Meet Conduit in this latest trailer for Apex Legends and get to know the free-to-play battle royale game's newest Legend. Inspired by the hero who once saved her life, Conduit trades her own future for the opportunity to become an Apex Legend and provide for her family.
Apex Legends: Ignite, the next major update for the hero shooter game, will be available soon.
Apex Legends: Ignite, the next major update for the hero shooter game, will be available soon.
00:00 I don't remember much from back then. But I do remember.
00:29 When heroes fell from the sky.
00:41 And gave us.
01:06 Everything. To do it.
01:16 And it's still there.
01:32 And now. Things are good.
01:45 We're safe.
01:58 Protected.
02:19 At the.
02:34 Can't do this.
03:00 I'm.
03:28 I'm.
03:48 I'm.