Harry Potter Reboot Trailer 2025 Breakdown and Episodes Explained

  • last year
Harry Potter Reboot Trailer 2025 Breakdown and Episodes Explained
00:00 (dramatic music)
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00:11 - Welcome back everyone, it's Charlie.
00:36 A lot of you have been asking me to do a video
00:38 about the Harry Potter reboot trailer they just dropped
00:40 and the announcement about how they're gonna plot out
00:42 this full reboot series that they're doing.
00:45 I'll explain what's going on and what it means
00:47 for the new Harry Potter movies that they also talked about.
00:49 J.K. Rowling also said they're continuing
00:51 to do more Harry Potter movies,
00:52 but said in different parts of the timeline.
00:55 If you're brand new to the channel,
00:56 be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes.
00:58 They only just started working on it,
00:59 but they're going full steam ahead
01:01 and I will do episode videos when it releases.
01:03 They've been working on this for a long time,
01:05 trying to lock J.K. Rowling down to a deal.
01:07 Like they had to get her to sign on the dotted line.
01:09 And the important thing is first,
01:10 this is meant to be a full-on reboot
01:12 of the original Harry Potter books,
01:14 which is a bit of a surprise.
01:15 Like we knew they were doing a Harry Potter series,
01:17 we were just kind of wondering
01:18 what it would actually be about.
01:19 But they're rebooting the events of Harry, Hermione, Ron,
01:22 all the main characters story
01:24 that we read during those original books.
01:25 And they already greenlit the full series for order,
01:28 which is way beyond what you normally get.
01:30 This means they ordered beyond just the first episode,
01:33 like there's no pilot episode or just the first season.
01:36 Pretty much the entirety of all the original books
01:39 have been greenlit to episodes.
01:41 And as part of the deal that it took
01:42 to get a Harry Potter series about the mainline characters,
01:45 again, they had to approve a 10-year run for the series,
01:49 meaning at least 10 seasons.
01:51 They didn't say exactly how many episodes per season,
01:54 but it would be about what "House of the Dragon,"
01:55 "Game of Thrones" were,
01:56 meaning eight to 10 episodes per season.
01:59 Every single fan of the books,
02:00 and there are millions, many millions of us now asking,
02:03 there aren't 10 books, there are only seven books.
02:06 Why are there 10 seasons for seven books?
02:08 This is because part of J.K. Rowling's deal
02:10 with Warner Brothers and HBO
02:11 to get the series actually going to actually sign the deal
02:14 was that they would cover every single thing
02:16 in all the books without cutting out any plot,
02:19 which is what happened
02:20 with the original Harry Potter movies.
02:21 It's actually happening with "Game of Thrones"
02:23 and "House of the Dragon" right now too,
02:24 to talk about George R. R. Martin,
02:25 another major author who's getting a lot of stuff
02:28 cut out of his books to cram it into seasons,
02:30 is basically what happened
02:31 with the original Harry Potter movies.
02:33 If you only watch the original movies
02:35 with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint,
02:37 even though they split the events of the last book
02:40 into two movies, they did eight movies for seven books,
02:43 they still wound up cutting a massive amount of stuff
02:45 out of each book to cram the events of each one
02:47 into a single movie,
02:48 with the exception of "Harry Potter"
02:49 and "The Deathly Hallows,"
02:50 and even then, with two full movies
02:53 in about four and a half hours to do that one book,
02:55 they still had to cut out a lot of stuff
02:57 from "Deathly Hallows."
02:58 So the 10 seasons allows them to go full "Deathly Hallows"
03:01 for all the books when they need to break the events
03:03 of some of the larger books into multiple seasons,
03:05 and it also means they can start working on season two,
03:07 season three, so on, much, much sooner,
03:10 so that there aren't massive breaks between the seasons,
03:12 which is what just happened with "House of the Dragon."
03:15 HBO waited until like the last possible minute
03:17 after "House of the Dragon" season one had released,
03:19 and been proven to hit like everyone loved it,
03:21 so they're like, "Great, we'll do all the seasons now,"
03:23 but that means that they couldn't start working
03:24 on season two 'til way, way later,
03:27 and that's why we had to wait two years
03:28 for "House of the Dragon" season two,
03:29 and they don't want that to happen
03:30 with something like "Harry Potter,"
03:31 which they know is going to be crazy popular.
03:34 Zooming in hands on the book chart here,
03:36 the first two books are the shortest by far,
03:38 so they can probably cover the events
03:39 of "Sorcerer's Stone" and "Chamber of Secrets"
03:41 completely in season one, in season two.
03:44 "Prisoner of Azkaban" is pretty close,
03:46 they could probably cover that in a single season three,
03:48 but you notice, starting with "Harry Potter"
03:50 and "The Goblet of Fire,"
03:51 the length of each book more than doubles,
03:53 which is where they need to start using two seasons
03:55 to cover the events of each book.
