USA: Nordkorea hat Waffen an Moskau für Krieg gegen Ukraine geliefert

  • last year
Für den Krieg gegen die Ukraine hat Russland Waffen von Nordkorea erhalten, meldet die US-Regierung am Freitag.
Nordkorea hat nach Angaben der US-Regierung Waffen an Russland für den Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine geliefert.
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00:00 Russia has received weapons from North Korea for the war against Ukraine, the US government
00:06 reported on Friday.
00:07 North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia for the war against Ukraine, according to
00:11 the US government.
00:15 It was more than 1,000 containers with military equipment, it was said on Friday from the
00:21 White House.
00:22 It is assumed that Pyongyang wanted Russian weapon technologies developed by Moscow in
00:28 order to expand the North Korean nuclear program, said the Director of Communications of the
00:35 National Security Council, John Kirby.
00:38 North Korea was allowed to use armored vehicles and equipment for the production of ballistic
00:45 missiles, especially on missiles.
00:46 "We are observing whether Moscow Pyongyang will make these materials available.
00:54 We have already observed that Russian ships would have unloaded containers in North Korea.
00:59 This could possibly be the first material deliveries from Russia.
01:05 But that is not guaranteed," Kirby explained.
01:08 In the past, the USA and allies like South Korea have repeatedly warned the two states
01:15 of military cooperation and expressed concern about possible arms deals.
01:21 "Every arms deal between Moscow and Pyongyang would violate existing UN resolutions," they
01:27 had warned.
01:28 "North Korea is now being accused of supplying Russia with military equipment, which the
01:35 country uses to attack Ukrainian cities, kill civilians and continue to ignite an unjustified
01:41 war," Kirby warned.
01:44 The US government published corresponding images on Friday, which showed the transport
01:50 the container from North Korea to Russia by ship.
