• 2 years ago
NEW MOVIE TRAILERS (2023) _ FilmSelect


00:00 [Intro]
00:03 [Knocking]
00:04 [Crickets chirping]
00:09 [Doorbell rings]
00:09 Hello?
00:10 [Growling]
00:15 [Screaming]
00:17 [Growling]
00:19 [Gunshot]
00:22 [Ominous music]
00:28 I think I know who took your daughter.
00:30 [Ominous music]
00:32 She was in a cult for Christ's sake.
00:34 You really think this person is trustworthy?
00:36 I lost my wife.
00:38 I lost my daughter!
00:40 Forget about the authorities tracking your daughter down.
00:42 If you want her back, you gotta get her yourself.
00:44 Where's my daughter?
00:48 She was alive two weeks ago.
00:50 If she had to go through what I did when they took me,
00:54 it would be like nothing you can imagine.
00:56 [Ominous music]
00:58 [Screaming]
01:00 You up?
01:02 You didn't say anything about tattoos.
01:04 Imagine if I showed up at your little church looking like this.
01:06 [Ominous music]
01:08 [Ominous music]
01:10 You really shouldn't be following us, man.
01:12 Stupid!
01:14 Now you're gonna show the ladies respect.
01:16 [Gunshot]
01:18 [Ominous music]
01:20 They bring children here.
01:22 In the end, they're killed.
01:24 [Ominous music]
01:26 They keep some like me.
01:28 [Gunshot]
01:30 Let's send Cyrus a message.
01:32 [Ominous music]
01:34 You got a death wish?
01:36 Where's my daughter?
01:38 Where's my daughter?
01:40 You're crossing over.
01:42 [Screaming]
01:44 [Ominous music]
01:46 You better watch yourself.
01:48 I've tasted a lot of blood lately. I'm not sure I got a full stomach yet.
01:50 Dad? Kill them.
01:52 Kill all of them. I am my freedom! I wear it!
01:59 Take a look. This is God.
02:12 Everyone who ever lived here falls victim to some tragedy.
02:38 Like her daughter a year ago. My daughter was my whole life.
02:45 To hear her voice again, I would give all I have.
02:53 If someone wants to be heard, we are here.
03:06 That woman called me. She's a murderer.
03:13 That woman called the spirits. And they answered.
03:40 You saw what I saw. For once in your life admit that you were up against something bigger than you.
03:47 Tonight we are all afraid. We cannot hide from our ghosts.
04:03 Whether they are real or not.
04:10 When's the last time you talked to dad? I don't remember.
04:22 God, I didn't even know he was missing. I have now been receiving said instructions
04:27 for over a year. I believe I have gone too far.
04:34 NASA was able to confirm what they were seeing which is an unidentified object.
04:51 I want to look around here. See what dad was working on.
04:58 What if they found something he wasn't supposed to find?
05:05 Look at this stuff. Dad must have been working on something huge.
05:12 I have no clue. There's something evil.
05:20 Do you know how long the universe has been around for?
05:25 14 billion years. All the things around us that we don't know.
05:30 How could it be possible that any civilization from anywhere in the universe haven't made
05:37 first contact yet? Because they've all come to an end.
05:42 Death is a concept. I'm too old to get one.
05:49 There is so much more beyond that than we can see.
05:54 Where are you? I am the end.
06:02 I graduate law school in two weeks. How do we define who's at fault?
06:09 Tommy. Are you with us, Tommy?
06:28 Yeah. Sorry. I'm sure you must feel some pressure having your dad as the guest lecturer.
06:33 How's your job search going? Maybe this will help.
06:36 You're Dan Olsen's son. With his recommendation you could work anywhere.
06:41 I prefer to follow my own path. Leave me alone, dad.
06:48 I'm hiring you on to help with our workload. I'll need you to start taking assignments.
06:53 Low pay, long hours. Could be a good place for a new hire to show initiative.
06:58 You think you can handle the pressure?
07:03 Tommy, are you listening to me? I've been having these nightmares.
