• 2 years ago
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TPMP : la somme folle dépensée par Benjamin Castaldi pour un rendez-vous amoureux (ZAPTV)

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA


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00:21 which made Cyril Hanouna and the other chroniclers go crazy.
00:25 In terms of seduction, Benjamin Castaldi does not do things half way.
00:31 This Tuesday 24 January on the set of "Touche pas à mon poste",
00:38 the chronicler participated in a debate launched by Cyril Hanouna
00:42 within the scope of a poll revealing that the cinema would be the ideal place for a first date in Mourne.
00:50 81% of people say that if it is the best place for a date for these reasons,
00:55 we are not obliged to talk to the other, no awkward moment,
00:59 it opens the discussion for the pre-seance, after the seance we do not have to invent a myth to leave the person,
01:06 to explain the father of Lino and Bianca.
01:08 Affirmations about which the other participants of the show did not agree.
01:19 The former animator of TF1 then revealed that he was not going to the dark rooms to play the donjurant.
01:25 He has one day, on the contrary, opted for a much more impressive place.
01:33 Benjamin Castaldi paid the high price for a date.
01:38 Benjamin Castaldi thus revealed the crazy sum he had spent a few years ago to fill a woman's eyes.
01:48 And he decided to go to the air with the young lady he was dating.
01:52 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a plane.
02:00 That was extraordinary. I called him on a plane, it was very romantic, he revealed in the C8 talk show.
02:11 Before revealing that he had flown to Vienna, Austria.
02:15 It was beautiful because there was a proximity in the plane.
02:21 It was a plane I had rented.
02:26 If it is the sum of the luxury, he specified.
02:32 Very curious, Cyril Hanouna wanted to know how much his acolyte had spent for such a party on board a private flight for Paris Vienna.
02:44 It must be 7000 euros per hour, so it must cost 28000 euros.
02:50 C.I.S.T. very dear the private jet, revealed Benjamin Castaldi in front of his comrades in shock.
03:00 When you love, you do not count.
03:05 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a plane.
03:11 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:15 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:20 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:27 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:34 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:43 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:48 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:53 The most beautiful date I gave to a person I did not know, it was on a private jet.
03:58 (upbeat music)
