Season 1 | show | 2016| S1 | Official Clip

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Season 1 | show | 2016| S1 | Official Clip | dHNzX05zdDZETUF4Q1F3
00:00 And how long are you staying in Venoma City?
00:04 Not long. Five or six hours.
00:07 Okay. I'm gonna need you to stand over there and I'll be right with you.
00:13 Alright. You can put your arms down, sir.
00:16 I'm just gonna ask you once, so I want an honest answer.
00:20 What are these marbles for?
00:23 Micro-juggling. It's just a little exercise that helps keep my dexterity in check.
00:29 Hmm... Micro-juggling.
00:33 I can show you if you like.
00:35 With all due respect, Captain, I'll just hold on to these until you return to your ship.
00:41 Let the man have his marbles, Riendo.
00:44 The marbles. What's he gonna do?
00:47 I'm perfectly capable of doing my job, Kajakas.
00:51 A CAF captain. Gonna marble someone to death.
00:56 You know, you always start this shit right at the beginning of my--
01:00 You're still hung up on that flowerpot.
01:04 I didn't say that. I never said that.
01:07 You didn't have to, buddy. It's written all over your face.
01:11 Doesn't matter what I use it for, really.
01:14 It's a flowerpot. The least you can do is grow some flowers.
01:19 I'm not a florist, Kajakas. I'm a smoker. Okay? I smoke.
01:25 That's no way to treat a gift from my mother.
01:28 Hey, any chance we can get this line moving?
01:31 Sir, please, stay in line. We'll be right with you. We appreciate your patience.
