Date With The Angels - S1E05: A Tree In The Parkway

  • last year


00:00 [Music]
00:20 You have a date with the angel, starring Betty White.
00:26 Bill Williams as Gus Angel, presented by the Plymouth Dealers of America,
00:32 who proudly sell and service the beautiful new Plymouth for $19.57.
00:42 The time, about five months after Vicki and Gus Angel were married.
00:47 The main character, one little tree.
00:50 The plot, you can't see the tree for the people.
00:56 Darling, why don't you leave the car in the driveway? They'll be here any minute.
00:59 Okay.
01:02 I guess I should have warned you sooner they were coming over, but it was sort of a last minute thing.
01:06 Oh, no harm done. You want to put out some cigarettes for Carl?
01:09 I didn't mean for you to go through all the trouble of going out and getting coffee cake.
01:13 Oh, it's a handy thing to have around.
01:16 Nobody stays more than 20 minutes past coffee cake.
01:19 Well, since the coffee cake alarm for 20 minutes to 12, the last time they were here,
01:23 we sat up until 3 o'clock in the morning discussing his sinuses.
01:27 Do you want to keep this?
01:28 What is it?
01:29 It's a notice from the city that they're going to remove that palm tree out front.
01:32 I guess they know what they're doing.
01:34 Anything else I can do, honey, to help you?
01:36 No, I don't think so. Why don't you just relax until I get here?
01:38 All righty.
01:40 Vicki, you're a good wife.
01:43 You're just saying that because we're married.
01:54 Vicki.
01:56 Yeah, hon?
01:57 What happened to this pipe?
01:59 I've been waiting for you to notice.
02:01 I scraped all that nasty stuff that was clogging the bowls and I washed them.
02:07 You washed my pipes?
02:10 What with?
02:11 What do you think I'd use, soap and water?
02:15 You're silly.
02:17 I'll get it right for you.
02:21 I use baking soda.
02:26 It's all right, isn't it?
02:27 Oh, sure it is.
02:30 Here they are.
02:34 Hi.
02:35 Hi.
02:36 Hello, Vicki.
02:37 Good girl.
02:40 You know, you wouldn't believe the traffic this time of night.
02:42 We almost didn't get here.
02:44 It's Friday night and the teenagers are out.
02:46 Come on in and sit down.
02:47 We better.
02:48 Carl's a little shaky.
02:50 Why, what happened?
02:51 We were in the center lane of the freeway and this car suddenly cut right in front of me, just like that.
02:56 You know how crazy they drive on the freeway.
02:58 Was he going fast?
03:00 Well, I was doing 70, so you can imagine.
03:04 Here, I'll show you.
03:07 Now, here's the center lane of the freeway, see?
03:09 And all of a sudden, this car--
03:12 Carl, you're reading their mail, dear.
03:16 Sorry.
03:17 That's all right.
03:18 It's just a notice from the city.
03:19 What about the car?
03:20 Well, it suddenly cut over right in front of me and so did the truck in front of him.
03:28 Well, it's all over now, thank goodness.
03:30 Honey, why don't you go set up the card table?
03:31 Oh, fine, honey.
03:32 Oh, it's far from over.
03:34 I tell you, those fellas are going to hear it from me.
03:36 If it hadn't been for Carl's quick reflexes, we'd be a couple of vital statistics now.
03:40 Carl!
03:43 What palm tree?
03:44 For heaven's sakes, this is their home.
03:47 Tolley, that's all right.
03:48 We all do the same thing.
03:50 The city's going to remove that little palm tree from out front.
03:54 Just like that.
03:55 Shall I put this table in the usual place, honey?
03:58 Yeah, fine.
03:59 I'll get some chairs.
04:00 I'll help you.
04:06 Gus!
04:07 Huh?
04:08 Are you going to let them get away with this?
04:11 The tree's no good.
04:12 It's studded.
04:13 Oh, Vicki.
04:14 Thanks, they're heavy.
