SAFANA 25 (Rerun)

  • last year


00:00 "The main thing now, as we have said, is that Israel is blocking Gaza.
00:05 The main thing now is to create a human barrier, a cessation of hostilities.
00:11 For a safe corridor, there are two things.
00:14 First, the evacuation of civilians from Gaza, including our citizens,
00:19 and also allowing the entry of aid.
00:23 Therefore, we need to continue to push these efforts through various diplomatic efforts.
00:29 The Foreign Minister has immediately communicated with the President of the ASEAN in Geneva
00:35 to encourage the ASEAN to facilitate the human barrier
00:40 and also a safe corridor for our evacuation process.
00:45 Including various communications that have been done with the IAEA
00:50 and also with the President of the UN Security Council.
00:55 Mr. Jura, you said that of the 143 citizens there,
01:01 four have been evacuated back to Indonesia.
01:04 Others have communicated through Zoom meetings and other means.
01:10 But what is the plan?
01:12 When they ask to go home, what is the plan?
01:17 Will you make only one or two returns?
01:23 What will it be like?
01:25 Yes, actually in various ways,
01:31 we provide information on the security situation update
01:35 and also the prediction of the situation in the coming days.
01:39 We have already sent a travel advisory to all our citizens
01:45 in the Palestinian and Israeli territories to leave the area immediately.
01:50 Therefore, we help their evacuation process to leave the area.
01:58 But indeed, of the 133, four want to be evacuated.
02:03 This is of course a choice for each.
02:08 Our task is to convey information and also provide evacuation facilities.
02:14 But of course, various choices, even though they are in their own choices,
02:20 they have understood all kinds of risks.
02:24 Okay, we hope the situation there is good.
02:28 So again, you said this is a choice,
02:30 do you want to return to our country or stay there?
02:34 Because so far they say they still feel safe to live there.
02:37 Thank you for joining us,
02:39 Director of the UN Security Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia,
02:42 Judah Nugraha. Good afternoon.
02:44 Good afternoon.
02:47 Citizens and markets must be vigilant with the smoke from the TPA Suwung fire that does not go out.
02:57 The impact of the fire is still felt by the citizens around TPA Cikolotok, Purwakarta.
03:03 The fire extinguisher team continues to be vigilant to extinguish the fire to the trash can.
03:09 The smoke from the fire continues to spread out of the area on Friday.
03:21 This smoke cloud also covers the bypass area of ​​Murah Rai,
03:25 so drivers must be careful and turn on the traffic lights when driving.
03:30 In addition to the highway, thick smoke also enters the residential area.
03:34 Some residents with small children choose to live in a remote area.
03:39 The smoke cloud also causes a lot of burnt trash cans to fly and fall on their house.
03:47 The biggest fire in TPA in Bali has been since Thursday.
03:51 Currently, the area is 10 hectares.
03:55 How long have you been in the area?
03:58 How long?
03:59 Just a year.
04:01 Since when?
04:04 Since yesterday, from 11 o'clock.
04:06 The smoke cloud is so big that it can fly.
04:10 The trash, paper, and grass are all burnt.
04:19 The impact of the fire is still felt by the citizens around TPA Cikolotok, Purwakarta, West Java.
04:26 Until Friday morning, the fire was still visible at several points.
04:30 The area of ​​the area that was burned initially reached 1,400 meters,
04:34 but was successfully cut and survived in the area of ​​902 square meters.
04:39 One fire extinguisher and two water tanks are still being prepared.
04:43 The fire extinguisher team continues to work to extinguish the fire and put the trash in.
04:49 We really hope today is the last day.
04:54 But still, because this has happened several times,
05:00 so when the fire is over, we always try to keep the inside moist so that it doesn't spread the fire anymore.
05:10 The fire that has occurred since Thursday afternoon is suspected to be caused by the explosion of methane gas in the trash pile.
05:18 The condition of the trash that dried up due to the fire quickly spread.
05:23 CNN Indonesia coverage
05:26 The following issues of plastic or synthetic rice have been circulating on social media for a week.
