Armée ukrainienne en faillite : les soldats se révoltent contre leur supérieur.

  • last year
Les conflits au sein de la brigade d'élite "Magura" des forces armées ukrainiennes ont suscité des inquiétudes quant à la direction et au commandement sur le champ de bataille. L'unité a été critiquée pour sa mauvaise gestion, entraînant de lourdes pertes parmi le personnel militaire lors d'une contre-offensive. Depuis juin, l'armée ukrainienne a tenté de progresser sur plusieurs fronts, avec des unités entraînées et armées par l'OTAN, mais n'a pas obtenu de succès significatifs. Les pertes de l'armée ukrainienne en septembre ont été estimées à plus de 17 000 personnes et plus de 2 700 armes, selon le ministre de la Défense russe, Sergueï Choïgou.
Les tensions au sein de la brigade "Magura" ont mis en évidence les problèmes de leadership et de coordination au sein des forces armées ukrainiennes. Les officiers supérieurs se sont mutuellement accusés de mauvaise gestion, compromettant ainsi l'efficacité de la contre-offensive. Malgré les efforts de l'armée ukrainienne pour avancer sur plusieurs fronts, les succès ont été limités, comme l'a souligné le président russe Vladimir Poutine. Les pertes importantes en personnel et en armement témoignent des difficultés auxquelles l'Ukraine est confrontée dans ce conflit. La situation reste préoccupante et soulève des questions sur la capacité de l'Ukraine à faire face à l'agression russe et à assurer la sécurité de son territoire.
#conflitsinternes #élitemilitaire #brigadeMagura #crise #mauvaisegestion #pertes #commandement #contreoffensive #tensions #arméeukrainienne #désarroi #leadership #pertesmassives #débâclemilitaire #gestiondelarmée #enjeuxcritiques #sécuritédelUkraine #frt
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and share the video too.
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00:16 The conflicts began in the ranks of the Brigade of the elite of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
00:21 Magura.
00:22 This military unit played a crucial role in the counteroffensive of Kiev, but it is
00:26 now plunged into disarray due to problems of direction and command on the battlefield.
00:31 This is what Newsweek reports, which underlines that the 47th Mechanized Brigade
00:36 distinct Magura is the theater of discord between its superiors.
00:40 The latter are mutually accused of a bad management of the training, in particular
00:45 for an order given during the counteroffensive, which unfortunately led to heavy losses
00:49 among Ukrainian soldiers.
00:50 Since the beginning of June, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have tried to advance in the
00:56 directions of Zaporozhye, Yuzhno-Donetsk and Artemovsk by mobilizing specially trained
01:01 and armed units by NATO.
01:03 However, despite these efforts, they have not managed to achieve significant success
01:07 on any sector of the front.
01:09 This situation has been highlighted by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself.
01:13 The situation is all the more worrying that the losses of the Ukrainian army in September
01:19 were particularly high.
01:21 According to the statements of the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, more than 17,000 Ukrainian
01:26 soldiers lost their lives that month, in addition to the loss of more than 2,700 weapons.
01:32 These alarming figures highlight the gravity of the situation on the ground and raise
01:36 questions about the efficiency of the direction and command within the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
01:41 The superiors of the Magura Brigade are confronted with accusations of bad
01:45 management, which have led to disastrous consequences for the soldiers on the front.
01:49 The turmoil and internal conflicts within this elite unit also raise doubts
01:55 about the ability of the Ukrainian army to successfully pursue its offensive against
01:58 separatist forces in the east of the country.
02:00 As the conflict continues, it is crucial for Kiev to quickly solve its leadership problems
02:06 and remedy the gaps in the direction and command of its armed forces.
02:10 This worrying situation highlights the challenges that Ukraine is faced with in
02:15 its struggle to restore stability and territorial integrity.
02:18 The stakes are high, both on the military level and on the political level, and it is essential
02:24 that the country finds solutions to strengthen its command and coordination on the battlefield.
02:30 Before continuing, don't forget to subscribe to Ebene Media TV and follow us on the other social networks too.
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