04:17 When did you get this?
04:19 It came in today's mail.
04:24 Don't start one of your campaigns, dear.
04:26 Let's play cards.
04:30 OK.
04:31 That's the way it starts.
04:33 That's the way what starts?
04:35 They start by removing one or two palm trees, and the next thing you know, you've got a freeway
04:39 right through the middle of your neighborhood.
04:42 But as Dolly says, it's none of my business.
04:45 Where do I sit?
04:46 All they're doing is removing the tree because it's studded.
04:51 Where does it say that?
04:54 Well, there's the reason, Carl.
04:56 All the other trees in the neighborhood are 30 feet high.
04:59 And our tree, well, I can see right over the top of ours.
05:02 That's not very good for a 22-year-old tree.
05:07 What's the new tree supposed to do, catch up with the others?
05:10 Oh, look, sit down a minute, kids.
05:14 I want to ask you something.
05:19 How long have you two been married?
05:21 Five months, three weeks, and two days.
05:23 Have you owned this house?
05:28 Well, let's put it this way, we don't pay rent.
05:31 Well, then the city considers it yours.
05:33 Now, where does it say they'll replace your tree?
05:37 Well, it doesn't.
05:39 Oh, I'm sure they'd replace the tree.
05:42 All right, dear, you've started your revolution.
05:44 Now, let's play cards, shall we?
05:47 You know, you can ruin the water mains pulling out a tree.
05:50 You pay for that.
05:52 We pay for it?
05:54 They ruin our water mains with their tree and we pay for it?
05:59 Vicki, you'll find that when the city plants a tree,
06:02 the roots somehow manage to grow under the sidewalk
06:05 and ruin the water mains on your property.
06:08 I think they train them.
06:11 What do we do, Carl, call City Hall?
06:13 Let me say it for you, dear.
06:15 Calling City Hall will only get you some two-bit clerk
06:17 who knows nothing about your problems and cares less.
06:20 Did I say it right, sweet?
06:24 I used the phrase, Dolly, only because it seems most apt.
06:27 It doesn't even say they'll fill up the hole
06:29 after they remove the tree.
06:31 Well, how can they?
06:32 It'll be full of water from the pipes they broke.
06:36 Gus, Gus, boy, let me ask you a question.
06:40 Should you pay much attention to a card
06:42 that's addressed merely to the occupant?
06:47 Well, you're right.
06:48 They didn't even bother to look up our names.
06:49 Look at that Gus occupant.
06:54 What do we do, Carl?
06:56 Now, wait a minute.
06:57 I want you to think before you act.
06:59 Bearing in mind, of course, that you do have rights,
07:02 you are the city.
07:03 For all we know, they might plant a banana tree out there.
07:07 We certainly have a water forest.
07:11 Every citizen has the right of petition.
07:14 Petition?
07:15 Yes, you just circulate one around the neighborhood here
07:18 and have them sign it.
07:19 And I guarantee you that palm tree
07:21 will stay right where it is.
07:23 Gosh, I don't know, Carl.
07:24 We've only lived here a couple of months.
07:26 We hardly know the people next door.
07:28 If you'll help us write the petition, Carl,
07:30 I'll take it around tomorrow.
07:32 Steady, girl.
07:33 You may not feel so civic-minded in the morning
07:35 when you find the neighbors staring at you
07:37 through those peepholes.
07:38 Well, Gus--
07:39 Oh, honey, I'd love to go with you in the morning,
07:41 but I have that long-distance phone call coming in.
07:45 On second thought--
07:47 Circulating a petition is not only a privilege,
07:50 it's your civic duty.
07:53 I'll do it.
07:56 I will.
07:57 Yes?
08:12 Yes?
08:13 Nothing.
08:21 Just a moment.
08:22 You wish to see me?
08:27 I have a petition.
08:31 Carl?
08:32 I'm Mrs. Angel, your two houses away neighbor.
08:34 Oh, come in, please.
08:36 Thank you.