07:09 Tommy! They feel so real.
07:14 And I'm seeing things. This is your fault.
07:19 Should we be worried? This job is having a negative impact on your mental and physical health.
07:25 Now you'll do whatever it takes to be successful here. This job, it takes a toll.
07:30 I can't treat you. Tommy, where are you going tonight? The truth is complicated.
07:37 Having a bad day? I am not okay.
07:42 I have a story to tell.
07:52 Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay? Yeah, fine. Thanks.
08:04 Here, it's my fault. Let me help you up. I'm Elaine.
08:08 Ten years ago, we created the robots who now do the tasks Americans once did.
08:14 Thomas Newton was sentenced to 28 years after he had an illegal robot double of himself.
08:19 You hear that, robot? Yes, Charles. We need to be more careful.
08:25 This new girl is different level. I'm glad you've met a nice young lady.
08:29 I need you completely focused on getting her horizontal for me.
08:32 Put yourself in deep program now, C2.
08:38 This Charles guy really wants to bang me, so he'll have to take over tomorrow, E2. Yes, Elaine?
08:42 I just don't want the night to end. I feel the same way. C2, where are you? E2, pick up your phone.
08:48 I've never done this before. One, two, three!
08:54 Elaine also has a robot double. You were dating a robot all along.
08:58 E2 and I are running away together. Don't try to stop us. What? Goodbye, Elaine. Goodbye, Charles.
09:03 Let's just talk about this. Don't do it.
09:08 Childish. This is terrible. They've completely stolen our lives.
09:13 I'm going to have to get a real job. We hunt them down and we kill them.
09:17 Two cappuccinos. Thank you.
09:19 You guys don't understand. They're not going to be obedient anymore.
09:24 They're humanizing. They're learning to feel. We want to get married immediately.
09:29 Let's go. Go where? To stop our wedding.
09:32 Your disgusting joyride is over.
09:35 Hey, I get to shoot me. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
09:38 Well, fine, then I'm shooting you. That's not fair.
09:47 It's swimming to shore. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Shoot her again.
09:53 She's deprogrammed now. She's feral. Charlie, want a pinky wink? No! Get off me!
10:03 What is it? Well, you can lose them in the woods.
10:07 I'm not leaving you. They're not after me.
10:22 You are about to be prosecuted for murder.
10:25 Or become work for me.
10:28 What's the situation, sir?
10:30 They've been giving London a taste of the troubles.
10:35 I could use a dead shot like you.
10:39 I'd say that's a step up for a man in your position.
10:43 I'm going after the soldier that killed Carol.
10:47 The man you want is working for the police.
10:50 What's the purpose of your visit, sir?
10:52 I'm looking up an old friend.
10:55 Doesn't have long to live.
11:08 I'm gonna make them pay for this. Do whatever's necessary.
11:12 You killed a pregnant woman.
11:15 I've nothing.
11:19 I'd like to finish this.
11:21 Let's flush him out.
11:26 I can't run away from this.
11:33 Forgive me.
11:36 When there are scary things we don't understand, our minds try to fill in the blanks.
11:45 Sometimes the best thing to do is to face it.
11:49 So this light is gonna be completely silent like it is right now.
11:54 And gradually it's gonna start flashing until it's totally dark.
11:59 So you can see that there's nothing to be afraid of.
12:01 Okay?
12:08 See? That's not so scary, is it?
12:11 Just you, your sister, and me.
12:19 You're doing okay.
12:24 It's not real.
12:27 It's okay. It's okay.
12:38 It's all just in your head.
12:58 Katie?
13:00 There's something in my room.
13:03 You believe me, don't you?
13:07 There's no such thing as monsters. You need to grow up.
13:12 I'm serious, Sawyer. I need to be alone.
13:18 You're both having these manifestations.
13:23 What is this supposed to be?
13:26 It's the thing that comes for your kids when you're not paying attention.
13:39 Dad, you have to listen to me!
