Court métrageTranscription
00:00 Bonne année !
00:02 *bruit de fusil*
00:04 *bruit de fusil*
00:06 *bruit de fusil*
00:08 *bruit de fusil*
00:10 *bruit de fusil*
00:12 *bruit de fusil*
00:14 *bruit de fusil*
00:16 "I'd like to think about you"
00:18 "This isn't like dating"
00:20 "This can only work in here"
00:22 "Me on one side of the bars, them on the other"
00:24 "What if we get out? What happens to me?"
00:30 "You're not the only person I wrote to."
00:40 "I'm not gonna let you get away with this."
00:44 "You are gonna die."
00:46 "Everything is changed now."
00:48 "I never meant to hurt you Steph."
00:50 "I'm used to it."
00:52 "I needed all of you."
00:54 "You cheated on all of us."
00:56 "I know where you are."
00:58 "Same M.O. same thing."
01:00 "Why would someone who's just avoided being executed do that which put him on death row in the first place?"
01:02 "I didn't do it."
01:08 "You know I didn't do it."
01:10 "Everywhere he goes, somebody dies."
01:12 "If they get a hold of me, I'm a dead man."
01:14 "I think we better watch back."
01:16 "Grab the tapes."
01:26 "One!"
01:30 "Two!"
01:32 "You tore my heart out."
01:34 "Three!"
01:36 "Every time you turn a corner, I'll be there."
01:40 "Waiting for you."
01:42 "I'm coming."
01:44 [Bruit de tirs]
01:46 [SILENCE]