António Guterres claims to be misrepresented in the media

  • last year
António Guterres said he condemned unequivocally the deadly attacks by Hamas gunmen in Israel two weeks ago but that it was important to recognise that they "did not happen in a vacuum".Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan accused him of "justifying terrorism" and demanded his immediate resignation.He later said Israel would withhold visas from UN officials.
00:00 I am shocked by the misrepresentations by some of my statements yesterday in the Security
00:07 Council as if I was justifying acts of terror by Hamas.
00:16 This is false.
00:20 It was the opposite.
00:22 In the beginning of my intervention yesterday, I clearly stated, and I quote, "I have condemned
00:28 unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel.
00:35 Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring, and kidnapping of civilians or the
00:41 launching of rockets against civilian targets."
00:43 Indeed, I spoke of the grievances of the Palestinian people.
00:51 And in doing so, I also clearly stated, and I quote, "But the grievances of the Palestinian
00:57 people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas."
01:03 And then I went on with my intervention referring all my positions on all aspects of the Middle
01:10 East crisis.
01:12 I believe it was necessary to set the record straight, especially out of respect to the
01:22 victims and to their families.
01:25 Thank you.