08:38 In this house, we feel that any petition
08:40 is worthy of a few minutes of our time.
08:42 Thank you.
08:43 You see, yesterday we got a notice from the city
08:45 saying they were going to remove that palm tree
08:47 from out in front of our house.
08:48 Then this only concerns our own neighborhood.
08:50 Yes.
08:51 Yesterday, the city--
08:52 Just a moment.
08:53 Sit down, please.
09:04 Father?
09:05 I'd like the rest of my family to hear this.
09:10 Oh, fine.
09:11 Mrs. Angel, may I present my father?
09:19 How do you do?
09:20 How do you do?
09:21 Oh, would you go get Martha and John and Glenn, too,
09:24 if he's not busy?
09:25 I'm a little new at this, Father.
09:32 I'm a little new at this.
09:33 Couldn't I just explain it to you?
09:35 I assure you, you will have our undivided attention.
09:38 [music playing]
09:42 [music playing]
09:46 [music playing]
09:48 [laughter]
09:50 [music playing]
09:53 [laughter]
09:55 [music playing]
09:58 [music playing]
10:01 [laughter]
10:03 [music playing]
10:06 [laughter]
10:08 [music playing]
10:11 Mrs. Angel is here to explain about a petition
10:14 which concerns our neighborhood.
10:17 Now then, Mrs. Angel.
10:19 Yesterday-- yesterday, the city--
10:25 yesterday, the city sent us a postcard about our palm tree.
10:32 The city's palm tree.
10:34 But it's in front of our house, and we water it.
10:39 I don't mean we water the house.
10:41 [laughter]
10:43 [laughter]
10:45 [laughter]
10:47 Maybe you've noticed it.
10:48 It's that greenhouse up the block.
10:51 And they sent it to us on a cheap postcard.
10:53 [laughter]
10:56 I'm afraid I'm not doing this very well.
10:59 You see, the point is, that's the way it starts.
11:05 Well, we don't mind a broken water main so much.
11:08 [laughter]
11:09 But who's going to fill in the hole?
11:12 [laughter]
11:17 They could plant rhubarb, don't you see?
11:19 [laughter]
11:23 Yesterday, the city sent us a--
11:25 [laughter]
11:28 Ask me some questions.
11:31 Somebody sent you a tree on a postcard?
11:35 Father, if you can't ask something sensible,
11:37 don't waste Mrs. Angel's time.
11:39 What kind of rhubarb?
11:40 [laughter]
11:45 I only use that as an exaggeration.
11:48 You see, the point is, if they take out one tree,
11:52 how do we know they won't take out all of them?
11:56 After all, we are the city.
11:59 [music]
12:02 I'm sorry I took up your time.
12:04 Just a moment.
12:05 As a property owner, don't you want me to sign the petition?
12:08 I didn't make any sense.
12:10 You made more sense than you know.
12:13 Well, thank you.
12:15 Thank you.
12:16 I appreciate it.
12:17 I better be going, but thank you.
12:19 Thank you very much.
12:20 Really, thank you.
12:21 I do.
12:22 Wasn't that nice of him?
12:23 Thank you.
12:24 [laughter]
12:29 [music]
12:37 What was that all about?
12:40 She was nervous, but she confirmed something
12:42 I've suspected for a long time.
12:44 The city isn't interested in one tree.
12:46 They're going to take them all out and widen the streets.
12:49 They can't do that.
12:51 They can if we don't stop them.
12:53 Now, I'm writing up five petitions,
12:54 and I want you to take them around this afternoon.
12:56 [music]
12:59 [buzzer]
13:01 [music]
13:06 Hello.
13:07 Thought you were the laundry man.
13:09 No, I'm Mrs. Angel, your neighbor from up the block.
13:12 Nobody answered the front door.
13:13 Oh, the doorbell's more broke than we are.
13:15 Come on in.
13:16 [laughter]
13:19 I'm canvassing the neighborhood.
