Roshni Sab Kay Liye - Topic: Khidmat e Khalq - 16 September 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Roshni Sab Kay Liye

Topic: Khidmat e Khalq || خدمتِ خلق

Host: Shahid Masroor

Guest: Mufti Ahsan Naved Niazi, Mufti Khurram Iqbal Rehmani

#RoshniSabKayLiye #SpreadOfKnowledge #ARYQtv

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A Live Program Carrying the Tag Line of Ary Qtv as Its Title and Covering a Vast Range of Topics Related to Islam with Support of Quran and Sunnah, The Core Purpose of Program Is to Gather Our Mainstream and Renowned Ulemas, Mufties and Scholars Under One Title, On One Time Slot, Making It Simple and Convenient for Our Viewers to Get Interacted with Ary Qtv Through This Platform.

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasayil-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:11 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:24 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful
00:26 Peace and blessings be upon the Seal of the Prophets
00:28 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your host Shahid Masroor
00:32 This is the program 'Roshni Sab Ki Liye'
00:34 And today in 'Roshni Sab Ki Liye'
00:36 where we discuss various topics
00:40 we have come to you with a very important topic of life
00:46 We, who are busy in our efforts to attain the pleasure of Allah
00:52 we should know that the way to attain the pleasure of Allah
00:57 is through the creation of Allah, whom Allah loves very much
01:03 I have used the word 'creation'
01:05 Allah's creation, i.e. the human being, who is us
01:09 and Allah has said in relation to us
01:12 that Allah loves His creation more than 70 mothers
01:17 So, we cannot describe the love of a single mother without any doubt
01:22 Here, we are talking about 70 mothers
01:24 So, Allah's love, because He is Forgiving, Merciful, Compassionate
01:29 Allah loves all His creatures very much
01:34 And if we want to attain the pleasure of Allah
01:39 then it is necessary for us to love Allah's creation
01:44 To serve Allah's creation
01:47 To have the passion of compassion and service for Allah's creation
01:52 All the creatures that Allah has created
01:55 whether they are plants, animals, mountains, or animals
02:01 apart from humans
02:03 all of them are to benefit humans
02:06 The snake becomes its poison
02:09 So, when we benefit from Allah's creation
02:14 For example, a tree does not ask
02:17 who will benefit from it
02:20 when a tree gives fruit
02:23 who will benefit from it
02:25 how many people
02:27 The tree does its work
02:29 Water does its work
02:30 Sun does its work
02:31 Moon does its work
02:33 Similarly, everything in the world
02:36 Allah has created for the benefit of humans and creatures
02:40 Now, what is our duty?
02:42 That we should fulfil their rights
02:44 The tree from which we get fruit
02:47 The tree from which we get shelter
02:51 We should serve it
02:56 Similarly, whatever Allah has created in this universe
03:00 Allah has revealed to the wise people in the Quran
03:04 that the day and night
03:07 the sun and moon
03:09 are signs for the wise people
03:11 We did not recognize Allah by looking at him
03:14 We did not recognize Allah in any form
03:17 We recognized Allah with our intellect
03:21 And in the Quran, it is said for the intellect
03:24 that the signs of Allah are present in this universe for the people who have intellect
03:29 So, here, I would like to briefly say
03:31 that after coming to this world
03:33 to attain Allah's pleasure
03:35 and to love Allah's creation
03:37 which Allah loves
03:39 To serve Allah's creation
03:41 is our duty
03:43 And if we fulfil this duty
03:45 then, God willing, we will go to Allah with the deeds
03:49 that we have done in this world
03:54 by becoming the red-spirited people
03:57 Today's topic is the service of creation
04:00 for which man has been created
04:02 Otherwise, for worship, everything in the universe is present
04:10 which is busy in worship of Allah
04:12 Man has been created for the pain of the heart
04:15 Otherwise, for obedience, there is nothing less
04:17 Today's topic, that is, to talk about the service of creation
04:20 with me, Hazwa-e-Ma'mun
04:22 In today's program, that is, on the day of Eid