13:42 Okay. I'm listening.
13:47 Sweetheart, let me handle this.
14:06 Traveling is all about experiencing new things.
14:09 You're in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
14:12 What could possibly be wrong with that?
14:14 My boyfriend and I planned this trip together.
14:17 And at the last minute, he bailed.
14:19 You can come crash with me. I'll show you around.
14:21 I couldn't put you up.
14:23 Hey. It's gonna be fine.
14:28 Change of plans. I made a new friend.
14:31 Looks like I'll be staying here for a while longer.
14:33 We're going to explore the country.
14:36 I just realized I haven't been in front of a fire in, like, a decade.
14:42 You probably brought me all this way to kill me.
14:45 In the middle of the ocean. No one can hear you scream.
14:51 Everything is so much better now that I've decided to stay.
14:58 I have some ideas for what we should do tomorrow.
15:00 I actually have a surprise for you tomorrow.
15:02 Everything is so much better now that I've decided to stay.
15:04 Since when are you suddenly shy?
15:06 I just don't like being on camera.
15:10 So someone else was pretending to be you the whole time.
15:13 Hello?
15:16 Everything is so much better now that I've decided to stay.
15:20 [indistinct chatter]
15:22 [music]
15:38 No, I'm not gonna kill you.
15:40 Well, that is disappointing.
15:43 [music]
15:52 [screams]
15:55 [music]
16:03 [panting]
16:08 [music]
16:13 [screams]
16:16 [music]
16:20 When Tamir and I were kids, my mom used to tell us stories.
16:26 [music]
16:32 The A.I. has said never to sleep with a bad feeling in our hearts.
16:36 Because there's a dark thing that feeds on those feelings.
16:40 What is the deal with Tamir? Is she doing all right?
16:45 My stomach drops every time she, like, appears out of thin air like that.
16:49 [music]
16:54 There's something in here. You can't see it.
16:57 [music]
17:00 But it lives inside.
17:04 [music]
17:08 Don't you hear it?
17:10 [music]
17:21 It needs to tenderize the soul by attacking your sanity.
17:26 Isolating you from those who love you.
17:30 And if anyone tries to help you, it will hurt them.
17:34 Why are you whispering?
17:36 It's listening.
17:38 [music]
17:41 [screams]
17:43 [music]
17:46 It's called the Pishash.
17:49 It doesn't kill you right away.
17:52 It eats you slowly.
17:54 [music]
18:01 When it's ready,
18:03 [music]
18:09 it eats your soul.
18:11 [music]
18:22 [knock on door]
18:25 Hal?
18:26 Yes, of course. Come in.
18:28 Nice place.
18:30 Is this the bathroom?
18:32 [music]
18:35 This needs to be cleaned.
18:37 [music]
18:39 I want you to clean behind the toilet.
18:43 Is that dirty?
18:45 Yes.
18:46 When you think of yourself, what do you see? Garbage?
18:49 Oh, yes.
18:50 You weren't anything.
18:52 [music]
18:54 I really liked that scene.
18:55 Me too.
18:56 It's going to be so weird to not have this as part of my routine anymore.
19:00 [music]
19:01 What do you mean?
19:03 [music]
19:10 You know, this job.
19:11 Your new role at the company.
19:12 As CEO.
19:13 Yeah, it's a really big deal.
19:15 This is not a good idea to keep doing this.
19:18 [music]
19:21 Hal, your new job, you wouldn't be able to do it without what I taught you.
19:25 What do you want?
19:26 Half of the salary for the job that I got you.
19:28 You're insane.
19:29 It would be a story.
19:30 CEO shoves cotton swab into own penis when commanded.
19:33 Denver dominatrix tells all.
19:35 I mean, when you say it like that, it makes it sound weird.
19:38 [music]
19:42 There's a camera hidden in this hotel suite.
19:44 I don't want to play right now.
19:46 I'm not.
19:47 [music]
19:48 You filmed our session secretly?
19:50 [music]
19:54 Where is the fucking camera?
