Rainham florist faces closure if red routes go ahead

  • last year
The proposals could see four stretches of roads across the Medway towns where motorists won't be able to stop at the side of the road or risk facing a fine.
00:00 Those in favour, yes.
00:02 Those against.
00:09 The moment to bid to stop a controversial traffic scheme coming to Medway failed.
00:16 Please don't do it. Please don't. It's not just the businesses that are going to be affected, it's the residents.
00:24 And the reaction from a local business. It's about the long-awaited and debated plan for Red Roots.
00:30 The £805,000 plan to reduce traffic, avoid congestion and stop illegal parking.
00:36 And after nearly two hours of discussion at a council meeting last night, the plan was marginally approved with eight votes for and seven against.
00:46 So what do those who will be impacted by this decision think?
00:51 The council have turned around and said that there's parking bays, but they're at opposite ends of the high street, not actually on the high street.
00:58 So people getting deliveries locally, not very good at all.
01:02 We've got plenty of free parking, plenty of buses, a train service. You don't need to be parking in the high street and causing the congestion that we've got at the moment.
01:11 With my shop being where it is, sort of like on the top road, you can't really park there anyway. However, it can affect obviously deliveries.
01:20 But the portfolio holder for community safety and enforcement at Medway Council says it's a tried and tested method.
01:27 Look at where they work. So Medway Hospital, for instance, in this location and also in London, where they've been run now since the early 1990s.
01:37 So this is not a new concept. This has been established for many years.
01:41 In many of these cases, parking restrictions already exist. So we already have double yellow lines in many of these cases.
01:48 What we're doing here is simply enforcing through a different means.
01:51 If these yellow lines here on the A2 in Raynham are to be painted red, many businesses say their deliveries won't be able to stop it because they'll be fined.
02:00 And it's left companies like Floral Times worried for the future of their business.
02:05 If we can't get our suppliers to come to us, then we will have to look at closing.
02:10 Where else will you go?
02:13 We wouldn't be able to. There's nowhere else in Raynham that is viable for a florist shop. I'd have to go work elsewhere.
02:21 It would break my heart. Absolutely break my heart.
02:24 For Kerry, replacing those double yellows with double reds on her doorstep would be the final straw.
02:32 All she can do is hope and wait for the next consultation.
02:36 Abbey Hook for KMTV in Raynham.
02:39 in Reynham.
