• 2 years ago
The story reveals how Aina’s innocence is taken advantage of, and how Raza’s non-serious behavior has a lasting impact on multiple lives around him.

Directed By: Siraj-ul-Haq
Written By: Misbah Nausheen

Sana Javed as Aina
Ahsan Khan as Hamdan
Khaqan Shahnawaz as Raza
Qudsia Ali as Aima
Sidra Niazi
Laila Wasti
Usman Peerzada
Adnan Samad Khan
Asma Abbas
Ahsan Talish.

#Sukoon #Sanajaved #ARYDigital #Ahsankhan #pakistanidrama #KhaqanShahnawaz #Qudsiaali #UsmanPeerzada #LailaWasti #sidraniazi


00:20 I'm really sorry.
00:21 I think [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] I feel responsible.
03:21 I remember the days when I spent with you as a child.
03:24 Thank God you had come over to invite me.
03:28 When are you getting Anna and Usman married?
03:31 Once the wedding gets over, I will go pick up the wedding dates from Mehmood.
03:36 Yes, do go.
03:38 Anna will do anything just to get married.
03:41 My son is no less than anyone.
03:43 He is my lovely son.
03:46 Come, let's click a picture.
03:49 So, do you like Anna? A lot. But first verify this. Is this liking or sympathy?
04:15 You can only love a beautiful girl, not sympathy.
04:20 Even after knowing that Anna is not that kind of a girl, how can you be so sure?
04:26 Because neither is my intention wrong nor is my intention.
04:29 I just want to see a smile on Anna's face, which has been lost somewhere.
04:34 But it is not possible to be at this level now.
04:39 There is already a grudge against someone else.
04:43 But her heart is still not clear.
04:46 I can see my name written on it.
04:49 You know that Anna does not make friends with boys.
04:54 So, should I give you an advice?
04:56 Have mercy on yourself and stay away from Anna.
04:59 Because Anna is not going to be of any use to you.
05:01 Are you threatening me?
05:03 I am not threatening you. I am telling you the truth.
05:06 Because Anna is not an ordinary girl.
05:08 So, it would be better if you stay away from her.
05:10 Not an ordinary girl.
05:12 Is it because you have tied her up with that disgusting person?
05:16 Who does not even have the manners to talk to her.
05:20 Who divides her into two.
05:23 Without thinking about what she must be going through.
05:27 Listen, this is our personal matter.
05:30 Personal matter.
05:31 If this is a personal matter, then she should not be divided.
05:36 And I am sorry to say that a person does not deserve a special girl like Anna.
05:42 So, what do you think?
05:44 Will Anna's happiness be yours if you save Anna's life once?
05:48 It can be.
05:49 If she agrees once.
05:52 What? Are you mad?
05:55 Anyone can go mad for a girl like Anna.
05:58 (Music)
06:08 Where did you go?
06:09 I was just there, mom.
06:11 To see the guests.
06:13 So, do you want to come and take pictures or not?
06:15 I will come.
06:16 Come.
06:17 (Music)
06:40 You are looking beautiful.
06:41 You here?
06:45 Why?
06:46 Were you expecting someone else?
06:48 I am joking.
06:50 You have complaints, right?
06:52 I am trying to clear those complaints.
06:54 I have no complaints from you.
06:56 Then where are you going?
06:59 Wait for some time.
07:00 I don't like it.
07:04 Everyone is watching.
07:05 Get a photo taken with me so that it is proven that you are mine.
07:08 What photo do you want to take?
07:10 One second. What are you doing?
07:11 Dad is watching.
07:12 It looks bad.
07:13 What will he think?
07:14 Okay.
07:15 When I didn't come to save you in front of everyone,
07:17 you felt bad.
07:18 And now you are remembering these jokes.
07:20 Why do you have so many double standards?
07:22 Do I look like a fool to you?
07:24 That I will keep acting like a puppet to make you happy?
07:26 Why are you exaggerating?
07:28 I have not complained to you.
07:29 Because it is written on your face that you don't like me.
07:33 And if I am lying, then prove me wrong.
07:35 Prove your love.
07:37 Please, why are you creating a scene?