04:26 our program is presented to you by Roshi
04:29 In this program, the panel is present
04:32 which is honored and respected
04:34 Respected scholars and Muftis
04:36 Please come with me
04:38 The respected Mufti, Muhammad Ahsan Naveed Niyazi
04:41 who is known and known all over the world
04:43 Peace be upon you
04:45 [R.A] Peace be upon you too
04:47 [Host] Mashallah
04:48 Many references of Mufti Sahib
04:50 and many references of our respected Allama Sahib
04:53 Allama Khurram Iqbal Rehmani Sahib
04:55 Please come with us in this session
04:57 I would like to welcome you. Assalamu Alaikum
04:59 [R.A] Walaikum Assalam
05:01 [Host] So, dear viewers, today's topic is the service of creation
05:06 and the service of creation for which
05:08 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) presented his life as an example
05:13 You have been sent as a mercy for the world
05:16 Similarly, you have been sent as a benefactor of humanity
05:18 And Allah, who is Merciful, Who is Generous, Who is Merciful, Who is Forgiving
05:23 Allah has expressed his love for us
05:27 We are always in his mercy
05:29 And what all blessings of Allah will you receive
05:32 So, in a life full of blessings
05:34 If we do not serve Allah's creation to obtain His pleasure
05:40 Then our life's purpose is not achieved
05:42 Respected Mufti Sahib
05:44 The service of creation is a great worship
05:47 Please explain this to us by highlighting this
05:50 [Mufti Sahib] Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
05:52 Sallallahu ala Habibi Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barak wa salam
05:55 Our religion is such a religion, it is a religion of nature
05:58 And it is a comprehensive religion
06:00 So, the concept of worship in it is also very wide
06:04 It is a broad concept, it has a broad perspective of worship
06:08 That is, worship is not just a name of a few rituals
06:11 Namaz, Rauza, Zakat, Hajj, these are also worship
06:14 But whatever you do for the sake of Allah
06:19 Whatever you do for the sake of Allah
06:21 It is for Allah and it is within the limits set by Allah
06:25 That work is your worship
06:27 If every moment of a believer's life is dedicated to the pleasure of Allah
06:32 And it is worship within the limits set by Allah
06:35 So, in it is Allah's creation
06:38 Whose creation?
06:39 Creator's
06:40 So, the creation of the Creator is to serve this creation
06:44 To help this creation by staying within the circle of Shariah
06:48 To serve this creation is also worship
06:51 If it is for Allah, if the purpose is Allah
06:53 If there is no hypocrisy, if there is no name, if there is no display
06:56 If there are no things that corrupt the deeds
07:00 Then it is Allah's, no doubt
07:01 This is also worship and great worship
07:03 And there is a hadith
07:04 Although the hadith is weak, but since it is supported by other hadiths
07:08 In fact, the weak hadith itself is also accepted in the Fadail
07:11 And it is also supported by other hadiths and athars
07:15 That is why, since it is very famous, I am mentioning it
07:18 That the Prophet (PBUH) is attributed to this
07:22 That he said
07:23 Al khalqu kulluhum ayaalullah
07:25 Wa haqbul khalqi ilaihi anfa'uhum li aalih
07:29 That the whole creation is a dome of Allah
07:32 So, in the creation of Allah, Allah's most beloved is the one
07:37 Who is the most beneficial to the dome of Allah
07:40 And the one who gives the most benefit
07:42 And the Prophet (PBUH) himself said in another place
07:47 This is a Hadith of Hassan
07:48 This is not weak, this is a Hadith of Hassan
07:50 In this, the Prophet said
07:51 Khairun naasi anfa'uhum lil naas
07:54 That the best among people is the one who gives the most benefit to them
07:59 To be beneficial, see, it is the desire of Islam itself
08:03 And not just being beneficial, but being beneficial
08:06 That the scale of goodness is placed on it
08:09 The scale of goodness is placed on it
08:12 It is said that who is the best among people
08:14 Who is the most beneficial to the creation of Allah
08:19 See, in this, the general is placed
08:22 Here, it is not said that to give benefit to a particular thing
08:26 And it is not said that to give benefit to the religion or to the world