03:57 They might try to cram "Goblet of Fire"
03:59 into a single season four,
04:01 or just give it a slightly longer episode run,
04:03 but "The Order of the Phoenix"
04:05 would probably be season five and season six,
04:06 "Half-Blood Prince" would probably be season seven
04:09 and season eight, and then obviously "Deathly Hallows"
04:11 would be season nine and season 10.
04:13 That could wind up changing a little,
04:14 like they could always wind up doing 11 seasons
04:16 and use two seasons for "Goblet of Fire,"
04:18 but this is just the beginning.
04:19 They only have a loose plan
04:20 for how long they'll spend on each season,
04:22 like remember, we're talking 10 years into the future now,
04:24 a lot of can change in 10 years.
04:26 The original actors, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson,
04:29 Rupert Grint, as well as the other actors
04:31 have talked about how they feel
04:32 about them doing a reboot in the past.
04:34 Most of them, like Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson,
04:36 have said they never plan on coming back
04:38 as the characters in new movies set later in the timeline,
04:41 but both of them have said,
04:42 "Oh, we do know that they'll eventually reboot the movies.
04:44 It's just a reality, like it doesn't bother us that much."
04:47 - Um, so yeah, it was, it was very,
04:52 it was a very good 10 years.
04:55 - So they don't care quite as much
04:56 about them actually rebooting their characters.
04:58 Rupert Grint though, was like one of the three mains
05:01 who was like, "Oh yeah, totally, yeah,
05:02 I would love to come back and do an older version of Ron."
05:04 But it doesn't really make sense to do that
05:06 unless you also get the older Daniel Radcliffe
05:08 to do older Harry Potter and Hermione to come back.
05:11 Before all this happened,
05:12 a lot of us had way tamer theories
05:14 about their Harry Potter series plans.
05:15 Most of us had assumed that they would do a series set
05:18 during a different part of the timeline,
05:19 like a Marauder series,
05:20 because they could still feature
05:21 most of the major characters from the main series,
05:23 like Voldemort, Dumbledore,
05:25 just as younger versions of the characters.
05:27 That's kind of what they did with the Fantastic Beasts movie.
05:29 Like they kind of slowly turned into Dumbledore movies,
05:32 even though they didn't start out that way.
05:34 A lot of us also thought that they might do
05:36 a Severus Snape series or a young Voldemort series,
05:39 or they go way back in the timeline
05:40 and do a founder series about the four founders of Hogwarts,
05:43 Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff,
05:45 Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.
05:47 One of the important details though,
05:49 is that JK Rowling will not be writing
05:51 all the episodes herself.
05:53 They'll actually have teams of experienced showrunners
05:55 and show writers actually working on the series,
05:57 and she'll just get approval on scripts,
05:59 which is kind of how the situation
06:00 with the original Harry Potter movie writing went,
06:03 where she didn't do the bulk of the writing
06:04 of the movies herself.
06:06 She just approved a lot of their scripts.
06:08 When they got to the Fantastic Beasts movie though,
06:10 they actually did let her write most of those movies,
06:13 which is why the movies felt a little bit weaker,
06:15 because she's amazing at writing novels.
06:18 Like the original Harry Potter books are amazing books,
06:20 but she's not a great screenwriter.
06:22 So I'm glad that they're going back to the old method
06:25 of writing the episodes for the series.
06:27 I think that'll just ultimately lead
06:28 towards better quality actual episodes.
06:31 But according to JK Rowling,
06:32 they are still making new Harry Potter movies,
06:34 and all of our theories have now been flipped,
06:36 and now the new movies are gonna be telling stories
06:38 that are jumping around in the timeline.
06:40 JK Rowling was kind of noncommittal
06:42 when asked about which events the next movies would cover.
06:44 Warner Brothers already said that they don't have
06:46 any more Fantastic Beasts movies in development,
06:48 so that franchise is basically dead
06:50 with the last Fantastic Beasts movie,
06:52 and it sounds like they'll do Marauders movies,
06:54 a founder series of movies, events like that.
06:57 Or they go full Star Wars and try to do events
06:59 much later in the timeline,
07:01 much longer after the main characters have passed away.
07:04 House of the Dragon is doing this
07:05 for Game of Thrones right now,
07:06 but just as HBO series, like their only series,
07:08 they haven't announced Game of Thrones movies
07:10 or anything like that,
07:11 just jumping around in the timeline.
07:13 I just did another video for that Game of Thrones,
07:15 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms trailer,
07:17 which they also released
07:18 when they released this Harry Potter reboot trailer.
07:20 Like there were a bunch of different series
07:21 they all announced at the same time with trailers.
07:24 They did just bring back the entire Harry Potter cast
07:26 from the movies for a reunion special on HBO Max
07:29 a little while ago,
07:30 but that was more of a glorified behind-the-scenes featurette
07:32 kind of like the cast of a Friends reunion.
07:35 They didn't come back to do a new movie or a new episode.
07:37 They just sat around and talked about the movies
07:39 like a longer version of a Blu-ray DVD special feature.
07:42 Because they just announced the full series
07:44 had been greenlit, it's gonna be at least 2025
07:47 before they can start getting episodes out.
