• 2 years ago
A jaw-less rapper, an 8-year-old with over 40 surgeries, and a fairy godmother determined to make one wish come true....just a few rule-smashers that prove miracles are possible.


00:00 So how do miracles happen?
00:02 By breaking the rules.
00:03 17-year-old Isaiah is a rule destroyer.
00:07 Isaiah was born without an air passage and a jaw
00:11 and didn't have oxygen for 15 minutes.
00:15 But today, even though Isaiah is mute
00:18 and has never spoken a word,
00:20 he is inspiring the world with his voice
00:23 by writing rap songs and having rapper Trap House
00:26 be his physical voice.
00:29 8-year-old Maverick is a rule smasher.
00:32 Maverick was born with a congenital heart defect
00:36 and had over 40 surgeries,
00:38 including 5 open heart surgeries.
00:41 My little man Maverick loves the Boston Red Sox
00:45 and his hero is Red Sox player David Ortiz,
00:48 also known as Big Poppy.
00:51 One day when Maverick wasn't feeling well,
00:53 I reached out to Kevin to see if he could get a video
00:56 from Big Poppy for Maverick.
00:58 And within 2 hours of sending that text,
01:02 I had a video from Kevin and Big Poppy that said,
01:05 "Maverick, I'm going to hit a home run for you tonight.
01:09 Remember that."
01:10 Well, fast forward just a couple of hours.
01:13 It's a beautiful night at Fenway Park,
01:16 and the Boston Red Sox are playing their biggest rival,
01:19 the New York Yankees.
01:21 Big Poppy steps up to bat the first time.
01:25 He strikes out.
01:27 He steps up to bat the second time.
01:30 He strikes out.
01:32 He steps up to bat the third time.
01:35 He strikes out.
01:38 He steps up to bat the fourth time.
01:41 It's the bottom of the eighth inning.
01:43 The game is tied 2-2.
01:46 Big Poppy is up against one of the best relieving pitchers
01:49 in the game,
01:51 someone that Big Poppy's never had a hit off of
01:53 in his entire career.
01:56 He swings the bat,
01:57 and he hits a two-run, game-winning home run for Maverick.
02:02 The next thing I know,
02:04 I have a video from Maverick that says,
02:06 "Big Poppy, you never let me down,
02:09 and I'm going to try my hardest
02:11 to get to Fenway Park to meet you."
02:14 And within two weeks,
02:15 I was on a private plane with my little man
02:18 for him to meet his hero
02:20 and throw out the first pitch.
02:22 Big Poppy walks in the room.
02:25 Maverick's eyes light up.
02:27 He has the biggest smile on his face.
02:30 In the cutest little six-year-old voice, he says,
02:34 "Big Poppy!"
02:35 He was ecstatic.
02:36 He was jumping up and down.
02:38 He said this was the best day of his life.
02:42 Are miracles real?
02:44 Should Big Poppy have hit that home run for Maverick?
02:47 I experience miracles every day.
02:49 Maverick shouldn't be here today,
02:52 but he is,
02:53 and I have met hundreds of kids
02:56 who are living, breathing, walking, talking miracles.
03:01 They smash the barriers of conformity and rules.
03:04 They walk when doctors said they wouldn't.
03:07 They see when doctors said sight wasn't possible.
03:10 They live when doctors said they would die.
03:13 Yet they choose to be brave.
03:15 They choose to be positive.
03:16 They choose to show up
03:18 and live life to the fullest every day.
03:21 They choose to break the rules.
03:23 The rules that are stopping us from living our miracle.
03:27 Your miracle is waiting.
03:30 Go break the rules to create it.
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