19:56 [music]
19:57 If you want to see it so bad, then find it.
19:59 You fucking nut job.
20:01 [music]
20:02 But if I wanted to, I can get rid of you.
20:05 Look at you.
20:06 You love this.
20:07 Are you excited?
20:08 [music]
20:09 Take off your pants.
20:10 [music]
20:13 You don't have the power.
20:14 I do.
20:15 [music]
20:16 [screams]
20:17 What the fuck?
20:18 What do you want?
20:19 I unlocked something in you.
20:21 No.
20:22 Sanctuary, sanctuary.
20:24 The safe word is sanctuary.
20:26 Do you even know why you're doing this, or is this just the game?
20:29 Yes.
20:30 [screams]
20:31 [music]
20:33 Look at me.
20:34 Don't look at me.
20:35 Sorry.
20:36 [music]
20:41 I can't believe it.
20:42 I just can't believe it.
20:45 I feel like I just saw him.
20:49 Yeah, he just called me last week.
20:54 He was a butt dial, but still.
20:57 [music]
20:59 What are we going to do with these ashes?
21:01 Where was Durfee the happiest?
21:02 Easy.
21:03 Harrison.
21:04 It's perfect.
21:05 You know, you think about it, that is where it all began.
21:07 [music]
21:10 Oh my God, it's spring break.
21:12 [music]
21:24 You remind me of my granddad.
21:25 Granddad?
21:26 How old do you think I am?
21:27 I don't know, old.
21:28 40?
21:29 [music]
21:31 It's time for the party game.
21:34 This son of a bitch straight up stole our games.
21:37 [music]
21:46 Oh.
21:47 Oh my God.
21:49 I get her number?
21:50 Welcome to the ultimate game.
21:52 This is our reminder to be mindful.
21:55 Be mindful of history and herstory and they-story.
22:01 Just kill us now.
22:04 Come.
22:05 Your chariot's awake.
22:07 [music]
22:09 This is going to be fun, isn't it buddy?
22:11 These people suck.
22:12 [music]
22:14 What will your journey be?
22:16 You guys want some?
22:17 Those are magic mushrooms.
22:18 I just ain't tired of these things.
22:20 Come on, you got a trip with me.
22:21 I'm not taking any mushrooms.
22:22 I'll eat these pink things though.
22:24 Oh.
22:25 [music]
22:29 We're on a plane.
22:31 What the-
22:32 [screaming]
22:33 We're on a plane.
22:34 [screaming]
22:35 You're drunk, guys.
22:38 You got a little mustache.
22:39 Why'd you grow your hair out?
22:41 [screaming]
22:42 [music]
22:44 One tap of the tongue is the most powerful hallucinogen.
22:48 What are you doing?
22:50 You're welcome, sweetheart.
22:51 [laughing]
22:52 [music]
22:55 [laughing]
22:58 Have you seen the group chat?
22:59 They're doing it again tonight.
23:01 [music]
23:03 Please, it's my mom's remembrance day.
23:06 I just want to forget about it.
23:08 Huh?
23:09 Do it, do it, do it.
23:11 [screaming]
23:14 Who's up?
23:15 I'll do it.
23:16 [screaming]
23:17 [glass breaking]
23:19 Cannot go for more than 90 seconds, am I clear?
23:22 What happens after 90 seconds?
23:24 [screaming]
23:27 They'll want to stay.
23:29 [knocking]
23:31 [music]
23:34 Light the candle to open the door.
23:36 [snarling]
23:38 Blow it out to close it.
23:40 [snarling]
23:44 Put your hand on it.
23:46 [snarling]
23:49 Now say, "Talk to me."
23:53 [snarling]
23:59 Talk to me.
24:01 [snarling]
24:05 [thunder]
24:11 What did the hand feel like?
24:13 It felt amazing.
24:15 I could see and feel everything on the other side.
24:18 [snarling]
24:20 So my mom, she was trying to reach out.
24:23 Mom, I'm here.