05:33 Coincidentally or not, plastic rice issues appeared when the government imported millions of tons of rice from a number of countries, including China.
05:40 On the route of Perum Bulog, Buti Waseso is dealing with this plastic rice issue.
05:50 Last week, a video circulated, the suspicion of rice blocks, the stabilization of the supply and price of food or SPHP made of plastic.
05:58 In the video, the citizens in the city of Binjai, Sumatra, admitted to being surprised by rice blocks that bounced on the floor like rubber balls.
06:07 Of course, this plastic or synthetic rice issue makes people angry.
06:15 The Food and Agriculture Department of the North Sumatra City and Region immediately took action to conduct a rice shop inspection to ensure that the rice circulating is safe for the consumption of the community.
06:26 The issue of rice blocks is plastic or synthetic rice that not only makes people angry.
06:32 Perum Bulog, which is currently importing millions of tons of rice to reduce the price of rice, finally responded.
06:40 The main director of Perum Bulog, Buti Waseso, asked the distributor of the video to be prosecuted.
06:45 Buti is also surprised by the issue of plastic rice because it is impossible.
06:50 The price of plastic is more expensive than rice.
06:54 There is Chinese rice that is poisoned, right? There is also plastic rice from China.
07:01 Rice and plastic are expensive plastic.
07:05 So it doesn't make sense. This is the effort of certain groups that want to discredit the government.
07:13 Further on the issue of plastic rice, the head of the Center for Plant Growth and Safety Quarantine, Hayati Nabati, Andi Muhammad Adnan, ensured that the quality of imported rice has passed the inspection process.
07:24 Not only in the country that exports rice, but also in Indonesia.
07:30 In 2019 and 2023, there will be an inspection.
07:36 There are two steps, namely administrative inspection and health inspection.
07:42 Even with food safety.
07:44 The El Nino phenomenon that hit Indonesia made the prediction of rice production in the country go down.
07:50 Some countries also closed the export of rice to Indonesia.
07:55 India is ensured that it will not export rice to Indonesia until a time that has not yet been determined.
08:01 However, China has committed to export 1 million tons of rice to Indonesia.
08:07 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
08:16 Paul Damian called for the assistance of the head of the KPK, Firi Bahuri, regarding the case of the
08:19 employee's harassment of Shehrul Yasin Limpo, a moment later on CNN Indonesia Connected.
08:26 We will help you to return your safety.
08:37 The latest news program is updated, brought to you in a complete and different way.
08:44 Guided by Boris Bokir and Indra Jegel.
08:47 What is it?
08:50 This is our coincidence.
08:53 Seriously?
08:54 I'm kidding.
08:56 Kidding?
08:58 Kocan news for you.
09:01 Bercanda, starting October 14, is available every Saturday and Sunday at half past six in TransTV.
09:09 The KPK arrested Shehrul Yasin Limpo.
09:14 The law enforcement officer Shehrul Yasin Limpo, Febridian Sheh, stated that the client was arrested,
09:21 not forced by the KPK.
09:23 He explained that the arrest was based on a letter of the government on October 11, 2023.
09:29 And on the same day, the KPK also issued a second letter of appeal, which was received by the law enforcement
09:34 officer in the afternoon.
09:36 The second letter of appeal has been confirmed by the law enforcement officer and should be
09:40 Shehrul Yasin Limpo will arrive on Friday, October 13, 2023.
09:45 There are two letters issued by the KPK on October 11, 2023, namely the arrest letter and the second letter of appeal.
10:01 We have confirmed that the arrest letter will be received by Shehrul Yasin Limpo on Friday.
10:11 It is certain that today, Shehrul Yasin Limpo has been brought to the KPK based on the arrest letter.
10:21 So don't be fooled by other terms.
10:30 And we update the current condition in the Merah Putih KPK building, joined by producer
10:34 of Lapangan, Arief Kurjawan.
10:36 Arief, good afternoon, how is the development of Shehrul Yasin Limpo's investigation there?
10:41 Good afternoon, Riza.