07:48 They haven't announced any kind of casting yet,
07:50 who's gonna be playing all the characters,
07:52 but there could be some of the original movie actors
07:54 returning in different roles
07:56 because they're obviously much older now,
07:57 so they'd have to be playing different characters.
07:59 - Stan, you recently gave an interview on a podcast
08:02 where you said if you ever went back to Harry Potter,
08:04 you would play another character
08:06 like Sirius Black or something.
08:07 How long after the podcast went live
08:09 did a producer call you to see if you were serious?
08:12 - If you're a fan of the DC series,
08:13 they did this with stuff like the Flash series in modern day
08:16 where they had John Wesley Shipp
08:17 from the '90s Flash series come back as Barry's father.
08:21 So they could bring back some of the original actors
08:24 just playing slightly different characters,
08:25 but the thing is, obviously it hasn't been that long.
08:27 That's why a lot of fans got upset
08:29 because it's literally like right after
08:30 they finished the movies, it hasn't been that long.
08:33 Usually when they reboot movies,
08:34 and Warner Brothers did just announce
08:35 that they're rebooting the original
08:37 Lord of the Rings movies with new movies,
08:39 usually they wait more than 20 years
08:41 before trying to reboot things.
08:42 Like we're not talking about Spider-Man here at Sony.
08:44 That's the best example of them rebooting stuff right away
08:47 with them rebooting from Tony Maguire into Andrew Garfield
08:50 and then very quickly soon after
08:51 into the Tom Holland version of Spider-Man.
08:54 Everybody's now hoping for Harry Potter into the Potterverse
08:57 where like all the different characters come
08:58 and they just say that they all happen
09:00 in different universes where like Daniel Radcliffe
09:02 comes back with whatever new version of Harry Potter
09:04 they wind up casting.
09:05 The funny thing about that is that Daniel Radcliffe
09:07 is like a hardcore Star Wars fan,
09:09 a lot of these other franchises.
09:10 So it would be funny to see him pop up
09:12 in like a Marvel movie or a Star Wars movie.
09:14 One of the reasons why you don't see that happening though,
09:16 Emma Watson too, is because they made so much money
09:19 on Harry Potter, they're so iconic as those characters.
09:21 They don't feel like they need to do movies
09:22 just for the paycheck, like you would get giant paychecks
09:25 for these big comic book movies or big Star Wars movies.
09:27 So it just enables them to be a little more selective
09:29 with their roles and just do weirder stuff
09:31 because they already have giant piles of money.
09:34 Which is how you get Daniel Radcliffe
09:36 playing a farting corpse.
09:37 And the funny thing about that movie, big coincidence here,
09:39 is that the directors of that farting corpse
09:41 Daniel Radcliffe movie are actually the directors
09:44 who made Everything, Everywhere, All at Once,
09:46 which was fantastic.
09:48 Everybody let me know in the comments though,
09:49 like what do you want them to do
09:51 for this new 10 year long plus Harry Potter series?
09:55 Who do you want them to cast for actors?
09:56 It's still a little bit early to start talking
09:58 about who they're gonna cast,
09:59 but obviously there'll be much younger versions
10:00 of the characters.
10:01 And as for the Lord of the Rings reboot movies,
10:03 they haven't released any kind of teaser
10:05 or trailer for that yet.
10:06 So it sounds like it's gonna be much longer
10:08 before those start releasing.
10:09 Elijah Wood also kind of did the same thing,
10:11 like the Daniel Radcliffe thing,
10:13 where you're asked about how you feel about the reboot,
10:15 like they're rebooting the Lord of the Rings movies.
10:17 What do you think about this?
10:18 He was actually pretty nice about it,
10:20 like, oh, you know, I knew they would reboot them eventually,
10:22 I hope they do a good job,
10:23 hope this isn't a big cash grab.
10:25 So with any luck, they'll actually spend the time
10:27 that they need to to make this Harry Potter series
10:30 actually be good.
10:31 Otherwise, that next 10 years would be a slog.
10:34 But like I said, because they just started,
10:36 they're gonna be writing scripts now,
10:38 starting actual work on the series,
10:39 it'll take them a couple years
10:41 before you actually get episodes.
10:42 So it'll actually be a good long while
10:45 before we actually get the next real trailer.
10:47 I'll probably wait till we start getting
10:48 really big announcements, or like really big trailers,
10:51 before I start doing some more videos,
10:52 but leave all your requests in the comments below.
10:54 If you have any special questions
10:55 about what's going on with this Harry Potter reboot,
10:57 or any of the other big reboots that are happening.
10:59 I just did a trailer video for Game of Thrones,
11:01 Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,
11:02 so I'll put a link for that at the end of this
11:04 and down in the description below.
11:05 You can click here to watch that,
11:07 and click here for my Mandalorian season three,
11:09 episode eight finale video.
11:11 Thank you so much for watching, everyone stay safe,
11:14 and I'll see you guys in the next one.
11:15 (silence)
11:18 (silence)
11:20 (silence)
