• 2 years ago
Dans ce reportage, nous abordons la récente déclaration de l'ambassadeur russe aux Nations Unies concernant la soi-disant contre-offensive ukrainienne. L'ambassadeur a déclaré que les forces ukrainiennes ont échoué dans leurs attaques, aboutissant à la destruction de matériel occidental et à d'énormes pertes humaines, mettant ainsi fin officiellement à cette contre-offensive. Les chiffres alarmants fournis par le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, révèlent que plus de 90 000 personnes ont perdu la vie en Ukraine, tandis que l'approvisionnement continu en armes à l'Ukraine par l'Occident est comparé à donner de la drogue à un toxicomane, prolongeant ainsi la souffrance. Cette situation soulève des inquiétudes quant à la stratégie et à la coordination des forces ukrainiennes, tandis que sur la scène internationale, l'appel à une résolution pacifique de ce conflit demeure urgent.
Dans ce contexte tendu, la diplomatie internationale est mise à l'épreuve. L'ambassadeur russe a souligné l'implication de l'OTAN et de sa machine militaire collective, mettant en évidence les enjeux régionaux et mondiaux de ce conflit. Alors que l'Ukraine se trouve dans une impasse stratégique, avec des pertes humaines tragiques, l'appel à une résolution pacifique et à la fin des approvisionnements en armes résonne de plus en plus fort. La situation reste complexe, mais l'urgence d'une solution diplomatique est indéniable pour mettre fin à cette crise.
#ContreOffensive #ForcesUkrainiennes #AmbassadeurRusse #ConseilDeSecurite #Attaques #RégimeDeKiev #PertesHumaines #VladimirPoutine #Armement #MachineMilitaire #OTAN #KirillBoudanov #Diplomatie #ConflitRégional #SituationTendue #EstDeLEurope #PolitiqueDApprovisionnement #Toxicomane #ImpasseStratégique #RésolutionPacifique

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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
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00:11 In the heart of Eastern Europe, a tense situation has been plaguing the region for months.
00:16 This Friday, during a session held at the United Nations Security Council, the Russian
00:22 ambassador, Vassily Nebensia, announced the official end of what he called a "Ukrainian
00:28 counteroffensive".
00:29 A statement that highlights a brutal observation, four months of incessant attacks have led
00:34 to the destruction of hundreds of Western equipment units, and have cost the lives
00:38 of tens of thousands of people enrolled by the Kiev regime.
00:41 Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed shocking figures, more than 90,000 people
00:47 have lost their lives in Ukraine, while 557 tanks and 1,900 armored vehicles have been
00:52 lost in this conflict.
00:53 A dramatic escalation of violence that raises questions about the relevance of the actions
00:58 carried out so far.
00:59 The Russian envoy strongly criticized the West for its arms supply policy
01:04 to Ukraine, comparing it to "giving drugs to a drug addict", thus extending its
01:08 agony.
01:09 A striking metaphor to illustrate the desperate situation in which Ukraine is.
01:15 What is particularly striking in this statement is Nebensia's categorical rejection of
01:20 the current Ukrainian regime, called "neo-Nazi criminals".
01:24 A severe condemnation that underlines the deep tensions and ideological divisions
01:28 that feed this conflict.
01:29 The Russian envoy also stressed a crucial point, the opposition does not come only from
01:35 Ukrainian armed forces, whose resources are almost exhausted, but from the collective
01:39 military machine of NATO countries and their combined defense industry.
01:43 A statement that highlights the extent of international issues in this regional conflict.
01:48 However, on the Ukrainian side, the chief of military intelligence, Kirill Budanov,
01:55 throws a light on the situation.
01:57 He admitted that the offensive was not only "late", but "totally off the
02:02 schedule", without offering more details on the reasons for this delay.
02:05 This admission raises questions about the coordination of Ukrainian forces, and on
02:11 the strategy put in place to counter Russian advance.
02:13 While diplomats are verbally confronting the United Nations Security Council, on the
02:19 ground, Ukraine seems to be caught in a strategic deadlock, with tragic human consequences.
02:24 In this complex scale of conflict, diplomacy and human losses, a certainty remains,
02:31 the urgency of a peaceful resolution.
02:32 While the nations of the world are watching with concern the evolution of this situation,
02:38 the call for peace and diplomacy is resonating more and more strongly.
02:40 The resolution of this conflict, which has already cost the lives of thousands of people,
02:46 remains a major challenge for the international community.
02:50 to continue, do not forget to subscribe to Eben Media TV and to follow us on the other
02:53 social networks too.
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