10:44 Until this afternoon, the latest information we got is that the investigation process against
10:48 Shehrul Yasin Limpo is still ongoing and there is no further information whether the
10:52 investigation is complete or not.
10:54 This means that the investigation process has been quite long since he was arrested last night.
11:01 And indeed, from the information we got, at 18.30, the KPK will hold a press conference.
11:07 This is also strong.
11:08 The press conference at 18.30 will deliver the initial investigation results against Shehrul
11:15 Yasin Limpo, which has been done since last night until this afternoon.
11:20 And it is also possible that later it will be announced that because the status has been
11:24 suspected, the KPK will immediately hold a detention against Shehrul Yasin Limpo.
11:28 And earlier, at 18.10, another suspect, the third suspect, Muhammad Hatta, the director of
11:34 the Kementa Machine Engineering, has also come to fulfill the call of the KPK to conduct an
11:40 investigation with a suspect status.
11:42 Now, Muhammad Hatta, actually, last Monday was also checked and he was also present,
11:47 but his status on Monday was still as a witness, and today his status is already as a suspect.
11:53 Earlier, when Muhammad Hatta came and was present, he did not say or give any statement.
11:59 But from our observation, he came here with a condition or a cheerful wound, even
12:05 not looking like in a state of stress.
12:08 He was quite calm, even went into the lobby and went up to the second floor.
12:13 And indeed, the investigation process against Shehrul Yasin Limpo, what the results are like,
12:18 has been waited for, because later it should be the KPK can explain the construction of
12:24 the factory in more detail and more clearly.
12:27 Because indeed, as we know, Shehrul Yasin Limpo is the controller of the forest in Kementan,
12:34 in the ASN, in SLO 2 and SLO 1, and also in the Director General's circle, where the
12:40 forest that was cut is worth 4,000 USD to 10,000 USD, as long as Shehrul Yasin Limpo is
12:47 in office as Minister of Agriculture.
12:49 And from the position of the case that was previously read by the KPK head representative,
12:54 the result of the forest money is 13.9 billion, which is used for personal interests,
13:00 SEL, to pay for credit card and also to pay for the damage to the car.
13:04 Reza.
13:05 Okay, Arief, there is also information circulating about the arrest warrant of Shehrul Yasin Limpo
13:11 who was arrested by Firi Bahuri.
13:14 But there is an explanation there as an investigator.
13:16 Does the KPK give an explanation about that?
13:19 Yes, indeed, the letter is now a gossip, especially a lot of criticism comes from anti-corruption
13:26 activists.
13:27 And this I quote from the IM57 Institute Association, that if based on the KPK laws,
13:34 that is Article 21, Article 4, Law No. 19, 2019, about the KPK, it is mentioned that the
13:40 KPK leaders no longer act as investigators and public prosecutors.
13:44 So this change in the clause means that the KPK leaders have become state officials,
13:50 not as investigators or public prosecutors.
13:52 And this is the question, why can the KPK head Firi Bahuri sign the arrest warrant
13:59 and this then becomes a criticism that if Firi Bahuri is still in the KPK, this will be
14:06 an important conflict.
14:07 Because we know that at the moment, the Metropolitan Police are conducting a investigation into
14:11 the suspicion of Shehrul Yasin Limpo, who is suspected of being done by the KPK leaders.
14:16 Well, this is what the KPK has not answered yet and maybe later at the press conference
14:21 later, we will ask how the KPK's arrest is related to the arrest warrant that was signed
14:27 by Firi Bahuri, who should be a state official, no longer sign this and should be signed
14:33 by the KPK head, Reza.
14:35 Okay, later we will update how the current condition is there.
14:38 Arief Kurniawan reporting from the KPK building in Jakarta.
14:40 Thank you.
14:41 Next, the police called for assistance from the KPK head Firi Bahuri, related to the
14:47 investigation of the arrest warrant by the KPK leaders against the former Minister of Agriculture
14:51 Shehrul Yasin Limpo.
14:53 Meanwhile, the police are still assisting the case.
