Watch: Cat breaks record for world’s loudest purr

  • last year
Bella, a 14-year-old moggie cat from Cambridgeshire, UK, broke a Guinness World Record with her astonishingly loud purr on October 17. Witnessed by a Guinness World Records adjudicator, Bella's impressive purr is now the world's loudest.


00:00 This is an official attempt for the loudest purr by a domestic cat.
00:06 Nicole, Bella, are you ready?
00:09 Yes we are.
00:11 The minimum that you had to achieve today was 50 decibels air-weighted.
00:26 I can now confirm that you achieved 54.6 decibels air-weighted.
00:32 Congratulations, you are officially amazing.
00:36 I'm so proud of Bella for breaking the record. She's absolutely perfect.
00:42 It's going to have a really prominent place in the house.
00:48 We're going to choose which child's photo to take down first.