07:39 This is not the time for such things.
07:41 I will talk to you later.
07:42 [Music]
08:12 [Music]
08:40 [Music]
08:53 [Inaudible]
09:03 [Music]
09:16 What happened, Aina?
09:17 You haven't slept yet?
09:19 No, I was about to sleep.
09:21 I have been watching you for the last half an hour.
09:24 You can't be so restless for no reason.
09:26 Aima, why do you start looking for the meaning of everything?
09:31 Because, madam, nothing happens without a purpose.
09:33 And you don't get tired of having a plan all the time.
09:36 Sometimes, say whatever is in your heart.
09:39 Shut up, Aima.
09:40 I have to go to college in the morning. Let me sleep.
09:42 Aina, didn't you really feel that was true?
09:47 [Music]
09:56 Who?
09:57 The one who is in the mood to be friends with you.
09:59 Don't you think he is right?
10:01 Aima, for God's sake, shut up.
10:03 Tell me, Aina, how did you like Raza?
10:06 I didn't like him at all.
10:08 And now you will say one word.
10:09 Even the walls have ears.
10:11 Crazy.
10:12 Nothing happens. Tell me.
10:13 I told you, Aima, for God's sake, shut up.
10:16 And go to sleep.
10:17 I am already having a lot of headache.
10:19 You are so boring.
10:22 A man can even gossip a little.
10:24 But no, you don't tell anything.
10:26 By the way, I heard what you both were talking.
10:29 What did you talk?
10:32 Nothing much.
10:34 Although, I found him very willing.
10:37 I mean, there is no harm in being friends.
10:40 He talks very well.
10:42 He touches the heart.
10:44 His eyes also speak the truth.
10:46 I saw it.
10:47 Aima, don't talk nonsense in front of anyone else.
10:50 Otherwise, you will get beaten up a lot.
10:52 There is no time for gossip.
10:54 You don't look like my sister from any angle.
10:56 Keep quiet.
10:58 Go to sleep.
11:00 I am going.
11:02 I am going.
11:03 I think the fiance of this girl is very ill-mannered.
11:29 He was fighting with her in front of everyone.
11:32 And the girl looks very nice.
11:36 She is a good match.
11:38 I am sure she will also be a good match.
11:41 Mr. Adnan, what is the matter?
11:46 You have done a lot of research about the girl.
11:49 Obviously.
11:51 My brother is so interested.
11:53 So, I will also be interested to know about the girl.
11:55 What is her family like?
11:56 What kind of people are there?
11:57 What do I have to do with the family?
11:59 I am interested in the girl.
12:01 You like every other girl.
12:04 What is new in this?
12:06 But there is something different in this.
12:11 Raza Amjad Khan's heart is in love.
12:13 Raza, she is engaged.
12:16 She will get married in some time.
12:19 So, what difference does it make?
12:23 Relationships don't take much time to form and break.
12:26 It is just a matter of changing the thinking.
12:29 And some rules.
12:31 Actually, the problem is that you are talking about the beginning of love.
12:34 And I am looking at the end of love.
12:37 What is the matter?
12:39 I mean, you have reached the end of the relationship that has not even started.
12:45 Mr. Najumi, fast forward.
12:48 One thing is for sure.
12:50 You will not be able to change this.
12:52 My name is Raza.
12:55 Raza Amjad Khan.
12:57 The star of his fate always shines in the matter of love.
13:02 And it will continue to shine.
13:05 Raza, every girl has the same thought in the beginning.
13:10 It is a fixed pattern.
13:12 And till date, my guess about a girl has been wrong.
13:15 No, right?
13:16 And this is not a temporary infatuation.
13:18 This is love.
13:20 Love.
13:21 I will repeat it again, Raza.
13:24 This time you will be fooled.
13:26 This girl is going to carry out the relationship.
13:28 She will never take a step towards you.
13:30 I know.
13:31 I know.
13:32 She is not an ordinary girl.
13:34 But Raza's heart is not ordinary either.
13:37 Whose heartbeat she has become.
13:39 It is my duty to make you understand.
13:42 That is why I am making you understand.
13:43 Stay away from her.
13:45 Remember.