24:27 [screaming]
24:30 Still been saying stuff.
24:32 You mean saying stuff.
24:34 [screaming]
24:36 What if we open the door, but we didn't shut it?
24:39 [thunder]
24:41 Oh my God, they followed us.
24:43 [snarling]
24:45 I like you.
24:47 They're not gonna stop.
24:49 They're never gonna stop.
24:51 [screaming]
24:55 [thunder]
24:59 [sigh]
25:02 They like you.
25:04 [snarling]
25:09 Talk to me.
25:11 [music]
25:13 Tell me again how we first met.
25:15 Oh, you know.
25:16 A boy meets girl.
25:18 A girl meets boy.
25:20 Fall desperately in love.
25:23 Hey, hey, hey, hey.
25:26 [gunshot]
25:30 Truck 84 was ambushed.
25:33 The only implied was seen traveling up the interstate.
25:36 I think it's romantic now.
25:38 Two lunatics on a cross-country cable truck.
25:41 This could get messy.
25:42 That would be awesome, still it.
25:45 Oh God, oh God.
25:47 Oh.
25:49 That's disgusting, man.
25:50 You always get the peers.
25:52 There is a secret depository called the cash room.
25:56 The casino transports everything there, anything off the books.
25:59 [music]
26:02 Johnny!
26:03 Hi.
26:04 [laughing]
26:06 Here it goes.
26:07 Clyde and I take out the guards.
26:09 The candle is gonna crack the safe.
26:11 [screaming]
26:12 Gonna get in, we get the money, and we live happily ever after.
26:16 Do y'all even have guns?
26:17 [laughing]
26:19 That'll do nicely.
26:21 I think we'll be fine.
26:24 Hey guys.
26:25 [grunting]
26:29 Kill the scum.
26:31 [music]
26:40 [music]
26:48 Why are you like that?
26:49 Are you scared?
26:51 Of course not.
26:52 Okay.
26:53 [music]
26:58 Repeat after me.
26:59 [music]
27:03 Mother, your love binds us together as one family.
27:06 [music]
27:10 One heart, together we are united, alone we are blighted.
27:14 [music]
27:20 Baby, you must be initiated.
27:24 Those kids out there, it's giving me nightmares.
27:29 Imagine what it's doing to them.
27:31 [screaming]
27:32 Your new schoolgirl hates the full-cover.
27:35 You're the last person to see her.
27:37 A change is coming to us all.
27:40 Have a bad feeling, Joe.
27:43 A little girl never came home.
27:45 And Adrian Bosa knows what happened to her.
27:48 You made me doubt what I saw.
27:49 You were right there.
27:51 You must be cleared of all your sins.
27:55 Are you ready for your clearing?
27:58 [screaming]
27:59 [music]
28:04 The truth lies in between.
28:08 She doesn't want us.
28:09 You can't say that.
28:10 Where is she?
28:11 Amy!
28:12 Amy!
28:13 Amy.
28:14 Amy!
28:16 Don't ask questions you don't want to answer to.
28:21 I just want the truth.
28:22 [music]
28:32 Did you kill her?
28:34 [music]
28:41 [music]
28:45 20 years into this friendship, I think I can tell my friend is having a meltdown.
28:50 Wherever you are, you need to come back quick,
28:52 because this weekend is not going to be a walk in the park.
28:55 [music]
28:59 You have a signal.
29:01 It's not easy to leave the comfort of your lives behind.
29:04 Yes, I will face my trauma, or whatever.
29:07 [music]
29:11 Let's show the past who's in charge.
29:13 [music]
29:19 I don't think I want to do this.
29:20 [music]
29:26 Something is going on.
29:27 [music]
29:28 What's the matter?
29:29 It feels like something is watching us.
29:32 [music]
29:35 Does it scare you?
29:37 This is not what I signed up for.
29:40 Who did you see?
29:41 It was this thing.
29:44 It's like just being here does something to us.
29:49 We all had the same nightmares.
29:51 [music]
29:53 I'm sure there's another explanation.
