Split-Handed Power Drill

  • last year
In this video, PGA Professional Katie Dawkins offers a split-handed drill to help increase power in your swing.
00:00 One of the best drills if you want to get a feeling of connection in your golf swing
00:06 and a feeling of width as well as making your hands work well is the split grip drill.
00:12 And to do this you place your top hand on the top, almost enough room for another hand
00:15 underneath, so the bottom hand sits right at the base of the handle.
00:20 Hover the club as best as you can and just gently wind your shoulders up and feel that
00:25 stretch so you'll get this incredible amount of width in your swing.
00:30 What that'll do is help everything stay really connected.
00:32 It's very hard from that to whip the club on the inside or swing straight up with your
00:36 arms so it helps everything work as one.
00:40 What I love about this drill is it kills a number of sins so it's a really good all-in-one.
00:44 So winding it up to there and then using the body to really swing through and what happens
00:49 is everything punches through your pack loads of power into your shot.
00:58 (upbeat music)