08:30 It is common
08:31 The benefit of Allah's creation will be useful to their religion
08:35 This is also a benefit
08:36 And it will be useful to their world, being in the sphere of Shariah
08:39 This is also a benefit
08:40 So the scale of goodness is on it
08:42 That you have to give benefit to Allah's creation
08:44 You have to give benefit to the matter of religion
08:47 You have to give benefit to the matter of the world
08:49 And whoever has a good hereafter
08:51 You have to give benefit to them in this matter also
08:53 All of them are included in this Hadith
08:57 The blessed words of the government
08:58 The words of Jamia
08:59 The words that gather the river in the well
09:02 The words of the government
09:04 In short, the words of the government
09:06 And there are so many meanings in it
09:07 All kinds of benefits have come
09:09 And further it is said
09:10 Here too, no restrictions have been placed
09:12 No restrictions have been placed on any particular group
09:14 So that is, without distinction
09:16 All the people, all the people
09:19 When you give benefit to people
09:21 For the sake of Allah
09:22 This is in my mind
09:23 That goodness is natural
09:24 When it is for the sake of Allah
09:25 If your status is for the sake of Allah
09:28 If it is for the sake of Allah
09:29 Then you are good
09:31 There is a detail in it
09:32 The detail in it means superlative degree
09:34 The best
09:35 The meaning of goodness is the best
09:37 So the best among people
09:39 So you will become the best
09:41 If for the sake of Allah
09:42 You will give benefit to the creation of Allah
09:44 So for the sake of Allah's creation
09:45 You become a benefit
09:46 Anyway, a believer should not be a burden
09:49 A believer should not be a burden
09:51 A believer should be a benefit
09:54 [Hassan] Mashallah, Mashallah
09:56 As Mufti Muhammad Ahsan Naveed Niazi was saying
10:00 That from the spirit of Shariah
10:03 The work we should do for the service of the creation
10:06 While living in that sphere
10:08 So now while living in that sphere
10:09 The work that should be done
10:10 So I want to know from you
10:12 What are the most important and necessary works for the service of the creation
10:16 Which a person should do
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10:23 [Hassan] Yes, please
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12:46 Respected Roshni for everyone
12:48 Today's topic is the service of the creation
12:50 A very beautiful topic
12:52 If we look at the attributes of Allah the Almighty
12:56 There are countless attributes of Allah the Almighty
12:58 In which Allah the Almighty
13:00 Is giving His creation
13:02 The expression of love
13:04 He is giving them sustenance
13:06 Allah the Almighty is the one who gives sustenance
13:08 He is the one who gives them health
13:10 Allah the Almighty is the one who has mercy on them
13:12 Allah the Almighty is the one who has mercy on them
13:14 So Allah the Almighty
13:16 The more benevolent he is
13:18 And the more love Allah the Almighty has for his creation
13:20 Looking at that relationship
13:22 And then Allah the Almighty
13:24 To the Prophet (pbuh)
13:26 For this whole universe
13:28 For humans, for creatures
13:30 The way he sent mercy
13:32 If we look at that
13:34 Looking at all of them
13:36 Allah the Almighty has said
13:38 That in the life of the Prophet (pbuh)
13:40 There is a perfect example of action for you
13:42 And the Prophet (pbuh)
13:44 He is the pure one
13:46 The Prophet (pbuh)
13:48 Who has never
13:50 For the enemies
13:52 And those who have hurt
13:54 He did not speak ill of them
13:56 So we have to learn
13:58 To become like them
14:00 And to learn
14:02 We wanted to know
14:04 What are the important things
14:06 Which are more important
14:08 And more important
14:10 You can tell us
14:12 We talked about the food needs of the human body
14:14 And we talked about
14:16 Water supply
14:18 Then there is a field of health
14:20 The problems that are there
14:22 Most of the people
14:24 These are the basic needs
14:26 Of the human life
14:28 So in terms of health
14:30 There is a very big field
14:32 To serve the creation
14:34 And there is another very big field
14:36 Because in society
