• 2 years ago
Food Chain Fishing Challenge - TINY Fish to GIANT Fish! (Catch n Cook)


00:00 fishing challenge, the food chain fishing challenge.
00:03 So pretty much what that is, is we're gonna start little.
00:05 We're gonna have to go catch our own bait,
00:07 catch the smallest fish possible.
00:09 And by the end of the day, it's about midday at the moment,
00:12 we've got until late tonight,
00:13 we're gonna see what the biggest fish
00:15 we can catch in here is.
00:16 Maybe a shark, maybe a barramundi, mangrove jack.
00:19 These canal systems lead out to the ocean,
00:22 so there's so many big fish that come up in here,
00:24 so much bait that gets pushed up.
00:25 They're actually pumping the sand back up
00:27 onto the bank at the moment.
00:28 And I was having a chat to the boys that were doing it,
00:30 and they said they actually found a 1.2 meter barra
00:33 just up the canal system.
00:35 So there are big fish in here.
00:36 But first, we need to catch the smallest fish as possible
00:39 in the cast net that we can use as bait.
00:41 Another fishing challenge off the jetty here,
00:43 let's see what fish we can catch in a couple hours.
00:46 (soft music)
00:58 All right, first we need to catch bait.
01:00 There we go.
01:11 There's the first fish.
01:14 Why did I just do that?
01:18 There's a school of fish just over here.
01:26 (soft music)
01:28 Let's see if we can get some little fish.
01:48 There we go.
01:49 That right there is gonna be the first fish
01:54 that we're gonna use.
01:55 Now let's see what we can turn this fish into
01:58 throughout the day.
01:59 It would be so good to get a brim with it
02:01 first up in the morning and then work up from there.
02:03 All right, so what we'll do is we'll chuck it on the rod.
02:07 And I reckon what we do is we drop it
02:08 straight below the jetty.
02:10 See what fish are hanging around there.
02:12 So we've got the line out,
02:18 and almost straight away we started getting bites.
02:21 Now if we can catch something on this,
02:24 we're gonna chuck it on and keep working our way up
02:26 until we get something real big.
02:28 Take it.
02:32 There we go.
02:36 What is that?
02:38 Brim, there we go.
02:40 Yes.
02:41 All right, there's the first fish
02:42 of the food chain fishing challenge.
02:44 We'll get him up, and we're gonna use this as bait
02:52 to try and catch something bigger.
02:54 There we go.
02:55 He's not a bad little fella.
02:58 Perfect size for bait.
03:00 All right, so there we go.
03:01 The first fish of the day right there
03:03 after we caught the bait in the cast net.
03:05 Now this is what we're gonna be using
03:06 to hopefully catch something like a pike eel,
03:09 and then working up from there,
03:10 seeing what else we can catch.
03:12 There's so many big fish in this canal
03:14 that I'd love to finish off the video with.
03:15 But we're not only gonna chuck this brim
03:17 onto the fishing rod to try and catch something bigger,
03:20 we're gonna chuck it in the crab pot as well
03:22 to see if we can catch a big mud crab.
03:24 So I say we cut it up, chuck it in the crab pot,
03:26 and get the second line out there.
03:28 Keep going.
03:28 We'll chuck this in, see if we can catch some dinner.
03:45 (dramatic music)
03:48 So there's three different setups
03:57 that I'm gonna be using today to catch these fish.
04:00 Thanks to Shimano for sending me them.
04:02 And this is exactly what you can use them for as well.
04:04 So we got the lighter setup.
04:05 That's the Shimano Jewel,
04:07 one to four kilo matched up with the Twin Power 2500.
04:11 Perfect for catching flatties, whiting, brim.
04:14 And then I got my baitcaster, which is the Shimano Raider.
04:17 Now that's a bit of a heavy setup.
04:19 Six to 10 kilos and it's matched up with the Metanium.
04:22 Perfect for fishing for barra, mangrove jack.
04:24 And the last setup we got is the Salty
04:26 matched up with the Van Ford.
04:28 This is what I'm gonna be hopefully catching
04:30 my final fish on, whatever it is.
04:32 But yeah, if you're just getting into fishing,
04:33 just go into your local tackle shop, wherever it is,
04:36 and just ask them about these combos.
04:38 But yeah, let's see what else we can catch.
04:41 Getting bites on this one.
04:42 (soft music)
04:45 Yep, there we go.