13:46 One day that girl will come to me.
13:48 And you.
13:50 You will see this scene.
13:53 Remember.
13:54 You have made her stubborn.
13:56 A girl is kept in her heart.
14:00 She is not made stubborn.
14:02 Remember, I will win her love.
14:05 In fact, I will try till she accepts my love.
14:11 Okay.
14:12 We thought for a while that she has done this.
14:15 So what will you do?
14:17 Will you get her engaged?
14:19 Once she agrees.
14:22 After that fate will decide.
14:24 Fate will find reasons to get us together.
14:29 Stop.
14:31 I know what you are doing.
14:32 I know you.
14:33 Hamdan, I really love her.
14:34 I love her.
14:35 I love her.
14:36 I love her.
14:38 I do.
14:40 I love her.
14:41 Aima, you are still sleeping?
14:55 Wake up.
14:57 Wake up, we are getting late for college.
14:58 I am getting up.
15:00 You have been saying this for the last one hour.
15:02 Only 15 minutes are left.
15:06 Wake up.
15:07 Wake up.
15:08 Only 15 minutes are left.
15:09 I am going to college.
15:11 What can I do?
15:13 Look at the time.
15:14 Only half an hour is left.
15:17 Your aunt is coming in the evening.
15:25 She will have dinner and leave.
15:26 Mom, she is not coming for the first time.
15:30 She comes every week.
15:31 Yes, but this time she is coming to talk about your and Usman's marriage.
15:38 Mom, what is the hurry?
15:40 I have not completed my studies yet.
15:42 You know that I have one year left to complete my degree.
15:45 Yes, I know.
15:47 But dear, if your father agrees, then we cannot do anything.
15:53 So mom, please make him understand.
15:55 Tell him to let me complete my degree.
15:58 So Usman will not let you do a job.
16:01 He likes domestic girls.
16:05 Mom, it is my dream to get good education.
16:08 If not more, then let me complete my master's.
16:11 Please make your father understand and listen to me.
16:14 Then I will do whatever you say.
16:16 Promise.
16:17 Okay, fine.
16:19 I will talk to him.
16:20 Don't worry.
16:22 Come on, have breakfast.
16:23 I will go and get news from Aima.
16:26 Where has she gone?
16:28 Aima.
16:31 Aima.
16:32 He has reached here too.
16:56 I am also surprised at his stubbornness.
16:59 But who told him about my college?
17:01 Hmm, we will have to ask him.
17:04 Go.
17:06 What are you doing here?
17:18 I heard that the girls of this city are very beautiful.
17:21 I thought, why not see it with my own eyes.
17:25 You got my college to explore beauty.
17:28 I got convinced after seeing you.
17:30 Look, you are thinking that I am a bad girl.
17:38 I am not like that at all.
17:39 You are thinking me wrong.
17:41 And I want to clear this misunderstanding.
17:44 I am not interested in your talks.
17:46 So please don't waste our time.
17:49 Don't say that, Aima.
17:51 I want to make a relationship with you with a pure heart.
17:54 I don't want to have any relation with you.
17:57 And who are you?
18:00 If you talk to me like this, I will not care.
18:05 Then why do I see my reflection in your eyes?
18:08 Accept it.
18:12 You love me too.
18:14 Not at all.
18:16 Who told you that you are in my eyes?
18:20 Has anyone ever told you
18:22 how beautiful your eyes are?
18:25 I feel if I get into them,
18:27 it will be difficult to come out.
18:30 I don't like to know such useless things.
18:33 I understand.
18:35 I am sure that no one has ever told you.
18:38 Because I don't expect anything from that rude person.
18:41 Who did you call rude?
18:43 The one
18:45 whom you are still hoping that
18:48 he will change.
18:50 Although you know that this will not happen.
18:51 Who are you to call my fiance rude?
18:54 Now the way a person calls a monkey a monkey,
18:56 he will call a rude person rude.
18:58 What is there to mind?
19:00 Look, before I say anything more,
19:03 you please leave from here.
19:05 Okay.
19:07 But you have to pay attention to this.
19:10 Because I am much better than that rude person.
19:14 And I can love you much more than him.
