To Save a Life Bande-annonce (IT)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 ...
00:04 ...
00:08 ...
00:11 -In every high school...
00:12 -Le G.
00:13 -Le G.
00:14 -The man who's always had my back.
00:17 -...there are the famous
00:19 and the forgotten.
00:21 ...
00:23 -You can't come.
00:24 -I get it.
00:25 -You're popular.
00:27 -Roger.
00:28 -You're gonna be different.
00:30 ...
00:34 ...
00:37 -Do I know you ?
00:39 -My friends call me Chris.
00:40 -I would see him walking to school every day.
00:43 ...
00:44 In the hallways.
00:45 ...
00:46 I never even said hi.
00:48 -We're both living with regrets.
00:50 -It wasn't your fault.
00:51 You didn't pull the trigger.
00:53 -Why does everyone keep saying that ?
00:55 I know I didn't do anything.
00:56 -None of us did.
00:57 -What's the point ?
00:58 ...
00:59 -Why didn't I ?
01:00 ...
01:01 -I feel like I don't even know you anymore.
01:03 ...
01:06 -There was this kid at the party tonight.
01:08 They wouldn't let him in because he wasn't cool enough.
01:11 How messed up is that ? He wasn't cool enough ?
01:14 ...
01:16 -Just wanted to say hi.
01:17 ...
01:23 -It's either me or them, Jake.
01:24 -Why is my life falling apart ?
01:26 -Maybe it always was and you're just now starting to care.
01:29 -Keep walking, Taylor !
01:30 ...
01:31 -Stay away from me, Jake.
01:32 ...
01:33 -I don't need you, man.
01:35 I never needed you.
01:36 -Are we getting this ?
01:37 Because if we don't, the consequences are huge.
01:40 ...
01:41 -For your future.
01:42 ...
01:44 -It's not gonna always be easy, but don't give up.
01:47 ...
01:49 -This is the story of a young man
01:51 who gave up being somebody
01:54 to make a difference.
01:55 ...
01:57 -I gotta make things right !
01:58 ...
02:06 -At some point, you gotta ask yourself,
02:08 what do you want your life to be about ?
02:09 ...
02:13 ...