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RUSTIN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The architect of 1963's momentous March on Washington, Bayard Rustin was one of the greatest activists and organizers the world has ever known. He challenged authority, never apologized for who he was, what he believed, or who he desired. And he did not back down. He made history, and in turn, he was forgotten. Directed by DGA Award and five-time Tony Award winner George C. Wolfe and starring Emmy Award winner Colman Domingo, Rustin shines a long overdue spotlight on the extraordinary man who, alongside giants like the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., Adam Clayton Powell Jr., and Ella Baker, dared to imagine a different world, and inspired a movement in a march toward freedom.

directed by George C. Wolfe

starring Colman Domingo, Chris Rock, Glynn Turman, Aml Ameen, Gus Halper, CCH Pounder, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Johnny Ramey, Michael Potts, Jeffrey Wright, Audra McDonald

release date November 2023 (in theaters); November 17, 2023 (on Netflix)
00:00 So, talk, shout, take command.
00:03 Who's that?
00:05 The famous Bob Russell.
00:06 In '41, you called for a large-scale march.
00:09 The time has come for another.
00:11 Nobody.
00:13 I can handle all the grunt work.
00:15 Rally the young.
00:17 We are going to put together the largest peaceful protest
00:21 made up of angelic troublemakers such as yourselves.
00:27 My friend, Dr. Martin Luther King, will be joining us.
00:31 How many bodies did it take to surround the White House?
00:34 How many?
00:35 Sorry, I thought that was the set-up for a joke.
00:38 You literally want me to find out?
00:39 Yes!
00:40 When it comes to the old guard, I'm considered a pariah.
00:45 Every person at this table will be in the line of fire because of him.
00:50 Everyone's so obsessed with what I'm doing and with whom.
00:53 How can you preach salvation and not want to save yourself?
00:57 Every day, we surrender that which makes us different.
01:01 I can't surrender my differences. The world won't let me.
01:04 The day of your march, the entire D.C. police force has been mobilized.
01:08 What they really want to destroy is all of us coming together and demanding this country change.
01:14 I remember saying that this Rustin fellow is a little crazy.
01:19 Only later did I fully comprehend that a little didn't come close.
01:24 We intend to go there not by the thousands, but by the hundreds of thousands.
01:29 Yes!
01:30 We are committed to altering the trajectory of this country towards freedom.
01:35 That's what's on the line. Nothing less.
01:37 Lord, I hope and pray they come today.
01:41 [Music]
01:48 [Music]
01:53 [Music]
01:55 [Music]