14:38 If you want peace, tranquility and prosperity
14:40 Then it is necessary to do education
14:42 Education is necessary for peace
14:44 So the field of education
14:46 To serve the creation
14:48 Is a very important field
14:50 And most people do not pay attention to it
14:52 Whether it is a religious or a secular field
14:54 Education is necessary
14:56 To promote the Ummah of the Prophet
14:58 To give progress
15:00 To fight the enemies of Islam
15:02 To be educated
15:04 Is necessary
15:06 So to serve in that field
15:08 Is what is considered
15:10 The basic needs of the human being
15:12 Then individual needs are different
15:14 For some it is about rent
15:16 For some it is about marriage
15:18 And other things
15:20 So as much as possible
15:22 The abilities that Allah has given you
15:24 Try to benefit others
15:26 With your abilities
15:28 If Allah has given you wealth, then through wealth
15:30 If Allah has given you relationships, then through relationships
15:32 If Allah has given you the ability to talk
15:34 Then by increasing his courage
15:36 And if you can't do anything
15:38 Then you should pray for him
15:40 And benefit him
15:42 Actually, it is true
15:44 That only wealth
15:46 Does not serve anyone
15:48 It is not just wealth
15:50 It is also through different ways of trying
15:52 As the respected
15:54 Rehmani Sahib was saying
15:56 That the Prophet (pbuh)
15:58 Also saw
16:00 Through knowledge
16:02 He educated and made the people of that society human
16:04 So knowledge is also very important
16:06 So what is the best way
16:08 To serve someone
16:10 If you want to advise someone
16:12 If you want to serve someone
16:14 We have been taught that if you help someone
16:16 Then you should not know
16:18 What is the best way
16:20 First of all
16:22 Why should we help someone
16:24 This is also a big
16:26 Nowadays when people
16:28 When it comes to help
16:30 First of all, they think
16:32 Why should we help someone
16:34 What is our benefit
16:36 This is selfishness
16:38 So anyway, it is in the nature of man
16:40 Without his benefit
16:42 Without his benefit
16:44 This is a big benefit
16:46 So first of all, you see
16:48 If you help someone
16:50 What is your benefit
16:52 What is your profit
16:54 The Prophet (pbuh) said
16:56 Whoever is able
16:58 From you
17:00 May benefit
17:02 First of all
17:04 Your Prophet
17:06 Your beloved
17:08 His saying
17:10 What is he saying
17:12 Whoever is able
17:14 May benefit
17:16 So definitely help
17:18 His saying
17:20 First of all, you see
17:22 My Prophet's saying
17:24 When I have the opportunity to help someone
17:26 I will follow my Prophet's saying
17:28 I will follow him
17:30 And in his following
17:32 There is good in this world and that world
17:34 Next thing
17:36 Allah is in the servant's hands
17:38 There is no servant in the hands of his brother
17:40 Allah is in the servant's hands
17:42 Allah is in the servant's hands
17:44 Till the time
17:46 His servant is in the hands of his brother
17:48 When you help someone
17:50 Allah will help you
17:52 You will be on the path of Allah
17:54 Allah will help you
17:56 When you are helping someone
17:58 For the sake of Allah
18:00 When you need
18:02 Allah will help you
18:04 And your need is related to this world
18:06 Related to that world
18:08 Allah helps you in this world
18:10 And Allah helps you in that world
18:12 You need help here
18:14 Allah provides you here
18:16 You need help there
18:18 Allah helps you there
18:20 So someone's help
18:22 Helping someone
18:24 What is the result of this
18:26 Benefit and success
18:28 Allah's help
18:30 Allah's help
18:32 Allah's support
18:34 What is the greater happiness
18:36 Allah is happy
18:38 Now come to the point
18:40 The way to help
18:42 The way to help
18:44 First of all
18:46 When you are going to help someone
18:48 The need of that person
18:50 You fulfill that
18:52 Not that his need is something else
18:54 And you say I do not do this
18:56 I will do this
18:58 The thing he needs
19:00 You provide him that thing
19:02 He needs medicine
19:04 He needs medicine
19:06 He does not need food
19:08 You provide him medicine
19:10 If he needs food
19:12 You provide him food
19:14 If he needs water
19:16 You provide him water
