00:00:00 The first thing I want to say, you know, is this, just to lay a foundation.
00:00:05 Actually, I was going to, you know, ask us to pray into that, you know, but I just want
00:00:11 to read it.
00:00:12 You know, in 2 Corinthians 11, verses 3 to 4, you know, this also came to my heart, I
00:00:18 think on Wednesday in my time of prayer, you know, where Paul was speaking to the Corinthians.
00:00:26 He said, "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness."
00:00:35 Am I supposed to know that Satan is still crafty?
00:00:37 Am I supposed to know that he's still subtle?
00:00:40 He's crafty.
00:00:41 "Deceived Eve by his craftiness."
00:00:44 If I were you, when I get home, when I see things like this, even though I've read it
00:00:48 many times, I deliberately would go to that place in Genesis where the story, just read
00:00:55 it again, praise God.
00:00:57 And the Word of God is always fresh.
00:00:59 So whenever I see things like this, I go to the place, look at what Paul was talking about
00:01:05 because he referred to something.
00:01:07 If I was talking to you and I made reference to something, you should go back to it, praise
00:01:12 the Lord.
00:01:13 So he said, "Deceived Eve by his craftiness."
00:01:17 In case, you know, you're knowing the story, you never saw the craftiness of the serpent,
00:01:21 you now go and study and see, you know, let's see where the craftiness, you understand?
00:01:27 He said, "So your minds may be corrupted."
00:01:31 Let's take it again.
00:01:32 "But I feel less somehow as the serpent, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness,
00:01:40 so your minds," your what?
00:01:43 Minds.
00:01:44 Can I also say minds?
00:01:46 That's where the issue is.
00:01:49 The mind, that's the battleground.
00:01:52 The Bible says to be carnally minded is death, to be spiritually minded is life.
00:01:59 That's Romans chapter 8.
00:02:01 So it says, "So your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
00:02:11 Amen.
00:02:12 I've always loved this scripture.
00:02:16 I found it, you know, years ago when I was in school.
00:02:20 That's simplicity.
00:02:22 You know, some people like complex stuff.
00:02:25 Can someone say amen?
00:02:27 So Paul was praying for them that your mind will not be moved from the simplicity.
00:02:31 You might remember something my husband, you know, used to say to people.
00:02:36 The Word of God is so straightforward that you need somebody to confuse you.
00:02:41 Jesus told people, he said, "What I'm saying is plain.
00:02:44 My speech is plain.
00:02:46 If you will to do the will of the Father, you will understand what I'm saying.
00:02:51 You know, when you don't want to do something, you will not make it look like they are speaking
00:02:55 Greek."
00:02:56 No.
00:02:57 Can someone say simplicity?
00:03:00 And I thank God for that.
00:03:02 If anybody asks me about one of the greatest secrets in my life, it's simplicity.
00:03:09 Amen.
00:03:10 I don't try to, you know, there's a prophet from where I came.
00:03:15 He said, you know, there's something, you know, there's more behind six than seven.
00:03:19 No, there's seven after six.
00:03:23 You know, I remember at my birthday and then my son was speaking and talking about, you
00:03:27 know, one thing about my mom, simplicity.
00:03:30 I don't try to, you know, some people, you know, when they can't even read a verse of
00:03:33 scripture without trying to say something.
00:03:36 Must you always say something?
00:03:39 Must there be something under something?
00:03:42 Amen.
00:03:43 Simplicity.
00:03:44 Can somebody say amen?
00:03:46 Can someone say God says it?
00:03:49 That settles it.
00:03:53 Do you know that God did not tell, "Oh, good to see you, brother Sam.
00:03:59 Congrats.
00:04:00 Amen."
00:04:01 I want you to understand later.
00:04:02 Praise the Lord.
00:04:03 Congrats.
00:04:04 Really good to see you.
00:04:05 You look alike.
00:04:06 I saw that person.
00:04:07 Anyway, let's leave it alone for now.
00:04:11 Praise the Lord.
00:04:12 Simplicity.
00:04:13 You know, the simplicity of what, you know, God did not say to Adam, "The devil did this.
00:04:23 Satan did this."
00:04:25 He just said, "Of every tree you may eat, but don't touch this one."
00:04:32 Simple.
00:04:34 They didn't have to tell you what happened to your father, what happened to your mother.
00:04:38 Some people have to know the names of demons who cast them out.
00:04:40 He said, "In these signs you follow those who believe."
00:04:44 In my name there were words, "Cast out devils."
00:04:48 If God wants you to know the name of the demon, he will tell you if it is relevant in casting
00:04:52 out that particular spirit.
00:04:56 And this is how I've always lived my life.
00:04:57 I got born again in the '70s in secondary school.
00:05:01 I remember in those times when we were in the university, there was a group that came
00:05:05 with all these demon things, names of demons, the Leviathan, the Kinnik, all kinds of things.
00:05:12 And then they would be doing seminars, they would be doing this.
00:05:14 I remember I just thanked God for my simplicity.
00:05:17 I don't know where I would have found myself now.
00:05:19 But I've faced challenges in my life that if not for the simplicity of the Word of God,
00:05:26 I would have been saying maybe it is this, maybe it is that.
00:05:29 If you want to know what compounds people's problem, this is it.
00:05:35 What God has not revealed to you, he has not revealed to you.
00:05:38 The Bible says that the hidden things that belong to God, the secret things, is what
00:05:43 has been revealed to you.
00:05:45 Elisha saw that woman coming, the Shunammite woman, and he said, "This woman, she looks
00:05:50 troubled but God has not told me what her problem is."
00:05:54 Must you know everybody's problem?
00:05:58 Must you?
00:05:59 That's why they call it Word of Knowledge.
00:06:03 God is the one who knows everything.
00:06:07 Just work with what he has given you.
00:06:09 That's why some people don't make progress.
00:06:12 If I'm reading the Bible, I see anything in the Bible, I just do it.
00:06:19 Simplicity that is in Christ.
00:06:20 He said, "Forgive, forgive."
00:06:23 Amen.
00:06:24 Don't try and make up anything, drag up anything from anywhere.
00:06:28 Just live a simple life.
00:06:30 So I told my friend, I said, you know, my very good friend, I said, "You know what?"
00:06:34 I said, "I'm not saying what they are preaching is wrong," I said, "but maybe I have not read
00:06:37 that level."
00:06:38 Let me just stay with what I know and keep my life simple.
00:06:46 Are you finished knowing the names of God?
00:06:53 The name of the demons?
00:06:54 Cast out the thing.
00:06:55 If you tell you that you don't know my name, you can't even talk.
00:06:59 I don't need to know your name to cast your hands.
00:07:01 Jesus said, "This hands will follow those who believe."
00:07:03 In my name, they will cast out devils.
00:07:06 If God tells me, if God feels your name is relevant to me casting you out, he will tell
00:07:10 me.
00:07:11 I don't need to know your name.
00:07:14 Are you following what I'm talking about?
00:07:15 It's like when people spend a lot of time trying to do deliverance.
00:07:19 What deliverance?
00:07:20 You know, you don't need all of that.
00:07:21 And this has kept me.
00:07:22 I've faced things in my life.
00:07:26 And I'm like, "God, I thank you for the word foundation.
00:07:30 I thank you for the simplicity."
00:07:32 Can somebody say amen?
00:07:35 I'll give you one or two examples.
00:07:36 I've always been very simple.
00:07:38 I don't like, maybe when God was creating some of us, he didn't give us that gift of
00:07:42 complexity.
