Last Pepper Harvest, Planting Arbs & More Kale for the Hartley!
00:00 North Pole arborvitaes. The kids are out here to help us today. You can see that we got our hands on some compost
00:05 so we're working on getting this area top dressed definite difference between native soil and
00:11 Something a little bit richer
00:14 It looks so much
00:15 It makes everything look so much better when you've got a top dress like that going on and the layering is still it's just looking
00:21 So beautiful out here. I am so happy with the way it's forming up so far
00:26 Now do you have any idea where you're putting these they can go anywhere really right? Yeah, I mean, I mean everything
00:33 There's so much space. Did you just pick them up because you thought those are nice more more green perfect
00:39 So we only have five evergreens out here so far the two Austrian pines and three Spartan junipers Austrian pine
00:45 They're three Spartans there and if we swing this way, there's an Austrian pine right there Aaron
00:50 What do you think about planting them closer to the oak like drawing some evergreen interest down that way? Well, yeah, I mean
00:56 My guess is in the end. We'll have like
00:58 30 evergreens between here and there so you can kind of pick a spot wherever you want at this point
01:04 Let's move them down there and see so North Pole arborvitaes. We've talked about lots
01:08 We have multiple North Pole arborvitaes on our property mostly on the west side
01:14 We've got the two big long hedges
01:16 These grow 10 to 15 feet tall 3 to 5 feet wide and I think there is no 3 through 7
01:21 I gotta double check that I can't open the tag. Yeah zone 3 through 7 and we have found that
01:29 For an evergreen they do in our climate at least we're very hot and dry here
01:33 They do appreciate more water than your average evergreen. So long as you do that, they're pretty happy
01:39 They're pretty shallow rooted for the most part. So other than just making sure consistent moisture
01:44 We do have to knock snow off of them occasionally in the winter. Yeah, I mean like any other
01:49 Ever evergreen I mean ever any other arb. Sure probably will need to knock that off
01:53 All right guys
01:54 so we're gonna work on placing these getting them in the ground and
01:57 Then I'll show you and then we're gonna I think go over and harvest the very last of our peppers
02:01 It's a beautiful day today. It's supposed to get like low 70s, I think
02:06 Yeah, right one, but we woke up to 36, which is the coldest it has been so far
02:10 But it's kind of a welcome welcome change that crispness crisp crispness. Is that a word? Yeah. Yeah in the air
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02:44 - Got 'em in.
03:10 - They look great right there.
03:11 - They look really good.
03:13 It'll be nice.
03:14 I wonder if we will have enough space
03:15 to put something deciduous in front.
03:17 - I'm ready for lunch.
03:18 - Oh, she's ready for lunch.
03:20 - You ready for lunch?
03:21 Okay, we'll head that way in a minute.
03:23 I'm sorry, what were you saying?
03:24 - Do you think we'll have space
03:25 to put something deciduous in front?
03:27 - Yes.
03:27 - You think?
03:28 - Uh-huh.
03:29 Yeah, for sure.
03:30 We've got the oak, which grows what, 50 by 40-ish?
03:33 And then 10 to 15 feet tall.
03:35 So this will be a lot lower.
03:38 So we could do like a crab apple or something real pretty.
03:41 - Or something really tall here too.
03:43 - Yeah, and then just limit up.
03:44 - Yeah.
03:45 - Yeah, for sure.
03:46 - Yeah.
03:47 - Really, the sky's the limit out here.
03:48 - Yeah, it's fun.
03:49 - Yeah, there's nothing in the way.
03:50 All right, we are gonna go have some lunch
03:52 and then we are going to harvest all the peppers.
03:55 Here are the pepper plants and a whole bunch of weeds.
03:57 They've kind of just run amok in this area.
03:59 We have done a bunch of clearing.
04:01 So all the tomatoes that were here are gone.
04:04 All the sunflowers, which were right here, are gone.
04:06 Kind of nice to work on it gradually.
04:09 We had onions and potatoes.
04:10 There are still a bunch of flowers and sweet potatoes
04:13 that are still going for it up there.
04:14 But I wanted to get this section of peppers,
04:16 which there are 28 plants right here,
04:18 cleared out so we can turn the water off here.
04:20 We had eight more pepper plants in our raised bed,
04:23 so 36 plants altogether.
04:24 So we've had a tremendous amount of peppers this year.
