Star Trek Lower Decks - Rules Of Acquisition: Real Or Fake

  • last year
Star Trek Lower Decks - Rules Of Acquisition: Real Or Fake - Tawny Newsome (Beckett Mariner), Jack Quaid (Brad Boimler), Noël Wells (D'Vana Tendi), Eugene Cordero (Sam Rutherford), Gabrielle Ruiz (T'Lyn), Dawnn Lewis (Carol Freeman), Max Grodénchik (Rom), and Chase Masterson (Leeta) guess which Rules Of Acquisition are real and which were made up.:


00:00 I think in order to get Ferengi citizenship, you have to know the rules of acquisition.
00:05 Just so you know I'm not cheating, because Ferengi can be cheaters,
00:12 I'm going to put this book aside.
00:13 The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
00:15 Once you have their money, you never give it back.
00:18 Yes, rule of acquisition one. Absolutely.
00:20 That is 100% real. I've heard Quark say that a million times.
00:23 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
00:28 That's for real.
00:29 They're stingy.
00:30 That's so obvious. I think that's fake.
00:32 That's real. Oh no. Okay.
00:36 Keep your friends close, but your Latinum closer. I think that's real.
00:39 That's fake! Oh, I was so confident.
00:42 I'm going to say that that's fake. Just the word "friends" in there makes me suspicious.
00:47 Yes.
00:48 Greed is eternal. That is real. I vote that.
00:52 Number 10. That is true. Greed is eternal.
00:55 A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
00:58 All two plays, they're all absolutely true. Absolutely true.
01:01 That's got to be like what they have as tattoos, right?
01:04 Real. Of course. Thank you.
01:06 Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
01:12 I think this is fake.
01:14 This is real.
01:16 I'm going to say fake. I don't know. It doesn't feel like Ferengi talk to me.
01:20 What? Come on.
01:22 Never look a gift tribble in the mouth.
01:24 No, because they hate tribbles. Ferengis hate tribbles, so that one's fake.
01:28 A satisfied customer is a missed opportunity. Yes!
01:32 No, that's fake. You are good at writing fake rules of acquisition.
01:36 [Music]