00:07:43 And it has helped me for 60 years.
00:07:46 And it's still helping me.
00:07:49 Can someone say amen?
00:07:50 That doesn't mean I don't have brains.
00:07:54 I'm very intelligent by the grace of God.
00:07:58 Amen.
00:07:59 When I was in my, doing my sixth form, A levels, I was also in boarding school.
00:08:06 And my friend, my very good friend, her bed was just right next to mine.
00:08:12 And she got saved and started going to this church where they forbid ladies to wear jewelry.
00:08:22 So she now said to me, trying to come at me, you know, that, you know, this jewelry, you
00:08:27 know, wearing jewelry.
00:08:28 I just stopped her.
00:08:29 She was in my namesake.
00:08:30 I said, "Funke, you know, we've been friends for a long time."
00:08:33 I said, "I don't know about the jewelry thing you're talking about."
00:08:35 What I know is that when I was born, my mom, when I was a, she saw I'm a girl, she pierced
00:08:42 my ears.
00:08:43 So I was putting earrings in my ears.
00:08:47 And when I got saved, God didn't tell me to remove it.
00:08:50 So let's keep it simple.
00:08:52 Do yourself, do you, or let me do me.
00:08:54 I said, because you know, I too could be disturbed by the fact that you're not wearing earrings.
00:08:58 Don't let that spoil our friendship.
00:09:00 Let's keep it sweet.
00:09:03 And I was just between 16 and 17.
00:09:05 I've always been clear-minded.
00:09:07 Years after, some years ago, maybe 20 years ago, I don't know, my husband and I were somewhere.
00:09:12 He was preaching and I was with him.
00:09:14 And then there came question time, question and answer time.
00:09:18 And they had said, you know, questions were going to be directed at those who preach.
00:09:21 And because I didn't preach, I just went to, you know, I just went to, I just went with
00:09:25 my husband just to be with him.
00:09:28 And then a question came.
00:09:29 And they said, whoever asked it, because it was, the questions were put in a hat.
00:09:34 So they picked one out.
00:09:35 And as God will have it, this question came.
00:09:39 I'm directing this question at Reverend Mrs. Funke.
00:09:43 The summary was, what do you have to say about women in ministry?
00:09:47 Women, you know, we don't believe that women should be preaching.
00:09:51 I didn't know I was going to be asked a question.
00:09:53 I didn't, in the darkness of knowing what question will come, but thank God for the
00:09:56 Holy Ghost.
00:09:57 I just said, I don't know about it.
00:10:00 I said, all I know is that God owns the anointing.
00:10:03 And whoever chooses to anoint, let it be.
00:10:07 Did you not see in the last days I poured my spirit upon my main servant, upon my mid-servant?
00:10:13 So if God, who owns the anointing, gives it, then what's your business?
00:10:21 That was just a simple way I answered the question.
00:10:24 Amen.
00:10:25 Are you listening to what I'm saying?
00:10:27 I don't like complicating my life.
00:10:30 Let me say something to you.
00:10:31 Life is complex already.
00:10:34 Whenever I face a challenge, the first thing that hits me is how do I simplify it?
00:10:39 I don't like anything that looks like, I'm like, break it down.
00:10:45 Simplify it.
00:10:46 And that has helped me in my faith walk.
00:10:50 I'm like, God, you said this.
00:10:52 This is what you said in your word.
00:10:54 You said you'd give your angels charge over me.
00:10:58 Praise God.
00:10:59 Hallelujah.
00:11:00 So that is just something I wanted to take with you.
00:11:06 Simplicity.
00:11:09 It has not been a simple thing.
00:11:11 There's a difference.
00:11:13 Just keep your life simple.
00:11:16 It will help you.
00:11:20 You have a headache?
00:11:21 Go and eat, first of all.
00:11:24 Maybe it's hunger.
00:11:28 And if it's not, maybe you have not slept well.
00:11:30 Go and sleep.
00:11:31 You know, I read, you read the Bible says that, about Elizabeth in the Bible.
00:11:38 That Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, they were righteous, they were upright, praise
00:11:44 the Lord.
00:11:47 And they didn't have any kids.
00:11:50 And Bible says because Elizabeth was married.
00:11:52 It didn't say somebody in her village.
00:11:56 It was, I'm saying then, voodoo.
00:12:03 Simple.
00:12:04 Amen.
00:12:05 Keep your life simple.
00:12:07 Don't go, somebody, I was told that somebody said she wanted to go to the village to go
00:12:13 and confront her dad.
00:12:16 And her dad's back in Africa.
00:12:17 You know, maybe he's a reason for her misfortune.
00:12:22 Maybe it's laziness.
00:12:27 Somebody now told her that if you really want to come back alive, you better don't go anywhere.
00:12:32 So I always look for who the cause of their problem is.
00:12:37 I remember years ago, I've told this story before and I will say it.
00:12:39 A couple came to me.
00:12:42 They were trusting God for the fruit of the womb.
00:12:44 That was years ago.
00:12:45 Now they've gone on to have two kids that I don't know what their age is now because
00:12:49 it's been a long time.
00:12:51 And somebody had told me before that since she got married, she was always doing pregnancy
00:12:57 tests every month.
00:12:58 So when they now came to me, I said, "Ah-ha, yeah.
00:13:02 By the way, I learned that you're always doing pregnancy tests every month.
00:13:04 That tells me that you are anxious."
00:13:06 What's the reason?
00:13:07 Why do you have to be checking yourself every month?
00:13:11 She now said actually something happened when they were preparing for their wedding.
00:13:16 She went somewhere.
00:13:17 She used a public bathroom.
00:13:18 By the time she came out of the shower, somebody had taken all her personal effects and then
00:13:23 the enemy said to her, "They took you to go and do voodoo so you will not have babies."
00:13:29 Now who holds conversion with the liar?
00:13:32 Jesus said, "Satan is the liar and the father of lies."
00:13:37 And standing there, they were both talking to me.
00:13:39 I just said to them, I said, "Let's agree."
00:13:41 The Bible says agree with your adversary.
00:13:44 Let's agree that they took you from jobless people, don't have what to do, you know, they
00:13:50 took your stuff to go and do that.
00:13:51 I said, "But what does the Bible say?"
00:13:53 God is my eternal witness.
00:13:54 That's all I just said.
00:13:55 And I like to always stay in that place.
00:13:58 I said, "The Bible says no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper."
00:14:04 And I prayed for them.
00:14:05 That same month she conceived, she had a baby.
00:14:09 At first she could say Jack, another one came.
00:14:11 She was even angry at the speed with which, you know, somebody who was angry, you know.
00:14:18 So I just stood as they told me.
00:14:20 I'm like, "What does the Bible say?"
00:14:22 "Let's agree.
00:14:23 Let's agree."
00:14:24 The Bible says agree with your adversary.
00:14:26 Let's agree.
00:14:27 But what does the Bible say?
00:14:29 The simplicity.
00:14:30 That is in Christ.
00:14:31 He said no weapon.
00:14:32 Did he not say no weapon?
00:14:36 Because he knew that weapons might be forged against you.
00:14:39 God is not naive.
00:14:40 He said no witchcraft, no sorcery against you.
00:14:43 He's not trying to say that there are not wicked people whom I want to do stuff.
00:14:50 But he's saying that should not be your focus.
00:14:53 Let him be your focus.
00:14:55 Focus on what God says and you will beat the devil all the time.