29:55 [music]
29:59 People have been coming here for thousands of years.
30:02 They believe there was a powerful spirit here.
30:06 There's no coming to consciousness without pain and discomfort.
30:12 [music]
30:18 [screaming]
30:20 [music]
30:25 Push, jump, or fell.
30:30 Shot in the back of the head, dragging yourself away.
30:33 My God, that's awful.
30:35 Vehicle's registered to Maggie Moore.
30:37 Did you say Maggie Moore?
30:39 Two dead Maggie Moores in one week of harm.
30:41 Yeah, that's weird.
30:43 [music]
30:44 Mr. Moore?
30:46 Can I help you?
30:47 I'm looking for Jay Moore.
30:49 He's not here. They're separated.
30:50 Oh.
30:51 Big fight.
30:52 You need to leave.
30:53 I need to leave?
30:54 This is my house, Maggie.
30:57 She did yell the word "filth."
30:59 I caught that.
31:00 Well, Jay Moore's into something.
31:02 My wife is threatening to go to the cops.
31:05 I would like you to scare her off the idea.
31:09 [music]
31:13 [gasp]
31:14 [music]
31:16 They're going to nail me for this, you understand?
31:19 Loyalty member?
31:20 Oh, I see.
31:21 There's two Maggie Moores in the system.
31:23 What are the odds of that?
31:25 [music]
31:28 Is Maggie one mistake for Maggie two,
31:30 or is Maggie two to cover for Maggie one?
31:33 If we remove the second Maggie Moore,
31:35 it'll make it look like my Maggie was just a mistake.
31:39 We got to make it look like it was an accident,
31:41 and I'm off the hook.
31:43 I pretty clearly said, "Scare her,"
31:45 not, "Set her on fire."
31:47 Somebody out there is really good at what they're doing.
31:50 Jay looks like he's been shoved around a little bit.
31:53 Junior detective?
31:54 Who would do this?
31:55 We'll find out sooner or later. We always do.
31:58 This nutcase is setting me up.
32:00 Uh-uh. That's crazy. False.
32:02 She just dropped a dime on Maggie's husband.
32:05 Life insurance?
32:06 700K.
32:08 [music]
32:15 Well, that ties it all up in a nice little bow, doesn't it?
32:18 Give me some backup now.
32:19 Wash your car.
32:20 Wash your ass.
32:22 How we doing?
32:23 You seem really hooked up over this.
32:25 Hey.
32:27 But wait, there's more.
32:28 Maggie Moore.
32:29 Maggie Moore.
32:30 Maggie Moore.
32:31 Maggie Moore.
32:32 [music]
32:39 I see his face everywhere.
32:42 Help me!
32:43 Mike almost took your eye, Kate.
32:45 You need to go back to group, not into the woods, by yourself.
32:49 I'm really ready.
32:50 This is the best thing for me.
32:52 See you in three months.
32:54 [music]
32:56 Thank you, Earl. I know you pulled some strings.
32:59 Yeah, well, we need the help.
33:01 Fire take the rest of the road?
33:02 Took a lot more than that.
33:04 After the big burn in 1910, Uncle Sam said the states had to bear the cost of firefighting.
33:09 All these towers went up as a result.
33:12 We got no water, Wi-Fi, or plumbing.
33:16 That's a fire finder.
33:17 It tells us where to go if you see smoke.
33:19 You are officially an Idaho Lands Department volunteer.
33:24 Routine is key. Your head needs that.
33:26 Three months is a long time.
33:28 Who else knows I'm up here?
33:29 Just the Taunteoos.
33:30 Nice to meet you.
33:31 Nice to meet you.
33:33 Look at this penthouse view.
33:36 Just came for the peace and quiet.
33:38 Being all alone up here may be silent, won't be quiet.
33:45 Smoke spotted, over.
33:47 Negative, no smoke, no fire.
33:49 It's right there. You're right on top of it.
33:54 You still haven't found Mike. He'll come.