19:18 If he needs anything else
19:20 The thing the next person needs
19:22 He is in need
19:24 You will fulfill his need
19:26 You will fulfill his need
19:28 You will fulfill his need
19:30 You have to help him
19:32 You have to do it that way
19:34 And now we talk about feeding the hungry
19:36 I remembered the statement of
19:38 His Excellency
19:40 Because his month is about to start
19:42 His Excellency
19:44 Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
19:46 Quddisa Sirurabbani
19:48 He said
19:50 I have investigated
19:52 All the actions
19:54 I have investigated
19:56 I have found no better action
19:58 Than feeding
20:00 The hungry
20:02 I have found no better action
20:04 Than feeding the hungry
20:06 I have found no better action
20:08 Than feeding the hungry
20:10 I have found no better action
20:12 Than feeding the hungry
20:14 I have found no better action
20:16 Than feeding the hungry
20:18 I have found no better action
20:20 Than feeding the hungry
20:22 I have found no better action
20:24 Than feeding the hungry
20:26 I have found no better action
20:28 Than feeding the hungry
20:30 I have found no better action
20:32 Than feeding the hungry
20:34 I have found no better action
20:36 Than feeding the hungry
20:38 I have found no better action
20:40 Than feeding the hungry
20:42 I have found no better action
20:44 Than feeding the hungry
20:46 I have found no better action
20:48 Than feeding the hungry
20:50 I have found no better action
20:52 Than feeding the hungry
20:54 I have found no better action
20:56 Than feeding the hungry
20:58 I have found no better action
21:00 Than feeding the hungry
21:02 I have found no better action
21:04 Than feeding the hungry
21:06 I have found no better action
21:08 Than feeding the hungry
21:10 I have found no better action
21:12 Than feeding the hungry
21:14 I have found no better action
21:16 Than feeding the hungry
21:18 I have found no better action
21:20 Than feeding the hungry
21:22 I have found no better action
21:24 Than feeding the hungry
21:26 When you show kindness to someone
21:28 And humiliate him in front of others
21:30 The good deed you did
21:32 The Quran says
21:34 Your good deed is wasted
21:36 So don't do this
21:38 Consider it as a blessing
21:40 If you are helpful to someone
21:42 Thank Allah
21:44 Allah has given you this opportunity
21:46 And the third thing is
21:48 Don't get carried away
21:50 You have helped others
21:52 And you are forgetting
21:54 Allah has given you this opportunity
21:56 So thank Allah
21:58 Allah has given you this opportunity
22:00 If you have a hope
22:02 Be happy
22:04 Allah has given you this opportunity
22:06 And pray to Allah
22:08 That Allah keeps you in this opportunity
22:10 And don't get carried away
22:12 And don't get carried away
22:14 And the third thing is
22:16 When you are giving something to someone
22:18 Don't make big pictures of them
22:20 And share it on social media
22:22 Because they are getting humiliated
22:24 And they are getting humiliated
22:26 And they are getting humiliated
22:28 When you help someone
22:30 Help them to maintain their self-respect
22:32 Self-respect
22:34 Our religion teaches us this
22:36 So don't do this
22:38 So these are the best ways to help
22:40 I have said something
22:42 Inshallah
22:44 I want to know from you
22:46 There is another attitude
22:48 There is another thought
22:50 Please give some guidance
22:52 That you are serving the people
22:54 You are serving the people
22:56 But you have ignored the other duties
22:58 You are not fulfilling the duties
23:00 That are left for you
23:02 You are serving the people
23:04 There is another thought
23:06 What would you say about this thought and attitude?
23:08 Without a doubt
23:12 Islam teaches us a balance
23:14 In every situation
23:16 There should be a balance
23:18 And if this balance is related to religion
23:20 Then the duties
23:22 The rights of Allah
23:24 The rights of Allah
23:26 Then the first right is
23:28 Our Lord's
23:30 If we are not fulfilling the rights of our Lord
23:32 Then how can we fulfill the rights of the creation
23:34 And the rights of the creation
23:36 That we are serving
23:38 If we are doing it as worship
23:40 Then who gave the command of this worship?