19:17 You don't have to have any superstitions.
19:22 And if you trouble me again,
19:24 I will not show any mercy.
19:26 Come on, we have to go to Dilawar brother as well.
19:46 Okay.
19:47 Hello.
20:07 You forgot after going there, Hamdan.
20:09 Do you have any idea that
20:11 there is someone here who
20:13 is so sad without you?
20:15 No, no, it is nothing like that.
20:17 I have to come back, but
20:22 your beloved brother, Mr. Raza,
20:25 he doesn't want to come. He is sad.
20:27 Really?
20:29 So, it means
20:32 that I should be happy thinking
20:36 that you are also missing me.
20:39 There is nothing wrong in being happy,
20:41 but why do you need to know this?
20:44 Sometimes it happens
20:46 that a person wants
20:48 that there is someone in his life
20:50 who can make him believe in his love.
20:53 Tell me, how is aunty?
20:55 Can I talk to her?
20:57 Are you satisfied with aunty's daughter
21:00 that you started talking about aunty?
21:03 I didn't say anything like that.
21:05 If there is something like that,
21:07 then tell me right now
21:09 so that I don't have to face so much pain later.
21:11 Gauriya, please.
21:13 I feel that you shouldn't
21:15 talk like this.
21:17 Not Gauriya, Shanzeh.
21:19 My name is Shanzeh.
21:21 You can call me by my name too, right Hamdan?
21:24 Yes, of course, I know your name,
21:27 but for me you are the same Gauriya
21:29 who used to ask me a lot of things in childhood.
21:31 But now the time has changed.
21:33 Why don't you understand this?
21:36 Some things
21:39 stay in the mind forever.
21:42 Some moments
21:43 stay in your mind forever.
21:46 You can't remove them as much as you want.
21:49 You are right.
21:51 Some moments
21:53 stay in your mind forever.
21:56 After that,
21:59 no scene touches the heart.
22:01 Uncle is calling.
22:06 I have to attend.
22:08 Hamdan.
22:11 Call me.
22:12 Bye.
22:14 I can buy you good clothes.
22:25 Why don't you talk to uncle?
22:27 What should I talk to him?
22:30 That we both want to get married.
22:33 You have no problem living with me in that house.
22:40 And if he doesn't do that, then?
22:41 Then?
22:44 I don't understand this.
22:54 I think you both have gone mad.
22:58 That means instead of explaining to him, you are telling me.
23:02 You have gone to meet your friends after so many days.
23:04 If you stay there for a few days, then what is the harm in that?
23:06 You leave your stubbornness.
23:09 I should leave my stubbornness?
23:10 And he should roam around the world with his stubbornness.
23:13 You are telling me this, right?
23:15 No, I am not saying this.
23:17 He will come back in a few days. What's the problem?
23:19 I don't care about that.
23:21 Tell him, he will come back with Hamdan.
23:23 Don't try to test my anger.
23:26 You both fight among yourselves.
23:29 Why have you made me a referee?
23:31 I don't want to get involved. It's not my problem.
23:33 Deal with it.
23:35 Why did you take so much trouble to get sweets?
23:37 I have got sweets for a special purpose.
23:41 Purpose? What purpose?
23:44 Has Usman got successful?
23:47 He will get successful. Why not?
23:50 I have come to take the wedding date.
23:52 Just give me the wedding date.
23:54 I can't live without Anna.
23:56 I can't wait anymore.
23:58 How can you get married immediately?
24:00 I have to get married.
24:03 How can you get married immediately?
24:05 Anna's studies are still pending.
24:08 And she is not yet able to stand on her own.
24:10 She is not coming to a stranger's house.
24:13 She is coming to her own house.
24:15 She is not a student.
24:17 But you haven't got the house repaired yet.
24:20 There are a lot of things to be done.
24:23 What's there to repair?
24:25 That will be done.
24:27 It's good that both the husband and wife will decorate the house together.
24:30 I don't have the strength.
24:32 I will do it myself.
24:33 If I get busy with the house repair,
24:35 then the wedding will be delayed.
24:37 Let it be delayed.
24:39 Which Anna is running away or Usman?
24:41 Have mercy on me, Anna.