13:21 Oh, sit down.
13:22 Your feet must be killing you.
13:23 Oh, I can't stay.
13:25 Oh, you can sit down for a minute.
13:27 I know what it's like to take one of those things around.
13:30 You'll have to excuse the way this place looks.
13:33 It's late Saturdays.
13:36 Murph?
13:37 Yes?
13:38 Got company.
13:39 Okay.
13:42 You the people that bought the Dexter place a few months back?
13:44 Yes, but really, you mustn't bother your husband.
13:47 Oh, don't be silly.
13:48 We've both been dying to meet you,
13:50 ever since we saw your furniture move in.
13:53 I'm Kathy Murphy.
13:54 I'm Vicki Angel.
13:56 Oh, pleased to meet you.
13:57 Hi.
13:58 What I came to see you about is this.
14:00 My husband gives it the office.
14:04 Hi.
14:07 Murph, Mickey Angle.
14:09 Vicki Angel.
14:11 How do you do?
14:12 Uh, can I have some coffee?
14:14 Oh, no thank you.
14:15 They're the ones with the walnut dining room set.
14:19 Oh, well, we've been meaning to get over and say hello,
14:21 but you know how it is.
14:23 Oh, uh, I give down at the office.
14:27 Oh, I don't want any money.
14:29 No, you see, this is a petition.
14:31 You see, yesterday we got a notice from the city
14:33 saying they were going to remove our palm tree from out front.
14:36 Maybe you noticed that little stunted tree on the freeway?
14:39 On the parkway?
14:42 Dexter's never watered it.
14:43 That's why it looks like that.
14:45 Poor mangy little thing.
14:47 Yeah.
14:48 Well, anyway, even though the city owns the freeway, we still--
14:51 Oh, you mean the parkway.
14:53 Parkway.
14:55 If you think I'm stumbling now,
14:57 you should have heard me next door.
14:59 I was so nervous, I thought I was going to faint.
15:02 Those five hoot owls don't make anyone nervous.
15:06 Me and Cassie think the bald-headed one is dead.
15:14 So on, um, what happens now if the city takes out that palm tree?
15:19 My husband and I got to thinking.
15:21 This is the way it starts.
15:23 Boy, you can say that again.
15:25 A tree here, a tree there,
15:27 before you know it, the whole neighborhood has changed.
15:30 If it isn't our freeway-- our parkway, it's yours.
15:33 See, the thing we all forget is we are the city.
15:38 Where do we sign?
15:40 We're right here.
15:43 Not E. Murphy, Ellsworth Murphy.
15:47 Now I hate that name.
15:51 Here you are, Cassandra.
15:57 That's three signatures already.
15:59 I really appreciate this.
16:01 Well, when you get this thing all straightened out,
16:03 maybe we can get together.
16:04 We will.
16:05 And thanks again.
16:06 Oh, sure.
16:08 Goodbye.
16:09 Goodbye.
16:10 Goodbye.
16:11 Bye.
16:12 Hello, Jack.
16:13 This is Murphy.
16:15 There's a girl on her way over there with a petition.
16:18 Don't ask any questions.
16:19 Just sign it.
16:22 There's a freeway coming through here.
16:27 Now look, Jack, I'm serious about this whole thing.
16:29 You just do as I ask.
16:31 [laughter]
16:33 [music playing]
16:35 [doorbell rings]
16:40 Yes?
16:41 How do you do?
16:42 I have a petition here I'd like you to look at.
16:45 Ah, that's a coincidence.
16:46 Come on in, sir.
16:52 Did I-- did I interrupt a meeting?
16:54 [laughter]
16:57 Oh, no, I'm breaking in some pipes.
16:59 Oh, well, this won't take a minute.
17:01 This petition simply states that you join with the rest of the block
17:05 in denying the city the right to remove the trees and widen the street.
17:09 Widen the street?
17:10 I assume you don't want that.
17:12 Of course not.
17:13 We won't have any lawn left.
