been set up to fail by the schedule and the other things above you?
07:43 No, I don't.
07:45 No, I think we've...
07:47 As players, the schedules are the schedules.
07:51 And we've got a lot of things in our favour.
07:53 We've got fantastic support from the coaches within the environment.
08:00 We get fantastic support from our fans as a country.
08:03 And we've let them all down.
08:05 It's been a really tough few weeks, incredibly disappointing, as you say,
08:09 a shock to perform the way we have with the team that we do have.
08:14 So I don't think there's any blame elsewhere apart from ourselves.
08:20 And as captain, you sort of feel that the most.
08:24 Thank you.