00:15:00 Hallelujah.
00:15:01 Amen.
00:15:02 He said I fear less somehow as a serpent deceived Eve.
00:15:11 If Eve had just stayed with God, say we should not eat of that tree.
00:15:15 Keep it simple.
00:15:16 You see, God did not bother them with the story.
00:15:19 Sometimes somebody will come to you, you know, that auntie there, that whatever there, you
00:15:23 know, whatever, don't talk to this one.
00:15:26 You don't need all of that.
00:15:27 Just tell them what the word says and that will keep them out of trouble.
00:15:33 Can someone say doing what God says will keep me out of trouble?
00:15:39 You know in the book of Revelations, Jesus was speaking.
00:15:42 He said you guys, a particular church, he said you do not know, you don't know the depth
00:15:46 of Satan so I won't bother you.
00:15:48 You don't need to be looking for the depth of Satan.
00:15:51 You don't need all of that.
00:15:54 Can someone say amen?
00:15:56 Get into the depth of God.
00:15:58 Oh, I know someone.
00:16:00 If you know what they did to her, if you know what they did to her, say, I know somebody,
00:16:04 I know somebody.
00:16:05 Now start knowing what the word says.
00:16:08 Leave the depth of Satan alone.
00:16:10 Satan has his own depth but God's depth is deeper.
00:16:15 He has, Satan has mysteries but God has more mysteries.
00:16:19 Focus on God's mysteries.
00:16:21 Get deeper with God.
00:16:23 Can somebody say amen?
00:16:25 So we're not talking about naivety here.
00:16:26 We're not talking about somebody who doesn't know what is going on or doesn't know that
00:16:30 they are evil people.
00:16:31 We're not talking about living a presumptuous life.
00:16:35 Faith is not about being presumptuous.
00:16:37 Faith is about saying, like Paul said, I'm determined to know nothing except Christ and
00:16:44 him crucified.
00:16:46 I want you to lift up your hands and begin to talk to God and say, God, help me to keep
00:16:49 my life simple.
00:16:50 Help me to embrace the simplicity that is in Christ.
00:16:55 Help me to embrace that simplicity.
00:16:58 Your word says it and that settles it.
00:17:01 That your word becomes the final authority.
00:17:04 The Bible says the word of God grows and it prevails.
00:17:08 It prevails.
00:17:09 If you allow that word to grow in any area of your life, it will prevail over every circumstance
00:17:15 that the enemy throws at you.
00:17:17 Because you are born of God.
00:17:20 You are an overcomer.
00:17:22 The one who lives in you is greater.
00:17:24 Stay in that place.
00:17:25 Don't go and be looking for whatever.
00:17:27 Because let me tell you, there are many stories out there.
00:17:30 Oh, this person, when they did this to this person, he did not even have a child.
00:17:34 When they did this to that person, what do you need all of that for?
00:17:39 Stay with what God says about you.
00:17:41 I was standing and they said, by the way, oh, pray for us.
00:17:44 I mean, I can't count how many cases.
00:17:46 And I said, why are you doing that?
00:17:49 Okay, what if they did that?
00:17:51 The Bible says, agree with your adversary.
00:17:53 What if they did that?
00:17:54 That's the best they could come up with.
00:17:56 What does the word say?
00:17:57 I said, the Bible says, no weapon performed against you shall prosper.
00:18:03 When I look at a lot of people today, I feel for them because at some point, they've allowed
00:18:07 people to complicate their matters.
00:18:11 Don't let people complicate your matter.
00:18:14 Run away from those places and stay with God.
00:18:17 And I tell you, if God wants you to know something, he will show you.
00:18:21 And you can ask him to show you.
00:18:24 And when he tells you, there are people who decided that, oh, let me change my name.
00:18:30 They changed their name, nothing changed.
00:18:32 Their fortune didn't change.
00:18:35 But God can tell you to change your name.
00:18:39 God can tell you to do stuff.
00:18:40 And you don't have to even go to your father's village to bind the devil, to cut yourself
00:18:46 off.
00:18:47 The Bible says, if any man be in Christ, he's a new creation.
00:18:51 Rise up based on that truth and say, from today, I cut myself off from every root, from
00:19:00 everything.
00:19:01 I take the blood of Jesus and I separate myself.
00:19:05 You know, when they came out of Egypt, God did not deal with everything immediately.
00:19:13 So as you got saved, at different times in your life, God will wake you up that it's
00:19:17 time to deal with this.
00:19:20 Because now you are strong enough.
00:19:25 I can't begin to tell you things that, you know, I don't know that I read it anyway or
00:19:28 whatever.
00:19:29 I just wake up and it's like this thing.
00:19:30 I'm not talking about even sin now.
00:19:31 Even this thing we're talking about.
00:19:35 And God can show you things.
00:19:36 But don't go around looking for stuff.
00:19:39 God, what you will see, you might not be able to handle.
00:19:43 So you'll be like the son of Sceva.
00:19:47 It's not everything you can handle.
00:19:49 That was why God protected him.
00:19:50 Have you ever thought when you were growing up, your parents protected you from certain
00:19:54 things?
00:19:55 If they told you that auntie is a witch, that one is a, what will you do with that at your
00:19:58 own age?
00:19:59 How will you be able to handle that?
00:20:02 That's why as parents we protect our kids until they are old enough.
00:20:07 And that's how God does.
00:20:08 And you wonder, I've been born again for a long time, how come these things are happening
00:20:12 to me now?
00:20:13 God, now you can deal with it.
00:20:15 We give God praise.
00:20:20 How many people have received something?
00:20:22 If you go and carry something before you are ready to deal with it, that's what we call
00:20:29 righteousness.
00:20:30 Hallelujah.
00:20:31 God protects us and he wants to protect you.
00:20:37 And stay where God has put you.
00:20:40 Father we give you praise.
00:20:42 Father we worship you.
00:20:44 We bless your name.
00:20:47 So now, like I said, what I just said is laying the foundation.
00:20:50 Because you are going to change in your attitude.
00:20:54 You're going to embrace that God says it, that settles it.
00:20:58 Amen.
00:20:59 If God says it, if I find it in the world, I'm just going to act on what the world says.
00:21:06 Praise the Lord.
00:21:08 God is faithful.
00:21:09 Let's put those hands together for the Lord.
00:21:12 I just thank God for truth.
00:21:14 Jesus said he will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
00:21:21 Amen.
00:21:22 The power of forgiveness.
00:21:25 Now that we have embraced a life that is simple, of simplicity.
00:21:32 Amen.
00:21:34 The power of forgiveness.
00:21:35 Now this is my base text for this series.
00:21:40 Ephesians 4, 31 to 32.
00:21:43 Let all bitterness.
00:21:46 Let what?
00:21:47 All.
00:21:48 All means keep it simple.
00:21:51 Is that not true?
00:21:52 Don't say there are some bitterness that, no.
00:21:53 Is it why God wanted me to lay that foundation for you?
00:21:54 You don't know anything.
00:21:55 Oh, let me forget you don't know anything.
00:21:56 There are some kind of bitterness.
00:21:57 How many bitterness?
00:21:58 How many?
00:21:59 All.
00:22:00 If you knew what my wife did, you would not be saying this.
00:22:17 All that is gone.
00:22:19 All that went 10 minutes ago.
00:22:21 Is that not true?
00:22:23 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and what?
00:22:34 Evil speaking be put away from you with all malice.
00:22:41 Somebody told me years ago about how somebody who left church came to tell us some things.
