The benchmark domestic indices settled in the negative territory on Wednesday. The NSE Nifty 50 fell 140.40 points or 0.71% to settle at 19,671.10, while the BSE Sensex shed as much as 551.07 points to 65,877.02. Midcaps stocks were the leading laggards among the broader indices. The Bank Nifty index shed as much as 520.80 points or 1.17 to settle at 43,888.70.
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#Sensex #Nifty50 #BankNifty
Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by experts on GoodReturns are their own, not those of the website or its management. GoodReturns advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.
#Sensex #Nifty50 #BankNifty