WITH most vehicles, taking a wrong turn into a nearby lake would require an embarrassed call to your insurer. But for the Panther, the wet stuff poses no problem - as it can make the switch from car to boat in just 15 seconds. The amphibious vehicle, which can hit speeds of 80 mph-plus on land and up to 45mph in water, is the brainchild of Californian manufacturer WaterCar and has become a status symbol for everyone from Silicon Valley billionaires to the crown prince of Dubai. The firm's Python model shattered the world record for the fastest amphibious vehicle back in 2010, but was never made available to the public due to high production costs.
00:00 00:35 COMM: With most vehicles, taking a wrong turn
00:07 into a lake would require a call to your insurer.
00:11 But for the Panther, the wet stuff poses no problem as it can make the switch from car
00:15 to boat in just 15 seconds.
00:18 The amphibious vehicle, which can hit speeds of 80mph on land and up to 45mph in water,
00:25 is the brainchild of California manufacturer, Watercar.
00:31 The Panther costs $155,000 and features a lightweight chrome steel chassis and fibreglass
00:37 hull.
00:45 The car comes equipped with a 3.7 litre V6 engine, meaning that when it comes to speed,
00:50 it's more than a match for its more traditional seafaring companions.
01:20 (upbeat music)