00:22:45 I said what does that tell you about that person's motive?
00:22:49 Somebody comes down, tells me something about you and all of that.
00:22:53 You should ask and say what is this person trying to achieve?
00:22:56 That's what they call malice.
00:23:00 You were here, you now left, and you now went to meet someone and you said, oh, you know,
00:23:04 pastor said this about you actually.
00:23:07 I said why don't you ask yourself what that person, what their agenda was if you were
00:23:12 sincere yourself?
00:23:15 The Bible says if you repeat a matter, you're separating friends.
00:23:19 What's your motive?
00:23:22 If you would think like this, a lot of gossip would come to an end.
00:23:27 Why are you coming to talk to me?
00:23:31 When things were rosy between you and that person, you didn't come and tell me that.
00:23:34 Now that things have gone awry, you have left, you're not going to tell me.
00:23:39 You should tell them shut your mouth.
00:23:40 Malice, that's what they call malice.
00:23:44 You know when something is malicious?
00:23:48 You know I can tell the truth with malice.
00:23:53 I remember years ago, you know, one of my, you know, I have this group and also have
00:23:59 back at home and one of my ladies, you know, she sent me a message all the way, you know,
00:24:04 to this place and she said so and so person, one of them in that group did this.
00:24:08 And I responded to her.
00:24:10 I said if truly she did that, that wasn't right.
00:24:14 I said but I had a meeting with all of you.
00:24:16 Why didn't you bring it up there?
00:24:18 I said you need to check your motive.
00:24:21 That was the response I sent to her.
00:24:23 I said if she actually did it, then that was wrong.
00:24:26 And when I come, I'm going to address her.
00:24:29 I said but you, why are you just bringing it up?
00:24:34 Why didn't you bring it up?
00:24:35 So you must, you see when we start acting on what the world says, somebody was going
00:24:42 to tell me what somebody said and I knew there was going to be a comment that the person
00:24:45 made that wasn't really positive and I said don't tell me.
00:24:50 I remember as a young pastor's wife, I used to tell people don't tell me what people are
00:24:53 saying about me.
00:24:54 I said because I love everybody and I wanted to keep, I want to keep that heart.
00:24:57 A heart that is pure towards everybody.
00:25:00 I don't want to know what you are saying behind me because I want my heart to be pure towards
00:25:03 you.
00:25:05 I said I just love people and I want to keep it like that.
00:25:09 So I'm putting out a notice now, don't come and tell me.
00:25:11 You know they tell you that your head is big, don't come and tell me.
00:25:15 Just, just you know, do me that favor because I'll have to deal with that.
00:25:21 I'll have to be pulling down strongholds because love is what you must do.
00:25:28 When you hear that kind of report, you don't have to not start struggling.
00:25:32 I forgive them in Jesus' name.
00:25:34 Father I forgive them.
00:25:35 Father I forgive, you could do with less of such.
00:25:38 It's like when you go and eat triple whopper in McDonald's, I know you are not saying,
00:25:44 you know, oh the calories, I burn the calories, I cut, I, I, I, let me go and walk.
00:25:51 I know you are like me, I've been walking in my mind since I won't put my trainers in
00:25:56 my boots, I've not gone to work.
00:25:59 I love, you know, okay.
00:26:04 Just keep your life simple.
00:26:05 Tell them I don't want to know.
00:26:07 I don't want to know what somebody is saying about me because as a Christian I'll have
00:26:10 to forgive them.
00:26:13 You are what you eat.
00:26:16 Once you eat it, it's part of you.
00:26:18 To not get rid of it, you have to do stuff.
00:26:20 It's too much.
00:26:21 So please, let's keep it simple.
00:26:23 Oh, I just want to protect, you don't protect me, God protects me.
00:26:28 I'm dealing with so much.
00:26:30 Somebody was saying to me years ago, Pastor, whenever you are traveling, I see things,
00:26:38 I see things.
00:26:39 You know I didn't ask her what she sees.
00:26:40 Because I'm like, I see things too.
00:26:43 I can't add what I see to what I'm seeing.
00:26:46 How will I cope?
00:26:48 I see things.
00:26:49 Keep what you are seeing.
00:26:50 I just like, I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:51 You don't tell me to shut up, but just me, it's time.
00:26:52 So up to today, I don't know what she sees or what I see.
00:26:53 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:54 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:55 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:56 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:57 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:58 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:26:59 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:00 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:01 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:02 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:03 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:04 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:05 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:06 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:07 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:08 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:27:09 I just want to be here, it's time.
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00:27:13 I just want to be here, it's time.
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00:33:31 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:33:37 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:33:43 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:33:50 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:33:55 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:01 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:08 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:13 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:18 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:23 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:28 I just want to be here, it's time.
00:34:33 It keeps negative emotions locked away.
00:34:39 It's like you have toxins in your system.
00:34:47 I'm still reading from the article.
00:34:50 The bitterness leaves you with stress, depression, and loss of hope in people.
00:35:00 My daughter was showing me some of the oldest women in America.
00:35:04 One of them, is she 100 or 104? 102.
00:35:08 And we're asking her the secret.
00:35:09 She said, "I just love people.
00:35:12 I don't keep grudges."
00:35:18 If you want to be healthy, stress is the mother of all sicknesses.
00:35:25 A lot of people have so much stress in their system.
00:35:28 You need to get rid of the stress, so your body can be healthy.
00:35:35 You should not, still reading from the article,
00:35:37 you should not and cannot allow any such individual to hold this kind of power over you.
00:35:47 That's somebody having power over you.
00:35:51 Forgiveness, listen, is a great way to rid yourself of the burden of a grudge.
00:35:57 Because you are carrying a burden.
00:36:00 You are carrying something, a weight.
00:36:07 It's a great way to rid yourself of the burden of a grudge.
00:36:10 And this article will teach you all about the power of forgiveness.
00:36:14 Forgiveness may not always be easy.
00:36:17 I would say it's not easy.
00:36:20 But it doesn't always have to be hard either.
00:36:24 You know what I found out?
00:36:26 Like Jesus said, "When you know the truth, it sets you free."
00:36:29 When you understand the truth, you will not even have anything against anyone.
00:36:35 What is forgiveness?
00:36:37 Forgiveness is the power, still the article,
00:36:40 to let go of resentment towards someone who has caused you harm.
00:36:46 The power to what? Let go.
00:36:50 Joseph said, "God has helped me, made me to forget the pain of my father's house."
00:36:58 His brother sold him, but God helped him to forget that pain.
00:37:06 There are people that when they see you with a person,
00:37:08 people will not believe if you told them what had happened between you two before.
00:37:12 You'll say, "You mean that person had done this before to you?"
00:37:17 That's the power of forgiveness, if you let God help you.
00:37:22 It says, "It's crucial to understand that forgiveness does not condone an individual's action."
00:37:31 This is where we get confused.
00:37:33 You are not forgiving them because you are saying they are right.
00:37:36 That's why some people also try to justify what people do.
00:37:39 You don't need to justify what I did to forgive me.
00:37:45 You don't need to condone to forgive.
00:37:49 Some people have to make what somebody did to look good for them to be able to forgive the person.
00:37:55 No. Forgiveness does not condone.
00:37:58 That's why some people also run away from, "Wait, you're talking about forgiveness?"
00:38:00 "Oh, you mean I should not condone?"
00:38:02 No, no, no, it's not about condoning.