23:42 Allah did
23:44 So first worship him
23:46 And then we have to fulfill the rights of Allah
23:48 That are upon us
23:50 Without a doubt
23:52 There is no freedom without it
23:54 Allah mentioned the righteous deeds
23:56 In the Quran
23:58 First is to believe
24:00 Then the righteous deeds
24:02 So in the righteous deeds
24:04 The fundamental righteousness is
24:06 When you have accepted Allah
24:08 Then you have to obey him
24:10 You have to obey him
24:12 This is the first righteousness
24:14 If you don't have faith
24:16 Then any deed can be good
24:18 But it can't be righteous
24:20 It will be righteous when it is based on faith
24:22 If it is not based on faith
24:24 Then it can be called good
24:26 But it will not be counted as righteousness
24:28 On one hand
24:30 There is this condition
24:32 The rights of Allah
24:34 On the other hand
24:36 You will see in the society
24:38 That we are feeding everyone
24:40 But those who are obligated to feed us
24:42 We are not worrying about them
24:44 We are only concerned about them
24:46 We are not spending on those who are obligated to spend
24:48 And those who are not obligated to feed
24:50 They are spending their money on good deeds
24:52 Apart from the family
24:54 There are some close relatives
24:56 Who are obligated to take care of you
24:58 I would like to go to a Waqf from your permission
25:00 Please be present
25:02 Please be with us
25:04 Ladies and gentlemen
25:06 We are once again present in your service
25:08 Today's topic is Khidmat-e-Khalq
25:10 The question I asked
25:12 Respected Rehmani Sahib
25:14 Khurram Iqbal Rehmani Sahib
25:16 Allama Sahib
25:18 Some people
25:20 Put their obligations
25:22 Behind them
25:24 But they are serving the people
25:26 This is the view and attitude
25:28 That is found in many people
25:30 Allah Almighty
25:32 The relatives who are close to you
25:34 Allah Almighty has given you relations
25:36 So the relatives who are close to you
25:38 You should also
25:40 Put some obligations
25:42 Like what Rehmani Sahib was saying
25:44 And the most important thing is
25:46 That the money you spend
25:48 On your family
25:50 Is a great blessing
25:52 Some people work hard
25:54 Some people spend a lot
25:56 But this is the reality
25:58 That Allah's blessings
26:00 Are given to your family
26:02 To your relatives
26:04 And those who are obligated to take care of you
26:06 You should also fulfill that obligation
26:08 Yes, I had two dimensions to this question
26:10 One was about the rights of Allah
26:12 And the other was about the rights of the people
26:14 I was saying that
26:16 Allah Almighty has said in the Quran
26:18 "Ask them what they spend"
26:20 "Say, "What you spend is from the best for the parents and the relatives and the orphans and the needy and for your own cause"
26:26 When it comes to spending on Allah
26:28 He said that
26:30 The money you spend on your parents
26:32 The money you spend on your relatives
26:34 Is more valuable
26:36 The rest comes later
26:38 But this is the reality
26:40 So in today's society
26:42 We are seeing a very strange and painful situation
26:44 That the parents are hungry
26:46 But they are working on the streets
26:48 And they are distributing clothes
26:50 And the parents are not asking
26:52 If they have made clothes for Eid
26:54 So this is also a big dilemma
26:56 So you should serve the people
26:58 And this is also a concept
27:00 That giving more to the people outside
27:02 Is a good deed
27:04 But giving to the family is not
27:06 So we have already said in the Quran
27:08 That Allah Almighty has said
27:10 That the best is to spend on the parents
27:12 And then on the relatives
27:14 And the Hadeeth of the Prophet
27:16 That the man likes to give
27:18 Now the extra money is not for giving
27:20 It is just to feed the family
27:22 So the best is to give to the family
27:24 So you will get the reward of giving
27:26 Meaning that
27:28 You will get the reward of giving to the family
27:30 And you will get the reward of giving to the birds
27:32 The best is to give to the family
27:34 And then on the relatives
27:36 This is for every person in the society
27:38 That you should fulfill the needs of your family
27:40 As you are saying
27:42 This is also a good deed
27:44 And then after that
27:46 Exactly, this is how the director
27:48 Adopts the concept
27:50 And the common Muslims also join in
27:52 Similarly, it is said that
27:54 You should spend on the extra
27:56 Meaning that
27:58 You should spend on the people
28:00 Who are left after your needs
28:02 So it is a great deed to serve the people
28:04 It has been emphasized a lot
28:06 There is reward and reward
28:08 But the beginning
28:10 Is with obligations
28:12 You have to fulfill the rights of Allah
28:14 And the obligations in the rights of the people
28:16 You should fulfill them
28:18 And then you should focus on the chosen ones
28:20 This is a good thing
28:22 Sir, this is a topic
28:24 On which a whole program can be done
28:26 With regards to the issue of the rights of the people
28:28 Now, sir, one more thing
28:30 We have said in the beginning of the program
28:32 That Allah sent you as
28:34 The mercy of Allah and the best of humanity
28:36 Now when a person
28:38 Comes into the society
28:40 With the passion of serving the people
28:42 Then should he
28:44 Have any kind of
28:46 Distinction
28:48 Or any kind of
28:50 Distinction or any kind of behavior
28:52 Look, Shahid bhai
28:54 In the holy Quran, there is a verse
28:56 Which is the word of Allah, the Lord of the worlds
28:58 It is a great system
29:00 Where does it start?