33:58 Thirty minutes late. Need to stay in that tower.
34:00 Yeah, get back up in that tower.
34:02 I can't fire you. I got no one else.
34:04 They keep a rifle up there?
34:06 She needs to come off that mountain.
34:08 Watch Earl.
34:09 And anyone with him.
34:11 Sick of being broken. It's time to plant my feet and land a punch.
34:15 You can't contain that kind of fury once it starts.
34:20 No, you can't.
34:22 They're coming for your tower.
34:24 Kate! Answer me!
34:25 You don't leave the tower.
34:31 Keep my mountain safe.
34:36 My mountain now too.
34:39 [Explosion]
34:42 [Rumbling]
34:50 The awful violence awaits you. Ship departs tonight.
34:56 [Explosion]
34:58 [Silence]
35:25 O7 to base, do you copy? The target is surrounded. We await further instructions. Over and out.
35:32 [Explosion]
35:34 [Silence]
35:43 [Silence]
35:53 [Silence]
36:03 [Silence]
36:13 [Silence]
36:23 [Silence]
36:33 [Silence]
36:38 [Rumbling]
36:43 A woman was found killed in town.
36:49 [Crying]
36:51 Look at your time.
36:53 [Crying]
36:58 We have to help them, Mama.
37:05 Thanks for helping.
37:06 You're safe now.
37:08 [Radio chatter]
37:12 Oh, it's just so hot.
37:14 We were talking about you.
37:15 I didn't do anything. I just needed...
37:17 [Explosion]
37:18 You ain't gonna like what you've made me do now.
37:20 But you haven't given me a choice.
37:24 If he touches my family, I'll kill you.
37:29 Let's get rid of this fucking pumpkin.
37:32 Just the two of you running all this land?
37:35 That's right.
37:36 Then who's this?
37:38 I'm sorry I told you.
37:42 How?
37:46 It's said that Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.
37:52 Help us.
37:53 She can be glorious.
37:54 Let her go.
37:57 Or filled with wrath.
37:59 Come off.
38:01 And if anyone...
38:02 No, Mama.
38:03 ...ever harmed her family...
38:05 Mama!
38:06 ...there's no telling what she'd be capable of.
38:29 I'm saying, if you want to say something, before you fly home...
38:35 Welcome to Lifehouse.
38:37 A home for the broken, the sad, and the suffering.
38:42 I'm gonna miss you.
38:43 You know you can come and visit me.
38:46 I've always been good at lying.
38:49 That pain you're burying...
38:52 I'm Paul.
38:53 ...it's never going away.
38:56 When I get on that plane tonight...
38:59 This is me.
39:01 ...I'll never arrive home.
39:04 [♪♪♪]
39:14 [♪♪♪]
39:20 [♪♪♪]
39:28 Jade!
39:31 We can't stay here.
39:35 We have to climb down.
39:38 No one's coming to get us.
39:40 You're fine with that.
39:41 No, no.
39:42 We're here together.
39:45 I need to know you're not gonna tap out on me.
39:47 Jade!
39:49 I promise.
39:51 Don't tap out on me.
39:54 Avalanche!
39:56 [♪♪♪]
40:01 [♪♪♪]
40:06 [♪♪♪]
40:11 [♪♪♪]
40:16 [♪♪♪]
40:21 [♪♪♪]
40:26 [♪♪♪]
40:31 [♪♪♪]
40:36 [♪♪♪]
40:41 You ever really think about what comes after this?
40:45 [♪♪♪]
40:55 Hey, what the hell is this place?
40:57 Well, settlers brought religion.
41:00 Religion brought fear.
41:03 And that fear brought more use for this place.
41:06 All sorts of rituals and gatherings, executions,
41:11 baptisms happening here.
41:13 It became a holy place of sorts.
41:19 Weird, wild shit, man.