24:44 What are you saying?
24:46 It's not like that.
24:48 It's my wish that I can see my son's head decorated.
24:52 Then we have a wish too.
24:54 Until Usman repairs the house
24:59 and finds a good job,
25:02 Anna's wedding will not be possible.
25:05 You are so stupid.
25:07 I don't understand, Mehmood.
25:09 What are you saying?
25:11 Sister, I am saying this because I have a blood relation with you.
25:13 So that Usman can stand on his own feet
25:15 and my daughter doesn't have to yearn for small things.
25:18 We have raised our daughters with a lot of pride.
25:20 And you know this very well.
25:22 Okay, okay. I know. I have heard it.
25:25 I have seen all your wishes.
25:28 If you get time, think about what you said about this.
25:31 And God willing, my son is working very hard.
25:35 One day he will be happy too.
25:37 Okay, sister.
25:39 We will see after Anna's education is complete.
25:42 It's not possible now.
25:44 Get tea.
25:54 Yes, I will get it.
25:57 No, no.
25:58 And Mr. Usman, are you looking for a better job?
26:03 I am trying.
26:05 Trying is very important.
26:07 Yes.
26:09 Sir, I don't know anything.
26:14 You just come back here.
26:16 Or I will go back to the village.
26:18 Hey, what happened?
26:21 At least tell me, why are you so angry?
26:23 Sir, madam has hung me on the ladder.
26:26 You just come here somehow.
26:27 Or you can settle my account.
26:29 At least tell me, what did she say?
26:33 What happened?
26:35 Yesterday, madam took me to the salon forcefully.
26:38 She got my hair cut there.
26:40 Then she took me to the laboratory.
26:42 There she got my nails tested.
26:44 Whether it takes care of health or not.
26:46 It's not like that, sir.
26:48 Oh, man, this is a good thing.
26:50 You got the treatment of the salon for free.
26:54 By the way, I am sure you are looking good from before.
26:56 Yes, I am looking like a hero.
26:58 I am looking like a ghost, sir.
27:00 You are making fun of me.
27:02 Laugh as much as you want.
27:04 No, no, I am not making fun.
27:06 Okay, I will call Gudiya right now.
27:09 That she shouldn't trouble you.
27:11 And why is she doing all this?
27:13 No, no, sir.
27:15 Don't call her.
27:17 Don't call her at all.
27:19 She has forbidden me to call her.
27:21 If you call her, I will feel more ashamed.
27:23 And you come and take care of Gudiya.
27:24 It's your wish.
27:26 Okay, okay, fine.
27:28 I will come back in a day or two.
27:30 Listen, send me your picture.
27:32 And let me see what your Gudiya has done to you.
27:34 Okay, fine, sir.
27:36 I will send it.
27:38 I will send the picture.
27:40 Okay.
27:42 Oh, man.
27:44 Tell me.
27:46 Shut up and come.
27:48 Don't make me humiliate you again.
27:52 What should I do?
27:53 How are you feeling now?
27:58 Look, please.
28:00 Mind your own business and don't come in our way again.
28:02 No, I was just asking.
28:05 If you are going somewhere, I will drop you.
28:07 I told you, please.
28:09 Please.
28:10 Raza, how long do you plan to stay?
28:28 Do you want to go back?
28:30 If you are in a hurry, then go.
28:32 I am not in a mood to go either.
28:35 If you are not in a mood, then you will have to make it.
28:38 Uncle is waiting for you.
28:39 And tell me one thing.
28:41 Aunty has been calling you since so long.
28:43 Why aren't you attending her call?
28:45 What is this?
28:47 I am not in a mood to listen to Baba's lecture.
28:49 And anyway, I have come here to relax.
28:51 Shut up, man.
28:53 He is your father.
28:55 Will you say this for him?
28:57 He is enough for me.
28:59 You don't have to be a father.
29:01 You will have to go.
29:06 I can't leave you alone here.
29:07 Come on, plan and come with me.
29:10 I am not a small kid,
29:12 whom you can control.
29:14 Yes, you are not a kid, but your actions are like that of a kid.
29:17 Whether you feel bad or angry,
29:19 you have to go with me.
