• 2 years ago
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions Episode 5
00:00 It's a combination of luck.
00:02 We need three more numbers.
00:04 Three numbers, okay.
00:06 Hey, hey, guys, something's happening here.
00:08 The money makes a little turn.
00:10 Don't let it stop, or else it all ends.
00:13 The hell does that mean?
00:15 Shit, what number?
00:17 Uh, the code's in here.
00:20 Come on, what is it?
00:22 There's some international accounts on here.
00:24 There's Tokyo and South Africa. Maybe that's it.
00:26 Every piece of paper in here has goddamn numbers on it.
00:29 Always reaction.
00:31 Three minutes.
00:33 We're not gonna make it in time.
00:35 Guys, we're not gonna make it in time!
00:37 Come on, what else is there?
00:39 Hey, yo, man, we just need to keep looking, okay?
00:42 Calm down, okay? Just...
00:44 Okay.
00:47 Mate!
00:49 What is he doing? No, no, no, no.
00:51 Mate!
00:53 What are you doing?
00:54 Stop.
00:55 Wait, wait, what?
00:56 Hey! Hey!
00:59 Stop it!
01:01 Just stay there, stay there, stay there.
01:03 We don't know what those tiles are saying.
01:05 We don't know what you're doing.
01:07 We haven't found any clues, so just stop what you're doing!
01:10 No!
01:12 Stop! Stop!
01:14 Stop, please!
01:16 You're gonna get us killed. Please stop.
01:18 Whatever you think you're doing, it's not helping us.
01:21 It's okay. It's working.
01:23 Stop for two seconds, okay?
01:25 We just-- No!
01:27 [screaming]
01:30 He's gonna kill us. He's gonna kill us.
01:32 This is why you spared me.
01:33 Your God's not gonna--
01:34 I know you're afraid.
01:35 Stop!
01:36 I know you're afraid.
01:37 Don't be afraid.
01:38 I'm not scared!
01:39 You're afraid to kill us!
01:41 We don't wanna do this, okay?
01:44 [screaming]
01:46 [grunting]
01:48 [screaming]
01:50 [screaming]
01:52 Get him up! Come on!
01:54 Hurry!
01:55 Nothing happened. What do you mean it's dead?
01:57 Maybe it's just the end of the counters that are booby-trapped.
01:59 Let's get him off the tiles.
02:01 Let's go.
02:03 Help me pull him up.
02:05 Careful.
02:09 That was close.
02:15 Is he okay?
02:16 He's all cold.
02:18 ♪♪