00:38:04 When you understand the power of forgiveness, why you should forgive,
00:38:08 you will know that it's not about condoning anything.
00:38:11 Praise the Lord.
00:38:13 Jesus said, "Forgive them for they don't know what they're doing."
00:38:15 It's not that he was condoning what we did.
00:38:17 Praise the Lord.
00:38:19 That's why the Bible says, "If you confess your fault and turn away, you'll be forgiven."
00:38:25 So, forgiveness does not condone. Is that okay?
00:38:28 It's crucial to understand that forgiveness does not condone an individual's actions,
00:38:33 but instead allows you to heal from any negative feelings.
00:38:42 Forgiveness allows you to heal.
00:38:45 There are some things that I've gone through.
00:38:47 Let me give you one example because I like to just be practical.
00:38:50 Because that's how the Word of God gets across to us.
00:38:52 Anyway, there was someone that we were in relationship with.
00:38:56 We looked up to him and everything like that, but that was my perception.
00:39:01 I'm not judging him, but that was my perception.
00:39:03 I'm sure now maybe he has another revelation or a different revelation.
00:39:08 Let me say different revelation.
00:39:10 But then, you know, people that were like seeing women in ministries, seeing women, whatever,
00:39:15 there was something.
00:39:18 So, anytime he came around, I'm talking about back in those days,
00:39:22 I will have to be less than who I am.
00:39:27 Because this is somebody we respected so much and we're looking up to him.
00:39:31 And then, you know, all these things, they're making comments here and there,
00:39:34 all kinds of snide comments, all kinds of things.
00:39:37 And I remember one day, I will never forget, I was already here, we were already living here,
00:39:41 and then he was still coming around, you know, we were inviting him to come around.
00:39:44 And then I will never forget, I can't remember the exact year,
00:39:47 but I was going to Brixton to buy things, African shopping.
00:39:51 And the Lord said to me, "As long as you see it as this person is doing this to you,
00:39:55 you are going to be offended.
00:39:58 But why don't you see that this is how this person is?"
00:40:03 Do you know there's a difference?
00:40:05 Do you know that if you see somebody as, "Oh, this person is rude to me,"
00:40:08 you are making it personal.
00:40:11 As if the person just picked you out of many people and said that I'm going to be rude to you.
00:40:15 But when you see that this person is just a rude person,
00:40:18 because when you see somebody wearing what they have, you can't fight them.
00:40:22 And your manners are like clothing.
00:40:27 So when you see, for instance, that there are just some things that maybe your husband is not just romantic, amen.
00:40:37 Okay, if you marry someone that does not jump out of the car to open your door,
00:40:40 jump out of his own side and jump to your own,
00:40:45 then I say, "This man, don't you see your friends?
00:40:48 Don't you see people? You don't see people.
00:40:51 And with everything you have said, he's back on his default position.
00:40:56 Won't you move on? You.
00:41:00 You let your life stand there.
00:41:03 You have not moved from somebody opening the door."
00:41:08 I might actually say they should not open the door.
00:41:10 Now, I don't know where you found it from, but if they open the door,
00:41:14 maybe you believe in the open door ministry.
00:41:19 Are you fortunate or unfortunate enough? I don't know.
00:41:22 Because I feel that there are bigger problems that are facing you.
00:41:27 Because some of those people that jump out and open doors, maybe they don't pay bills.
00:41:33 Maybe they are not responsible.
00:41:36 They are just Casanovas.
00:41:41 Paparazzi, just jump out. Everybody's seen them.
00:41:44 They won't record themselves opening the door for you.
00:41:48 What do you want to do with that?
00:41:50 And by the time you are 35 years in marriage, is this the open door that you want to use?
00:42:00 Those people that open the door, both of them don't even pay bills.
00:42:03 You better choose the battle you want to fight.
00:42:05 Is it bill you want somebody to be paying or opening door?
00:42:09 So by the time you finish opening the door, hunger and everything.
00:42:17 I'm not here to say somebody should open doors.
00:42:19 That's not my own business. That's not my job.
00:42:22 Oh, my wife does not do this.
00:42:26 You know, oh my wife does not do the dishes.
00:42:29 Do you know the other things she does?
00:42:33 And what happens to your own hands?
00:42:37 But some people cannot move from certain things.
00:42:40 That's what I'm talking about. Why don't you move?
00:42:44 You marry someone for 10 years and you're still talking about the same thing.
00:42:47 Are you not bored?
00:42:54 So it allows you to heal from any negative feelings.
00:42:57 Praise God.
00:42:58 You know some things that I do, I just preempt my husband. I know that, you know.
00:43:06 I just know, so I'm not angry. Praise the Lord.
00:43:11 Just preempt somebody.
00:43:12 There's somebody who says that, oh, this person is always,
00:43:14 when you know somebody, I'm not saying my husband,
00:43:16 when you know somebody always complete, why are you angry?
00:43:21 Why are you angry?
00:43:24 Before they come, eat your food.
00:43:26 Oh, would like to have family dinner.
00:43:27 Wait, wait, what was your family dinner?
00:43:29 This person, if you are hungry, eat.
00:43:33 God does that good things he does.
00:43:36 Why are you going to be stuck?
00:43:40 And then the devil will not let you see other good things.
00:43:44 Because you read one, you know, Meals and Boons, you watch something on Netflix.
00:43:49 Those guys are fake.
00:43:52 Some of them, they are five times divorced.
00:43:57 And I'm not castigating anybody, but if they knew how to do it, why are they,
00:44:00 you know what I mean?
00:44:02 Some of them, their marriages did not last more than 10 months.
00:44:04 And they are your heroes and your whatever, you know,
00:44:06 whatever this person did.
00:44:12 Look at the rock.
00:44:16 That Kanye West bought for Kim Kardashian.
00:44:19 Where are they?
00:44:23 You better mind your own.
00:44:26 Praise God.
00:44:28 See me and my banshee, 35 years.
00:44:31 Yes, so, and my banshee.
00:44:35 I'm like, we're looking at Kim.
00:44:41 I just like hi, Jay-Z.
00:44:55 That person knelt down to propose.
00:44:57 These guys are not going to kneel down.
00:45:00 So just understand.
00:45:04 Don't wait for someone to kneel down.
00:45:06 He's not going to kneel down.
00:45:11 This guy is not going to kneel down.
00:45:15 Do you understand?
00:45:17 Forget about it.
00:45:20 He asked to kneel down.
00:45:22 Okay.
00:45:26 Do you know why some people are not what I'm about to say today?
00:45:28 They are waiting for something.
00:45:29 You have it in your dream.
00:45:30 He's not going to do it.
00:45:32 Because there are more important things.
00:45:35 What is staging, all funny, proposal, wearing army uniform, police, whatever.
00:45:41 What are you doing with that?
00:45:44 Okay, sorry.
00:45:47 The most important thing to remember about forgiveness is that you are the only one who can decide
00:45:55 if and when to forgive another person.
00:45:58 You have the power.
00:46:00 You are the only one.
00:46:01 It's a decision.
00:46:02 And heaven will back you.
00:46:04 You know why some of us want to hold on to that feeling.
00:46:07 We feel, "How can I just forgive like that?"
00:46:11 He will do it again.
00:46:12 She will do it again.
00:46:14 So you just want to hold on to that feeling.
00:46:16 You want to enjoy that feeling.
00:46:18 You don't want to be like, "You have bounced out like that."
00:46:22 So you want to still.
00:46:24 How we don't know I'm angry?