14:56 The police are also still identifying the 12 firearms found at Shehrul Yasin Limpo's house.
15:03 On Friday morning, the Metropolitan Police called for assistance from the KPK head Firi Bahuri,
15:12 related to the arrest warrant by the KPK leaders against the former Minister of Agriculture
15:17 Shehrul Yasin Limpo.
15:19 Ajudan Firli Kevin Eganamta arrived at Polda Metro Jaya at 11 past 18, West Indonesia time.
15:26 Kevin was talking when asked by the media about the plan of the investigation on Friday.
15:31 He immediately entered the building of the former Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya to be investigated.
15:37 Dear Crimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Adesa Frisima Juntak previously hoped that a series of
15:43 investigations against the witnesses could clarify the case and find the suspect.
15:49 The police are assisting the case of the arrest warrant involving the KPK leaders.
16:00 The case is currently under control by Bares Krim Polri, Directorate of Corruption Act.
16:05 In addition, the Directorate of Public Criminal Act, Bares Krim, as well as the Polri's body of
16:10 evidence and security, are still investigating the case of 12 firearms found at the house of
16:15 the former SYL.
16:18 Today, Bares Krim Polri has assisted the corruption directorate and has been active since the beginning
16:26 of the investigation until today's investigation, and continues to communicate with the assistance team
16:34 of Bares Krim Polri so that, as stated by the Polri experts, we will conduct it with
16:41 care, with professionalism.
16:45 Polde Metro Jaya has increased the suspicion of harassment involving the KPK leaders to
16:51 the investigation.
16:52 It was decided after the investigation was carried out.
16:56 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
17:08 The police are still investigating the arrest warrant case committed by the KPK leaders
17:12 to the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yassin Limpo.
17:15 We update the information with the producer of the field, Noval Zakwan.
17:19 Noval, good afternoon.
17:21 How, did you get information about when the investigation of Firli Bahuri in Polde Metro Jaya?
17:27 Thank you Reza, good afternoon.
17:34 Indeed, for the latest information at this time, that the afternoon in Polde Metro Jaya,
17:39 the assistant of the KPK leader, Firli Bahuri, Kevin Egananta, just came at 11 o'clock
17:48 before 12 o'clock.
17:51 And indeed, for the arrival of Kevin Egananta, he used a purple table,
17:55 using a black bag, also carrying documents.
17:57 And when he arrived at Polde Metro Jaya, Kevin Egananta was immediately sent to the
18:02 direction of Ditres Krimsus, and shortly after Ditres Krimsus, Kevin Egananta immediately
18:07 came out again and stepped his feet to the promoter building to carry out the
18:13 investigation in the case of rape committed by the KPK leader against the Minister of Agriculture,
18:20 namely the SEL.
18:22 And indeed, for now, we are still waiting for the latest update or information from the
18:28 investigation process.
18:29 And indeed, for the arrival at Polde Metro Jaya, Kevin Egananta did not convey a few
18:36 sentences to the media, so we are still limited in information, and we are still waiting
18:42 for more information on the investigation process and also the development of the investigation
18:47 process of Kevin Egananta.
18:48 But indeed, previously, the case of rape against the KPK leader, against his ex-SEL,
18:56 was indeed increased from a report to a report on Friday, October 6, after the
19:04 case was carried out, like Tureza.
19:06 And besides that, this case started with a public complaint on August 12, until there
19:12 was a case of corruption, rape committed by the KPK leader, Filip Bahuri, against the
19:19 Minister of Agriculture, like Tureza.
19:21 Okay, we will update again later on the condition there.
19:24 Thank you, Noval Zakwan, reporting from Polde Metro Jaya, Jakarta.
19:28 Yes, the netizens also commented on the case of corruption against the former Minister of
19:34 Agriculture, Cerol Yassin Limpo.
19:36 Let's see from the first account.
19:38 The first one from @kevinkevs who commented, "Not disbelieving, but it seems there is
19:44 something a little strange with this case.
19:46 How could someone who is in the KPK administration, then create money for his own