Wolves face scheduled Christmas Eve game - The Premier League are forgetting about the fans

  • last year
A nightmare for fans.
00:00 And moving on to Wolves finally, stuff off the pitch, stuff on the pitch has been quite positive as of recent.
00:08 But off the pitch, we've learnt about the fixture amendment of a Christmas Eve game, the first time in a long, long time that this has happened,
00:17 where they take on Chelsea on Christmas Eve at the Molineux.
00:20 What are your thoughts on it? Because it's absolutely ludicrous really that we've had such a long period of getting used to Boxing Day games,
00:31 those two, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, always a break from football.
00:35 This is going to put a strain on so many fans' lives and obviously yourself for covering the game.
00:41 What's your thoughts on it? And is there going to be an amendment to maybe come?
00:46 It's just scuppering loads of Christmas plans, isn't it? It's the first time since 1995 that a Premier League game has been played on Christmas Eve.
00:54 There's a reason for that. Why change it? Well, the broadcasters, they want to fit more games in, I suppose, but it just doesn't make any logical sense to me.
01:02 You've got to think about the fans, the travelling to the games. Obviously, people can say, 'Oh, I'm not going to go, I'm seeing my family.'
01:09 But when a game's on, you're more likely to go, aren't you?
01:11 I think that's probably more down to the people problem rather than the broadcasters.
01:16 But it just shouldn't be an option to have it on Christmas Eve. For myself as well, that's a day that maybe I was hoping to travel home and be able to have a couple of days with family,
01:24 but probably going to have to cover it. Obviously, a massive privilege to cover walls, but on Christmas Eve, it's just not what you want to be doing.
01:31 Boxing Day is the day for football and New Year's Day and Eve, you can understand that.
01:37 But I think Christmas Eve is ludicrous and it should be changed. It won't. It will stick like that now.
01:43 But, dearie me, it had to be walls as well, didn't it?
01:48 Yeah, and there just seems to be more and more season-on-season decisions from these organisations and broadcasters that really, really affect the fans.
01:58 It's just becoming a theme now, it seems, as well.
02:00 Obviously, next year we are looking at an improved, increased amount of teams in Europe, so that will affect Villa.
02:07 The fans aren't thought about enough. What stage is it going to get to? Is it going to get to a point where they start just boycotting the games?
02:17 I don't know. People might boycott this one, but it's kind of down to family.
02:22 But people want to see their teams. They've paid their money for their season tickets. Why are they going to then be robbed of it?
02:28 I don't think it's going to make a difference if people boycott the games. It's not about those going anyway.
02:32 They obviously don't care about those, otherwise they wouldn't make the decision in the first place.
02:35 It's all about the TV revenue. People aren't going to give up their subscriptions because of one game.
02:40 Fair play to people if they do, but if you can't get to an away match, you want to be able to see your team on TV.
02:45 It's a really tricky position to be in, and the power, unfortunately, is in the hands of the broadcasters.