00:46:27 How we don't know?
00:46:28 Do you know how do we know?
00:46:29 Tell them, "I'm angry."
00:46:33 You don't have to tie your face for three days.
00:46:39 It's not necessary.
00:46:40 That's what they call throwing tantrums.
00:46:45 You don't need to--just tell them you're angry.
00:46:47 "I don't like what you did."
00:46:49 That's simple enough.
00:46:51 Praise God.
00:46:53 You are the only one.
00:46:54 And when to forgive the other person, another person,
00:46:57 meaning the feelings of the other person should come second to your own.
00:47:02 If you choose to forgive someone,
00:47:04 it does not mean you are excusing the behavior of the person who harmed you.
00:47:09 Instead, you are allowing yourself to heal from the wounds they caused.
00:47:13 If you turn away from forgiveness, then the consequences only hurt you in the end.
00:47:21 A grudge can cause depression, higher stress levels, and distress of others.
00:47:27 Do not allow this type of adverse effect to influence your life.
00:47:33 That said, we understand how difficult it can be to practice forgiveness.
00:47:37 You are only human born--this is the article.
00:47:40 I'm still going to--when I come, we're going to be doing the spiritual, okay?
00:47:43 But I'm just reading this.
00:47:44 You are only human born with a fight or flight response.
00:47:49 If you don't fight or flight, some of you just withdraw.
00:47:53 Is that not true?
00:47:54 Some of you, depending on your nature, depending on your temperament,
00:47:58 and maybe your nurture, when you don't like something, you just withdraw.
00:48:02 How are you? Fine.
00:48:04 How are things? Fine.
00:48:08 And you carry on for days.
00:48:10 That's not right.
00:48:11 I'll give you the spiritual side to all the things we're talking about in this article, looking at.
00:48:16 If this article did not really resonate with some things, I will not even refer to it.
00:48:22 I'll give you the scriptural whatever for everything.
00:48:25 Praise the Lord.
00:48:27 So fight or flight.
00:48:30 You run away.
00:48:31 Let me just avoid this.
00:48:32 Let me run from this.
00:48:34 Your feelings of pain, resentment, and anger are worth acknowledging,
00:48:40 provided they don't engulf you.
00:48:42 You can say, "I'm not happy with you.
00:48:44 I'm not happy about what you did."
00:48:47 It's not to condone.
00:48:48 I'm not happy.
00:48:49 Forgiveness is not by telling somebody, "Oh, just be happy all the time.
00:48:52 Oh, no matter what they do."
00:48:53 That's not what we're talking about.
00:48:55 That's not what forgiveness is about.
00:48:56 I'm not happy.
00:48:58 I don't like what it is.
00:48:59 Somebody says to me, "Oh, it's like you are not happy with me."
00:49:01 I say, "Yes, I'm not happy with you."
00:49:03 I'm not the type that you come and say, "Oh, don't worry."
00:49:05 No, I'm not happy with you.
00:49:07 How would I be happy with you?
00:49:08 This was what happened, that was what happened, and all of that.
00:49:11 Of course, she didn't like the fact that I said, "Yes, I'm not happy with you."
00:49:14 Some people don't like that.
00:49:16 I'm like, "Well, I'm not happy with you.
00:49:19 You did something, and I was still waiting for the right time to talk to you,
00:49:22 and you came to meet me, and it seems you are not happy with me."
00:49:24 I said, "I'm not happy with you."
00:49:28 Are you following what I'm saying?
00:49:30 It's okay to have negative emotions towards someone who has harmed you.
00:49:35 Just remember not to allow these emotions to linger for too long.
00:49:40 When I read this, remember when the Bible says, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger."
00:49:45 It said, "Be angry, but do not sin."
00:49:48 Don't let the sun go down.
00:49:50 I don't understand how couples could keep something for days.
00:49:55 You can disagree without being disagreeable.
00:49:58 Who told you it's fashionable to just keep grudges for days?
00:50:05 Don't let the sun go down on your anger.
00:50:07 It's okay to have negative emotions towards someone who has harmed you.
00:50:12 The Bible says there's a time to embrace, a time to refrain from embracing.
00:50:16 It's okay for me to feel bad, to have negative emotions.
00:50:20 We all have emotions, don't we?
00:50:22 If you just harmed me, if you just hurt me, if you just said something I don't like,
00:50:26 I can have negative emotions, but I should not allow it to linger.
00:50:32 So I don't give the devil a foothold.
00:50:35 Because the person who takes advantage, you know, think about it like this.
00:50:41 Your spouse did something, or your friend did something, or you carry anger and you went to sleep.
00:50:45 You know what the Bible says?
00:50:47 It's like having fire in your roof.
00:50:53 The Bible says where there's strife, every work is there.
00:50:55 It's like you went to sleep with your doors open.
00:50:59 You're not even, you're not even "afraid."
00:51:07 And you have kids, and the enemy can strike.
00:51:13 What if in the midst of you not talking to each other, one of them fell sick, one of your kids?
00:51:17 If two shall agree, you now hold two funny hands.
00:51:24 You know, one of the people that suffer are the kids.
00:51:30 You put fire, there's fire in your roof, you went to sleep.
00:51:32 What kind of sleep is that?
00:51:35 Why can't you talk things over?
00:51:38 And you know what I found?
00:51:39 That the more you practice not carrying grudges, the easier it becomes.
00:51:44 It's not fashionable.
00:51:46 I mean, my partner and I, we disagree, but it's so good to just realize that we don't carry grudges.
00:51:52 It's very interesting.
00:51:54 Very interesting.
00:51:56 I just thought of it.
00:51:58 We don't have that spirit.
00:52:00 That thing of, you know, nobody's, you know, we just somehow, we just, amen.
00:52:06 You can disagree.
00:52:09 It's not fashionable.
00:52:10 It's not something you want to do.
00:52:12 Just get that picture today.
00:52:14 The Bible says where there's strife, every work is there.
00:52:17 That's what the Bible says in Ephesians 4.
00:52:21 Be angry but don't sin.
00:52:23 Don't let the sun go down your anger.
00:52:25 Don't give the devil the foothold.
00:52:26 That means when I allow, the more I allow the offense to linger, the deeper the foothold the devil is getting.
00:52:38 And some of you are believing God for great things, and yet you keep malice.
00:52:44 You're working in strife, and you're believing God for great things.
00:52:50 The Lord will help you in Jesus' name.
00:52:52 You can't even afford that.
00:52:54 It's not what you can afford.
00:52:56 As I was saying, strife is too costly.
00:53:01 See, I don't even want to be able to afford it.
00:53:07 It's okay to have negative emotions towards someone who has harmed you.
00:53:10 Just remember not to allow these emotions to linger for too long.
00:53:13 The person who hurt you may be a friend, a family member, or significant other.
00:53:19 You don't want your feelings of resentment to ruin a meaningful relationship.
00:53:28 You are the biggest obstacle in overcoming the mental capacity for forgiveness.
00:53:35 Believe us when we say you have the cognitive ability to do so.
00:53:40 With that, let's go over the four types of forgiveness that lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.
00:53:46 Let me just give you the highlights, and then we'll go.
00:53:48 You want to know them?
00:53:49 The four types and when to apply each.
00:53:52 The first one is forgive and forget.
00:53:56 That's the first type.
00:53:58 When do you apply that?
00:54:00 When someone hurts you by accident.
00:54:03 It is easier to show forgiveness.
00:54:06 Is that not true?