29:02 It starts with Surah Fatihah
29:04 What is the first verse of Surah Fatihah?
29:06 After the name of Allah, the most merciful
29:08 Surah Fatihah
29:10 All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds
29:12 All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds
29:14 All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds
29:16 So who is Allah the Lord of?
29:18 The world
29:20 Here, neither did he say only Muslims
29:22 But he made everyone special
29:24 Allah is the Lord of the worlds
29:26 What does the word of God mean?
29:28 The one who nurtures
29:30 So these people who help people
29:32 Who protect people
29:34 So on them too, the attribute of Allah
29:36 The Lord's name is manifested
29:38 They become His cover
29:40 Allah Almighty makes them
29:42 A mentor in the creation
29:44 The one who nurtures
29:46 Allah makes them a source
29:48 In reality, God is that
29:50 He is a mentor, a guardian
29:52 He is a guardian
29:54 He is a guardian, He nurtures
29:56 So see, the way Allah
29:58 The Lord of the worlds
30:00 He is the Lord of the worlds
30:02 In nurturing,
30:04 In nurturing
30:06 There is no distinction
30:08 There is no distinction
30:10 So similarly, the one of the Lord of the worlds
30:12 The one who is the attribute of Allah
30:14 The one who is the manifestation of the name of God
30:16 The one who is being read
30:18 The one who is being made a guide
30:20 He should not have any distinction
30:22 Allah is the Lord of the worlds
30:24 He is the Lord of the worlds
30:26 This is our religion
30:28 This is a secular religion
30:30 It is a secular religion
30:32 And what has Allah made our Prophet
30:34 We have not sent you but mercy
30:36 For the worlds
30:38 This is not only mercy for Muslims
30:40 This is also mercy for the worlds
30:42 Allah is the Lord of the worlds
30:44 Our God is the Lord of the worlds
30:46 He is the mercy of the worlds
30:48 So when we follow the followers of Allah
30:50 And the Prophet of Allah
30:52 We have to help the people
30:54 By following their followers
30:56 He said that's why we are helping
30:58 So that's why we too
31:00 When there is no distinction
31:02 There is no distinction
31:04 So similarly, we will not make a distinction here
31:06 Neither will we make a distinction of color
31:08 Nor will we make a distinction of generation
31:10 Nor will we make a distinction of language
31:12 Nor will we make a distinction of religion
31:14 Nor will we make a distinction of religion
31:16 We have to help everyone
31:18 Without giving any place to any prejudice
31:20 Without giving any place to any prejudice
31:22 We have to help everyone
31:24 But keep in mind
31:26 That the help is only about the decorum
31:28 This means that no one should take out
31:30 That help the thieves
31:32 Help the robbers
31:34 Help the criminals
31:36 The matter of punishment and punishment is different
31:38 It is said that hate crime
31:40 Not the criminal
31:42 But we have to facilitate the criminals
31:44 This is not help
31:46 This is cruelty
31:48 This is treachery
31:50 This is forbidden
31:52 What is the help in their reality
31:54 We have to stop them from crime
31:56 If we can stop them from crime
31:58 If we can't stop
32:00 We will not be helpful
32:02 We will not be helpful in any crime
32:04 This is not included in it
32:06 That distinction will be made
32:08 This distinction is in its place
32:10 We will not make any distinction
32:12 Nor do we have the right to make a distinction
32:14 And where it is said
32:16 What was in the beginning of the narration
32:18 What was in it
32:20 All the creation are the domes of Allah
32:22 All the creation are the domes of Allah
32:24 And they love Allah
32:26 And they love Allah
32:28 And they love Allah
32:30 And they love Allah
32:32 Who is the most beloved to Allah in the creation
32:34 Who is the most beneficial to Allah
32:36 There is no restriction here
32:38 There is no distinction
32:40 That you helped a particular group
32:42 You have to help everyone
32:44 We will help everyone
32:46 This is what we have been ordered
32:48 And we will not make this distinction
32:50 But the preferences will be determined
