Arca Fondi festeggia 40 anni di vicinanza alle famiglie nella gestione del risparmio

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolta presso l’università Bocconi di Milano la conferenza stampa “Uno sguardo al futuro: ambiente, demografia, innovazione, mercati e moneta”, con la quale si sono celebrati i quarant’anni di attività di Arca Fondi, una delle principali realtà nel panorama del risparmio gestito italiano. Esperti e professori dell’ateneo milanese hanno analizzato le prospettive future dell’industria del risparmio gestito e approfondito i nuovi trend che plasmeranno il sistema economico e, in particolare, il settore finanziario.


00:00 Arcafondi, one of the main realities in the panorama of Italian managed savings,
00:08 has celebrated its 40 years of activity with the press conference "A look into the future,
00:12 environment, demography, innovation, markets and currency" held at the University of Bocconi in Milan.
00:17 Born in 1983, Arcafondi has always had the aim of managing with great attention the family's savings,
00:23 with sustainable performance goals over time.
00:26 Putting in the center the client and his needs, Arcafondi has passed the test of time and today looks to the future.
00:33 Arcafondi is one of the most dynamic companies in the market,
00:37 has a wide range of products and services,
00:41 has the largest open fund in Italy,
00:45 and continues to innovate, continues to be a group of people with a lot of talent,
00:51 with a lot of dedication, very dedicated to stay close to the clients,
00:56 to the clients and to provide information and transparency on the progress of their products,
01:04 on the progress of the financial markets,
01:06 and try to guide families in difficult choices.
01:11 Allocating savings is a very difficult thing,
01:14 so you have to be very careful, give a lot of information
01:18 and possibly have products and solutions that help families to manage their wealth,
01:25 their savings, and let's not forget the consumption of the future.
01:29 The event, which saw the participation of experts in the sector and professors of the Milanese Ateneo,
01:34 was an opportunity to analyze the future prospects of the management and savings industry
01:38 and to deepen the new trends that will shape the economic and financial system
01:42 and that Arcafondi is ready to intercept.
01:44 We are a company projected abroad,
01:48 projected on technology, projected on market evolutions,
01:53 in particular the private assets, which are the phenomenon of these years
01:59 and which in some way will characterize, we believe, the next decades.
02:05 We are projected in a world in which the European Union has shown that it exists
02:13 and that it is accountable for investment opportunities and the creation of the capital market.