04:28 I think I'm gonna harvest today
04:30 and just give all of these away
04:31 because I still am working on my last batch
04:33 that I came out here and picked,
04:34 which I don't know if I did that one in a video or not.
04:37 We're constantly out here picking stuff.
04:39 So what I'm gonna do with gloves on,
04:41 because this is where I ran across
04:43 a whole bunch of black widows earlier this season,
04:45 I'm gonna pull each individual plant up one at a time
04:48 and just take all the viable peppers off of it.
04:51 And then the pepper plants will go to Bethany's pigs
04:54 and the peppers will be dispersed among friends and family.
04:57 Got our harvest baskets right here.
04:59 So let's just get this done.
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06:23 Well, we only ran into one black widow the entire harvest.
06:26 I was very careful and I went slow.
06:28 I was looking everywhere I stuck my hand
06:30 and then like carrying the pepper plants,
06:32 I would use my clippers to do that.
06:35 And the black widow came rushing out of one of the plants
06:37 inside the gator as I was getting ready to get in there
06:40 and start picking the peppers.
06:41 And it went down on a web onto the ground
06:43 and then started taking off.
06:45 But we ended up with a bunch of peppers.
06:46 Look at that.
06:48 For mid-October, that is amazing.
06:50 And you can see there are some green peppers
06:53 that hadn't ripened yet.
06:55 They weren't even fully formed.
06:57 The walls aren't very thick yet, so I didn't save those.
07:00 And then there's a whole bunch of shriveled up ones as well.
07:02 And some of them might have been close enough to ripen,
07:05 but our nights are getting cool enough now that,
07:07 I don't know.
07:08 And at a certain point, you're just kind of ready to be done,
07:11 clear things out and move on to something different.
07:13 So bell peppers, lots of them ranging in size from little,
07:16 which these might not quite be as sweet
07:20 as some of these that are a little bit bigger,
07:22 but this huge basket full.
07:24 All of these right here are sweet peppers as well.
07:27 These are the pepper pots.
07:28 I think I've got a tag.
07:30 Right there.
07:37 Pepper pot sugar kick.
07:38 They are really good.
07:39 And I recommend these.
07:41 They are very consistent.
07:42 That's something I really like about them.
07:44 You know, bell peppers, sometimes you'll get one
07:46 that's really thick walled and nice and juicy and sweet.
07:48 Sometimes it's thin walled and kind of bitter.
07:51 Thankfully, we do pretty well with bell peppers,
07:54 but I feel like these little ones,
07:56 these little orange ones are more consistent
07:58 than our regulars.
07:59 So that fills the majority of this basket right here
08:02 and onto the gator.
08:03 And then we have some barracuda.
08:05 There's several of them down in there.
08:07 Poblano type peppers right here, looking real nice.
08:10 And then we've got this big basket full of spicy peppers.
08:13 So we've got the hot and heavy right here,
08:16 fire away hot and heavies.
08:18 And then we've got Jalafuegos
08:19 in varying degrees of ripeness.
08:22 And oh boy, I don't even know what the ratio is.
08:24 It looks from the top, like there's more hot and heavies,
08:27 but I bet you it's about equal.
08:28 You can see all the Jalafuegos
08:29 like all the way go down to there.
08:31 So one more crop that we're done with for the year.
08:34 And you know what?
08:34 I am not gonna monkey with putting these plants
08:37 in the back of Paul's truck.
08:38 That's not normally what I do
08:40 because there may or may not be more black widows.
08:42 I think I'm just gonna put these in the pile this time.
08:44 It's not a very big pile anyway.
08:46 So we're gonna go get these things cleared
08:48 out of the gator.
08:49 Then we're gonna go grab some kale
08:52 and plant some on either end of the Harley.
08:54 It's something that I wanted to get done yesterday.
08:55 We were out there planting yesterday
08:57 and I just didn't have quite enough time to get it all done.
09:00 So we'll finish that up today.
09:02 And then we're actually taking the kids
09:03 to a farmstead tonight.
09:07 So it's like a farm festival,
09:08 but they go for like a month and a half.
09:10 Should be fun.
09:11 Okay, so here's where we're at.
09:12 We've got the beautiful white kale.
09:14 Look at these.
09:15 Oh my goodness.
09:17 What are these called?
09:17 Are these crystal snow?
09:20 Oh, and then I do have these four,
09:22 which I might have to use in conjunction with these
09:25 in order to fill up the end caps on the Hartley.