04:51 What is that?
04:53 Flattie.
04:56 Yes.
04:59 I don't know if we're going up or down
05:01 in the food chain here.
05:02 (laughs)
05:03 Flat head off a brim.
05:04 I wonder what we can catch with a flattie.
05:07 Maybe we should fillet it up,
05:09 eat a couple of the fillets,
05:11 and then chuck a big chunk out on the big rod
05:14 and see if there's any big fish that we can catch with it.
05:16 So we caught that little fish in the cast net.
05:19 That led to us catching a brim.
05:21 Chuck the brim fillet on and we've caught a flattie.
05:23 It's getting into the later hours of the day at the moment.
05:26 This is when the sharks will be coming out.
05:28 This is when the barra and the big jacks will be coming out.
05:30 All right, let's get the big rod out there.
05:32 See what we can catch.
05:33 I just gave that flat head to my family up inside.
05:36 They're stoked.
05:37 They're cooking that up for lunch right now.
05:39 I'm hoping that we'll be able to get a crab later on.
05:41 Yeah, it's good to see
05:42 that none of these fish are going to waste.
05:44 The big fillet.
05:45 We'll hook it on the top and cast it out there.
05:51 There is a lot of big fish that cruise around these canals.
05:56 So I reckon if we chuck it out there and wait,
06:01 chuck that in there and we'll loosen the drag right off.
06:07 So whatever takes it can freely take out line.
06:10 Check the crab pot.
06:28 See if we got anything.
06:29 Big muddy.
06:34 Look at him in there.
06:36 He is massive.
06:38 Yes, that's going to be our dinner.
06:40 All right, I reckon what we do
06:42 is we'll get this big muddy on ice straight away.
06:44 I'll go chuck him in the freezer.
06:46 And then once he falls asleep,
06:47 we'll come down on the jetty and cook him up
06:49 while we're still fishing.
06:51 I always find the coolest thing
06:52 is that I can come into my own backyard
06:54 and catch all these fish and cook them up
06:56 and catch these crabs as well.
06:58 That is a massive muddy
06:59 and that's going to be real good for dinner.
07:01 (water splashing)
07:04 (dramatic music)
07:07 (water splashing)
07:09 (crow cawing)
07:25 (dramatic music)
07:28 (water splashing)
07:30 There we go.
07:56 (dramatic music)
07:59 Oh.
08:02 Big flatty.
08:05 Yes.
08:08 Oh, got off.
08:10 No.
08:11 So it's low tide at the moment.
08:13 And as the tide drops,
08:14 all the fish slow down.
08:15 They stop biting a bit.
08:17 But I found in here,
08:18 as it gets into the night,
08:20 if the tide's coming up,
08:21 that's when all the jacks will be out.
08:23 That's when all the barra will be out.
08:24 Sharks will come out after dark as well.
08:26 But we've got food now.
08:27 We've got a mud crab for dinner
08:29 and it's a pretty big one as well.
08:30 We've only had the pot in for a couple hours.
08:32 But in this little area,
08:33 no one ever chucks out crab pots.
08:35 So there's a lot of mud crabs here.
08:36 But this system eventually leads out to the ocean.
08:39 So anything from the ocean,
08:41 if it really wanted to,
08:42 could come all the way up here.
08:44 I've seen dolphins up here.
08:45 Sharks a lot bigger than you think
08:47 have been spotted just off our jetty.
08:49 And there's some species in here
08:51 that I catch all the time
08:52 that you would just not believe
08:53 is lurking around in this canal.
08:55 There's these massive eels that are in this canal
08:58 known as pike eels.
08:59 They can get three and four meters long.
09:01 And that's what we're hopefully
09:02 gonna be trying to catch next.
09:03 And that's what we're gonna be using as bait.
09:05 So let's get this crab out of the freezer,
09:07 cook it up for dinner,
09:08 and see if we can catch any bigger fish into the night.
09:22 So we're just getting a run on the shark rod.
09:25 I reckon this could be a little bull shark right now.
09:29 It'd be so cool to catch one at this time of day.
09:31 It's running again.
09:49 (suspenseful music)
09:52 Oh, that's really running.
09:56 I reckon this is a shark.
09:57 There we go.
10:01 All right, we're on here.
10:06 This could be the end of the challenge
10:09 if we can get whatever this is in.
10:11 What is that?
10:15 Stingray.