29:21 You have to go.
29:23 I have to fulfill the promise I made to uncle.
29:25 That's it.
29:27 Then go yourself.
29:29 Go and handle the situation.
29:31 Look here.
29:33 Why are you doing all this?
29:35 Why are you doing all this? For that girl?
29:37 You will get many other girls.
29:39 Why are you after her?
29:41 I just want her.
29:43 No one else.
29:45 Raza, you are creating trouble for yourself.
29:47 And I won't let that happen.
29:49 I don't want to leave from here
29:51 without getting her.
29:53 And I won't leave.
29:55 Remember this.
29:57 And what if this doesn't happen?
29:59 I will tell you.
30:00 Here is your tea.
30:15 Listen, I was thinking, Mehmood,
30:20 that sister might feel bad if you refuse.
30:23 Why will she feel bad,
30:25 when I have not said anything wrong.
30:28 I didn't ask anything for my daughter's security
30:30 that she becomes an orphan.
30:32 He will at least show some respect.
30:34 But we can't compromise on the roof of the house.
30:37 Sister's house will fall down at any time.
30:39 Anyway, you have spoken to him very harshly.
30:42 What will he think?
30:44 Brother is making him feel less like a mother.
30:46 He won't think anything.
30:48 Because she is not just my sister,
30:50 she is also my daughter's would be mother in law.
30:53 Remember one thing, Aftab.
30:55 I…
30:56 I love my daughters a lot.
31:00 I can't let them lack anything.
31:05 May God always keep your shadow safe on them.
31:09 Still, call sister.
31:14 Still, call sister.
31:16 How are you feeling now?
31:38 Look, please mind your own business
31:42 and don't come in our way.
31:43 No, I was just asking.
31:46 If you are going somewhere, I will drop you.
31:48 I told you, please.
31:50 I will pick you up from college tomorrow.
32:03 I won't listen to any excuse.
32:05 I have to talk to you about something important.
32:07 And don't tell this to anyone.
32:10 Don't tell anyone.
32:11 Anna, what was he saying?
32:15 He was saying,
32:17 he has to talk about something important.
32:19 I will pick him up from college tomorrow.
32:21 What is so important that can't be discussed over the phone?
32:24 Is he getting upset because father has refused?
32:28 I don't know.
32:30 But he seemed very angry.
32:32 Hmm.
32:34 So, are you going to meet him?
32:36 I will have to go.
32:39 Who will tolerate his anger?
32:40 But I don't want to meet him at all.
32:43 The person you don't want to meet for a few moments,
32:47 how will you spend your entire life with him?
32:50 Have you ever thought about it?
32:52 I don't know.
32:56 You are not going to get any medal by forcing yourself.
32:59 A person has to be selfish for his happiness sometimes.
33:02 I know, Aima.
33:05 But a lot of courage is needed for this.
33:08 Which I don't have.
33:09 And you don't waste your energy in explaining to me.
33:13 It's of no use.
33:15 You don't seem like my sister from any angle, Anna.
33:17 I am going.
33:19 Okay.
33:46 Why did you have to say such an important thing, Usman,
33:49 that you have come to the college?
33:51 What if someone sees us?
33:53 So what?
33:55 I am not your lover.
33:57 I am your fiance.
33:59 I can take you wherever I want.
34:01 I have so much right on you.
34:03 But the world doesn't know this, Usman.
34:05 I have come so that the world and your parents know about it.
34:08 What do you mean?
34:10 Sit, I will explain.
34:13 I am sorry.
34:14 Usman, it would be better if you go home and talk whatever you want to.
34:31 It doesn't seem appropriate here.
34:33 Anna, if we could talk at home, I wouldn't have come here.
34:36 I have taken a short leave from the office. You sit.
34:39 You sit.
34:40 [Music]
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35:42 What kind of condition has uncle kept for our marriage?
35:45 I can give you good food, look at this restaurant.
35:49 I can afford this, right?
35:51 I can buy you good clothes.
35:53 Why don't you talk to uncle?
35:55 What should I talk to him?
35:58 That we both want to get married.
36:02 You have no problem staying with me in that house.