00:54:07 Because their intentions were not to cause you pain or neglect.
00:54:12 Forgive and forget.
00:54:14 That's the first type.
00:54:15 If somebody was going out there and mistakenly stepped on your toe,
00:54:20 I mean, you have to be very, very strange to keep that anger for, you know.
00:54:25 That was clearly an accident.
00:54:27 Amen?
00:54:28 You had your tea here, nicely sitting here, and somebody just ran and then whatever.
00:54:34 Forgive and forget because you knew clearly that was an accident.
00:54:38 Amen?
00:54:41 The second one is meet them halfway.
00:54:48 It's crucial to remember that our emotions are not the only ones that matter within a relationship.
00:54:56 You know, and I understand this because I have said this so many times, you know, to people that what this is saying is this.
00:55:02 You know, sometimes when people offend you, you can still see how you contributed to it.
00:55:11 This really blessed me because I've, you know, shared with so many people without even, you know, without having read this.
00:55:18 I was saying to people, I've said to people that when things happen between someone and myself, I go and sit down.
00:55:23 What did I contribute to this?
00:55:27 Are you following what I'm saying?
00:55:29 I've said this even in the book, my book, where I said that is what makes a difference, where you can become either better or better.
00:55:38 When things happen between me and people, I just don't go and say, oh, they are bad.
00:55:43 They did this.
00:55:45 I'm thinking, what did I contribute?
00:55:48 Without trying to be judgmental, but also so that, you know, when you understand that, it's easier for you to forget because you know that you contributed.
00:55:58 If, for instance, you did not tell me something, so I wasn't aware, and I did something that hurt you, you should be able to like, okay, actually, I did not, you know.
00:56:11 For instance, maybe I didn't know that you are a vegetarian, and you came and I served you.
00:56:19 You know what I mean?
00:56:20 You came, all the food options, you know.
00:56:24 So, have you been angry?
00:56:25 Yeah, you will be angry.
00:56:27 You will feel somehow, but you're not saying, but I didn't even tell them.
00:56:34 So, what do you take from there?
00:56:35 Next time, amen, I will let them know that I'm with a small "v."
00:56:47 And number three, so you look at things, and that number two, and put it in your relationship with your friends, put it in your marriage, and say, you know, let me meet them halfway.
00:57:00 Let me take part of this, whatever.
00:57:02 Not because you want to, but you can see where you contributed to it.
00:57:06 Do you understand?
00:57:07 If somebody, for instance, was so angry with you, you want to say, what did I contribute to that?
00:57:16 Do you understand?
00:57:17 Then number three, forgiveness with conditions.
00:57:24 Don't forget that we are reading from an article, but I'm going to bring my explanation to help you as a Christian.
00:57:31 Okay?
00:57:33 This type allows you to open yourself up to the one that wronged you, while protecting yourself from being hurt again.
00:57:41 You know, we've said it.
00:57:43 Forgiving someone doesn't mean you should go and be having coffee with them.
00:57:49 Let's give an example.
00:57:51 Somebody asked you for money, please borrow me some money, you lent them money, and they didn't pay back.
00:57:58 Hmm?
00:57:59 How many people like that?
00:58:01 You don't like it.
00:58:02 It's like when you told them, look, I will need this money, but because you're in trouble, you know, I'm letting you have it, please pay back, and they promised you heaven and earth, and they didn't pay back.
00:58:12 Huh?
00:58:14 I knew someone like that, something happened to.
00:58:17 Of course, she kept it, she didn't want anybody, because she didn't want to tarnish whatever.
00:58:21 The person called her, please, you know, I really need this money desperately, I need this money desperately, you know, if I didn't get this money now, this and that and that and that, you know, and then to affect another family member, you know, of hers, please, you know, I'm actually just, I have money, just to send the money.
00:58:38 Before you wake up, you'll find your money.
00:58:41 And this person used her credit card to pay.
00:58:48 And this lady knew that this person didn't have the money, she was using her credit card, thousands.
00:58:56 By the next day, she woke up, nothing in the account.
00:59:03 Nothing.
00:59:04 And then the person started saying, oh, you know, when I'm able to sell these, she said, but you told me, you are just, the money is in the bank, you are going to wire it to me, send it to me, because they're in different nations.
00:59:17 You didn't tell me subject to you being able to sell something.
00:59:24 And you knew I didn't have the money, credit card.
00:59:28 How many of you know that if the person asks for money again, she will now say, oh, happy, happily, I'm a Christian.
00:59:37 You may be, she's not.
00:59:40 Even if she was, you've not done the integrity test.
00:59:46 So it was really, really painful.
00:59:49 Years, they didn't pay.
00:59:53 They had to look for how to pay the money off, because credit card interest kept.
01:00:00 So that's an example.
01:00:02 If the person now came to you again, I actually have a policy.
01:00:06 Even if whatever you are, if I don't know about your credibility, I'm not presumptuous.
01:00:12 I'd rather give you what I know I'll just give you.
01:00:16 You don't just turn up, even if you were my twin sister, if I know that you lack integrity, I'm not going to lend you money.
01:00:23 I'm going to give you what I can afford to just give you.
01:00:27 Praise the Lord.
01:00:29 So don't lend people money and come around and say I did that because I was a Christian.
01:00:33 You did that because you didn't do your due diligence, you were presumptuous, at the best you were religious.
01:00:39 Because God did not send you on that.
01:00:42 God does not use who he has not tested.
01:00:47 He tested Abraham.
01:00:49 You've not tested someone, and then you just committed to them.
01:00:53 That was Jesus' new name, he didn't commit himself to them.
01:00:57 And the last one, because of time, number four, the last one is letting go.
01:01:04 Letting what? Go.
01:01:07 All these types of forgiveness are letting go.
01:01:11 But this one is different because it does not require an apology from someone.
01:01:18 Have you met people like that?
01:01:21 Have you seen people that will not say sorry?
01:01:25 They will not say sorry.
01:01:28 So in this one, remember all the things we read, your own emotions, toxins, you want to free yourself.
01:01:37 You won't say it until you say sorry. They won't say sorry.
01:01:41 Some people don't say sorry.
01:01:44 Is it a good thing? No.
01:01:47 But you are going to let go without even demanding an apology.
01:01:52 If they apologize, fine.
01:01:56 I remember my dad, thank God for his life, he got born again a year before he went to be with the Lord.
01:02:05 My dad passed in 1999, and I will never forget.
01:02:11 There was a time he was so angry with someone, and my father had this old typewriter,
01:02:15 he just liked to write his diary every night you would see him, and he would write letters, type.
01:02:21 So he sent us a letter about somebody who hurt him and said, "Even when I die, you should not come to my grave."
01:02:29 And he wrote that letter and everything.
01:02:32 But then he got born again after.
01:02:34 I remember that I'm like, wow, this was somebody that I didn't even have time to,
01:02:40 as soon as he got born again, he wrote to us again.
01:02:43 He said, "Even though so and so had not apologized to me, but if Christ could forgive my sins, who am I?
01:02:54 I will never forget."
01:02:56 That was somebody who just got born again.
01:03:02 Every time I read this, I remember my dad.
01:03:05 You're always waiting for someone to come and grovel, come and roll on the floor.
01:03:12 You can forgive.
01:03:14 You can.
01:03:16 You can let go and move on with your life.
01:03:20 When I say move on, I don't say leave the house, I'm saying you can move on.
01:03:24 You know, it's not about vocation or location.