17:14 Where do I sign?
17:15 Here.
17:18 After all, we are the city.
17:20 [music playing]
17:23 Excuse me.
17:26 Yes?
17:27 I'm Cassie Murphy from up the block.
17:29 [cough]
17:31 [laughter]
17:34 Goodbye, mister.
17:38 You burning punk?
17:41 No, some pipes were washed by mistake.
17:44 What can I do for you, Mrs. Murphy?
17:46 Well, I've got a petition to keep a freeway from going through here.
17:51 A freeway?
17:52 Eight lanes.
17:54 [laughter]
17:56 All I heard is that the city wanted to widen the street.
17:58 At least that's what the man who just left here said.
18:00 He shouldn't be allowed out of the house.
18:03 [laughter]
18:04 Can I see that petition, please?
18:05 Sure.
18:06 The thing we forget is that we have rights as taxpayers.
18:10 We are the city.
18:12 [laughter]
18:14 Where did you hear that the city was going
18:16 to run a freeway through here?
18:17 From your wife.
18:19 But her petition was worded all wrong,
18:21 so we drew up one of our own.
18:22 [laughter]
18:23 But all we wanted to do was stop the city
18:25 from removing one little palm tree.
18:27 That's the way it starts.
18:29 Did my wife visit the man who just left here?
18:32 Yes, just before she came to our place.
18:34 And he thinks that-- oh, I've got to stop her.
18:40 How do you do?
18:41 My name's Toshimimi.
18:42 Oh, where's my wife?
18:44 The city wants to build a new municipal airport here.
18:47 Where's my wife?
18:48 [laughter]
18:50 Your wife's signing up the other side of the street.
18:52 Why?
18:53 I've got to find her.
18:54 Imagine what this is doing to him down at City Hall.
18:56 Excuse me, sir.
18:57 [music playing]
19:00 Now, I've got to--
19:01 Say, would you like--
19:02 [music playing]
19:05 [music playing]
19:08 [music playing]
19:11 [music playing]
19:14 [laughter]
19:17 [music playing]
19:20 [music playing]
19:23 You'd think there'd be somebody around here
19:25 who could take care of a few of these things for you.
19:29 No, ma'am.
19:30 Filbert Road will not be made a yacht basin.
19:33 [laughter]
19:34 Darling, I'm home.
19:36 Sorry I took so long, but I went over on the next block.
19:40 Gus?
19:42 Honey?
19:43 Gus?
19:47 [doorbell rings]
19:49 How do you do?
19:56 I believe you're the lady with the petition.
19:59 Yes, I must have missed you.
20:00 Come on in.
20:01 Well, thank you.
20:02 [laughter]
20:05 May I see the petition, please?
20:07 You bet you may.
20:10 Every signature helps.
20:12 From what I hear, you have to really hit them
20:14 over the head down at the City Hall.
20:16 Oh.
20:17 [laughter]
20:18 Of course, with a brand new mayor, what can you expect?
20:22 I didn't vote for him, did you?
20:24 [laughter]
20:27 Well, yes, I did.
20:28 I rather like him.
20:30 It's a free country.
20:31 You sign over here on the back and--
20:32 Oh, I want to see what it says.
20:35 Oh, nobody ever reads it.
20:36 They just sign.
20:37 [laughter]
20:39 This whole thing is concerned with just one palm tree?
20:43 Well, they take out a tree, they take out two trees,
20:45 before you know it, they're widening the street.
20:47 That's the way it starts.
20:49 One tiny little palm tree.
20:52 [laughter]
20:53 You must remember, Mr--
20:55 Dawson.
20:56 You must remember, Mr. Dawson, that we are the city, you and I.
21:00 Thanks for including me.
21:02 [laughter]
21:03 Let's put all of this together.
21:04 Here, sign here.
21:05 Oh, uh, Mrs.--
21:06 Mrs. Angel, I work for the city.
21:10 Oh, really?
21:11 In what capacity?
21:12 Mayor.