09:27 I'm hoping not though.
09:28 I'm hoping I can just stretch the one variety.
09:30 We just planted all of these kale yesterday,
09:33 the Yokohama red and the coral.
09:37 Is it coral queen?
09:41 Coral prince?
09:42 Something like that.
09:44 And I'm loving it.
09:45 So these are the end caps.
09:47 We've got this one right here and one on the other side.
09:50 So we're gonna trim up the boxes,
09:51 just a little bit of training trim.
09:52 We'll get the cabbage planted.
09:54 And I think that's gonna be it.
09:55 I do plan on making some kind of a block
09:59 for that electrical panel.
10:00 I mean, it's kind of a necessary evil.
10:02 We needed to have that in order to, you know,
10:04 run everything in there.
10:06 But anyway, that'll come later.
10:08 In the spring and summer,
10:09 you don't notice that as much because you've got plants,
10:11 you know, bigger things around them.
10:14 But anyway, let's get this done.
10:15 I've got my hedge trimmers.
10:17 The blower, the rake.
10:18 I think I've got everything we need.
10:20 (upbeat music)
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11:40 Okay, got it done, you guys.
11:59 Now, note to self,
12:01 10 really doesn't fill up the space
12:04 just because I know that these kale
12:05 are not gonna grow any bigger than this,
12:07 but they will sit here and look pretty and bright.
12:09 Honestly, it would look pretty to do either, you know,
12:12 a center row and kind of offset it.
12:14 So you've got three rows altogether, you know,
12:16 five, four, five,
12:18 or you could come in with something like white pansies
12:20 or dusty Miller and pop one in between each cabbage.
12:23 And then also our kale rather make a back row
12:27 and a front row.
12:28 I think that would be really pretty too.
12:30 But for now I'm really thrilled with this.
12:32 We're gonna come in with some mulch
12:33 and cover over the drip tube.
12:34 So it's just nice and tidy,
12:36 little trim job on the boxwoods.
12:39 And the other side looks just the same as this one.
12:42 Let's go look.
12:43 Except for I have watered that one
12:45 and I haven't watered this other end yet.
12:48 And there it is.
12:49 One of the sweet little cabbage was just on the small side.
12:54 Probably should have put that one in a corner.
12:56 Oh, well.
12:57 Looks fun and bright.
12:58 And I did have to steal one kale from our east side pot.
13:02 So I took one of the other type
13:04 that we had in the back of the gator
13:05 and I just popped one of the,
13:07 this variety out of the pot from the backside.
13:10 So you don't really notice, you know, in passing,
13:12 if you're just driving by the pots, you don't really see it,
13:14 but you would notice a difference in something like this
13:17 that you're just kind of walking by.
13:18 Something about the uniformity of this
13:20 and that just speaks to me.
13:22 I love it.
13:23 And it's always fun to see how things work out
13:24 because I didn't plan on planting anything in the ground
13:27 around the heartleaf for fall.
13:29 All of the kale in the ground were not planned for that.
13:32 In fact, all of the purple kale that I have back behind
13:35 was meant for these containers
13:37 and everything just kind of shifts as, you know,
13:39 the season progresses and your mind kind of changes
13:41 and you can always find a use.
13:43 So now I've got three of this other variety of kale.
13:47 It's got like a little bit more of a blue tint to the leaf.
13:51 It's got a white center with purple tips.
13:53 This one is Coral Prince.
13:54 I'm calling that other one by the wrong name.
13:56 Anyway, it's got a really beautiful look
13:58 and I can use this trio in a container somewhere
14:01 or in the ground.
14:02 We'll find a spot for it.
14:04 And you guys, that is gonna be it for the day.
14:06 Kind of a random assortment.
14:08 The arborvitaes, which I can actually see from here.
14:10 I don't know if you can see way out there.
14:12 You can see the three arbs, like beacons,
14:15 evergreen beacons out there.
14:17 Then a little bit of harvest
14:18 and then a little seasonal planting.
14:19 It's a good day.
14:20 And it warmed up.
14:21 Oh my goodness, I do not need this sweatshirt anymore.
14:23 But I'm gonna go in, we're gonna get changed and cleaned up
14:25 and head out for the fall festival.
14:27 It should be a really fun evening.
14:28 So I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
14:30 you're having a great day and we will see you in the next video. Bye!