36:07 And if he doesn't do this, then…
36:11 Then?
36:12 Then we will do a court marriage.
36:17 Are you alright?
36:21 What are you saying?
36:23 I am not saying this to be honest.
36:25 I am just threatening you.
36:27 I am scaring you.
36:29 No, don't get me wrong.
36:31 But I can't live without you now.
36:34 And if we have to be together, we will have to do this.
36:38 [Music]
36:39 I can't say anything like this to my parents.
36:46 Why?
36:49 Why can't you?
36:51 Do you like someone else?
36:53 [Music]
36:55 Answer me, why are you quiet?
37:03 No, I don't like anyone.
37:05 Please stop doubting me.
37:07 Then what is the problem in saying it?
37:08 I can't do anything that will make my parents feel ashamed.
37:12 Anna, I am saying this to threaten you.
37:19 I am saying this to scare you.
37:21 We really don't want to do this.
37:23 Okay, sit and eat.
37:26 Where are you going?
37:28 Listen to me calmly.
37:30 Try to understand what I am saying.
37:32 I have heard what I wanted to hear.
37:36 I am not going to do anything like this.
37:38 Anna, listen to me.
37:40 Anna.
37:42 [Music]
37:44 Anna.
38:02 Anna, what are you doing?
38:05 Anna, listen to me.
38:06 You are okay?
38:08 Wait a minute.
38:11 Anna, what are you doing? I will drop you.
38:13 Anna.
38:15 [Music]
38:17 [Knocking]
38:32 [Birds Chirping]
38:33 [Knocking]
38:38 Uncle.
38:40 Greetings, aunty.
38:45 I am Raza, Dilawar's friend.
38:48 Yes, yes, son. I have recognized you.
38:51 How come you are here?
38:53 I had a possession of yours.
38:56 I have come to return it.
38:58 My possession?
39:01 Has sister-in-law Masooda sent anything?
39:03 Aunty, can we sit inside and talk?
39:06 What has happened to my mind to talk standing?
39:10 Come son, come inside. Come.
39:12 Come, come.
39:14 Oh wow.
39:20 I had just asked for one picture, son.
39:23 You have put so much effort on it.
39:27 Aunty, what effort?
39:29 Whenever I meet you, I miss my mom.
39:32 That's why my heart said to do this for you.
39:35 So, your mother doesn't stay with you?
39:40 No, no.
39:42 She stays with me.
39:44 Actually, I have been here for many days.
39:47 So, that's why I was missing her.
39:49 Whenever I meet you,
39:51 I feel like meeting my mom.
39:57 Okay.
39:58 Then consider me as your mother.
40:00 Consider this house as your home.
40:02 Now, Mehmood is coming.
40:04 I will introduce you to him.
40:06 Dilawar was saying that your tea and kebabs are very tasty.
40:11 Okay.
40:13 Then it's fine. I will bring it.
40:15 But, son, the girls are not at home.
40:17 So, you will have to sit alone for some time.
40:19 Yes, yes.
40:21 Sit, sit. I will come.
40:22 Sit, sit.
40:24 [Music]
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40:59 Mom, why is the door of the house left open?
41:02 What are you doing here?
41:09 I will find every way that can bring me to you.
41:15 But why did you come to my house?
41:17 Do you know how big a problem I can get into because of you?
41:20 Please go from here.
41:22 No one will harm you because of me.
41:24 Trust me.
41:26 I can't take any risk.
41:28 For my sake, please go from here right now.
41:30 Please.
41:32 Why are you so ill-conceited with me?
41:34 Okay, if you don't want to be my friend, I understand.
41:38 But don't act like I am bothering you.
41:44 [Music]
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42:29 I am sorry. I didn't mean to do this.
42:31 I just don't want to hurt my parents.
42:35 And you are right.
42:38 Usman is a very bad person.
42:41 He only thinks about himself.
42:44 [Music]
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42:48 But...
42:50 But still you have to make a sacrifice.
42:52 You have to make a sacrifice that he might change one day.
42:55 You know very well that this won't happen.
43:00 You have to take a stand.
43:06 You have to refuse this marriage.
43:08 Otherwise...
43:09 Otherwise what?
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