10:19 Nah, definitely not.
10:21 Definitely not a stingray.
10:23 By the way, it's fighting or not fighting, I should say.
10:25 I reckon this could be one of those big eels.
10:29 I don't know.
10:30 You coming here?
10:42 - Yeah.
10:43 - Ready?
10:44 It'll start going.
10:45 - On the fish?
10:46 - Yeah.
10:47 - We just wanna see what it is.
10:49 Ooh, come around to here.
10:53 - Wait, I think they come around here.
10:56 So we're just following it.
11:02 Oh, what is it?
11:06 Might be a big, I reckon it could be a shark or a barrow.
11:11 Oh, shark.
11:17 There we go.
11:18 We'll just bring him in to the bank right here.
11:25 All right.
11:29 And take a look at that.
11:34 That right there is a bull shark
11:37 and that's the end of the food chain fishing challenge.
11:40 We did it.
11:41 Ooh, this one fully nearly got my arm then, hey?
11:47 All right, and that right there
11:48 is the end of the food chain fishing challenge.
11:51 It's crazy to think what we worked up from today,
11:53 from that little fish this morning,
11:55 all the way to the king of the canals right here,
11:57 the bull shark.
11:58 Now we're gonna get him back in the water.
12:00 It's funny because the last video that I filmed
12:02 was all about bull sharks.
12:04 I actually made a primitive trap up this creek
12:06 and was able to catch one.
12:07 So if you wanna learn more about these animals,
12:09 go check that video out.
12:11 But that is absolutely awesome right there.
12:13 A little bull shark up in this canal
12:15 put up a really good fight.
12:16 I was expecting it to be a bit bigger than this,
12:18 but I guess it was just the rod that I caught it on.
12:21 We're gonna get this shark back in the water.
12:23 That is absolutely awesome.
12:25 We've done it again, mate.
12:26 The jetty always provides.
12:28 All right, let's get him back in.
12:30 All right, mate.
12:31 So what we're gonna do is just one big push like that.
12:38 And start to swim off back out to the depths.
12:46 - That was beautiful.
12:48 - So here's the muddy that we caught in the crab pot earlier.
12:51 We got the pot boiling up over here.
12:53 Rods are still out.
12:54 Although we have finished this challenge,
12:56 I'm gonna fish into the night
12:58 and see what other animals we can catch.
13:00 Hopefully a big pike eel, just to show you guys
13:02 because they look so cool.
13:03 Yeah, this will give me a bit of energy
13:04 to fish into the night.
13:06 He's a pretty big fella.
13:07 We're in the canals down here.
13:08 Not too many people chuck out crab pots.
13:10 But yeah, we're gonna kill this crab.
13:12 Once that pot boils, boil him up for dinner.
13:15 (eerie music)
13:17 Sun's just setting over there.
13:27 Gonna be good cooking up this muddy.
13:30 Mate, sitting on a jetty, having a fish,
13:34 catching my own food.
13:35 Got a mud crab that'll be worth 100 bucks for dinner.
13:38 Cannot complain.
13:39 We're just gonna pull this crab pot.
13:44 There we go.
13:45 Cut him in half.
13:51 We'll clean out all this.
13:53 There we go.
14:06 And all that, you can chuck in the pot.
14:14 Chuck the claw in.
14:15 That one.
14:18 Get all that.
14:26 I reckon it's cooked.
14:34 Take a look at that.
14:37 All right, we'll get it out.
14:39 (eerie music)
14:41 Not a bad life at all.
14:59 Been a pretty good day, just fishing off the jetty.
15:01 Bit more of a simple video this week,
15:03 but it's nice to come down here and do something like this.
15:06 So I'm just gonna finish off this crab
15:08 here in Australia.
15:09 They call this a Gold Coast lollipop.
15:11 All right, I reckon that's it for another video, everyone.
15:25 Thank you so much for watching this one.
15:27 It's been a pretty cool challenge out here on the jetty.
15:29 It's always fun coming out here.
15:31 And if you wanna see more fishing videos,
15:32 I might fish into the night tonight,
15:34 but if not, thank you so much for watching this video.
15:36 I'll be posting new videos every single week.
15:39 So yeah, I'm keen to see what this year holds.
15:41 We're gonna be going on crazy adventures every week.
15:43 Thank you so much for watching.
15:45 Like, comment, subscribe,
15:46 and I'll see you guys next week in the next adventure.