32:52 They are not in its place
32:54 The first ones who are related to us
32:56 Helping them
32:58 Who are beneficial to us
33:00 That is necessary
33:02 That is the first
33:04 Not the ones who are beneficial to us
33:06 We leave our surroundings
33:08 Leave our house
33:10 Leave our neighbors
33:12 Leave our neighborhood
33:14 Leave our city
33:16 Leave our country
33:18 And start spending in such a place
33:20 Where the need is less than this
33:22 If there is a need for such a storm
33:24 For example, a flood has come
33:26 There is a storm
33:28 There is an earthquake
33:30 There is an incident
33:32 There is a tragedy
33:34 There are stormy conditions
33:36 You can bypass all these things
33:38 You can help them directly
33:40 But in normal circumstances
33:42 First you have to
33:44 The matter of happiness
33:46 The matter of prosperity
33:48 First you have to fix your house
33:50 It is important to fix the house
33:52 You have to fix the neighbors
33:54 The street, the neighborhood, then the city
33:56 Then the province, then the country
33:58 And then go out
34:00 You have left all your surroundings
34:02 You have to bypass all these things
34:04 You are talking about leaving your house
34:06 Leaving your house means
34:08 Wherever you live
34:10 You have left your duty
34:12 You are saying that you are spending overtime
34:14 You are not doing your duty
34:16 What is the use of overtime?
34:18 Overtime is when
34:20 When you complete your duty
34:22 You have some benefit
34:24 When you leave your duty
34:26 And you are only in overtime
34:28 You will not get the result
34:30 I have one minute
34:32 Your message is
34:34 You have said a beautiful thing
34:36 That until there is no faith
34:38 The good deeds
34:40 Will not be accomplished
34:42 Sir, I want your message
34:44 The message is
34:46 That in this matter
34:48 You should not follow your ego
34:50 I want to do this
34:52 I like this work
34:54 You should try to follow the command of Allah
34:56 And serve Allah's creation
34:58 When Allah will follow his command
35:00 Then you will be a true beneficiary
35:02 When you follow your ego
35:04 Allah will keep his command
35:06 And may be you will get benefit
35:08 But you will not get the reward
35:10 Therefore
35:12 Islam is a complete religion
35:14 It gives guidance in every matter
35:16 Where it gave the command of serving humanity
35:18 It has also taught the way of serving humanity
35:20 We have to adopt that way
35:22 So that we can
35:24 For ourselves
35:26 For our family
35:28 For our country
35:30 And for the whole Muslim Ummah
35:32 Thank you very much
35:34 Respected Allama Khurram Iqbal Rahmani
35:36 Respected Mufti Muhammad Ahsan Naveed Niazi
35:38 Thank you both
35:40 For coming
35:42 It was a very useful discussion
35:44 It is a very important topic
35:46 It is not only a topic
35:48 But it is a message of religion
35:50 Because the foundation of religion
35:52 Is serving humanity
35:54 We have discussed this topic many times
35:56 That we have not come here
35:58 To live our life
36:00 But we have come here
36:02 To make our life
36:04 Beneficial for others
36:06 And to get Allah's pleasure
36:08 This is a test
36:10 In which every one of us
36:12 Tries to be successful
36:14 And the one who is more beneficial
36:16 For others than his actions
36:18 He will be successful in this test
36:20 And will be presented before Allah
36:22 We have to understand
36:24 How we help people
36:26 In our life
36:28 As it has been said here
36:30 That we live in the limits of Shariah
36:32 And religion
36:34 And we help people
36:36 How we help
36:38 When we help
36:40 So that the effects
36:42 And the consequences
36:44 Remain in the world
36:46 And people benefit from it
36:48 Even after we die
36:50 We become Shariah
36:52 Do good deeds in your life
36:54 With faith and justice
36:56 This is the message
36:58 For you and for Allah
37:00 Remember it in your prayers
37:02 Allah Hafiz
37:04 May Allah bless you
37:06 May Allah bless you
37:08 May Allah bless you
37:10 May Allah bless you
37:12 May Allah bless you
37:14 May Allah bless you
37:16 May Allah bless you
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