01:03:29 You know, this person is not going to say sorry because he doesn't see it.
01:03:34 She doesn't see it.
01:03:36 That's why they don't say sorry.
01:03:38 They are not convinced that they are wrong.
01:03:41 And if they are the type that can argue, that can say blue and say it's white, you're wasting your time.
01:03:51 But for me to say I'm sorry is because I can see that I'm wrong.
01:03:55 What if it's a subject that I believe that I'm right and that person, if you are teachable,
01:04:00 you should know that saying that you are wrong is not necessarily because for you it is wrong.
01:04:06 If somebody says I don't like this, that's enough to say I'm sorry.
01:04:12 If what you have done hurts somebody, either you believe in what they believe or not,
01:04:18 you can see somebody visibly angry, somebody visibly upset by what you did,
01:04:23 and you are still standing on I don't see what is wrong in what I did.
01:04:27 Therefore, I can't say sorry.
01:04:29 So if you are dealing with such an individual, let go.
01:04:33 Have you received anything?
01:04:35 What are those four types again?
01:04:38 Forgive and forget.
01:04:40 This is an accident.
01:04:41 It's a one-off thing.
01:04:43 Somebody mistakenly, you know, they are rushing to the bathroom.
01:04:46 They're mistakenly, you know, pushed or whatever.
01:04:50 Oh, I'm sorry.
01:04:51 You let it go.
01:04:52 Then what's the second one?
01:04:54 Meet them halfway.
01:04:56 What did I contribute?
01:04:58 I have many examples of times that I had to sit down and say, okay, what did you contribute?
01:05:03 Maybe if, you know, when you committed this thing to this person,
01:05:07 maybe if you had given a better oversight, you left the person unchecked.
01:05:14 You never said anything to the person.
01:05:16 You never checked what they were doing, and they got to a point where nobody had ever challenged them,
01:05:24 and when you now had to say something, it became a problem.
01:05:27 So where did I take out of that?
01:05:29 Next time when I commit to someone, I should be checking.
01:05:34 Not micromanaging, but from time to time.
01:05:39 So the person does not now come to a point where at first it is strange to them
01:05:44 that you are not even checking on what they are doing.
01:05:46 Imagine having a manager.
01:05:47 Imagine you're working in your office.
01:05:50 You know, it's even very wrong, actually.
01:05:52 It's negative.
01:05:53 Is that not negative?
01:05:54 Because I was sharing with someone from what I learned, you know, the Bible says Jesus,
01:05:58 he learned to be obedient through what he suffered.
01:06:00 I was saying to the person, I said, this is the time to make sure you keep things.
01:06:07 I said, I was thinking it was trust, not to look.
01:06:16 I said, for instance, I was saying to the person, how would it be you're working in an office,
01:06:21 your boss never even checks what you're doing?
01:06:25 It can work either way.
01:06:27 It's negative.
01:06:29 Because how would they be able to say, yes, you are doing a good job?
01:06:33 And then how will you know that you have something to aspire towards?
01:06:39 Are you following what I'm saying?
01:06:41 So it can be very negative.
01:06:43 Whereas my own mind was, oh, trust.
01:06:46 But now I had to go back to check.
01:06:49 I said, no, that wasn't right.
01:06:52 And then another thing that can come out of it also is that you cannot become so comfortable.
01:06:58 And the day your boss now wants to check your work, you will say, oh, I'm being witch hunted.
01:07:04 Is that not true?
01:07:06 And you start even feeling, who is she to talk to me?
01:07:11 Do you understand?
01:07:13 So that was one of the things I took away from some of the troubles I faced in my life, in my leadership.
01:07:21 And that will help you not to hold grudges.
01:07:24 You can see where you missed it.
01:07:27 And you can say that it's not totally their fault.
01:07:30 You created that.
01:07:33 Albeit you had a good intention.
01:07:37 But now you have learned.
01:07:38 That's why I said that's how you can become a better person and not bitter.
01:07:43 Have you received anything?
01:07:45 So this is the first part in the series of the power of forgiveness.
01:07:49 We spent quite a while laying that foundation.
01:07:52 We're talking about simplicity.
01:07:54 But we need to just embrace simplicity.
01:07:56 Can somebody say amen?
01:07:58 It's not that you are a simple thing, not because you are naive, but you have chosen to just live a simple life.
01:08:05 And just take God's word for what God's word says.
01:08:09 Father, we worship you.
01:08:11 The power of forgiveness.
01:08:13 It's not a natural thing to do.
01:08:16 But you have God on your inside.
01:08:19 You know, for those who are unbelievers, you have to struggle.
01:08:22 But you can count on the Holy Ghost.
01:08:26 So when we come back, I'm going to now go back into my notes from this article.
01:08:33 And then we're going to continue to build.
01:08:37 Hallelujah. Let's speak to God.
01:08:39 I want you to talk to God.
01:08:40 I want you to make a decision today.
01:08:41 Make a decision.
01:08:43 That whoever has hurt you.
01:08:48 You know, some of us forgive people who are outside.
01:08:52 But we struggle with forgiving our closest people.
01:08:57 Because we feel that you should know better.
01:09:01 But you know what?
01:09:03 Charity begins at home.
01:09:09 We know that people that we love the most, we tend to be really disappointed in them when we do stuff.
01:09:17 But we need to also extend that grace to them.
01:09:24 Don't let the devil have any foothold in your life.
01:09:29 Embrace forgiveness.
01:09:35 If it's an accident, just forgive and forget.
01:09:41 And then learn to meet people halfway.
01:09:45 And then there's a way you forgive where you have to put some things in place to protect yourself.
01:09:51 Don't keep lending money to someone who will not pay you back.
01:09:58 Protect yourself.
01:10:01 Don't have expectations from somebody who has disappointed you so many times.
01:10:07 In the book, I have a chapter on that.
01:10:10 How to handle disappointments.
01:10:13 You know there's somebody who doesn't have a record of keeping their words.
01:10:17 Why will you always have expectations?
01:10:22 Forgive them but protect yourself by not having expectations.
01:10:29 I wrote in that chapter, zero your expectations.
01:10:33 Put your expectations on God.
01:10:39 Protect yourself.
01:10:41 Forgive them, you protect yourself.
01:10:45 And then the fourth one, don't even wait for an apology.
01:10:49 Just let go.
01:10:54 Don't wait for an apology.
01:10:55 Just let it go.
01:10:59 Have you not seen people, they will lie?
01:11:03 They will tell you, "No, I didn't do it."
01:11:04 And you know that they did it, so what are you going to do?
01:11:09 You told them, "Your life is stopped at that point."
01:11:12 "Oh, I caught them red-handed."
01:11:13 What if you caught them blue-handed?
01:11:16 You caught them red-handed but they said they didn't do it, so what are you going to do?
01:11:21 Don't wait for an apology.
01:11:23 Let it go.
01:11:25 Let's worship the Lord with ourselves.
01:11:27 Father, we worship you.
01:11:29 Don't wait for an apology.
01:11:31 I've seen people, their lives are stopped at the point of, "But I caught them."
01:11:35 "But you know, I hurt her."
01:11:37 "But she said this."
01:11:39 "Okay, she said it but she's denying it."
01:11:41 What are you going to do?
01:11:45 What are you going to do?
01:11:51 You're going to force her to say, "Yes, I did it."
01:11:56 You have to be bigger than that.
01:12:01 Jesus did not wait for us to apologize before he forgave us.
01:12:06 (speaking in foreign language)