41:23 [♪♪♪]
41:28 [♪♪♪]
41:33 [♪♪♪]
41:38 [♪♪♪]
41:43 [♪♪♪]
41:48 [♪♪♪]
41:53 [♪♪♪]
41:58 [♪♪♪]
42:03 I've got a shadow moving across the front of the moon,
42:06 and it's not Earth.
42:08 We're gonna have a near-Earth object impact in seven days.
42:11 What in God's name is going on, Captain Davis?
42:14 This object's roughly the size of a city.
42:16 It's unlike anything we've ever seen in modern times.
42:18 Initiate the Doomsday Meteor Protocol.
42:21 Evan, what is happening?
42:23 I need you and Mason to get to safety now.
42:25 All lasers are online and firing in two minutes and counting.
42:29 All assets go.
42:31 [♪♪♪]
42:34 [Mission failure. Mission failure.]
42:36 Sir, we're gonna need to go on a manned mission to the meteor.
42:39 Assemble a team.
42:41 We will land on an unstable meteor.
42:44 Fix some type of propulsion device to it and blast it off course.
42:47 Suicide mission to save the world? I'm in.
42:50 Three, two, one, ignition.
42:54 Incoming.
42:56 Toby-Bee starboard.
42:57 We've been hit.
42:59 Our parabot won't deploy.
43:00 I'm going. If I don't, Earth dies.
43:02 We don't stop this thing.
43:04 It is the annihilation of planet Earth.
43:07 The clock is ticking.
43:09 [♪♪♪]
43:11 Multiple bogeys crossing our flight path.
43:14 Get her in now!
43:16 [♪♪♪]
43:17 You need to move.
43:19 [♪♪♪]
43:23 Brains!
43:25 [♪♪♪]
43:27 [♪♪♪]
43:29 [♪♪♪]
43:33 [♪♪♪]
43:38 I know you shed tears.
43:41 I know you continue to shed tears every day because of man's ingratitude.
43:47 You choose souls.
43:49 And despite my unworthiness, you've chosen me.
43:52 [♪♪♪]
43:55 [♪♪♪]
44:00 The primary source of all human oppression and exploitation is individual property.
44:05 What is he talking about?
44:06 He's talking about how we can get control of our lives.
44:10 [♪♪♪]
44:11 I know you'll give me what I need.
44:13 I know you will not refuse me.
44:15 I need courage.
44:17 I know you will provide.
44:18 [♪♪♪]
44:20 War is a terrible thing.
44:22 Do not let Satan take advantage of your suffering.
44:26 [♪♪♪]
44:31 [♪♪♪]
44:40 We put our flag in good hands, and we win.
44:45 If you ever come back here, I'll shoot you!
44:48 It feels like a sin to question these things.
44:51 It feels like a sin to be angry with the Lord.
44:55 There is no greater love than this.
44:58 To give one's life for one's friends.
45:01 [♪♪♪]
45:07 [♪♪♪]
45:09 Say, "Christ is born!" Say, "Christ is born!"
45:12 Get out! Get out!
45:14 [♪♪♪]
45:22 Prepare the fire!
45:24 [♪♪♪]
45:35 [♪♪♪]
45:41 [♪♪♪]
45:46 [CHEERING]
45:48 [♪♪♪]
45:50 Ready! Ready! Going down!
45:52 [♪♪♪]
45:58 You are the first Negro tankers to ever fight in the American Army.
46:03 Everyone has their eyes on you.
46:05 Don't let them down.
46:09 [♪♪♪]
46:15 Whoa! You don't hear that?
46:17 [♪♪♪]
46:25 We're under attack!
46:26 [♪♪♪]
46:29 Here they come.
46:30 [♪♪♪]
46:34 [♪♪♪]
46:40 [♪♪♪]
46:43 [♪♪♪]
46:52 As faith-based, western, black exploitation, kung fu action, romantic comedy dramas go,
46:57 it's right up there with the rest of them.
46:59 [GUNSHOT]
47:00 [GUNSHOT]
47:01 [♪♪♪]
47:06 [♪♪♪]
47:11 [♪♪♪]
47:16 [♪♪♪]