21:13 Well, then you ought to know better than--
21:15 [laughter]
21:25 This city?
21:26 Yes.
21:28 Please, Mrs. Angel, sit down.
21:30 We have a lot to talk about.
21:33 Mr. Dawson, your honor, please forgive me for what I said.
21:35 I didn't mean it.
21:36 Oh, no, Mrs. Angel.
21:37 I never was under the delusion that everyone in the city
21:40 voted for me.
21:41 [laughter]
21:45 You know, these petitions are the result of rumors you started.
21:49 It amazes me that one angel could raise so much--
21:53 [laughter]
21:57 I think you were right the first time.
21:59 Mrs. Angel, you have the right to petition,
22:01 but do it correctly.
22:03 You see, rumors can be deadly.
22:05 It's like a man throwing a red sweater into his wife's washing,
22:09 or a woman scrubbing her husband's pipes,
22:13 or it's like throwing a handful of sugar into a gas tank.
22:17 It's like-- oh, please, Mrs. Angel,
22:20 if I've said anything to offend you, I--
22:22 oh, hi, baby, you're back.
22:24 [laughter]
22:26 Oh, what's the matter, baby?
22:29 What'd you say to her?
22:32 Nothing that I know of.
22:34 She's no crybaby.
22:35 You must have said something.
22:37 What did the old bat say to you, huh?
22:39 [laughter]
22:43 You take your petitions and get out of here.
22:46 [laughter]
22:48 Oh, it's not his fault.
22:51 Then why are you crying, baby?
22:55 I washed your pipes.
22:57 [laughter]
23:01 Thank you, partner.
23:02 All right, I'll get away from there.
23:10 [laughter]
23:12 Well, I, uh, see you two kids got your new license plates.
23:16 Uh-huh, I did.
23:18 How do you like California coming up with all those letters
23:21 preceding the numbers?
23:23 We got an easy one to remember, A-C-E-1-2-3.
23:28 Uh, what did you get?
23:31 Huh?
23:32 Oh, I don't remember.
23:33 We'll soon find out.
23:35 Carl.
23:36 Oh, no.
23:38 [laughter]
23:42 R-A-T-8-7-7, well, that spells rat.
23:47 Oh, gosh, if I were you, I'd send these plates back.
23:51 Cut it out, honey.
23:52 You started one of these things two weeks ago,
23:54 and I wound up playing solitaire.
23:57 They got their new palm tree, didn't they?
24:00 Look, kids, the state doesn't expect you two to be embarrassed.
24:10 You know, I never realized that.
24:12 Well, I know a fellow whose plates spelled out jerk,
24:15 and he sent them back.
24:16 He got back A-C-E-1-2-3.
24:19 [laughter]
24:22 Nevertheless, you don't have to accept plates like this.
24:25 Like I said, I never realized that.
24:29 Look, Gus, don't let them get away with this.
24:32 How do you think Vicki's going to feel
24:34 driving around with rat written all over her car?
24:37 It'll bother me a bit.
24:39 Well, remember, we are the state.
24:42 Carl, what do we do about it?
24:44 Well, now the first thing--
24:45 First, there's now two times the coffee break.
24:46 [singing]
24:49 Excuse me.
24:52 You pretty near got me again, honey.
24:54 Yeah, but I saw you first.
24:56 Sure did.
24:58 Yes, darling?
25:00 I'll say this much for you.
25:02 The riot you started this time is a lot nicer than the last one.
25:05 [laughter]
25:15 [singing]
25:18 Got a date with an angel, and I'm on my way to heaven.
25:23 [music playing]
25:26 Ladies and gentlemen, your Plymouth dealer
25:50 invites you to watch the Lawrence Welk program
25:52 "Top Tunes and You Tell It" on this same network
25:55 and the dramatic show "Climax" every week on another network.
25:59 Tom Kennedy speaking.
26:01 Good night, everybody.
26:03 [applause]
26:04 (audience applauding)