Top 10 The Big Bang Theory Love Interests

  • last year
Nerd love! For this list, we’ll be looking at our favorite people the core group dated throughout the series… other than each other.


00:00 than Batman wants to ignore the due process of law.
00:02 We are so weird.
00:06 Welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 The Big Bang Theory love
00:14 interests. You may think it's funny that Raj is sweet and sensitive but I think it's sexy.
00:19 Oh why is there dog hair in your mouth?
00:27 For this list we'll be looking at our favorite people the core group dated throughout the series
00:32 other than each other. Which big bang couple do you think had the most untapped potential?
00:37 Let us know who you were rooting for in the comments.
00:40 Number 10. Emily. In season five Penny introduces Raj to a woman from her spin
00:46 class named Emily who's deaf. Emily this is our friend Raj.
00:55 Look at you guys just hitting it off I'm so good.
00:58 Given Raj's selective mutism she figured they could be a good match. Sure they need Howard
01:05 to third wheel their dates to help them communicate at first but soon enough they're pretty inseparable.
01:11 However the gang soon realizes it's not just Raj's companionship that Emily might be after.
01:16 And I'm concerned that without meeting you you might be taking advantage of him you know by
01:22 letting him buy you a bunch of expensive things and I Howard focus. And unfortunately they're not
01:30 wrong. When Raj tells Emily he can't shower her with gifts anymore she dumps him. We have
01:35 something better we have love. We see her one last time when she joins Raj's ex-girlfriend's
01:47 focus group where she further elaborates on what went wrong between them. I thought
01:52 you were great but oh my god you were so dominated by your parents.
01:57 Number nine Dave Gibbs. After breaking up with Sheldon Amy meets Dave a tall British academic
02:04 who just happens to be Sheldon's number one fan. We really liked Dave he was sweet and funny but
02:09 we can see why his obsession with her ex might be somewhat of a turnoff. Do you know him? No
02:16 but I followed his work for years he's a rock star you've got to tell me about it what's he like?
02:22 Somehow she's able to push past it until Sheldon crashes their next meetup. We'd say that watching
02:28 your current paramour get back with their ex is a sign of a pretty bad date but Dave seems
02:34 perfectly happy. If I may I believe what he's saying in a charming and delightful way is that
02:41 he loves you and wants you back. Dave Gibbs huge fan of your work don't mind me. We only wish he'd
02:48 stuck around longer so we could see where this relationship was headed. We of course are referring
02:53 to his untapped bromance with Sheldon. If perhaps sometime you have a spare moment I'd love love to
02:58 discuss physics. I'll shoot the breeze as you yanks say. Number eight Stephanie Barnett. We first meet
03:06 Dr. Stephanie when Howard invites her to drive the Mars rover but gets it stuck in a ditch. Leonard
03:12 drives her home and they quickly hit it off. She seems like a great match for him and their
03:17 chemistry is pretty fire. Don't you think we should tell him you're not interested?
03:21 You want me to stop and call him back right now? Dear god no. Sheldon's a fan too and goes
03:28 overboard trying to keep this relationship afloat. When a female witnesses an exhibition of physical
03:33 domination she produces the hormone oxytocin. If the two of you then engage in intercourse this
03:37 will create the biochemical reaction in the brain which lay people naively interpret as falling in
03:42 love. Unfortunately Leonard realizes that their relationship is moving much too fast and contemplates
03:48 breaking up with her. Eventually he tries to call things off via text but Stephanie has other ideas.
03:54 I'll never have sex again.
03:55 Oh I was wrong see ya. Perhaps this is her way of saying farewell because we never saw her again.
04:07 Number seven. Leslie Winkle. Leslie was one of the show's best recurring characters and we only
04:12 wish she had received more screen time. She's a badass, empowered, intelligent woman who isn't
04:18 afraid to go after what she wants. When Leonard first asks her out she approaches the situation
04:23 practically. Success or failure of the date would be based on the biochemical reaction during the
04:27 good night kiss? Heart rate, pheromones, etc. yes. Well why don't we just stipulate that the date
04:33 goes well and move to the key variable? Why waste time if there's no spark right? Eventually the
04:38 pair do date and she's very clear on her relationship goals and deal breakers. I'm glad
04:43 I found out the truth about you before this went any further. Truth? What truth? We're talking about
04:49 untested hypothesis. It's no big deal. Oh it isn't really? Tell me Leonard how will we raise the
04:54 children? Leslie also has a more casual fling with Howard and while we can't condone using intimacy
05:00 to manipulate someone we admire her confidence. Plus the way she eventually breaks things off
05:04 with him is brutal. She just said Howard mama's a rolling stone and her call waiting beeped and she
05:14 was gone. Number six Lucy. We were so rooting for this relationship until Lucy broke Raj's heart.
05:23 I don't think we should see each other anymore sorry Lucy. Excuse me. Raj I'm so sorry. Me too.
05:34 Given his own difficulties Raj often struggled to make romantic connections but then he met Lucy,
05:41 a woman with debilitating social anxiety at a singles party at the comic book store. The pair
05:46 bond over their respective struggles and are actually super sweet together most of the time.
05:51 We're having a texting date? I love that. Sure Raj tries too hard to push Lucy out of her comfort
06:01 zone but she was clearly into him enough to try and stop crawling out of bathroom windows. You
06:07 don't know me very well but each time you crawl out a bathroom window to escape my company it
06:11 chips away at my masculinity. When she becomes too overwhelmed by anxiety she breaks things off.
