• 2 years ago
Introducing "Behind the Don," an exclusive series featuring personal stories from those who cherished the one and only M | dHNfRzYyNXZHQnhsbEk


00:00 What does the world not know about Don Rickles that I know about?
00:03 He really preferred to be alone. He was like Howard Hughes, you know, he could sit in front of
00:14 the TV with the big chair and the remote control and you could leave him there and if I walked
00:21 into the room and I'm like, "Dad, I wanted to..." "Mindy, leave me alone! I'm watching a show!"
00:26 And that was the exact face because my face is his face, which is a frightening thing. Really,
00:31 when he was off stage, he wanted to relax. He didn't want to put on a show. Food was his
00:37 absolute most favorite thing. So you could be in a restaurant even if the food wasn't great.
00:43 And he would sit there and they'd bring him a bowl of pasta and he would say, "Oh, a bowl of
00:49 pasta. I love this. Oh, magnificent. Magnificent!" And he would just shovel it down just like all
00:57 over and my mother, who would be with him, and she had her own, you know, personality, and she'd be
01:02 like, "Donald, stop eating that. That's too much for you. Stop it. Stop it." And she would like
01:07 kick him under the table and he would be like, "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I want to eat
01:11 this. What do you have for dessert?" And then he would always be like, "Can I get a plate of
01:16 cookies for the table?" You know, it was always cookies for the table. He always, you know,
01:20 however many people we were, it was always cookies. My life was cookies for the table.
01:25 And then he wanted a bowl of fruit with a little sweetener on top. "Magnificent!" That was his big
01:31 thing. "Magnificent! Thank you, senor." Whoever the guy was. "What's your name, senor? Where are
01:36 you from?" And so he would do like an hour talking to the waiter and I would be like, "13, Dad,
01:42 can you look at me?" He loved to talk to the waiters and, you know, the wait staff and he
01:48 loved to see, and he loved people waiting on him. You know, he was always very kind to all of them,
01:53 but he loved them and he wanted to see as many as he could. "Where's the chef?"
