• 2 years ago


00:00 So, I haven't always been barefoot.
00:03 I have to be honest, I think always
00:05 there's been a little bit of an interest,
00:08 at least. Even when I was in high school
00:10 growing up in northern Wisconsin
00:12 with frigid, cold winters, I seem to
00:15 remember trying to go outside barefoot.
00:18 I remember I was in Northport, New York,
00:21 and there was a 10K, the Cow Harbor 10K.
00:24 And I had never run a competitive 10K,
00:29 that's six kilometers, not really a
00:31 competitive person. But I decided,
00:34 hey, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna
00:35 try to do it barefoot and see what happens.
00:38 I started out and I just found myself
00:40 passing dozens and dozens and then
00:42 hundreds and hundreds of people.
00:44 And I finished the race in about 44 minutes,
00:47 I think it was. It was the fastest
00:49 that I've ever ran. You know, really
00:52 one of the fastest I've ever ran
00:53 in my entire life, and it was barefoot.
00:56 I just found myself continuously
00:59 exceeding what I thought that I could do
01:02 with my body, and I found my body
01:04 working naturally. I go barefoot
01:07 pretty much everywhere, even in the
01:09 streets of New York or in the alleys.
01:12 I'm generally always barefoot.
01:15 Now, I put on shoes sometimes, of course,
01:17 especially when I'm visiting colder climates.
01:20 But generally, my goal is to try to be
01:23 barefoot as much as I possibly can.