06:17 Still she'll always be the woman who helped Raj overcome his selective mutism. You're talking to
06:23 me. I am and I'm crying for a whole different reason. Number five Anu. After years of dating
06:33 Raj decides he's ready to be set up in an arranged marriage. Enter Anu. Look your whole sweet
06:38 insecure thing is cute but honestly I have no time for that. If you're not serious about this you
06:43 need to walk away now. I am serious. Good. They say opposites attract and if that's true Raj may
06:51 have just met his dream woman. She's confident, authoritative, and practical and helps Raj become
06:56 more self-assured too. Will you marry me? Oh my god oh my god yes of course of course I'll marry
07:03 you. If you'd like to kiss me you can. Oh great. The pair end their engagement due to his insecurities
07:13 but decide to start over and slow things down. We loved their dynamic but it was hard to believe
07:19 that a man so besotted with romance could give it all up so easily. And the company put me in a nice
07:24 place in Notting Hill. Notting Hill? Like the movie? I'm just a boy standing in front of a girl saying
07:32 you better bring me home a t-shirt. So as much as we wanted this to work out we're glad he didn't
07:37 get on that plane. Number four Priya Koothripalli. We were so for this relationship when it began
07:43 that we didn't even register that technically Leonard broke the bro code. Priya is beautiful,
07:48 smart, and genuinely seems to care for Leonard. A wasp does wear his sting in his tail. In his tongue.
07:55 Whose tongue? Yours if you talk of tails and so farewell. What with my tongue in your tail?
08:03 But soon we discovered her controlling and manipulative side and she basically wanted
08:08 to mold Leonard into her dream man. Plus that whole not wanting him to be friends with Penny
08:13 thing. Penny and I are just friends. I don't care. This is a woman you have slept with.
08:18 If you want her around then I have to wonder if maybe you're not ready to move on. Come on
08:23 that would never last. Eventually we just saw her as the obstacle keeping Lenny apart. After Priya
08:29 returns to India they continue the relationship long distance but then Leonard meets someone else
08:34 and although it was very brief we have to admit we were team Alice. Would you be open to a trade?
08:39 Uh yeah sure I guess. Okay here this is my number call me. Number three Denise. For most of the
08:48 series Stuart's unlucky in many ways including in the love department. His brief thing with Penny
08:54 ends when she says Leonard's name during a makeout session. Leonard that is your name right? Yeah no
09:00 wow I'm sorry that must have been the last thing you wanted to hear. And Amy agrees to be Sheldon's
09:08 girlfriend during her date with him. However his luck changes after Denise starts working at the
09:13 comic book store. He wins her heart with his impressive Star Wars knowledge and they soon
09:17 begin dating. The HAVWA5 turbo tank has metal gripping wheels but I wouldn't call them tires.
09:24 You are so hot. Sure they hit a few bumps along the way especially when Stuart gets cold feet
09:33 but it was clear that these two were meant for each other and we were thrilled to see Stuart
09:38 so happy. Well that's great because I want to move in with you more than the thing wants to clobber.
09:45 More than Hulk wants to smash. More than Batman wants to ignore the due process of law.
09:51 Number two Emily Sweeney. Things get off to a rocky start when Raj sends Amy to suss out this
09:58 woman he met online. Yet she gives him a second chance and they hit it off. Emily's funny and
10:03 smart with an obscure taste for the macabre. Why do you watch these things? Can I tell you
10:08 something without you judging me? Sure. They kind of turn me on. And please. Raj is able to look
10:17 past her morbid penchant and grows to care for her almost as much as he does for his dog. Okay
10:22 who is he talking to Emily or Cinnamon? I want you to know the bed feels so lonely when you're
10:28 not in it. She also got on excellently with his friends. Mostly. It seemed like this couple had
10:34 everything going for it until Raj met Claire. We were definitely intrigued by this new love interest
10:39 but we were also mad at Raj for throwing away what he had with Emily. I guess I'm still wondering if
10:45 Emily and I write for each other. Does this have to do with that girl you had coffee with? You mean
10:50 the strong sexy angel I can't stop thinking about? Who can say? Before we continue be sure to subscribe
10:56 to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos. You have the option to
11:01 be notified for occasional videos or all of them. If you're on your phone make sure you go into your
11:06 settings and switch on notifications. Number one. Zach Johnson. Ah Zach. How can you not love Zach?
11:15 He was Penny's on again off again boyfriend and as we later found out husband. He was the sweetest
11:21 guy and while he might be built like a brick house he was also about as smart as one. One question
11:27 how can you be sure it won't blow up? The laser? The moon.
11:32 See now this is a man for Penny. We can't say much about their chemistry and Penny often used him as
11:42 a rebound whenever she didn't want to be alone and we get it he's like an adorable puppy chasing his
11:47 own tail. Plus he did genuinely try to fit in with her friends. You know I saw this great thing on
11:52 the Discovery Channel. Turns out that if you kill a starfish it'll just come back to life.
11:57 Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts because you might have been watching Nickelodeon.
12:03 The guy's a total sweetheart and for many reasons one of the most memorable love interests on the
12:09 show. Because other than when you broke up with him and dated me then broke up with me and then
12:13 dated me one more time before going back to him I was always rooting for you too.
12:18 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo
12:23 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
