Meat-Eating Overtakes Rice Consumption in Taiwan

  • last year
Last year, people in Taiwan for the first time ate more meat than rice and other grains, while chicken dethroned pork as the nation's favorite meat. Is Taiwan's long tradition of vegetarianism seeing a decline?
00:00 A vegetarian's paradise, no more.
00:06 Taiwan used to have the world's third highest rate of vegetarianism.
00:10 Thanks to a long tradition of Buddhism and Taoism,
00:13 one in ten people here used to not eat meat.
00:18 But now the trend seems to be shifting.
00:21 Taiwanese people ate more meat than rice or any other grain last year for the first time.
00:27 On average, most people's daily energy intake came from animal protein
00:31 containing just under 422 calories,
00:34 while grains accounted for around 417 calories.
00:40 Chickens saw the biggest leap,
00:42 dethroning pork as Taiwan's favourite meat.
00:45 "Our chicken legs are sold out in the morning, so they're limited.
00:49 A lot of people come in the evening and can't get any."
00:52 "The meat is delicious.
00:54 I think it's the same for pork and chicken."
00:57 "I think most people eat meat, but I like to eat everything.
01:01 I don't have a diet, so I think I eat meat and vegetables.
01:04 That's the best way to eat."
01:09 Taiwan's Department of Animal Industry says the increase
01:12 is because of a growth in gym culture.
01:14 "I eat chicken or fish,
01:18 and I try to eat more protein after exercise.
01:23 But I also eat more fiber and fruit."
01:28 But there is concern that a growth in meat consumption
01:31 may contribute to widespread health problems.
01:34 "Red meat can cause cardiovascular disease."
01:40 Higher meat consumption also contributes to the climate crisis,
01:43 with animal agriculture being the second major source of greenhouse gas emissions.
01:48 "Climate change is a time-honoured event.
01:52 We have to face it now.
01:54 We can all contribute.
01:55 We can all contribute to a more sustainable future."
02:01 For a country whose staple diet has long been grains and veggies,
02:05 the rise in meat consumption may come as a surprise.
02:08 But with more young Taiwanese people exploring modern, global lifestyles,
02:13 Taiwan's long-standing vegetarianism may become a relic of the past.
02:18 Howard Zhang and Sally Ensign, in Taipei for Taiwan Plus.
